#just watch witch from mercury. I'd say 'trust me' but...
johnmalevolent · 1 year
delaying suletta sunday & miorine monday because last week's eppy is still looming on me
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Hey love! Once again wishing u a very happy birthday 🎉🎂.
I don't think if I'll do the game the ryt way as u told me to coz yk jst my Neptune things 😭🤣
My big 3 are Aires sun Pisces moon Sagittarius rising(tropical) Pisces sun Aquarius moon and scorpio rising (sidereal). Imma Jupiter, saturn n Pluto dominant. (I hv fire n earth dominant in my chart) I hv very very few air elements(tropical astrology).
Things I like: music, singing, drawing n painting, birds, nature, gallery visiting, museums, antiques, sky, MOON GAZING, night sky, spicy n sour snacks,burger,fries,chips,I hv absolutely no fav food lol, song writing, procrastinating, karaoke, learning, reading romantic novels, watching cartoons (not really that much but yeah I do), Chocolates, crystals, tarot decks, spirituality etc.
Fav colours: GREY, black, white, lavender.
Fav animal: I actually never really loved any specific animal, I honestly love n adore each n every animal n insects so it's really hard to pick one. Maybe deer, dog, cow, calf, lion, panther, elephant etc.
A bit abt myself: Ok so ig it'll take too much time to write so I'm gonna describe myself in brief. I'm actually a very kind hearted (not self appreciating infront of u jst for the sake of writing but my painful past made me like this ig *nervous laugh*) I'm full of forgiveness, selfness, kindness, pure intentions, pure love BUT when I get angry ig devil shivers😂💔 Aries sun n Mercury with cap mars😭🤣 but the sooner I get angry, that sooner my anger fade away as well but during my anger session I'm a uncontrolled beast n after I'm cooled down I regret every action I did when angry. I do hv my dark side n can get manipulative at times but I choose not to be. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE backbiting (I don't do it can't even hear it) absolute no bs. I hate when someone peeks into my privacy (sid sco rising) I take ages to open myself up even with my comfort zoned persons(sid aqua ven). Even if I want to I can't open myself up with u but I give great advices. Everyone comes to me when in need. I low-key crave attention but when I get it I hate it. I always wants to win every argument. I always wants to win every situation i am in. I'm always so so hard on myself n wants to be a perfectionist (tho my Virgo mc sometimes say u r but I still wants to be more perfect in every kind of work I do)
That's all! Hehe
Kingdom I choose: the kingdom of waves (healer kingdom for sure my Pisces moon loves to be here)🥺💙
Thankyou so much. Idk what I did but I did😭😹.take care love n enjoy ur day with fullness ✨
henlo my neptunian friend lolol
You did the game just fine c=
for you ---
I see you as the type who will be helping people through therapy. creating little shows with your water, like an ice horse or making it snow just to show off beautiful shows of snowflakes.
I do think you grew up in the icy caverns and towns, but I'd like to personally think you moved to the islands to bring a little love to those who need it.
think like a traveling nurse. I think what I'm trying to say here is that you're unintentionally a weather witch LOL. during festivals for the volcanic gods you would be the one to pray to the rain gods to keep the clouds at bay - I think they'd like you. your offerings tend to be in the form of origami from what I keep seeing and paintings. - they give you grand visions through dreams. rough storms and harrowing seas.
I think you'd also be tasked with helping the sailors. telling them when to leave and when to stay. you've saved a lot of lives that way and people trust your insight. while you're still a bit on the private side, people get the general sense of what you're feeling based on the weather haha.
I think your main weapon might just be a regular wand honestly. you don't carry anything big because i don't see you as the type to enjoy lightning or most fire magic lol. but you're really good at pushing the wind and getting the tides to calm down.
I think you might also have a mood necklace LOL. just because you like the little colors and it's such "old school magic" that you just want to have it on you.
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