#journee is so fun tho
speaklovefreekc · 7 years
Okay.... Number that a person rates has to include more than only looks, shit now a days looks and education alone doesn't cute it... I know some not so smart people with great study habits, but that may be the only they know how to do is study and regurgitate what's being seem, said or presented to them... But in the real world they may not be able to match what you do... .... ..... I hate post that specifies men because women need to get this too... .... ...... I am attracted to people, I only want who I know without a shadow or a doubt is single AND wants ME.... I flirt with single guys, I don't flirt with anyone else... I poke fun at the realities of this world while imparting things I've learned... And I have a general idea of what would be perfect for myself, I don't know what path must be taken to get to that place tho... I only know that I won't get anywhere just sitting here... So I journee and in this journee I encounter life, how I react and what I take is only things that's on ME, I'm more into what I give and how I can grow people, because I know I can... The goal is to grow everyone I can reach with the message, and to help those I can't by those I have.... I have to help MEN and WOMEN, especially until I have a King that can walk in leading and helping the men in the same vibe I can.... There are still some things I will help with because I can't limit my gift, just like I know my King will reach some women in ways I can't... 🤷🏽 All of this is on topic, major and minor... 🤔 saying all of this because these things contribute to who you are and on the number scale how high you are... Looks is last on the list because cosmetic things can be fixed.... But what's that soul like... .... I am open to dating, I been single for a grip and my life is finally stable enough to take on that, but it still couldn't take away from this here and my purpose... .... My purpose comes first because it's foundation is in God and it includes my children, my self love and close personal realationships... Business is not purpose, but purpose can build a business.... All else comes much later... 111... Wow... Now that's a vibe!
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