#keep urself safe online n don't share personal info I beg of u
kiitchensiink · 11 months
idk if this is controversial, but the whole concept of dnis make zero sense to me? like if I don't like somebody, or they make me uncomfortable, I just won't talk to them. and the concept of disliking somebody over enjoying a piece of media seems like the most trivial reason to hate somebody who could potentially be really nice and cool and be a really good friend.
also, the ACTUALLY really bad, awful or abusive people in this world are not gonna be deterred from hurting others by a "uwu X abusers don't interact" bc that's the entire point. they can use that to identify victims, and it just makes you MORE vulnerable and unsafe.
I just don't understand the concept, other than telegraphing the type of people that someone either considers subhuman, to be morally superior, or a misguided attempt to keep oneself safe that ultimately puts you in MORE danger.
I may be totally wrong ab this and this is not to hate on or disparage people who do have a DNI, I just personally don't like or understand it, n think it's an unsafe concept tht shares a lot of personal info. if I'm wrong lmk but yeah it seems like a security risk.
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