#katekyo hitman reborn meta
hopeswriting · 1 year
tsuna and gokudera’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth standing by my side no matter what to the very end” and “no one’s ever found me worth accepting me just the way i am, and as i am now in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings”
tsuna and yamamoto’s dynamic is “everyone always makes me pay the price for every single one of my mistake, no matter how little and insignificant” and “everyone always expects me to be perfect at being who they want me to be, and i’m afraid they’ll find me worthless if i mess up even once”
tsuna and lambo’s dynamic is “no one ever cares that i’m just a child” and “everyone always punishes and rejects me for acting like the child i am”
tsuna and ryohei’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth taking under their wing, looking after, paving the way for me and making sure it’s safe for me to follow after them” and “as the one who needs to be relied on, as the protector, the example, the older one, no one’s ever looked after me and took care of me on the same grounds as i do for them”
tsuna and hibari’s dynamic is “i’ve never had anything to put my faith in, knowing that it wouldn’t so much as shake and would never fail me even in the face of the end of the world” and “i’ve never had to learn that even my strength can fail me, but there can be strength in weakness too, in letting others help me make up for that weakness, and i can grow even stronger for it”
tsuna and mukuro’s dynamic is “no one’s ever thought me worth allowing me my childhood and made me grow up too soon” and “no one ever cared that i was never allowed to be a child, and i’ll never stand for that fate to be allowed to go on unpunished any longer”
tsuna and chrome’s dynamic is “i’ve always been less than what people want me to be, have always been not enough to meet their expectations of me” and “i’ve always been so worthless in everyone’s eyes, no one’s ever expected anything of me”
(tsuna and reborn’s dynamic is “no one’s ever put faith in what i can become, in what i can be right now, and in me in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings” and “i’m never going to let anyone inside my heart ever again, and no one will bother trying to get inside anyway being the way i am now”)
do you get it?
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catpriciousmarjara · 1 year
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Namimori Location
(Documenting my research process so I won't forget and get confused why I did something in a fic during a later read through. Nothing serious really.)
Where exactly is Namimori in canon?
As I was writing a khr fic, I realized I needed the exact location of Namimori for one sentence. A sentence that wasn't even important in the long run. Rather than abandon that single sentence I decided to try and locate where the town of Namimori would be in Japan. Because apparently I like pain.
There is virtually no information on the actual location of Namimori anywhere. So I had went on a research binge. And I found something that gave me a starting point.
In 2009, there was a special KHR episode that was aired during the Jump Super Anime Tour titled, Vongola Style School Trip, Arrives!
Saying that I found it is not that accurate. Its more that I went looking for an episode like this specifically. This isn't the first time I tried to locate fictional locations on a map for the sake of the plot. And I've realized that episodes centered around trips provide amazing clues, especially where the trip starts, where it ends, the scenery outside etc.
Thats what I hoped for here as well. And the hunch paid off! Between timestamps 3:07-3:10, there's a map. Not very detailed mind you. Just enough to show the direction where they came from. But that's better than nothing.
So they're going to Nagoya city, which is in the Aichi Prefecture. Its in the Chūbu region. It also looks like they're coming from the Kanto region, possibly from the direction of Tokyo.
So that means we can leave out the Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu regions in the south. There's no way Namimori is in Hokkaido, or Okinawa, so those two prefectures are out as well. The most likely locations for the town to be in is in the Kanto, and Chubu regions.
Comparing the physical map of Japan with the short glimpse we get, I'm reasonably sure they passed by Mt. Fuji as well.
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See that little protrusion under Fuji-san? I'm pretty sure thats what we see in the map shown in the episode. So yeah they passed Mount Fuji.
Another thing, see that arch like thing before the protrusion? Thats Kanagawa prefecture, and we can see in the very beginning of the video, around the 0.03-0.04 timestamps, that they don't start anywhere there.
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See? They pass by it completely and started somewhere well before Kanagawa. So Kanagawa is out.
Lets go back to Fuji-san again.
The mountain lies between the Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefecture borders.
That gives us three possible routes:
Chiba-> Tokyo-> Yamanashi-> Shizuoka-> Aichi [Nagoya City}
Tokyo-> Yamanashi-> Shizuoka-> Aichi [Nagoya City}
Yamanashi -> Shizuoka -> Aichi [Nagoya City]
Why did I decide on Tokyo as the starting point in Kanto despite there being other prefectures in the region?
In KHR's seventh volume, Hot Summer Arrives!, we get chapter 57, Swimming at the Sea. Its a beach chapter.
The beach is described as being close by and the fact that Ryohei's boxing club senpai, Kuroda Eiji and his buddies Kisanuki Yukio and Ookura Takuya, apparently work there as lifeguards, supports this. (You know...cos they're in middle school and all and jobs at that age tend to be close by...for civilians at least.)
Which means that prefectures like Saitama, Tochigi, and Gunma, which are all landlocked as you can see on the map below, are automatically disqualified as locations for Namimori.
By that same logic, Yamanashi is also disqualified.
Ibaraki is not counted because despite the abrupt beginning and ending of the map scene in the episode, we can guess that the starting point of the trip wasn't quite that far back. By the curve of the arrow I mean. {Yeah I know this is a reach but I'm pretty sure I'm right.}
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That just leaves Tokyo and Chiba.
The argument in favour of Chiba is a meta one. Tokyo is an iconic location when it comes to manga and anime. Most anime set in Tokyo shows several shenanigans centered around Tokyo's various landmarks. Even works not set in Tokyo sometimes have Tokyo episodes and Tokyo adventures. Like Haikyuu for example.
Considering how much shenaniganry and crackishness KHR has, it would be very strange if it was set in Tokyo and yet didn't have any Tokyo misadventures in it. Reborn would just go ahead and name Tokyo Tower Vongola Tower or something just like he named Nagoya Castle Vongola Castle. So Namimori might not be in Tokyo, but in Chiba instead...which is still part of the Greater Tokyo Area now that I think about it, so still Tokyo in a way?
I couldn't find a way to clearly articulate an argument in favour of Tokyo when a friend send me this link.
I was walking on a path well-tread! @ladydraculena had already slashed through the figurative jungles for me!
I went looking for the two locations marked in the map in their post but it seems like Namimori Steamed Buns has since closed down. Hibari Nursery School on the other hand is going strong.
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With this information the argument in favour of Tokyo grew much stronger.
Thus canonically the town of Namimori is most likely located in Tokyo and if not in Tokyo proper, definitely in the Greater Tokyo Area.
(Please note that I left the Tohoku region out of this. The region is very distinct and neither anime nor the manga has shown a singular sign of being set in Tohoku. By that I mean that if a work is set in Tohoku, it would be impossible to hide its Tohoku, or mistake it as somewhere else.)
Edit: @rooigseix pointed out that since most of KHR's usual shenanigans strictly happens in Namimori, the usual Tokyo adventure trope meta might not be applicable in this case. Namimori might be far away from Tokyo centre like the Ota or Edogawa districts, which are close to the sea as well.
Edit: @lightning-will-bovino pointed out Kokuyo land and there is in fact a theme park called Noah Forest Amusement Park or Mori-no-Yeunchi near the Hibari Nursery School!
It seems very likely that Amano-sensei was inspired by the area. It might not be where Namimori is actually located but the existence of these establishments in close quarters lends further credence to the theory of Namimori being in the Tokyo area.
In conlusion, the most likely location of Namimori would be in Tokyo prefecture but close to the Chiba border. Not landlocked as well.
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Thus, Edogawa ward is the most suitable location.
And after all of that, I decided that Tokyo wasn't a good fit for my fic's Namimori and by my magical writer powers shifted it to Mie Prefecture instead. ╥﹏╥
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na-nossa · 24 days
Meta Fridays #1
So, we were rewatching Mukuro's fight with Tsuna in episode 26 (for academic purposes, obviously), and I noticed something I missed the first time. Mukuro calls the human realm the ugliest and cruelest, and he's hesitant to use his 五 skills, though they're his strongest, only doing so when he’s pushed to the brink. Even Reborn points out how intensely dark his vibe gets in this realm. It makes sense: Mukuro was a victim of of some horrific experimentation, twisted by human hands, and now he's essentially trapped in that same cruelty. He treats his allies like mere pawns and plans to plunge humanity into a war that matches the chaos swirling inside him. Tsuna's kindness also really irritates him, as to him it's foolishness, too soft for a world like this.
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Now—in Katekyo Hitman Reborn, the Dying Will Flame is more than raw strength; it's energy drawn directly from a person's life force, deeply connected to their emotions. When Mukuro clashes with Tsuna's flame, he's not just confronting power; he's encountering Tsuna's will, his soul laid bare in its purest form. That's why when Reborn casually drops, "Looks like the Dying Will Flames purified Mukuro’s dark aura," it implies that Tsuna's flame might have broken the cycle of hatred Mukuro was trapped in. It's ultimately what changes him (plus, I like to think hearing Ken and Chikusa tell him he's their "place of belonging" helped, too 🥺). After, though Mukuro keeps up his mask of indifference, he softens, even becoming willing to sacrifice himself for his friends.
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While turning enemies into friends with the power of Le Feels™ is classic shounen stuff, what stands out in KHR is how this transformation isn't just a simple change of heart. It's linked to the supernatural foundation of the story and the source of the protagonist's powers, with the Dying Will Flame representing a connection to the characters' very souls. Tsuna doesn't hit Mukuro with a fireball; he messes with his entire being, like Reborn said. Indeed, the show lingers on shots of Tsuna's hand on Mukuro's face, emphasizing the moment of contact. After Tsuna's final attack, Mukuro's lying there all soft and innocent, looking way more angelic than he has any right to. And sure, it could be because he's knocked out cold 😃, but I think it's more than that. It's the first sign of the change already taking root inside him.
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aceofthegreenajah · 9 months
So @tls12lessthan3 and @libzarzar have enabled my corrent orv obsession and my forever khr obsession. This is me assigning flames (sky flames only, no earth flames) to orv characters! ALL the orv spoilers. I will be vague about them but I will allude to things in the epilogue.
I have done my best to rely on canonical info about flames and not my headcanons.
KDJ - Sky I feel like this is pretty self-evident. The most telling thing about being a sky is how people react to them. People grow very attached to KDJ; they look up to him; they follow his lead; they want to impress him and protect him. He holds the group together and they start to fall apart when he's away for too long. (See: both his first 'longer' death and the epilogue).
That isn't the only thing, though. Skies have a stubbornness and unwillingness to change (see: Tsuna refusing Vongola all the way to the end and everything about Xanxus as prime examples). They won't change for others lightly, and they don't generally accept anyone or anything as an authority. They might sort of align themselves with an organization or another sky, but ultimately they always follow their own goals.
These are both very KDJ things - he puts his party through hell with his self-sacrificial tendencies but even though he realizes this, and knows it is shitty, he doesn't really change. And he shows no subservience to any power, even those that could crush him like an ant.
Skies like to surround themselves with people - as KDJ does. The sky might be posessive over them, but they don't really grow dependent on them, and rarely confide in them. (See: multiple skies in khr are willing to sacrifice their elements for their plans. Tsuna not being willing to sacrifice them for leadership of Vongola just means his goal is never obtaining said leadership. Which he says himself at any opportunity. KDJ is not willing to sacrifice any of them presicely because his goal is a happy ending for everyone.)
KDJ he shows multiple instances of posessiveness - first thing that comes to mind is when he has just recruited SYS and determines that she can never know YJH just in case that makes her leave KDJ for YJH. He grows to rely on their abilities in his plans; that doesn't mean he relies on them as people emotionally. He always holds himself a little separate.
Some skies are also good at reading and understanding people - reading comprehension and omniscient reader's viewpoint, anyone? All of KDJ's skills dovetail nicely into an aspect of sky flames. Not exactly, of course, but Tsuna can tell the difference between illusion and reality (fourth wall) and you could argue bookmark is about comprehending and then harmonizing with someone. There are skies with different types of future sight (hyper intuition, and the seer bloodline in Giglio Nero skies). You can dig for more - there's plenty of material to work with there.
YJH - cloud Clouds are incredibly strong, independent, slow to grow loyal but incredibly loyal once it is earned (yet still independent to the end). Their growth (in power) is exponential.
YJH is the strongest human character (probably). He always makes his own plans and goes his own way, unless the others can wrangle him to participating in the group. Even to the very end. He does grow loyalty to KDJ (but not really subservience) but it happens very slowly, and yet he is one of the two characters most unable to let go of him at the end. Tell me that isn't textbook cloud.
HSY - mist(sky) So. My first instinct for HSY is mist.
Mists are creative and imaginative. They are subtle when they want to and incredibly theatrical at other times. They also have an independent streak, and a tendency to refuse reality and twist it to their own whims.
Avatar is a skill that could fit into a few different flame types, but they could be mist constructs.
But I could also be talked into a full no-avatars HSY being a sky.
+ surrounded by people. The other HSY surronunds himself with people - she does play KDJ's role in many respects. Our HSY also surrounded himself with the disciples. The first group especially grew incredibly loyal.
+ HSY is also very stubborn and unwilling to bow to authority.
+ Predictive plagiarism could be a sky skill. As said khr skies have future related skills (hyper intuition and seers). I could see it as a mist skill as well (mist thing is creativity) but as avatar fits better in mist, predictive plagiarsm fits better in sky.
- On the other hand our HSY is eventually absorbed into KDJ's group and ceases to gather her own followers. Not a sky thing to do, but this is after she has lost >=50% of herself.
In short: it could be that HSY is originally a sky, but every time she creates an avatar she gives it some of her flames, and this has left our HSY a mist once >=50% of her flames are gone.
LHS - lightning Lightnings are hard to damage and their role is often protecting and taking damage for the other flames. Many lightnings we see are active and eager to take action. LHS fits this exactly.
JHW - storm Storms are, most of all, passionate. Gokudera is passionate about Tsuna and his hobbies; Fon is passinate about martial arts; Bel is passionate about his royalty and stabbing people. Whatever the storm wants, they have the drive to be the best and dedicate themselves fully.
JHW is very passionate about justice and right and wrong.
Her abilities also fit storm and the disintegration property storm flames have. Storm flames are extremely destructive and there are really no super effective countermeasures for them. All of JHW's abilities are OP and destructive as fuck flame abilities.
Now we come to the ones I am a little unsure about.
YSA - Rain/Sun But which one? Rains are officially 'tranquility', but their characters are all over the place. What most unites them is that they all have a purpose. Squalo has the sword and Xanxus; Takeshi had baseball and switches to Tsuna; Colonello and Lal have each other (at different points of their lives) and training their students and (at some point probably) their military careers. And so on.
There is also some sense of self stuff going on there.
Squalo hitched his whole existence on Xanxus practically on sight. That makes him sound spontanous, and the loud and rough exterior reinforces this image. But he is also Xanxus' second in command who ran Varia in his absence, and shows surprising insight at several moments (like in the future when training Takeshi). Stormy waters run deep?
Takeshi knows how to play the fool but not how to connect to people. He measured his self-worth by how good he was at his purpose (baseball) at first; when he formed any sort of connection with Tsuna he grew incredibly loyal and dedicated instantly. He continues to keep up the exterior that people are used to - when Takeshi drops the act, you know things are serious. Still waters run deep.
YSA is very good at putting on a calm or chipper or charming front. Is there an underlayer we rarely get to see? I'd argue yes. We see hints of this even in pre-canon - she was getting back at superiors at work without anyone suspecting her. She also is incredibly dedicated. She was valued employee at work, studied on her commute, then becomes dedicated to helping KDJ's group survive in the apocalypse and drives herself to death with it.
But she does fit into Sun as well.
Suns are energetic and constantly on the move, constantly doing something. When they do something they give it 200% level effort. They are ferocious, often chipper, sometimes hyperactive. They may be very fast healers.
Sangah is a high-achiever. At first she is competent at work, studying even on her commute. She bikes to work. When self-defence becomes a necessity, she grows to an incredible fighter very quickly. She uses her skills so much that eventually they start to kill her.
She is also chipper and cheerful by default, which is not a must for a sun but is still a very sun attitude. I Can Do It! Her focus is not only on skills but on people, and that and her upbringing as a wealthy woman may explain why she feels the need to put on a more placid surface. Social expectations she's internalized, you know.
So, since YSA could go either way (she can be both. people can have multiple flames) let's check out our last (adult) member to see where she falls into. To make sure we have a full set.
JHY personifies the concept that you can't know a person just by what you see on the surface. She's trans; we meet her putting on an act - Aileen explicitly even states that you can't belive what comes out of her mouth. She has the wall of impossible communication. I couldn't write a more rain characteristic if I tried.
She did have a purpose originally - dimension hopping and trying to get strong - but eventually abandoned it. Giving up her purpose would contribute greatly to her self-loathing, so it's not a dealbreaker for her being a rain.
Sun is also a possibility. When learning a skill JSY learns incredibly fast (for skills learned through the wall.) If JSY is a sun, the self-loathing rises from being unable to do things and learn things. Suns are active and curious, and being forced to be neither would be hell on them. And she quickly becomes happier as soon as she can do stuff.
The trouble is that I like rain better for both YSA and JHY, but my brain wants a full set so one of them will be assigned sun. Last night I leaned towards JSY sun; this morning YSA sun. Opinions welcome! I feel like JSY is the character I have the poorest grasp on.
I will make a new post for the kids and teens if I feel like it. Hades is ofc night flames and likely Persephone as well. (I have a fic idea with those two running the vindice and kdj getting adopted by them. And another fic idea with just orv except with flames. I have a few chapters plotted for both but nothing 'written'. )
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any-n-everything · 1 year
I love how the Shimon arc (inheritance ceremony arc I know) leans into the whole (cowardly) lion motif that Tsuna has going for him
Like not to point out the obvious but the collective noun for a group of lions is called a "pride"
And the whole arc was set up to reveal that Tsuna's pride (what he cannot let go of) is his family and friends
Like that's a whole Thing for him and I love that for him
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ayz283 · 1 year
khr's ending is a cheat
let me start by saying that I both love and hate khr’s ending. On my first read, I was like THAT’S IT??? But the ending grew on me not gonna lie. Now I think of it with fondness.
Mostly bcs of what it symbolises. Tsuna & co are in their growth phase of life. They are changing for the better, and even insurmountable obstacles can be overcome.
Tsuna saying no to the mafia? Inspirational. I could never. And the fact that even after everything they threw at him, he stuck to his guns? Unreal. Only this guy.
Yes, Tsuna as a mafia boss was everything I wanted, but also it wouldn’t be true to the core of his character.
khr’s ending succeeded where many others’ failed. There’s no epilogue of 30 yrs in the future and Tsuna has destroyed the Vongola with the aid of his friends and he is widely respected or whatever. Reborn also never achieved the goal he set out to do in the first chapter, by making Tsuna accept the role of Vongola Decimo.
No, khr left things open-ended.
But open-ended in the best way.
Tsuna’s future is limitless. That’s what’s makes it so great.
He has faced impossible odds, from Byakuran to Vindice to an age old curse. He has won all of them.
Whether he commits to denial, or running, or destroying, or remaking; Everything is possible, and everything is on the table.
It’s basically an imagine your own ending. Pick a future that suits you.
(And that’s awesome.)
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Sorry only catching up to your feed now after being away for a bit and I noticed you made a post a while ago talking about how Dark!Reborn is essentially canon and I was wondering if you could expand upon that? I guess I only ever though of him as a funny little troll but would love to hear more about your thoughts on him since he is one of my favorite characters and I love your interpretations of his character so far!
Now I've not read the entirety of the manga so there could be some points I miss or details I can't account for yet but I'll do my best to explain my reasoning.
To start off with, KHR is basically a gag manga/anime that slowly turned into a more standard battle shonen as it progressed.
So you get this more lighthearted series that's based on an objectively dark base, i.e. the Mafia.
Right out the gate you get hints about the overall darkness of the world with the way Tsuna becomes the Heir to the Vongola. It's played of for comedy but all three of the other Heirs were murdered, rather viciously. Which helps set the tone for the world that Tsuna has just been drop-kicked into.
As the manga/anime progresses we see the world expand and we get to see further and further into the Mafia, how it works, and how dark it is not so far beneath the surface. Just the characters and circumstances that directly circle and impact Tsuna say so much about the world. From the 3 Vongola Heir's deaths to the fact that child assassins are, if not common, not completely unheard of i.e. Lambo and I-pin all the way to Gokudera who is a named hitman by 14 and Xanxus who leads the Varia as a teenager. Plus there's then basically the entirety of Mukuro's backstory to show us hints and pieces of just how dark some of those seedier parts can go.
So now we can circle back around to Reborn himself.
Reborn, the sadistic cosplaying "baby" tutor and, more importantly for this discussion, the World's Strongest Hitman.
Reborn lays claim to that title, takes pride in it, and no one in the know really argues with him about that. He is the best.
So that begs the question: What entitled Reborn to carry that title?
You get far enough into the series and you know it's not/can't be solely because of his Flames. Reborn might be the Strongest Arcobaleno and thus The Strongest Sun but that wouldn't gain him that title on its own.
Skull was a stuntman, a civilian, before he gained his pacifier and his position as an Arcobaleno netted him no other outside title.
Reborn, on the other hand, was/is a contract killer.
Hitman is a pretty cut-and-dried title after all.
So how many successful contracts does it take to be considered The Best In The World? How many kills/contracts/challenges does he have to have racked up to not only gain that title but to still hold it even as his time as an Arcobaleno goes on?
Even if you give Reborn a strict moral code (i.e. no killing children or if you want to stretch it even further no killing non-combatants period) that still has to be a lot of bodies to his name.
Reborn also very obviously doesn't shy away from casual physical violence as his stunts with Tsuna and his interactions with characters like Skull prove.
Reborn comes across as a sadistic but ultimately funny little troll only because of the position he holds in Tsuna's life throughout the series. His job, the contract he's taken, is to teach Tsuna. To shape him up and mold him into someone worthy and capable of taking the Vongola name and mantle.
No matter how crazy and outrageous his stunts are Reborn isn't actually out to hurt/kill Tsuna. Tsuna, no matter what affection/pride Reborn develops for him as the series progresses, is a job. Killing Tsuna or maiming him to the degree that he wouldn't be able to perform as Vongola Decimo, would equate to Reborn failing his job/contract. Which is something Reborn does not do. So all of the stunts and tests and general chaos that Reborn pulls have a relatively slim chance of ending with Tsuna dead, no matter what Reborn says.
But the shenanigans Reborn pulls prove that if he was? If he really wanted Tsuna maimed or dead?
Not only would no one see Reborn coming if he didn't want them to but they wouldn't be able to stop him even if they did.
So yeah, tl:dr, the fact that Reborn holds the title of World's Strongest Hitman proves that he's a canonically dark character at heart.
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Headcanons for ROTTMNTxKHR Flame Types
(Because my obsession with crossovers cannot be contained)
So first off: Leo's GOTTA be a sky. He is The Leader no matter how much he may deny it or wish otherwise. He has be a sky. That said, I do think he has a strong Rain secondary (there are some STRONG Yamamoto vibes right there) and that's reflected in his easy going nature and projected positiveness, but Sky flames are definitely his primary. I think he probably pushes them down though, unconsciously preferring the ease of his rain flames over the responsibility of his sky flames, so while they're his primary he'd likely have a difficult time tapping into them.
(Ironically, I think other iterations of Leo would be more likely to have the reverse problem, easily tapping into their Sky flames but having trouble with the easy-going nature of their rain abilities. Biggest issue here is the utter weirdness of them having an ability that is Not Their Color.)
Donnie's another mix with a Lightning-Cloud combo. Not sure which one is stronger but I'm leaning towards the Cloud end of things (even his mystic abilities work for this, since they tie in well with a cloud's propagation abilities!) but I think he's got enough Mad Scientist Obsession to also have a fair bit of Lightning flames too.
Mikey I think would be primarily a Sun user. His aggressively perky personality combined with his tendency to burn people (figuratively and literally) who get on his bad side just really fits. That said, with his power level he could actually have some sky flames as a secondary, which shows in how easily he can befriend and charm others (and the big fucking tear he made in time in space because sky flames are ridiculous like that). I'm still kind of debating this though, so he might end up being solely a Sun user.
Raph is a Storm user. He smashes, it smashes, he has anxiety, a heck of a lot of storm users also have anxiety- it fits! and it's even his color so 10/10 flame match right there no notes.
Splinter is an inverted-Cloud primary with a Sky secondary. I mean, the guy's literally just Skull for action movies except more willing to fight people. He also seems a lot more interested in long-lasting bonds (his attempted engagement, his kids) which is where part of the Sky flames come in (the other part is that I think they're just hereditary in the Hamato line).
April O'Neil is solely a Lightning user (which is another pro for Cloud-primary Donnie and explains why they get along so well). Her spunky attitude, green theming, and tendency to flit from one job to another (by no will of her own, but still) are all good signs of this. She could also have a bit of sky flames, but they wouldn't have originally been hers: They first belonged to (drumroll please)...
Hamato Karai! Who is 1000% a sky. Girl is the Skyiest Sky to ever Sky. Born leader absolutely filled to the brim with acceptance. Does not give a singular shit if her grandkids are weird mutant turtles and her one-generation-earlier-grandson is a washed up former actor who's also a mutant rat, she is just thrilled that they're alive at all!
Finally, if you're wondering who the Mist is: It's Draxum. Because Mists always get the villain arcs. He's only Mikey's mist though and that's why Leo still fucking hates him. If Leo ever DOES get a mist it's probably going to be Frida (Big Mama's Assistant & one of their two long-lost sisters) or like. idk Heuso. Not Draxum though.
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byakuwan · 1 year
now i'm wondering if byakuran could theoretically revive someone from the dead.
something something sky flame harmony attribute reignites their flames?? and returns them to a state to have regrets and such. then heal their body from there. no idea how that would even work.
he already uses those miracle healing powers several different times
he might've already done it previously in some form with daisy
it's not all that far off from vindice being kept alive through their flames.
amano doesn't hold back from doing the most wild things ever. why should anyone else?
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phantomchick · 1 year
The problem with Tsuna and his guardians, is that with the sometimes exception of Yamamoto, no one fucking gets it. What I mean is, everyone (with the exception of Hibari and Ryohei who are both fine and also singlemindedly uninterested in understanding him outside of their connection) unloads their tragic backstory onto him and he very emphatically empathises with each of them, Gokudera's willingness to sacrifice for a boss that cares about him, Yamamoto's isolation from being expected to be perfect, Mukuro and Chrome's traumatic past of abuse and neglect, Lambo's family sending him to kill Reborn of all people. And yet they're all uninterested or oblivious to his own struggles as someone who used to be bullied and who everyone including himself saw as incompetent and useless. For me that really damages the connection between them, because though we see it from Tsuna's perspective learning about each of them, the very real fact that he doesn't really open up to any of them in return, apart from Yamamoto that one day he saves him and explains he was lying about the trying your best advice because he's never succeeded at anything by trying his best and he doesn't have the motivation to do so anyway - an attempt to open up after seeing Yamamoto's obvious despair that quickly gets shelved never to be brought up again after Yamamoto enters into a rivalry with Gokudera. I mean the first person he really opens up to about his past and his feelings of dissonance between it and his current position as the vongola heir is to Enma Kozato (the simon family heir) who's taken his place as the bullied kid in school, and even then even then his attempt gets rejected by Enma on the basis of Tsuna now being too much of a mafioso for it to matter.
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social-muffin · 2 years
Another page today!
This time with soft confirmation of one of my all time favourite Hibari headcanons! ☁️💜☁️
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First things first! Let's appreciate Kyoya casually Schooling Gamma on the weaknesses in his attack lmao
Not to mention!! I really really like the way the impact is draw. Kyoya is so so pretty here. But also is that blood spatter? How hard did that ball hit?! Gamma did say one hit is enough to kill a man so... Am high key concerned about the amount of injuries Kyoya just ignores mid fights. There shall be more examples of this!
Now!!! To my all time favourite Hibari headcanon! :D
Under the Read More cause I really went somewhere lmao 😅
First I wanna point out what Gamma said here!
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Specifically the fact that Kyoya focuses his defensive flame on his left arm when he goes to block something. Now, I don't think TYL!Kyoya was taking the time to think here. He was fighting, relying mainly on year-old, deeply ingrained instincts I'd say.
Which brings me to the idea that!! I think, as a child, Hibari probably sustained some kind of injury on his left side/left arm which forced him to become ambidextrous (which is Canon trivia I think?) and made it so he doesn't have perfect mobility on his left side. He sustains most of his major injuries left actually.
Again!!! Proof!!!!
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Hibari vs Mukuro - his biggest injury is on his left shoulder
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Hibari vs Xanxus and Mosca - is shot through the left hip/did not manage to dodge in time
And TYL!Kyoya just so happens to instinctively concentrate defensive flames on his left when he goes to block an attack... I don't know if any of this was intended by Amano-Sensei, but I have absolutely convinced myself that Hibari Kyoya has fine motor-levels of mobility impairment and/or chronic pains.
Because. Why not? lemme cram more believable representation in this Boi. :3c
Also! Just to mention/point out. TYL!Kyoya wears his rings right because he needs fine motor skills to insert rings into boxes, but Teen!Kyoya seems to wear his bracelet left. Because I think as a reckless, angry teen, Kyoya would steamroll his own health and capabilities and try to overcompensate in any way that doesn't directly call attention to a perceived weakness.
I don't know who first came up with it, cause the first time I heard of it was when I was lurking on Tumblr years before I made my account. And I was on mobile so there were a very limited amount of posts on the Boi. :(
Whomever you are! I absolutely lovelovelove this headcanon and have carried it with me for years! If you see this and you have proof the idea was yours first, I will absolutely credit you here! 💞💞💞
Also! Give me your opinion! I am doing this to get to know more and interact with khr and/or cloud fans! 💜☁️💜
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hopeswriting · 11 months
was thinking about takeshi and how he's my favorite brand of unconditional devotion btw. the utter and absolute and all-consuming kind that runs so deep to the very core and is so intrinsic and fundamental to it, it can only express itself in the most casual and natural and certain way. without second thoughts, without any room for doubts or for any moral dilemma to be had over it, because of course he ought to always be breathing and living for his chosen person first and foremost. of course he ought to hang on their every word and make them true no matter what, no matter what he has to do to make it happen, no matter what he has to do to other people to make it happen, and no matter what it might turn him into in the process. because it's obviously the way the world should be for his chosen person. at their feet, ready to bend over backwards and break and build itself again to better answer to all their needs even if they don't ask it for it. it's the only right way it should be for them, and of course takeshi's going to do his utmost at all times to make it a reality as much as possible.
and his devotion comes out as naturally as breathing, comes out lighthearted and nonchalant like he might as well be talking about the weather, but it's not unaware of itself. it's not that takeshi doesn't know it's unhealthy and wrong and that he's willing to go entirely too far in its name for anyone's good. it's not that he wouldn't hear you out if you were to sit him down and explain to him just why he needs to tone it down a little (a lot). logically, he'd agree with you and know you're right. and then he'd tell you he's still not going to do anything whatsoever about it. that he's not bothered by it and doesn't feel the need to change anything to his attitude. makes it a point to never let anyone or anything sway him even an inch in the stand he took when it comes to that, no matter how many thousand of times you might go over the subject with him.
because the morality of his devotion isn't the point at all. is entirely irrelevant to it and doesn't affect the way he expresses it all. it's not the metric with which he draws a line in the sand to hold it accountable to. because the thing is, takeshi's entire world revolves around tsuna--tsuna is his entire world altogether, and it's just a matter of fact, that simple. to him it's a truth as unchanging as the sky being blue, and so being the way he is according to that truth is the only way he can imagine being that'd feel right to him. and so the actual and only metric that matters here is "would tsuna be happier if i were to do this?" and/or "is this something tsuna needs me to do?"
and like. i don't think takeshi ever stops being a kind person capable of compassion and understanding and mercy and forgiveness even ten years later once they became mafia through and through. and i don't think either he grows up to be feared and called a monster per se despite the things they inevitably had to do during those ten years (and the things they'll inevitably keep having to do as long as they keep being mafia), at least not in the way, for example, they'll never stop fearing and calling mukuro one. but i do think that among the tenth gen, he ends up being the one with the most ruthless, merciless and horrific blood on his hands of that particular and distinct loving kind. you know the one i mean, right? he comes to be the one most expected and the one first expected to be willing and to take it upon himself to go through with it when the need arises. and to think little of it after, if anything at all. all in the name of making tsuna's reign as easy on him as possible.
and it's to the point where it's the kind of blood that makes even mukuro pause at times. or, when takeshi is the one coming up with solutions himself during meetings, makes even reborn blink. not because it's unjustified or wouldn't be safe or efficient or anything of the sort, but because it is unwarrantedly thorough in its retaliation. and sometimes, at times like this, he's the one tsuna needs to step in for the most, because he's the only one who can reason with him that "yes, this would work in getting rid of our problem" but "no, please, don't do that takeshi". because if tsuna is the only thing that infers on just how much and in what ways he'll let himself be devoted to him, then of course, he's also the only one takeshi's willing to reign himself in for without second thoughts. because he'd hate to ever do something tsuna would disapprove of or wouldn't want him to do. or do something that'd make tsuna see him differently or love him back less even in the slightest.
and it's also like. his devotion isn't an undisciplined one. it's not one he doesn't have control over, the very opposite. it's a very purposeful and conscious choice he chooses to keep making over and over again every step of the way, and he taught himself to have control over it, to know when it's needed and/or wanted, and how much and in which ways it is when it happens, and to keep it down otherwise. and, yes, to also reign it back in at tsuna's request at times when it still slips past his control. because it's all about making tsuna's happiness easier and secure and long-lasting, and never about burdening him with just how committed he is to do that.
so it comes down to this: takeshi willing to go above and beyond and more for tsuna unless tsuna explicitly asks him not to. and to tsuna needing to ask him not to every now and then. and to other people pointing out to him how too many times tsuna's already needed to stop him, and that maybe there's a hint for him to take there. and to takeshi seeing the hint, looking it straight in the eye and recognizing it for what it is and just. deciding it doesn't apply to him because it's all perfectly normal behavior to him. because it's the only kind of behavior that makes sense to him and feels right.
and so—to circle back to my first point—he can only express his devotion as naturally as breathing, so casually, almost like it's something inconsequential and not worth talking about despite how unmistakably it couldn't be further away from being the truth. it's the only way he could have always known how to express it, because, after all, who has ever taken time to ponder about the details and the hows of the way they breathe?
and i, for one, absolutely eat that shit up every time, thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
#katekyo hitman reborn#khr#khr meta#can i even call this one?? well i'm going to anyway lol#yamamoto takeshi#sawada tsunayoshi#i've never been normal about devotion in stories and characters and won't ever be so sorry if this doesn't make sense#also this is not to say the 10th gen loves tsuna any less unconditionally this isn't a competition#it's just me saying the particularities and specificities of the way takeshi specifically does it appeal to me the most#which is one of the reasons why i have such a big soft spot for 8027#and it's not a problem in their relationship either btw that's also not what i'm saying#like tsuna doesn't mind it and absolutely /does/ reciprocate it 100%#he's just careful to keep an eye out so none of them will lose themselves along the way#also this is within the context of me shifting canon slightly to the left in the way where the 10th gen loves tsuna /so much/#they could just as well actually and properly worship him as a god and it still wouldn't make a single difference#and me liking to lean into that fully and taking it to extremes and it inevitably becoming some extent of dark#because considering the environment canon makes them express it (the mafia) it's like. well how else are they meant to keep it alive#and make sure it survives through it without giving it sharp teeth and claws and jagged edges of its own you know?#so if you feel like this is some kind of ooc-ness you're not wrong#but also consider: i'm not wrong either <3#anyway consider also: unconditional devotion running /so/ deep down to your marrow and to your very essence#even in the face of the whole world telling you how wrong it is and how insane and unhinged you are for it and condemning you for it#it still wouldn't so much as make you consider the thought they might have a point#and i genuinely EAT that shit up every time i love to see it <3
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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years
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why would Mammon kill himself? I wonder if Ginger is telling the truth here. Did Mammon really kill homself because he couldn’t win? Wouldn’t he gave simply fled, recuperated, and tried again similar to what happened in his fight against Mukuro? Was it because colonello died from him? Was it a matter of pride? (In fact when did he go back to Viper from Mammon? I think it’s Ginger Bread disrespecting the dead but I’m not sure.) I don’t think it was pride for Mammon, while he holds his ability in high regard (as he should) he wouldn’t throw his life cuz he was defeated. Perhaps Ginger is just lying to paint Mammon’s death as pitiful, Mammon would’ve been exposed to the non-7^(3) dust so it isn’t a stretch to assume he died from that either…
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na-nossa · 1 month
Hey there! 👋
We're three friends from Portugal who run this multifandom blog. Right now, we're rewatching Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and a bunch of other anime, so expect screencaps and some eventual meta. Feel free to ask us anything!
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any-n-everything · 2 years
cervello sus: a post of evidence
So I was re-watching KHR episodes and I went back to the Varia Arc.
We all remember this, right?
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Mammon says, “I can’t be certain who performed the actual act, but [...],” and then we immediately move to the Cervello ladies??? This is literally implying that Cervello were the ones who woke Xanxus from his imprisonment (because it was imprisonment, Timoteo, he was not “sleeping in a cradle” like a well-behaved baby).
I know Timoteo said, “My weakness woke Xanxus from his long slumber.”
(Here are the receipts if you don’t believe me:)
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But frankly, this always bothered me because “what weakness? what fucking possessed you to release your resentful adopted son?”
So I always just assumed that Timoteo purposefully released Xanxus in order to light a fire under Tsuna’s ass and further entrench him and his friends into the mafia.
Cervello, a secret organization that directly answers to the Ninth. They’re so secret that not even Sawada Iemitsu, the Leader of CEDEF, knew about them.
Cervello, who eventually defected and served Millefiore instead.
Cervello, who was known to be in possession of the Mare Rings and were the ones who gave them to Byakuran in the first place.
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Now, I’m not defending Timoteo. BUT A CASE COULD BE MADE IN THIS INSTANCE. The man ended up as a living battery for a robot, for Christ’s sake, I doubt he intended for THAT to happen no matter what he THOUGHT would happen when he released Xanxus.
It would be pretty interesting if Cervello were the ones who had been manipulating stuff behind the scenes. I doubt that they were in cahoots with Daemon, tho, bc of this scene:
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Cervello neither wished nor prophesized that Xanxus would lose and Tsuna would win, they were just following “what had been decided from the start”. Daemon already made his position clear in terms of successorship: he didn’t want Sawada Tsunayoshi and his second coming of the 1st Gen to inherit Vongola.
So it begs the question: who decided the outcome of the Ring Battles? Was it really Timoteo? Or was it some other shadowy boss figure behind the scenes?
Man, I wish we were given more backstory for the Cervello because, the way they appear from the Varia Arc to the Future Arc, it was like they were gonna be more plot-important later on.
But then they just disappear from the Inheritance Ceremony Arc onwards???
So weird.
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Enjoy your Naruto my dude!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Enjoy those silly lil ninjas!
It's so funny, because Naruto is probably my main manga. Not my favorite or the one I've reread the most through the years; that's Katekyo Hitman Reborn. It's not even the one with a character I can relate the most too, because that's Tomura Shigaraki in bnha.
Naruto's the manga that I grew up reading weekly, it is the anime I rewatched every summer, the one that went to comicons for, the one that got me into writing meta lol.
It's so cool that I get to revisit it so many years after. I have different friends, I almost finished college, I am a different person. Now I see the manga under new light and it feels amazing!
Anyway, thank you for the ask and I hope you're enjoying your fandoms too!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful week!!!! ❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨
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