#kendall essentially becoming the replacement dad for roman
I feel like connor and kendall are both the parents of roy kid group but its got layers
Connor is kendall shiv and Roman dad but connor is older and left home before they did and ken is the oldest of caroline and Logans kids and was probably around shiv and roman more than connor growing up
Connor is the one that checks on everyone emotionally he makes sure there ok which has its own difficulty but connor is the good cop and ken is the bad cop
but kendall does the hard hard stuff he's one the who starts the convo about who neeeds to be ceo when logans dying in ep1. 2 hes the one continually makes an effort to trying make sure the roy family legacy ends up ok he's the one with the help of logans based husband Frank votes Logan out because he knows Logan is having really bad medical issues
And his arc is to become the new family patriarch and essentially replace logan
The thing about connor and kendall is that that sometimes they switch off kendall is having a difficult time and connor depsite his issues with ken is respectful
and when kendall explains to shiv connor and Roman how they should take the company from Logan its connor who checks on Roman after the shiv and roman spat
Connor is shivs number supporter but he also understand he has his own needs and shiv is currently being delusional shes trying to work in company that wont except her and wants job that she is not trained for and gets mad at ken when he doesn't want to give it to her its ken who continues to be patient with her during her i like daddy and I'm his doll phase
Its ken who calls shiv to give her advice about the deal with sandy and ken and who roman and shiv call to talk to about caroline marriage
But its also connor whos visibly concerned about roman pushing ken whos already at his lowest
Connor never blames kendall about the whole paper situation when shiv feels abandoned by ken because he leaves waystar royco
Because ken is at his lowest now Connor feels a little lonely doing the dad thing alone because now he has look out for ken to and Roman cant be saved a reality that hurts ken and connor deeply
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