#just rewatch 'Catches a Leprechaun' n esp dennis' whole arc in that ep allright...
cutemeat · 2 years
ok i Gotta say smth cuz ive been thinking about it... I think that the podcast has brought in this assumption that RCG actually “doesnt think that deeply” about the shows writing but i think that’s total bullshit and here’s why.
The RCG Podcast is most likely pandering/market testing with the wealthier half of RCG’s audience-- aka the more casual (but loyal) viewership of Men aged 18-34... again there is apparently a very wealthy overall demographic, which is totally something i’d tuck away if I were the producer of something.
so my hunch is again RCG is using this podcast to make money and build a good reputation (like they gained from donating all the profits of their Whiskey brand)/good PR and maintain loyalty to the brand amongst even their casual audience (who lately have been slipping due to feeling alienated by recent seasons with stunts like Mac’s MFHP dance, the structure/writing of s15 being more serious than before, gay gay-ass lovestory, etc) cuz as Mac (Rob) states for us in LW7 “[funding] is a very important part of the filmmaking process.”... 
so THAT is why for the podcast, they are not going as deep as they used to on the DVD Bonus feature commentary tracks cuz, again, that is not the audience they are aiming to appease with this podcast! When people here say it feels like there’s a certain audience they’re targeting, you are probably not wrong in your suspicions.. its my opinion that u should trust your gut here lmao.
The reason I think there is still very much a heavy degree of care being put into the writing is 1. Glenn is back in the writer’s room and 2. Season 15 (post episodes 1-3) really showed me that they still have a grasp on Sunny threads/metaphors like the “cat in the wall” metaphor... But RCG are very much aware of their reputation as being a "low-brow” “dirty” “peepee poopoo” college-student aged comedy show, so they’re not gonna push the envelope on something like the RCG Podcast that has been scientifically fucking engineered to satiate the more casual half of the audience who does watch the show like that.
Marketing n brand loyalty are all meticulous fuckin things and I don’t doubt that extends even into this kind of territory. maybe im 100% crazy n just lost in the sauce but this is my take on it.
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