#just be lucky y'all don't have to see my ship memes and nextgens and stuff
thedragonchilde ยท 7 months
Behold, an attempt to organize my G Gundam content on this blog over the years
Worth It, Argo/Nastasha flashfic, a kiss that shouldn't have happened
Blow to the Heart, one-sided Chibodee/Domon monologue, leave it to George to ask something like that
Shine, gen, Chibodee writes to his younger self
Various acrostic poems
Raw Deal, free verse poetry, Andrew Graham reflects
Meta and Headcanon:
Thinky thoughts on Argo's freedom
Some gushing about why I love the show
Musing on trans guy Chibodee
Ideas for Chibodee's mom
Series notes index
Rain portrait
Nastasha portrait
New York Pride, chock full of self-indulgent bullshit headcanons
The "I can't draw Domon" saga
Almost-Too-Fond Farewell, a little comic with shades of Domon/Chibodee and my inability to seriously commit to an emotional scene
The gals dressed casually
And the gals again, a couple years down the road
Schwarz/Rain illustration for a friend's fic
Making sense of Chibodee's hairstyle
Domon and Chibodee in flagrante delicto
Kyoji/Rain kiss request
Domon/Chibodee kiss request
Blue Lantern Chibodee, pardon the crossover
Dr Kasshu needs coffee
Wong only loves himself and chocolate
"Don't be ridiculous! Chibodee doesn't have a crush on me!"
Sai and Allenby beach episode
Sai/Cecile portrait
Immediately post episode 2
A third option in the ship war
Some next gen kiddos
This one features SilentAlly's next gen too
"Hey, sweetheart~"
Sometimes you gotta beat up your faves a little
Screenshots set to a Tumblr text post, Chibodee and George edition
A drinking game
A list of punny ship names (feel free to suggest more!)
A screenshot and a dirty joke
That one Tuxedo Mask meme but with Schwarz
The meaning behind "I only wanna fight you"
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