#just. how lovestruck I’d make him feel ❤️
vodika-vibes · 7 months
*chants* ATIN ATIN ATIN 😍🙌🏻
would you mind writing more for this sweet boi? He deserves to feel safe and loved and get all the kisses, maybe with the „I’d let you take my breath away like this everyday if I could.“ prompt?
you’ve been really spoiling us these days ❤️
Summary: It's date night with Atin!
Pairing: Atin Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 893
Warnings: Suggestive hints near the end
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! I needed time to come up with a good idea, and I think I'm happy with it. Enjoy having two people in love!
Divider by Saradika
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“Cyare,” Atin’s voice is a distinct whine as he watches you move from one side of the kitchen to the other, cleaning up after the dinner you made him. “It’ll hold until the morning.” 
“But I don’t want to clean it in the morning,” You retort with a hidden smile, “I want to clean it now.”
Strong arms hook around your waist and he sets his chin on your shoulder, “Babe,” He lightly nuzzles under your ear, “Wouldn’t you rather spend time with me?” Atin asks, his voice low and tempting.
You don’t bother trying to hide your smile this time, “I am spending time with you, Atin. This is me spending time with you.” You reach up and lightly set your hand on his cheek, and lovingly trail your thumb over his cheekbone, “I’m almost done, love.”
His grip tightens around you, and he presses a slow, lingering kiss under your ear. Atin hums thoughtfully as he considers your words, and then you feel him grin, “Well then, don’t let me distract you.”
“What do you-” Your question is cut off with a startled yelp when you feel his lips trail to your shoulder, and he starts entertaining himself by marking your shoulder and neck, “Atin!”
He chuckles against your neck, “Mm, love it when you say my name like that, cyare.” He kisses the red mark on your shoulder, and then moves his lips a little higher, “I thought you said you needed to finish cleaning.”
“...I do.” You reply slowly, your breath coming out in a shaky exhale as he nibbles his way up your neck to your jaw, “How many marks do you intend to leave on me?” you ask as you reach for the next dirty dish.
“Well…” You feel his tongue trail down your throat, “That depends on how long you take to finish in here, doesn’t it?”
“That’s not fair,” You whine, as you set the dish in the sink and try to turn in his embrace, but he just tightens his grip around you, refusing to let you turn.
“You said you needed to finish the dishes before you could focus on me,” Atin reminds you with a grin, “So. Finish the dishes.”
“Mean,” You whine.
“Am I?”
“Yes,” You pout at him as best as you can without being able to face him.
“You poor thing,” He coos in your ear, “How are you ever going to survive?” His lips ghost around the shell of your ear, and he lightly catches the lobe of your ear between his teeth.
The noise that slips from your lips is something between a groan of frustration and a moan of pleasure, and Atin apparently really likes that noise, because he nibbles on your ear again, to try and pull that noise from you for the second time.
This time his name leaves your lips in a whine, and he laughs softly. “That was a new noise, cyar’ika.” He kisses your cheek, “I thought I knew all of the noises you make already.” Atin adds thoughtfully.
You feel your face heat, “Now you’re just picking on me.”
He laughs again, and spins you in his arms so you’re facing him. And then he presses you so your back is pressed against the kitchen counter. “Only a little bit, cyar’ika.” His grin is infectious, and you can’t help but grin right back at him, “I wonder what other new noises can I pull from you?”
Your hands slide up to rest on his chest, and you stand on your toes to brush your lips against his.
Atin instantly deepens the kiss, one of his hands sliding to cup the back of your head as he tries to steal the breath from your very lungs and replace it with himself.
And when he breaks the kiss, you're breathless and have a lovestruck smile on your face. “I love it when you kiss me like that,” You breathe out.
“Is that right?” Atin asks with a slightly smug grin.
“Mm,” You press a light kiss to his jaw, as you tried to control your racing heart, “I’d let you take my breath away like this every day, if I could.” You admit with a small grin.
Atin releases a quiet groan, and crashes his lips against yours again, “Stars, I love you so much.” He mumbles against your lips.
“I love you too,” You whisper in return.
He pulls away slightly, and his gaze is heated, “Bedroom. Or living room. I don’t care, just somewhere where there isn’t food.”
You consider him for a moment, and then you smile. It’s a small, impish, little thing, and as soon as Atin sees it, the heat in his gaze intensifies. “You want me, darling?” You ask softly.
“Need you, not want.” Atin replies.
You kiss his cheek, and then press a chaste kiss to his lips. “Well then,” A giggle slips from you as you duck and twist out of his grip and move just out of reach, “Catch me if you can~”
A delighted grin crosses Atin’s face as he watches you dance just out of reach. He peels his shirt off, tossing it on the kitchen table and smoothly follows you out of the kitchen.
He’s not going to need it in a bit anyway. After all, he always catches you.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Congratulations on 700 my babe! I'm so proud!!! If this is too late, don't sweat it!
I would love to read 'I think I might be in love with you' with Tup, please?
He was my first love ❤️
Kitty, my loveeee!!! Thank youuuuu!!!! <3 <3 <3
Tup holds such a special soft place in my heart. I love him so freaking much, I cannot put it into words!!!
WC: 1.2K (I swear Tup always brings out the most words in me lol)
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Suggestive language??
“GET DOWN!” Tup tackles you to the ground as Fives comes by shooting the Umbaran who almost took you out. 
Chest heaving, you stare at the dead Umbaran, terrified for the first time in your life. You thought this was going to be an easy mission. In and out. You were wrong. 
Maker, were you wrong.
You look at Tup as he’s still covering you, staring down at you, wide eyed. 
“Are you alright?” You ask each other at the same time.
Without being able to laugh it off like you normally would, you both nod and he climbs off of you and helps you up.
“Keep moving.” Rex tells you, patting you on the back. “Shake it off.”
“Yes, captain.” You nod, sticking close to Tup and Fives, trying not to show the fear that was coursing through your veins for the first time ever.
If you get out of this alive, you’ll have to take Tup out for a drink to thank him for saving your life.
“You think you’ll ever tell her how you feel?” Fives asks Tup as they’re standing on the gunship, heading back to the Venator, watching you patch Kix up. 
“Probably not.” Tup shrugs, unable to tear his eyes away from you.
Today was a close call. You almost got shot but luckily he was able to cover you in time. He thought about it the entire battle. Even during their time of taking Krell down, all he’d been able to think about was you. Even when they’d almost executed Jesse and Fives on a stupid order from Krell… you were on his mind. 
You walk back over to Tup and Fives, just to check on them again, but also to ask Tup out for that drink. 
“Hey.” You murmur. 
“Hi.” Tup looks down at you, standing straighter, more alert, like he needed to be on alert at all times to make sure you were protected.
You felt the same way about him. You have since the moment you met the sweet, shy, clone trooper. 
“Hi.” You smile softly up at him.
“Hey.” He smiles back.
“Ugh.” Fives shakes his head, amused, and walks away. 
“Do you maybe want to get a drink with me when we get back to Coruscant?” You ignore Fives, only seeing Tup anyway.
Tup smiles down at you. “I’d really like that.”
His smile sets your heart fluttering into your stomach. 
When you get back on the Venator, you head up the medbay with Kix to help him with some stuff since he took a blaster shot to the shoulder.
“I think you should be resting, honestly.” You tell him after you finish putting up the new medical supplies that had just come in from Coruscant. 
“Hm. I’d much rather hear about Tup saving your ass today. I heard it was very heroic.” He grins, sitting in his chair at his desk. 
You roll your eyes and sit on the edge of Kix’s desk. “And who’d you hear that from?”
“Fives.” Kix laughs. “Duh.”
You should’ve known. That’s on you. 
“It was very heroic. I asked him to get a drink when we returned planetside.” You tell him. “To say thanks for saving my life.”
“Mmhm. I’m sure that’s all the drink is for.” Kix teases.
“You’re almost more insufferable than Fives.” You get up with a laugh.
“You take that back!” Kix calls to you as you start to leave the medbay. “No one is more insufferable than Fives!” 
As you laugh when you round the corner of the doorway, you run smack into someone’s plastoid armor. Quickly embarrassed, you look up to apologize, but find Tup smiling down at you.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” You chuckle.
Tup rubs his neck, embarrassed as well.
“Oh brother.” Fives shakes his head once again and starts to walk off.
“Where are you going?” Tup calls after him.
“Anywhere where there aren’t two lovestruck idiots.” Fives calls back.
“Make sure not to go anywhere near mirrors!” You grin, making Tup laugh.
“That’ll be hard to do. The man keeps two on him at all times.” Tup starts walking with you, going the opposite way he was coming from.
“Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry?” You ask him.
“I could eat.” He nods, grinning. 
The two of you walk in comfortable silence down to the ship’s mess hall. You just hope he can’t hear your heart beating right out of your chest. Your arms are brushing against each other and while he’s got his armor on, you still can’t help the warmth that floods your body. 
When you get to the mess hall, you get your food and sit down next to each other, side by side, against a wall so you can see the rest of the mess hall.
“Can I admit something?” You ask him.
“Of course.” He looks at you, softly.
“I was terrified today…” You tell him, looking around to make sure no one heard you admit such a thing.
He nods. “I was too.”
You look at him with slight surprise, never hearing a clone trooper admit to being afraid of anything. But here Tup is, being honest and open with you. It warms your heart.
“Really?” You ask him.
“Really. I was afraid of… losing you.” He murmurs, placing his hand over yours that rests on the seat so no one can see. 
You feel your lips part as you look up into his warm brown eyes. 
“You’re afraid of losing me?” You whisper.
“Terrified.” He nods.
“But… why?” You ask.
“Because…” He looks around again, making sure no one is listening in on you two. “Because I’m… I think… I might be… well, no… I am…”
“Tup?” You smile.
“I’m in love with you…” He practically gasps for air after struggling to get his words out.
“Oh Tup…” You squeeze his hand, grinning up at him. “I am too, you know.”
The urge to crush your lips to his is way too strong here in the middle of the mess hall. 
“Oh thank the Maker.” He lets out a deep sigh and you can’t help but laugh. 
“If we weren’t around people, I’d kiss you.” You murmur.
“Well, then let’s fix that, yeah?” He gets up and throws away his trash.
You follow behind, eagerly, as he leads you to a closet down the hall that you both know no one goes near or uses.
“Is this-” He starts but you practically jump into his arms, kissing him until you’re both absolutely breathless.
He backs you up against a shelf and you moan softly against his lips as he picks you up. Your legs slide against his plastoid armor ever so slightly but he keeps firm arms around you so that you’re supported. 
“Wanted to do that since the moment I met you.” He murmurs, brushing his lips softly over yours and you hum in agreement.
You pull his hair tie out, slipping it down your wrist and then card your fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh. 
“Feel good?” You smile.
“Maker, yes.” He opens his eyes and kisses you again.
“As soon as we get back to Coruscant and to my place, I’ll treat you to a scalp massage.” You promise him.
“I can’t wait.” He rests his forehead against yours.
The day started off terrible and gloomy, but at least your future looks bright.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @grievouus @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @crosshairmylove587 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @dnxgma @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaws @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @allsystemsblue
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