#kidding abt the last part that won't happen but i am serious about gaining my degree in ocelstudies and becoming a doctor of ocelcock
lucky-draws · 2 years
drawing ocelot is like so much more complicated than drawing anyone else like big boss or whoever. not cartoony ocelot i mean because i can crank out an itty bitty fish-spurs-wearing catboy creature in no time like its muscle memory but for a Normal Regular "Serious" in inverted commas ocelot it's like it takes a lot for me to be fully satisfied with it because he's a very delicate and layered specimen i think. like there's so much to consider i mean firstly in the games he's often very ugly looking but that's a problem because i want him to not be ugly and also don't like drawing ugly people and also he has to be feline and elegant but not overly feminised or yaoi-uke-fied and he can't be unironically woobified but he has to be funny and visibly sillay sometimes and after all he is undeniably a meow meow but at the same time he should look horrid and yucky disgusting and he has to have visible pretty eyelashes but he cannot be lovely and pleasant in a way that makes him look incapable of vile murders and killings and there needs to be a balance between obscenely thin waist-ishness and more rugged muscular this man is dangerous and also taller than big (manlet) boss-ness and also his hair shouldn't be like bright yellow blonde bc there are too many blonde people in the world but also i don't really have a silver pencil that would work so he ends up looking grey and soggy and also because i love ocelot immensely it means that i am kind to him especially in the hairline department but this can be bad because he ends up with luscious locks and a lovely smile and well sometimes that isn't quite really him. big boss in contrast is so easy all he needs is to be hairy like he's just a hairy man but ocelot contains so many more multitudes. ive also been thinking about whether 70s ocelot wears flared trousers or not and whilst i think they might suit him i also think it's equally in character for him to be, in a world full of flares, somehow capable of obtaining the skinniest jeans known to man, and not to mention the cowboy stuff i haven't even mentioned the cowboy stuff yet but im struggling with feet and boots and also too lazy to draw full length poses right now which is another problem because even though i just said he contains a lot of multitudes it's simultaneously true that the cowboy boots + spurs make up like 60% of his personality. i could go on but my point is that i really think drawing ocelot is an exact and important science and it's a field of study i am willing to dedicate my life or at the very least the few years this blog lasts to. also unrelated but its past midnight here so it's april fools day so sorry in advance if i draw huey emmerich with his cock out or something just for the funnies
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