#just in case people aren't familiar with my posts
shimamitsu · 8 months
Hi sorry! I just wanted to say I love your hq oikawa post, and I think it rly hit the nail on the head wrt what I find really annoying about a lot of hq uhhhh popular takes? Idk how to put it because I think so many people forget how young the characters are? Which is odd because they are written exactly like 14-17 yr olds! Which is why people complain that characters like tsukishimas backstories are stupid (which yeah it is, but the point is it really affects HIM because he’s 14)…. Also why we see characters who are still very young get given the mom/dad role.
I think this treatment is part of the reason oikawa gets treated as some morally dubiously character and not. The guy in your bio class who comes in late every morning because he was practicing his triple homo spike pass for a game next week. Anyway there’s probably a deeper reason to why people do this, but idk!!!
Sorry for dropping this in your inbox and sry if it’s incoherent… I read hq a while ago in mostly one sitting and I also am a little out of it (cold medicine) hope you have a nice day!!!
hi hi!!! yes i totally agree. with oikawa especially some people feel so conflicted about him and i'm like ??? that's a teen... what did he ever do to give you a moral crisis... ofc oikawa is a complex character and all but i think it's pretty obvious that there's not like. evil intent behind his actions. i haven't been active in hq fandom circles for years so idk what's the general consensus on him now but back when i was some people would always bring up the fight with kageyama and act like it was unforgivable or something and it's like... that was a 13 y/o. anyway idc if people dislike oikawa or like him but after That poll i've seen people write entire essays about their contradictory oikawa feelings and maybe it's bc he's just a guy to me but i was perplexed. he's just some guy. the tsukishima thing is sooo true like yeah it wasn't all that but most things that made you feel like crazy frog was just a frog to you in your teens weren't all that, a little bit of sympathy for the guy pls. don't even wanna get into the mom/dad roles bc oh my god. wdym suga's "the mom" that guy was juggling his college entrance exams and the tournament just bc he wanted to play volleyball 😭 anyway yeah, you get it 🤝🤝🤝 and don't apologize! i love talking about hq, asks are always welcome. hope you're having an amazing day as well <3
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