#jungkook's enneagram: 3-core
bts-mbti · 2 years
Thank you for replying to my Jungkook ask! Honestly, I’m not sure what enneagrams are, but I do feel like a lot of his “edgy” and “nonconformist” persona is put on. It seems more like he copies what he thinks “cool” people do. I feel like a real bad boy who doesn't care what people think, wouldn’t have to try so hard to convince others of that. I’m not trying to drag him or anything. I’m just confused by the fandom narrative that he’s such a sexy bad boy who does whatever he wants.
you're fine. it's not insulting to point out the obvious abt someone's behavior, or to be the way jungkook behaves. it's a normal personality to have & somehow just makes him more attractive imo 💀
but yes, you hit the nail on the head. jungkook wants to be edgy and counterculture bc he wants to be cool & sexy. the black-forward fits, tattoos, piercings, boxing, makeup, working out, flirting with fans, ect...it's all to be seen as cool & attractive. as epitomized by his iconic baby socks inside his giant homophobe stomping boots lmfao
but on the enneagram, the consistency of this behavior heavily implies that jungkook's a core type 3, not an 8
type 8s (what jungkook is imitating, in enneagram terms, & what people think his wing is), as you said, don't care about image-control. they're nonconformist bc they know what they want and have no qualms with opposing power, be it ppl or systems, to get it. they're also only nonconformist/oppositional when it matters, what matters just depends on how healthy someone is
yoongi is a fantastic example of a healthy 8: he left his home city with no parental support at ~15 to pursue his dream in music. he didn't keep up his grades so he could work on his music. he talks abt whatever he wants no matter its controversy, even directly targeting a politician once. but he lets the stylists dress him however, lets fans think whatever, takes photos with the same 3 (hilarious) lazy poses, ect. matters of his image aren't important to him
to see it further, compare their vlives. yoongi stands there and silently stares at the comments for 20 minutes, occasionally answering questions, and leaves. he's always in a t-shirt or hoodie, frequently with unstyled hair and barefaced. no image-control or even apparent image-consciousness
jungkook wears full-on fits, makeup, styles his hair, and basically preens for half an hour or longer. if he's barefaced or disheveled he's not in good lighting, not alone, drunk, or thinks it looks hot
the difference is obvious, in my opinion. and ironic, considering they're in the same group
but to step away from typology, people everywhere have a frustrating tendency to reduce what it means to be nonconformist to an aesthetic, especially one that conforms to typical attractiveness. hence missing when ppl are actually nonconformist like yoongi, who continues to just do what he wants to this day even when it's controversial, unbothered, but lacks a typically sexy aesthetic
this isn't to undermine the controversial things jungkook does, like getting tattoos and facial piercings. obviously he's doing that & i relish him ignoring the irrational anger it generates. but he's chasing an aesthetic that is popular among people his age in korea, as far as i know. comparing that to putting a song abt your friend who went to jail for heroin on your mixtape in a viciously anti-drug culture, or quoting a right-wing politician on national television amidst blacklisting to make it unequivocal your song is protesting them, among plenty of other things, makes the difference in scope hard to argue
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