#just because there's a legal amount of bug carcasses in your coffee grounds doesn't mean the legal amount isn't TOO FUCKING HIGH
mappingway · 2 years
like yes most people enjoy leveling up. most people enjoy this part of the hobby. i get it. but i’m also a fucked up mentally ill ball of yarn. something about leveling up incites some part of my lizard brain and i just crumble.
i don’t know. something about feeling stupid and inadequate and overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. the amount of choices. the amount of reading. i’ve never been someone to plan out an rpg game or “build” characters. i make characters and then am forced to make a build for dnd.
i don’t like building characters. i don’t like choices and pathways and feeling as if “maybe if i had taken x at level 7 i would have been able to help more”. builds don’t inspire joy. they inspire stress.
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