#kaya: I vow to always tell you when I notice things
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Resources for Day Five: The Realm of Light
From Prince Aerin to Farin Starfury, the Realm of Light is full of inspiration! Looking for something off the beaten path? You could illustrate some of the old Myths, make an edit of a mythical beastie, or tell of a story about that overly-attractive side-character we were blessed with for a single scene. The possibilities are endless! 
Assembled Transparents | Lore 
”There’s so much wonder and beautiful in the realms, [MC]. It’d be a shame if you didn’t experience it all.” Mal
Kade | Threep | The Royal Family | The Starfurys | Kaya | Ellara and Xiaus | Skull Crusher & Ventra Tal Kaelen | Mermaid | Voxper
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Prince Aerin:
“It’s not just that he’s the oldest. He’s also the favorite. Handsome, bold, outgoing...a great hunter and warrior...nothing like me. 
“At least i have my books. I love reading of all the realms, even if I rarely get a chance to visit them.”
“Is it really so hard to believe? My reflexes are well-honed after a life with him as my brother.”
“I’ve learned how to defend myself...I just wish I’d started defending others sooner.”
“I’ve already accepted my place. And it’s in my brothers shadow.”
“The scholars of White Tower say that once something is lost, it cannot be restored. Once something’s corrupted, it’s impossible to bring it back to the Light.”
“You know, this is all extremely un-princely of me.”
“it’s silly but I used to believe there must be some kind of magic that could make my brother like me, or my parents notice me.”
“I fear there are more trials to come. For all of us...”
“Dearest brother, may I suggest paying the terrifying orc mercenary what she’s owed?”
“Until the stars align for us again...”
“As far as princes go, you’re not half bad.” Mal
“Every day my wisdom is valued less and less around here.”
“It’s true, we’re pampered little things.”
“I am quite a gift, aren’t I?”
“May I remind you that I am a nesper, imbued with nearly two millenia of wisdom, from a far more glorious age than you can even imagine?”
“Offerings of food are always acceptable. Elven cream cakes and honey-wine, perhaps?
“I’m not a prude. I simply don’t understand why you people must burden the mating process with all that messy...kissing and such.”
“I somehow imagined nespers would be more...majestic.” Tyril
“Fine, but when you wake up in the middle of the night and find the adorable cat-bat gnawing on your face, don’t come crying to me.” Mal
“Wait, ‘Exalted One’? The cat?” Imtura
Adrina Starfury:
“I’m this one’s little sister. Though he likes to pretend he’s an old child.”
[To Duchess Xenia] “We are nothing like you!” 
“It was Adrina who attacked Duchess Xenia when she had us all under her spell. It was Adrina who saved us all. She is the future of House Starfury.” Tyril
“I swear, if you’re more excited about the nesper than me...” Tyril
Lord Valir Starfury
“My son. I thought you were dead. We all did. That you’d been overcome with the same and...and...”
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen both my children smiling at the meal table.”
“Adrina, you are a worthy heir to my house.” 
Farin Starfury:
“You cannot trust anyone outside our house, son of my blood. Did you not learn that at your father’s knee?”
“You cannot trust in friendship, nor love, nor vows of loyalty, only to the strength of our house and our blood.”
“The Lords of Starfury do not flee. You cannot show cowardice before the other houses.”
“[MC] is right, honored ancestor. It is my friendships, my love for my friends that will let me restore our house. Not posturing and competition.” Tyril
Kaya Duskraven: 
“She was humble, funny, compassionate. She cared deeply for those in need, and always kept my ego in check. She helped me see how to be a better person. She opened my eyes to the world.” Tyril
“We shared great Kilvali, emotional connection. Our souls sang together.” Tyril “I think what kit’s asking is if you two...you know...did the thing.” Mal
“Kaya Duskraven was a kind, caring, and compassionate friend! And you’re not worth the earth she stood on!” Tyril
“Kaya Duskraven was the bravest, cleverest, noblest elf I have ever met. She abhorred injustice and fought for knowledge and understanding. She taught me so much. To honor our past as elves but to also challenge it. To right the wrongs of our forebears. She gave her life trying to under the harm done by the Shadow Court.” Tyril
“We miss you greatly, Kaya. May you walk among the stars.” Tyril
King Arland:
Prince Baldur:
“I’m something of a collector of exotic beasts, you see...”
“And I yearn for the swooning damsels who will flock to my palace to hear my heroic tale of slaying the drakna queen.”
“All his life, Baldur’s been told he’s destined for the crown. He acts as though he’s invincible...because he is.” Aerin
“I just wish he would change. Open his eyes to the world. Set aside some of his pride...be a good brother.” Aerin
“In case you haven’t noticed, he isn’t the brightest.” Aerin
“Looked like you could use a hand, my love.”
“The shadow forces are many, but they are weak.”
King Xiaus: 
[Ellara asks what to do] “We fight. We die. And we pray that one day, a hero will rise to avenge us.”
“You’re not...going to lure me to my watery death or anything are you?” asks MC.
Scholar Vash:
“Save your energy, Priestess. These are no mortal wounds. The rot of darkness has infected me.”
“[When you stare] Lookin’s free kid, but everything else will cost ya.” 
“I said no re-matches.”
Ventra Tal Kaelen:
“I have an entire army at my command. I say the word, and they bring me the sun itself. What I need is an heir. Someone reliable. Someone i can trust to carry on my legacy.”
“She’s too busy focusing on whether I’m a suitable princess to see what my true talents are.” Imtura
‘To be honest, I’ve always hoped that if I run long enough, or far enough away, she might give up on me...” Imtura
“By the laws of the old pact, forged between man and beast, you have played with me. I now owe you a boom.”
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