mizugucci · 3 years
oh crap i forgot i was gonna write down my thoughts about verivery!! lets do that right now. in short it was GREAT (i had a bit of a rough day so i didnt enjoy it like i normally would have but objectively it was amazing!!!) 
i was really impressed with the sound quality, with most concerts, especially kpop, and in such a small venue they have shitty ass sound quality (see: vav and imfact) where the music is WAY too loud over the vocals (and way too loud in general...) but that wasnt a problem here which was really nice
speaking of sound, lets go power vocal gyehyeon!! GET THAT SHIT also hoyoung and dongheon both sung and they have such sweet voices why does there ever need to be rap anyway.....
also can you believe they came to MY city!! not chicago!!! i didnt have to drive 6+ hours just to see a group perform
minchan is SO fucking pretty like pardon my language but i dont think i can get across how ethereal he truly is up close. AND he had his hair styled curlyish and tussled which. whew.’ his best look. 
i was ALSO impressed with their english! i know hoyoung is fluent but to my surprise most of the members could at least get by in a conversation and had the confidence to talk in english (dongheon in particular was really good, you could easily tell he had been studying) 
they did thunder!!!!!!!! aka one of top 10 kpop songs EVER and like i hate to admit to being vulnerable but when they performed it i genuinely cried lmfao bc a few people had told me they wouldnt be performing it (and i didnt check the setlist bc i wanted to be surprised) so the whole time i was like IM NOT GONNA SEE THUNDER (crying) and then when they DID perform it i was like IM SEEING THUNDER (crying, but in a different way)
hmmmm what else. oh! they were super in sync! like expected, they werent as in sync as their dance practices which yknow. totally makes sense when they have to focus on singing and performing not *only* dancing but they were fantastic like i was expecting them to be 
they did ring ring ring!!! and i was SO fucking ready to scream the lyrics to that NAL BULLEOJWO MEORISSOGEUN RING RING RING JUNGEUL  ULLYEO DDANG BUT ACTUALLY it turned out to be ENGLISH version which youd think would be easier to sing along to except no one knew the lyrics LOL
when they did the q&a.... love that shit. and when vocal line started singing let it go and then they stopped but then the audience kept singing while they just stood there lmfao although i think it was minchan (?) who knew most of the lyrics too
they also did baby shark and well. it was cute i cant help it i love stupid cute crap (crying emoji) but they ALSO wore letterman jackets and for those who know me, i am a HUGE sucker for letterman jackets!!!!!
what else....
well i already mentioned this in the other post but hoyoung and i totally had an eye contact moment during their encore. like i KNOW people are always like oh em gee he waved at me!!! but like... its true this time i swear. i FELT the eye contact and after i waved i changed into a thumbs up to indicate he had done a great job and he immediately changed from waving to doing a thumbs up too and smiled directly at me
i have no video proof or anything but i am going to take it to my grave that i had a moment with hoyoung lmfao
i didnt do the hi touch or meet and greet or anything bc i couldnt afford it but my friends did and they said it was great!! a little weird bc of gloves and plexiglass but they still had their moment lol
ALSO HOLY SHIT YONGSEUNG looks SO FUCKIGN GOOD in both of those outfits. whoever styled his hair with that singular piece in front of his forehead like elvis needs a a freaking RAISE. same with the person who gave hoyoung an undercut. 
EDIT: wait i forgot the most important!!!!!!!!!! i got it on video but anyway yongseung looked amazing like i said but then he started to take off his coat and people were like OHHHHH MY GODDD which . same. me too. but then he got embarrassed and was like “its just skin theres no muscle” wtF I LOVE HIM
also i cant believe their luck lol.... literally the day before they came we had those insane storms with tornadoes
i also got the entirety of thunder on my phone so now ill always be watching that. i wasnt as close as other people bc i wanted an even view of the stage and not from one side or the other. and also bc i was feeling very anxious and claustrsaphobic so i just stood in the back away from everyone else lol
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no-chu-come-thru · 8 years
the fam's ship names
Madelyn + Yoongi = Moongi Jailene + Jimin = Jaimin Alison + Hoseok = Aliseok Hana + Jungkook = Hankook Kim + Jin + Hoseok = Kimseok^2 Kim + Jin = Jim Jailene + Yoongi = Yoonlene Maddie + Jungkook = Jungie Jey + Taehyung = Jeyhyung Jey + Namjoon = Jeyjoon Billie + Yugyeom = Yeomlie Maddie + Jaebum = Jaeddie Chrysa + Jackson = Chryson Kim + Mark= Mim Chrysa + Jungkook = Jungsa Chrysa + Namjoon = Namsa Haneul + Jungkook = Jungeul Haneul + Mark = Hark Madelyn + Alison = classy bitch OR MADISON Maddie + Madelyn = Maddielyn Jailene + Madelyn = Jailyn Maddie + Alison = Malison Madelyn + Kim = Kimlyn Maddie + Kim = Madly Hana + Maddie = Handie Jailene + Hana = Jaina Jailene + Kim = Jaily Alison + Kim = Ally Madelyn + Hana = Hanalyn Jey + Madelyn = Jeydelyn Kim + Jey = Jeyly
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