#just as a note: Grif IS canonly fat. Kai was fat in the past but it's unclear how she is currently.
sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
drawing advice: learn how to draw fat people. learn how to draw a variety of ethnicity specific facial features and hair textures so the POC you draw don't look like white folks with a tan skin tone slapped on
use references. do shape analysis. trace!!! for the love of fucking God stop being afraid to trace for practice. I do this over poses to help figure out where the skeleton is and how things are connected. I outline the shapes that make up a complex surface to better understand it. it's not illegal. no one will slap your hands or take you to jail for unpublished, unmonetized practice sketches.
I spent a while going over screenshots of Price's face to figure out how to draw him. This is what I ended up with as an initial study
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and here's the bust I did for further painting practice, with a lot of color picked palettes for assistance. color picking can be helpful in finding the relationships between colors within a particular skin tone
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And grif from my shirt cut meme. Fat lays different than muscle. Don't be afraid of fat. It's just a part of the body like anything else.
It folds at creases, it stretches downwards because of gravity, it holds different shapes than just muscle with little fat. (This is from last summer and I'm already seeing things I'd like to change... 💀)
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And his sister Kai. Was trying to work on textured hair a bit more here.
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rvb doesn't have a lot of canon women, people of color or folks that aren't thin and model shaped so please don't take away the little diversity that IS there. challenging yourself to learn to draw unfamiliar things will also help your art skills develop. I'm still working on a lot of things myself (as you can see in the above examples). But it's important to put in the work. ✌️ thanks for reading.
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