#kaldur'ahm x marinette
ketchupqueenboiiii · 4 years
Black Cat and Desert Flower
'Kaldur, what are we doing in Paris? We finished the mission, we should be heading back home.' Said Robin, via mind-link.
'Patience, my friends, I arranged for us to have a day in the city. A vacation, if you will.' Aqualad said to the team.
'Kaldur, I don't know if you noticed but it's night.' Kid Flash was also getting impatient.
'Why are we standing under a bridge with a bunch of locks on it?' Superboy asked. He hated not knowing things.
After busting a minor league drug ring in Versailles they expected to relax in the Bioship until the arrived back in the US, not stand under a bridge.
'Can you at least tell what we need 'patience' for-' Kid Flash whined until he was interrupted by a voice.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my city?" The voice was like steel. In a way it sounded like Batman's. Not in sound, but in its tone of command. It sounded young and feminine.
'Brace your selves.' Said Robin, hands inching towards his tool belt.
'There are 6 of them. Should we attack?' Superboy adds.
'No. These are friends.' Aqualad sounded completely at ease. It would have calmed them if he wasn't always calm and collected.
Before they could refute he walked into the moonlight. They heard the voice take in a sharp breathe. So they recognized them, maybe it will prevent a fight.
"I am no less than a black cat." What? The team had no idea how this conversation took such a turn. What was she saying?
"And I am no more than a desert flower." What was their leader saying? It must have meant something because the voice squealed and a figure clad in red and black polka dots came barreling at him.
'Stand down.' He sound completely unbothered. How could he be so whelmed?
'But she's-' One tried to reason.
'Stand down, she is a friend.' He sounded, breathless? Something was going on, maybe M'gann should do a scan of his mind when they get back.
The force of the girl's impact knocked them both over. They were both smiling, eyes never straying from each others. They got a clear view to analyze the girl. She look developed and fit, but still pretty small. She shouldn't have been able to knock down a door, let alone a military trained Atlantean. Was this a secret Kryptonian?
"You're, you're here," she sounded out of breath, though clearly out of amazement rather than the run. "Oh kwami, it's been to long. Is Roy here too?" How did she know Roy? Did she know all of their civilian I.D.s?
"Sadly no, Speedy is not here. But my team and I are." He said as they stood up. They could see exactly what she was wearing. A red and black skin tight body suit with a open black leather jacket and a hood. The bodysuit was red down to her navel and black the rest of the way. Each of her palms had a black circle with a unknown ideogram in red on them. Her shoes were black army boots with red laces. So she has a theme.
She moved her gaze behind Aqualad to look at the team. They took note of her mask. Her hood covered her forehead and her eyebrows, and she wore a mask connected to her body suit that cover everything nose and down.  Leaving only her eyes exposed.
"Aqualad, who is she?" Artemis asked, hands already itching towards her arrows.
"Team, this is Ladybug. Ladybug, this is the team." He introduced, stepping away to allow them to assess each other.
"It's an honor to meet you all, Aqualad has spoken fondly of all of you. Welcome to Paris." She greeted professionally.
No one returned her greeting. They looked to Aqualad for more context.
He then gestured to Ladybug to speak. "You're probably confused as to who I am. I'm Ladybug, one of the heroes of Paris. We surfaced to reclaim a misused ancient magic artifact."
"Who is we?" Robin asked.
"Well, I realized that one city to one hero wasn't an equal ratio. So I formed a team to take some of the responsibility. Bunnix, Carapace, would you like to introduce yourselves?" A woman with an umbrella jumped from the top of the bridge and a man walked out from the shadow behind Ladybug. Both taller than her. Based on their themes, the man was Carapace and the woman was Bunnix.
"Sure thing, Boss." They said in unison and with exaggerated bows and salutes.
"Good Kwami, don't call me that." She said, pinching her nose.
"Our deepest apologies, Master. We beg your forgiveness." They spoke in unison again and with straight faces, too.
"God damn it, I'm not even fully trained-" She was interrupted by poorly muffled laughter behind her.
"Singe, you've been doing this for 3 years, and you still manage to reveal your presence in almost every situation-" Robin felt like he should interrupt before this escalates.
"Is that an umbrella?" He genuinely wanted to know.
"Are you judging? 'Cause, you shouldn't judge since you spent a year or so running around Gotham in green panties and a pole." Robin blushed in embarrassment. The team looked ready to fight these so called heroes.
"Ryu!" Ladybug reprimanded, looking affronted. Wait, Bunnix didn't say it? Then, who did?
"I'm so sorry about her. They're all really defensive about the umbrella." Okay?
"Who spoke then?" Kid Flash asked, still looking all little miffed about the comment.
"You know, Aqualad, there's enough of us for a spar." She said smirking, and ignoring Kid's question.
"If we're sparring, I want a few minutes with who ever said that stuff about Robin." He said glaring in no particular direction.
"Actually, I was thinking we do a group spar. Aqualad's team versus mine."  She suggested.
No one seemed to be against it.
"Okay then, prepare yourselves-" Aqualad started.
"Wait! I have to call of Pegasus." She brought her hand up to her ear and looked toward a building.
"Woah-woah-woah, hold up, you have a sniper?!" Kid Flash exclaimed, speedily looking around to see them.
"You have to be prepared for anything." She responded after finishing her comm-call.
"Yeah, but still, you have a sniper-"
A turquois portal appeared and a white-haired man in a brown leather bodysuit stepped out of it. His hair was held back in vertical braids gathered in a ponytail. He also wore pitch black sunglasses, even though it was the middle of the night.
"Hello." He greeted the teams before walking to stand next to Bunnix and Singe.
"Let's get ready to spar." Aqualad announced, walking not-to-subtlety towards Ladybug. The teams both walked of to strategize.
"You sure your ready to fight me again? It's been a couple months since our last spar." She quipped with pop of her hip and challenging smirk.
"If my memory is correct, you were the one with the losing streak." He smiled back with his patented sass.
"We'll see about that." They shared eye contact and a firm hand shake.
With a quick turn of a heel, "Formation!"
Bonus #1
For more context: Mari and Kaldur were not always this touchy feely. Mari spent a year or so out of Paris to train for Guardian purposes. She would have cataclysm herself before leaving Paris alone. But Tikki and Plagg convinced her that she was unstable with all of the guardian power and she would have to learn to control it. Outside of Paris. So they decided to give out the miraculous and have the new team pass around Tikki and she would take Plagg out of Paris (too many billboards and Plagg wasn't good at emotions).
So she was backpacking America, trying to find someone to help her. Unfortunately someone found her. Namely Aquaman and his partner.  Interrogating her just left them both offended.
But she did learn that she was now fluent in ancient languages, like the guardian language and Atlantean.
("What are you doing here?"
"That's not your problem."
"You sunk Atlantis! Of course it's our concern!"
"You Atlantean's think you're entitled to everything. That's why Plagg sunk your city."
"{In Atlantean} My King, should we take her to Poseidonis-"
"{in Atlantean} Excuse me, but I'm not going anywhere other than out of this cell."
"{In English} How do you-"
They call in the JL for backup and try to interrogate her, until Diana vetoes and pardons her. She offers to take her to Themyscira and train but Arthur vetoes that so now she's going to train with Roy and Kaldur. [Because they are the oldest and I believe that they worked together most pre-canon YJs1.]
{Whispers and Glares}"Atlantean bitch."
{Whispers and Glares} "Guardian scum.")
5 months and numerous fights later, Roy was tired friendTM of their shit and sat them down to make them talk. They spoke of both versions of the Sinking of Atlantis and came to the agreement that Plagg was sorry for taking things too far and that modern Atlanteans could not be blamed for the mistakes of one of their selfish past monarchs. [king whoever tried to use Plagg's miraculous to conquer and terrorize neighboring kingdoms, so in retaliation Plagg cataclysmed the entire country/city]
After getting over that they both realized, 'Hey, he/she's actually pretty cool."
Everyone kept in touch after she went back to Paris and bitched to each other about teammates and leadership and how it's, quote-unquote, 'unfair that it's legal for Mari to drink but not Roy'
I'm not good with timelines so I'm going to say that, Kaldur still has hopes for him and Tula, Mari's not entertaining anything more than friendship (no distractions), and Roy is too focused on teenaged rebellion.
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northernbluetongue · 4 years
Prompt/ Idea Marinette x Kaldur??
So this thought has crossed my mind, when I thought of all the Ladybug/Young Justice fics. So it would also be a Lila, Alya, and Adrien Salt if possible with a class redemption minus the aforementioned. So the whole idea would be that it’s been 3 years and Marinette and Adrien are still fighting Hawkmoth, Lila is still telling lies causing all sorts of problems for Marinette. 
Adrian/Chat Noir is getting more persistent and more forceful about his and ladybug’s so-called “destiny”; and Marinette finally decides that she has enough since she has lost her one support system being Master Fu, and has Kaalki transport her to Metropolis to find Superman. 
So as ladybug she finally comes across Superman during a bank robbery or some crime in which she helps him out and they go to the top of the of the daily planet. Where she tells him the issue she’s having with hawk moth and Cat noir. 
So he decides to take her to Batman who of course sees a young girl in obvious need of help, then takes her mount Justice where the Young Justice is and she explains to all of them along with Black Canary what’s been going on for the past 3 years.
 They make this plan that for a good three months she will continue to protect Paris, but while she’s there she’ll gather as much information as she can and bring it back to Mount Justice where Batman, Black Canary, and Young Justice will help her figure out what to do with Hawkmoth and Chat Noir.
 While she’s there she connects with Young Justice and really connects with Kaldur; in the sense of them both being leaders and always having this burden on them of being leaders and always having to make tough decisions, and they really start to form this Bond that will continue to grow as time goes on. 
That’s all I can think of right now but if someone wants to take this and make this happen, it would be a dream come true for me. While I’m good at coming up with an idea I’m not that good with creating it, so if someone would like to take this and make this a reality it would be amazing and I would LOVE it!!! 
Because I haven’t seen a Marinette and Kaldur fic since the small section of @unmaskedagain fic Five boys the Batfamily scared off (And the one boy who helped Marinette get revenge on them all) So if someone would like to take this idea and somehow make it their own if so please tag me in it cause I would really like to read it!!!!
I’m reposting my HC/Idea of a Marinette x Kaldur prompt for some one to write because I would love to read more stories with this ship because I feel they have a lot in common in terms of responsibility and being amazing leaders💖💖💖💖💖 
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thefacelesswanderer · 7 years
In honor of my amazing collab with @triwizard-tardis​,  Molten Magic, I have updated that insane ship list I posted a year or two ago..... It got REALLY long, sorry! 
21. Who do you ship? 
Harry Potter:
Draco/ Harry
Draco/ Hermione (very rarely, but occasionally there’s a REALLY well-written fic)
Draco/ Ginny
Harry/ Hermione
Harry/ Ginny
Ron/ Luna
Ron/ Hermione
Krum/ Oliver Wood
Seamus/ Dean
Neville/ Luna
Neville/ Hermione (Only seen it once or twice, but it worked for some reason)
Blaise/ Draco 
Draco/ Daphne Greengrass
Remus/ Sirius /James (Marauder era)
Remus/ Sirius (Marauder era and now)
James/ Sirius (Marauder era)
Remus/ Nymph
Blaise/ Pansy
James/ Lily (obvs)
Luna/ Ginny
Hermione/ Ginny
Fred/ George
Harry/ Draco/ Ron
Fred/ George/ Harry
Alice/ Frank Longbottom
Bellatrix/ Voldemort
Crossover with Harry Potter:
Harry/ Ed Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Harry/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Severus Snape/ Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing A/C)
Harry/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/  Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Draco/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Luna/ Stoll brothers (Percy Jackson)
Harry/ Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Draco/ Jacob (Twilight)
Hermione/ Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Ron/ Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Gundam Wing A/C:
1x2x1 (Heero/ Duo)
3x4x3 (Trowa/ Quatre)
1x2x3 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa)
3x2x3 (Trowa/ Duo)
2x5 (Duo/ WuFei)
5x6 (WuFei/ Zechs)
5x13 (WuFe/ Treize)
5x6x13 (WuFei/ Zechs/ Treize)
6x13 (Zechs/ Treize)
6x9 (Zechs/ Noine)
5xSally (WuFei/ Sally)
Dorothy/ Relena
1x2x3x4x5 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa/ Quatre /WuFei) 
6x1 (Zechs/ Heero)
9xSally (Noine/ Sally) 
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ Winry
Ed/ Al (I’m shipping trash, I’m so sorry)
Roy/ Riza
Roy/ Ed
Ed/ Lust
Havoc/ Lust
Izumi/ Sid
Maes/ Gracia
Lin Yao/ Lan Fan
Al/ May Chang (panda midget princess)
Al/ Winry
Ed/ Rose
Ed/ Envy
Hoenheim/ Trisha
Ed/ Greedling (Greed and Lin once they’re combined)
Ed/ Lin
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ WuFei (Gundam Wing A/C)
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Zuko/ Katara
Toph/ Aang
Suki/ Sokka
Sokka/ Yue
Mai/ Ty Lee
Pakku/ Gran Gran
Suki/ Katara
Azula/ that jackass from Ember Island (It’s Chen or something)
Azula/ Mai/ Ty Lee
Yue/ Jet
Azula/ Teo
Mai/ June
TyLee/ Haru
Steve/ Bucky
Steve/ Tony (bonus if Peter Parker is their kid)
Clint/ Natasha
Bruce/ Tony
Thor/ Jane
Loki/ Tony
Loki/ Thor
Sif/ Thor
Sif/ Jane
Darcy/ Maria Hill
Peggy/ Angie
Peggy/ Colleen
Steve/ Peggy
Tony/ Pepper
Peter/ Mary Jane
Peter/ Gwen Stacy
Peter/ Harry Osbourne
Steve/ Sam
Bruce/ Clark
Bruce/ Dick
Bruce/ Jason
Dick/ Wally
Dick/ Koriand'r (Starfire)
Dick/ Jason
Dick/ Damien
Dick/ Roy Harper
Dick/ Tim
Jason/ Tim
Jason/ Damien
Tim/ Kon-El
Cass/ Barbara
Cass/ Steph
Wally/ Artemis
Jaime/ Bart
Tim/ Kon/ Bart
Roy/ Jade (Chesire)
Roy/ Koriand'r/ Jason 
Dinah Lance/ Oliver Queen
Dick/ Kaldur'ahm
Clark/ Lois Lane
Garr/ Raven (Beast Boy)
Kaldur’ahm/ Tulla
Bart/ Secret
Jason/ Roy
M'Gann/ La'gaan
Roy/ Wally
Bart/ Clarion (ICE CREAM– this is for you daveyjacobskemp)
Cassie/ Cissie
Anita/ Slobo
Zatana/ Dick
Jack/ Davey (Newsies)
Jack/ Davey/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Hannah (Newsies)
Katherine/ Hannah (Newsies)
Specs/ Romeo (Newsies)
Specs/ Race (Newsies)
Spot/ Race (Newsies)
Raoul/ Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
Christine/ Meg Giry (Phantom of the Opera)
Fantine/ Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Grantaire     (Les Mis)
Marius/ Cosette (Les     Mis)
Cosette/ Eponine (Les     Mis)
Joly/ Musichetta/ Boussett (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean/ Javert (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Jehan/ Combeferre  (Les Mis)
Bahorel/ Feuilly (Les Mis)
Fairy Tail:
Natsu/ Lucy
Gray/ Juvia
Erza/ Jellal
Gajeel/ Levi
Evergreen/ Elfman
Natsu/ Lisanna
Freid/ Evergreen
Freid/ Mirajane
Mirajane/ Reedus
Loki/ Lucy
Loki/ Aries
Bisca/ Alzack
Austria/ Hungary
Austria/ Switzerland
Belarus/ Russia
Denmark/ Norway
France/ England
Germany/ Italy
Hong Kong/ Iceland
Poland/ Lithuania
Prussia/ Austria
Prussia/ Hungary
Prussia/ Canada
Russia/ China
Russia/ America
America/ Belarus
Sweden/ Finland
Asian orgy
Nordic orgy
France/ England/ America/ Canada
Spain/ Romano
Taiwan/ Japan
Rome/ Germania
Holy Roman Empire/ Italia
Switzerland/ Lichtenstein
France/ Scotland
Sealand/ Wy
World orgy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Legolas/ Gimli
Frodo/ Sam
Merry/ Pippin
Tauriel/ Kili
Thorin/ Bilbo
Galadriel/ Gandalf
Galadriel/ Elrond
Aragorn/ Legolas
Aragorn/ Arwen
Merlin/ Arthur
Arthur/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwaine
Gwaine/ Percival
Gwaine/ Elyan
Merlin/ Lancelot
Merlin/ Gwaine
Gwen/ Morgana
Morgana/ Mordred
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus:
Percy/ Annabeth
Jason/ Piper
Percy/ Nico
Jason/ Nico
Leo/ Calypso
Frank/ Hazel
Hannibal/ Will (bonus if Abigail is their kid)
Jimmy Price/ Brian Zeller (Science Husbands)
Jack/ Bella aka the Crawfords
Rave Master:
Haru/ Elie
Musica/ Reina
Let/ Julia
Cattleya/ Shuda
Go/ Rosa
Range/ Sopra
Remi/ Musica
Musica/ Belnika
Sieg/ Elie
Jegan/ Janna 
Clea Maltese/ Alpine Spaniel
Rise of the Guardians/ How to Train Your Dragon/ Tangled/ Brave/ Frozen:
Jack/ Hiccup
Jack/ Merida
Jack/ Rapunzel
Jack/ Elsa
Hiccup/ Rapunzel
Star Wars:
Han/ Leia
Luke/ Mara Jade
Padme/ Anakin
Obi Wan/ Dorme
Robin Hood BBC:
Robin/ Marian
Much/ Eve
Will/ Djaq
Yugi/ Yami
Bakura/ Ryo
Kaiba/ Jonouchi
Marik/ Malik
Yami/ Bakura
Bakura/ Marik
YuYu Hakusho:
Yusuke/ Keiko
Yusuke/ Kurama
Yusuke/ Botan
Yusuke/ Kurama/ Hiei
Kurama/ Hiei
Kuwabara/ Yukina
Genkai/ Younger Toguro
Shizuru/ Sakyo
Shinobu/ Itsuki
Mukuro/ Hiei
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir:
Marinette/ Adrien
Nino/ Alya
Alix/ Kim/ Max
Chloe/ Nathaniel
Chloe/ Sabrina
Juleka/ Rose
Ivan/ Mylene
Check Please!
Bitty/ Jack 
Lardo/ Shitty 
Holster/ Ransom  (Bonus points if it’s the AU that must not be named)
Nursey/ Dex 
Nursey/ Dex/ Chowder 
Chowder/ Farmer 
Questionable Content
Bubbles/ Faye 
Martin/ Dora 
Martin/ Claire 
Faye/ Sven 
Momo/ May 
Tai/ Dora 
Dale/ Marigold 
Clinton/ Brun 
Wilde Life 
Oscar/ Lorelei
Oscar/ Sylvia 
Eliza/ Darcy 
Oscar/ Clifford (I’m trash, I’m well aware)
El Goonish Shive
Tedd/ Grace 
Elliot/ Ashley 
Nanase/ Ellen 
Elliot/ Sarah
Catalina/ Rhoda 
Disney/ Close to It:
Belle/ Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
LeFou/ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) (Only really works if Gaston isn’t being a dick anymore)
Anya/ Dimitri (Anastasia)
Vlad/ Sophie (Anastasia)
Elsa/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Elsa/ Hans (Frozen)
Anna/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Ariel/ Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella/ Her Prince Charming (Cinderella) (Bonus points for genderbending)
Mulan/ Shang (Mulan) (Bonus points for transgender Mulan)
Rapunzel/ Flynn (Tangled)
Anime/ Manga:
Saitama/ Genos (One Punch Man)
Phoenix Wright/ Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright)
Victor/ Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Yurio/ Otabek (Yuri on Ice)
Yuuri/ Phichit (Yuri on Ice)
Todoroki/ Yaoyoruza (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Todoroki/ Deku (My Hero Academia)
Light/ L (Death Note)
Matt/ Mello (Death Note)
Dante/ Nero (Devil May Cry) (only cause of @triwizard-tardis)
Gon/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
Gon/ Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Hisoka/ Leorio/ Gon (Hunter x Hunter) (Damn you amazing NSFW fanart)
Canary/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
InuYasha/ Kagome (InuYasha)
Miroku/ Sango (InuYasha)
Sesshomaru/ Rin (InuYasha) (aged up Rin)
Sesshomaru/ Kagome (InuYasha) (ONE good fic and fanart)
Tsuna/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Mukuro/ Chrome (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Takeshi/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Tsuna/ Kyouko (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Bulma/ Yamcha (Dragonball)
Bulma/ Vegeta (Dragonball Z and Z Kai)
Goku/ Krillin (Dragonball)
Goku/ Chichi (Dragonball)
Riku/ Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora/ Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Ciel/Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ruby/Jaunne (RWBY)
Jaunne/ Pyrrha (RWBY)
Yang/Blake (RWBY)
Blake/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ruby/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ren/ Nora (RWBY)
Ozpin/ Glynda (RWBY)
Blake/ Sun (RWBY)
Soul/ Maka (Soul Eater)
Black Star/ Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Death the Kid/ Patty/ Eliza (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Medusa (Soul Eater)
Maka/ Chrona (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Marie (Soul Eater)
Haruhi/ Tamaki (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Tamaki/ Kyoya (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mitsukuni/ Takashi (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Haruhi/ Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Ranma/ Akane (Ranma ½)
Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices
Clary/ Jace
Clary/ Simon
Simon/ Isabelle
Jace/ Alec
Jocelyn/ Luke
Simon/ Maia
Tessa/ Will
Will/ Jem
Will/ Magnus
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock/ John
Sherlock/ Molly
Lestrade/ Mycroft
John/ Mary
Sherlock/ Irene
John/ Anthea
Mycroft/ Anthea
Teen Titans
Robin/ Starfire
Beast Boy/ Raven
Cyborg/ Bumblebee
Aqualad/ Terra
Beast Boy/ Terra
Bella/ Edward
Alice/ Jasper
Rosalie/ Emmet
Carlisle/ Esme
Bella/ Jacob
Renesmee/ Jacob
Edward/ Jacob
Edward/ Bella/ Jacob
James/ Victoria
Quil/ Embry
Jacob/ Leah
Sam/ Emily
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