#just baby Joj taking care of his guitar
beatlevmania · 5 years
Request: Hi can I have a ship pls? I love them! I'm 5'4, I have dark brown wavy medium hair, short bangs I usual keep pinned to the side with some cute hair clips! People say I have sad eyes (they are brown) I sing, play the guitar, and a bit of the keyboard. Drawing faces is another hobby I have. I love spending my time in nature basking in the sun. I'm somewhat a quiet person, but can be talkative if I'm comfortable with the person. I have a dry sense of humor. I'm a spiritual person! Thank you ♡
A/n: spiritual? well then, my inner shipper is screaming...
I ship you with: Joj
- as soon as I read spiritual, I was like, GEORGE
- you and George have the best times in nature together
- going to the beach, watching the sunrises, sitting in the park all day
- his arm around you, the two of you sitting on a picnic blanket or something, just enjoying each other’s company
- you have the best conversations about spirituality together
- he really gets you and you are constantly learning from each other
- you love drawing him and he’ll sit still for as long as it takes for you to get the perfect sketch
- sometimes he’ll complain a lil bit
- but sometimes you can bribe him with food
- “ George, if you sit for ten more minutes, we can go to the shops after this and get a big bag of jelly babies”
- but once he sees the finished product, he’s in a state of shock
- “y/n, what? What is that? Did you- did you do that just now?” He’ll ask, taking the drawing in from every angle, super impressed
- he knows you love music, so sometimes you’ll come into the studio with him and mess around on all of the different instruments in there
- one day, he needs to talk to the rest of the boys, and leaves you in the studio alone
- you nervously begin singing, but slowly gain more and more energy, until you are belting out the song
- suddenly, you hear tapping on the glass, and you see George staring at you
- he runs into the studio, picks you off the ground, and just murmurs
- “y/n, you’re perfect”
- George loves hanging around the house with you all day, eating takeaway and just relaxing in his comfy pajamas
- or maybe just his underwear
- you both go out into your backyard a lot, and just notice all of the beautiful things outside
- you both start a garden, and of course you grow vegetables
- George takes care of the plants religiously
- like he’s really committed to this garden
- it’s kind of impressive
- at parties you and George get invited to, you’ll usually stay for an hour, and then both of you will ditch
- you’ll go do something fun, like seeing a late movie, or going night swimming
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