#keefe over here in the forbidden cities having the time of his life finally eating something other than sugar
a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Bakery HeadCannon
Fitz starts it after the Neverseen
It’s in Atlantis nothing big and fancy, but soon people are all over the place about it
Marella hears about it (she has a major sweet tooth) her, Marcua, and Linh head over to check it out
Fitz starts freaking out when they walk through the door
Linh sees him first and is super excited
He has to bargin with them a bit to keep it a secret
“No I am not giving you free pastries for life nuhuh you gotta work for that”
Linh and Marella hop behind the counter and start greeting customers
Fitz’s a bit startled but goes with it
They start coming in randomly, mostly helping Fitz with customers
It’s not long before Keefe and Biana are a bit fed up with not knowing where Fitz works
And so they follow him to Atlantis and find him opening up shop, they watch him and kinda look at eachother like “Okay- what?”  and watch for a day, being ‘sneaky’ they’re about to leave when they see Marella and Linh approaching
The two of them are so annoyed when they find out that Marella and Linh know before they do
“I’m his sister!” “Yeah and I’m his brother!” “Keefe no you’re not.” “I would be a better one than Avlar.” Cue angrily sipping coffee (the Lost Cities have coffee and Keefe is addicted)
Marella and Linh notice Keefe and Biana watching when they walk in, they aren’t that good at being discreet and Marella just goes, “You’ve got some watchers” to Fitz as she walks in
Fitz gets super nervous because oh shit keefe’s gonna make fun of me so much but when Keefe and Biana walk in five minutes later hop over the counter and grab Fitz they have two requests
A) He better give them free food for keeping this from them
and B) Keefe is helping him out with designs because there is no way he isn’t getting in on the bakery stuff
So Fitz shows Keefe how to bake and Keefe shows Fitz how to make it pretty, and Biana helps a bit with the interior design cause its lacking and she makes aprons for them along with shirts (shes a fashion person fight me)
It’s not long before Fitz cant go a day without one of the group hopping over the counter and grabbing an apron
Sophie gives him human recipes and ingredients she has to make sure their vegetarian first the first time she didn’t Fitz wouldn’t talk to her for a week, she’ll pop in randomly and rant to him about council work and he’ll make her a drink and a pastry (sometimes one of the human recipes if its real bad) and sit down with her, some nights she’ll miss the Forbidden Cities so much that she’ll call him in the middle of the night and they’ll play human music while baking
Dex makes him machines for organization and some that help with baking but even he will agree that the best way is by hand he also made a sound system that plays human music and a karaoke machine that the group drags out occasionally
Linh drags Tam along often, and he’ll complain and grumble but when the nightmares hit worse than normal you can find him baking recipes that Fitz had made him memorize, and when he’s around the rest of the crew he can’t quite seem to focus enough to make them right but when the cities dark and he’s all alone humming along to some soft song (he loves Sleeping at Last I am totally not self projecting) losing himself in the act, and the next morning Fitz will find an couple batches that clearly weren’t his, he knows exactly who made them
Biana is there often too, cleaning up tables, adding more decorations, telling Fitz that he’s making the treats wrong (“How would you know I’m the baker!” “I just know Fitzy!”) she and Keefe will argue over which deserts are the best and they often have eating competitions (Keefe sulked for a week when Biana beat him for the first time) she often walks in and changes the music, and she and Fitz also know every word to every song that’s been played and can sing them perfectly
Keefe got so mad when he saw how Fitz was presenting his items (“THIS IS SUCH A SAD MALLOWMELT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” “It’s fine!” “I’M SO MAD IT’S FREAKING AMAZING!”) and made him sit down and taught him how to make it look good and designs all the major decorations on sweets and in the bakery it’s self, there’s a drawing that Keefe made of the whole group on one of the walls (He and Biana take full credit for the interior) he has also played many pranks to the point where everyone is extremely cautious of what they do incase of another glitter catastrophe
Every thursday is Group Night where no matter what everyone has to show up (if you don’t you will be siverly judged) and they watch human movies (a lot of Disney), do karaoke, have bake offs, and finally get to relax
The bakery becomes a bit of a second home to all of them and a safe haven it also becomes fairly famous and know for its strange food and music
EDIT (because my brain cant shut up): 
Stina walking in because she heard it was good and finding out it’s fitzs and part of the gang is there and she tries to walk out but Sophie says nope your here buy something so she does and Sophie’s a bit more used to her by now because of team valiant and stina starts coming in more often cause a) how is it this good and b) Sophie’s nice and the rest are slowly warming up to her and eventually she gets invited to Thursday night and then she’s a part of the group (even if she swears she isn’t) and is surprisingly good at baking and brings in some family recipes
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