#kieran zythor
commander-krios · 1 year
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Kieran Zythor + Text Posts
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needlesslycryptic · 7 years
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SWTOR OCs Kieran Zythor and Jaina Highwind, for @knifeofdaudwall and @gwyncath! 
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commander-krios · 1 year
Erik + Kieran = date? ( do not judge him)
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So Kieran has a strict "don't date spies" rule because he can't trust that they aren't secretly working for his mother. The only spy he does trust is his sister but that's because Keshani has it worse than he or Helene did since they are both Force Sensitive.
Erik, he wouldn't trust him, especially with his past being so secretive. So chances are very low, even if Erik has 'good' intentions. Maybe one day they could be friends, but that would be a long way off.
Sorry, Erik.
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commander-krios · 2 years
[ HAIR ]:          sender slowly reaches out to catch a loose strand of the receiver’s hair and tuck it gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. (if the receiver has short hair, then the sender reaches out and gently runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it back.)
Here ya go! Part 2 of a 2 part fic. Part 1 is here. Used some Jonas/Keshani in the background of this fic, but I might do a follow up later about what happens a few days later between them, once they've both stopped being shaken over the events of the fic. Enjoy!
“I can’t believe you just let her go.”
“I didn’t let her do anything.” Jonas snapped, crossing his arms over his chest as the Rattataki woman stood toe to toe with him. Kaliyo may be a full foot shorter than him, but she was capable of a lot of violence and he didn’t have any intention of being on the receiving end of it. “If you knew Keshani as well as you say you do, you know that arguing with her has no effect anyway.”
“She can’t argue if she’s unconscious.”
Derrick stared daggers at the mercenary, not finding any of this as amusing as she seemed to. “Considering Keshani is probably getting tortured at the moment, forgive me for not laughing.”
“Calm down, spook. She owes me credits. I’m not going to let her die.”
“Charming.” He muttered, moving to the window of the warehouse where they’d set up reconnaissance. The Sith knew they were there, Jonas figured she could sense the Alliance Commander’s anger in the Force, but she hadn’t done anything but fortify her base of operations. The entire building was swarming with Imperial guards now.
“Is there anything else we can do besides standing here?” Arcann asked, standing near the same window as Derrick.
Having Arcann this close made Jonas’ skin crawl. He swore it was because the former Eternal Emperor was responsible for killing so many of his friends during the Eternal Empire’s war against the Republic. He refused to consider the other option. The one that involved Keshani.
“I vote for explosives.” Kaliyo said with a savage grin. He had no idea what the former Imperial Agent saw in the Rattataki, but he could admit that she was perfect if they needed a distraction.
“We need to be careful with how we approach this. Keshani could get caught in the crossfire.” Lana explained as gently as she could, not even bothering to glance up from her datapad. “Theron agrees with the assessment.”
Jonas rolled his eyes. Theron, of course, had been busy on another assignment. What he wouldn’t give to have his best friend here besides the Sith. Although, her powers could come in handy.
“It doesn’t matter what Theron thinks, he isn’t here.” The Alliance Commander was the tallest person in the room, a hulking mass of a Sith, a warrior with no equal. Or so the rumors said. Jonas hadn’t seen him in action before, but just by looking at him, he believed them. Kieran Zythor was well over 6’5, long blonde hair brushing his shoulders, piercing green eyes that matched his twin’s. Three diagonal scars ran along the left side of his face. Cybernetics covered the other side. If that wasn’t enough to give a person pause, the terrifying calm he radiated would. 
“Then what do you propose we do?” Arcann asked, the only person in the room besides Lana who could look the Commander in the eye and not flinch. “The more time we waste, the more likely we are to rescue a body.”
Jonas winced at that, unable to imagine Keshani dead at the hands of a vengeful Sith. To have all of these people gathered together to save her, to risk their own lives to make sure hers didn’t end, said a lot about the kind of person she was. 
“Who’s the Zabrak?” Kaliyo asked, sitting on a rickety chair and throwing her feet up on the only table in the room. “I don’t recognize her from the Cipher days.”
Lana typed something into the datapad. “Lord Kallig. Birth name unknown. She was once a slave on Dromund Kaas until she was found to have an affinity for the Force. She apprenticed under Darth Nox.”
That name was familiar… and a terrible thought entered his head.
“Is… Is she doing this under Nox’s orders?”
The Commander bared his teeth in a vicious growl. “If she is, I’m going to rip Nox’s head from her body.”
“Kieran- perhaps threatening to murder the Empress of the Sith isn’t the best course of action.” Lana warned him gently.
“I’m not threatening the Empress. I’m threatening my sister. And I’ll damned well do what I want.” He hit the table in front of him so hard that it shook. Kaliyo immediately returned her feet to the floor, a look of alarm crossing her face.
“Whoa, big guy. We won’t let anything happen to her.” She said, in a way that could’ve been considered comforting if it was anyone but her.
“Don’t patronize me, Rattataki.”
Kaliyo rolled her eyes, but didn’t respond. Probably smart on her part.
“Listen, we don’t know what we’re walking into. Lord Kallig is a powerful assassin and a sorceress, much like the Empress.” Lana explained, her voice calm in the midst of turmoil. Jonas was positive that without Lana’s presence, the warehouse they stood in would’ve been in flames.
“We need a plan that doesn’t involve getting any of ourselves killed in the process. We are useless if we’re dead.” Derrick interjected, a permanent scowl on his face. He hadn’t been pleasant since Keshani had disappeared with that Zabrak. Not that Jonas could say he’d been either.
“Yes.” Lana agreed, finally setting her datapad down to look at those gathered. “I think a good place to start would be with Kaliyo and her explosives.”
The Rattataki perked right up at those words. “Yeah? Speak to me, oh Sithy one.”
Lana’s lips twitched with a shadow of a smile, but she managed to keep it at bay. “Let’s discuss options.”
Her eyes opened to darkness. 
Keshani wasn’t sure of how much time had passed since she’d surrendered herself to Lord Kallig, but by the ache in her arms and back, it had been hours at least. The chair she was secured to was uncomfortable, the cuffs rubbing the skin of her wrists raw. A dull throbbing in her head made her hiss in the silence. The Sith hadn’t been kind even though she came willingly.
Her head fell back against the chair, a groan slipping past her lips. She was most likely concussed and if that was true, she was going to have an awful time trying to escape.
“Good. You’re awake.”
The lights of the cell flickered on, blinding her. Keshani shut her eyes, trying to keep her breathing even and steady, trying to keep her anxiety from overwhelming her. 
“Was this necessary?” She managed to ask, her eyes opening to slits so that she could watch the Zabrak Sith without worrying about getting a lightsaber in the gut.
The Zabrak shrugged, a grin curling her lips. “I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic.”
Keshani would have laughed if she wasn’t in pain. With all of the years she worked with Sith, Lord Kallig had been a whisper in the shadows, one of those Sith that parents told their kids about to get them to do their chores. While Keshani’s older sister was a force to be reckoned with, she’d managed to usurp Vowrawn not long ago, Kallig could be considered an equal in cruelty to the new Empress.
Kallig was more than an enemy. She was a threat to the entire Alliance.
Clearing her throat, Keshani waited briefly as her vision adjusted to the brightness. Then she met the Sith’s crimson eyes. “What things am I here to do for you?”
The smile turned suddenly cruel. “Oh Cipher. You think I brought you here for your help?”
The laugh that followed her question did little to ease her anxiety.
“Oh no, my darling. I have other plans for you.” Reaching out, Kallig scraped a sharp nail against her cheek. “So let’s get started, shall we?”
Derrick laid on the ledge beside him, eye pressed to the scope of his rifle, keeping an eye on the guards below. Kieran, Lana, and Arcann were going to clear a path for the rest of them, their Force powers more powerful than any blaster was. The rest of them would follow once the guards were dispatched and then together, they would find the Sith and hopefully, Keshani. 
Lana had supplied Kaliyo with a box of grenades and mines. Jonas didn’t want to know where the Sith had acquired them. All he wanted at that moment was to be looking for Keshani. He could only imagine the sorts of torture that she was suffering at the hands of a vicious Sith Lord.
Forcing the image from his mind, Jonas focused on the scene below. Lana and Kieran had sliced through the first set of guards, red and purple lightsabers making it easier to follow their progress. He didn’t see the former Eternal Emperor at first, but when a guard dropped to the ground dead a few feet from where the Sith were, the yellow glow of Arcann’s lightsaber signaled his arrival.
Derrick noticed it as well if his snort was any indication.
Jonas was momentarily distracted by the flash of the Alliance Commander’s weapons, violet and teal creating a beautiful whirlwind of colors in the darkness of the alley. Keshani was right about her brother: he was fiercely protective of her, but he was also one hell of a dramatic Sith.
With a growl, he threw one of his sabers at a guard. The blade sliced a devastating wound into the man’s chest and he dropped to the ground without a sound. Kieran didn’t notice the cloaked figure approaching him from behind, but Derrick did. His rifle cracked loudly, a bolt finding home in the skull of his target.
The Commander’s gaze briefly dropped to the body before finding Derrick above him. The tiniest of smiles curled his lips. He nodded his thanks before turning back to the task at hand.
“Show off,” Jonas muttered, securing a blaster in each hand before moving to the ladder.
Derrick was silent, intent on keeping his focus on the battlefield. It was probably for the best, Jonas didn’t want to get into an argument when they had other pressing concerns. He descended the ladder quickly, his feet finding solid ground only a few seconds later.
The Sith and Arcann had finished clearing out what guards were posted outside the main door. He had to step over a few bodies and scattered body parts before he reached their side. He tried to ignore the sudden disgust that turned his stomach, knowing that these Imperials probably weren’t all just ‘doing their job.’ Many of them enjoyed hurting others. Perhaps this was some sort of justice for crimes they committed.
“Are you going to be alright, Agent Balkar?” Lana’s eerily calm voice broke through his morose thoughts. “You could stay behind if you can’t handle the fight.”
Jonas wanted to scoff, to snap at her, but he managed to hold back those instincts. They wouldn’t serve him here. “I’m not… used to working with Sith. I’ll be fine.”
Lana didn’t appear convinced by the words, but she stayed silent.
“Is the Rattataki ready?” Kieran asked no one in particular, eyes on the door that sat only a few feet away. 
To Jonas’ surprise, Arcann was the one to answer. “Yes.”
“Then blow the door. Kallig has a date with my lightsaber.”
An explosion rocked the building, the light in her cell flickering wildly before casting the entire room in darkness. 
“Oh goodie, our guests are here.” 
Kallig sounded entirely too excited about coming face to face with whatever army Kieran had brought with him. No doubt, he’d already wiped out a large portion of her guards and would do anything he had to to bring her back home. And she knew, by his side, would be Jonas and Derrick.
The thought would’ve been relieving if she was in the hands of anyone else but a Sith Lord.
The glow of a purple-black core lightsaber was the only illumination in the room. Kallig held it close enough to her face so that her expression could be seen. Baring her sharp teeth in a grin, the Zabrak pulled Keshani from her chair with only the use of the force. She almost stumbled at the suddenness of it, but managed to stay upright.
“Come, Cipher. Let’s go say hello.”
They didn’t have to walk far from her cell. At the far end of the hallway was her brother and his entourage. Even with her cybernetic enhancements, it was hard to see who was who, but she would recognize the colors of his sabers no matter where they were.
When Kallig was certain he was in earshot, she let out a giggle that sounded completely unhinged. “I was hoping you would get my invitation, m’lord. You certainly are a difficult man to get in contact with.”
“Let her go, Vaka, and perhaps I’ll let you live.” Kieran growled, his lightsabers sparking wildly. His anger was barely in control and Keshani heard the threat in his voice. He would kill Kallig where she stood if she didn’t.
“Tsk, tsk, Kieran. We both know I can’t do that.” The Zabrak’s lightsaber was pointed at Keshani’s throat, the humming filling her ears and the heat scorching the skin. “I was sent here to kill both of you and I intend to honor my contracts.”
Movement behind her brother caught Keshani’s eye. Arcann was there, the glow of his own lightsaber joining Kieran’s. And next to him… was Jonas.
He was trying not to appear afraid, but she could see the way the corners of his eyes tightened, the twist of his lips into a frown, his body tense. Keshani knew he feared for her life, but this wasn’t the first time a Sith had threatened to kill her.
Her twin stepped forward, diverting her attention as he pointed his teal lightsaber at Kallig. “Duel me, coward. If you defeat me, then the Force wills it.”
Vaka’s crimson gaze turned to meet Kieran’s challenge. “Very well. We will see if the Alliance Commander is still as powerful as he thinks he is.”
“When you fall, I’ll send your head back to your Empress.”
A manic laugh escaped from Kallig’s mouth before she lunged. Kieran’s sabers came up defensively, stopping the single lightsaber she carried. With her free hand, she conjured a ball of lightning, but before she could aim it, Kieran spun away, his lightsabers flashing.
Keshani took the opportunity to press herself against the wall, keeping herself as far from the fight as possible. If she wanted to get out of here alive, and get her stubborn brother out alive, she was going to have to be smart. Her back collided with durasteel walls and she shifted closer to the encroaching darkness.
Kieran was focused on the fight, his face twisted as he snarled at Kallig. She ducked as he swung his violet lightsaber, getting an opportunity to unleash some of her chain lightning at him. His teal saber came down and deflected the majority of the attack, but he was still burned by a few bolts.
He used the pain to feed his anger, coming at Kallig without hesitation. She didn’t stand a chance against his brute strength, but the Zabrak was a Sith assassin. She disappeared into the shadows before his strike could connect, her laughter echoing after her. Kieran growled, glancing wildly into the darkness, searching for a hint of her location, anything that would give her away.
Kieran’s cybernetics weren’t the same ones that Keshani had spent years adjusting to her work. His were meant to administer painkillers, to help him heal the worst of his injuries, and to give him stimulants to keep him on his feet during a fight. Keshani’s, however, enhanced her eyesight and hearing. As a sniper, it was a necessity. Imperial Intelligence made sure that their agents had had advantages. 
Lightning manifested behind Kieran, a violet and white so bright that it was blinding. He didn’t get his sabers in their defensive positions in time. The lightning hit him square in the chest, scorching the plating of his armor and forcing him back, a sickening crack following as his head smacked against the wall.
Keshani didn’t think.
With her arms still bound, she ran towards where the lightning had originated until her body collided with the shadowy figure of Kallig, both of them sprawling to the floor in a tangle of limbs. The Zabrak roared in anger when her cloaking failed, exposing her to Kieran’s allies. 
None of them could get to her side fast enough. Kallig grabbed Keshani by the hair, yanking her backwards until she felt the Sith’s fangs sink into the tender flesh of her shoulder. She could easily rip her throat out from this angle and Keshani froze, her entire body waiting for that death strike.
The humming of Lana and Arcann’s lightsabers filled the silence. Keshani searched for Jonas in the darkness, relieved to find him well, but his expression did little to ease her own fears. Warm blood dripped down her neck, the sharp teeth stinging her with any small movement. If she was going to die, then at least she would be able to see Jonas one last time.
“Release her.”
The voice came from behind Kallig, not from the small group in front of them. And it wasn’t Kieran…but Derrick. Keshani couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face. Hope fluttered in her chest for the first time that night.
Kallig removed her teeth enough to speak. “What makes you think you can stop me before I rip her throat out?”
Derrick was silent for a brief moment. Keshani could hear her brother moving a few feet away, but she didn’t dare look in his direction. Maybe Kallig wouldn’t notice him until it was too late. 
Derrick let out a snort. “I’m the best shot that the SIS has. No offense, Keshani.”
Gods, she loved that man. She just would never tell him that.
Jonas took a step forward, blaster in hand. “Do you want to test that claim, Sith? Let her go. You’re outnumbered.”
Kallig growled viciously before removing her teeth completely. Then she shoved Keshani to the ground. She landed on her injured shoulder, the pain nearly enough to knock her out, but Jonas was suddenly there, cutting the bindings from her aching wrists. Arcann and Lana were on Kallig before she could think to escape.
When she lifted her eyes to meet Jonas’ concerned gaze, she felt like she could breathe again. She was alive, he was here with her. Kallig would end up in a disrupter collar somewhere on an Alliance base. Reaching out, Jonas brushed a stray piece of her blonde hair behind her ear, his fingertips lingering on her cheek momentarily before he checked her wound. 
“What in the nine kriffing hells were you thinking?” He whispered, applying a kolto bandage to the bite marks. “Do you have a death wish?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. ‘Broke Down Speeder’.” Keshani teased, ignoring the sudden lightheadedness she felt. She stopped herself from saying anything else when Derrick appeared at her shoulder. 
“What the fucking hell-”
“I already asked her that.” Jonas interrupted sharper than he probably intended, but his jaw was clenched as he watched the Force users deal with the Sith. “The Commander and his crew seem to have everything in hand. Keshani needs medical attention. We need to get her to the safe house.”
Derrick glowered at his friend, but nodded his approval nonetheless. Once she was secured with one arm over each of their shoulders, they began to move in the direction that Jonas had entered the warehouse. Keshani glanced back briefly to see Kallig watching her with those crimson eyes, focused and full of vicious malice.
She knew that this encounter was far from over. Kallig wouldn’t rest until she and Kieran were dead. 
However long that would take.
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commander-krios · 1 year
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Took a few old favorites through some of the expansions today
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commander-krios · 2 years
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commander-krios · 2 years
Angsty Love Prompt List
“You say you’re dangerous. That you destroy everything you touch. So destroy me. Ruin me. Tear me apart, and let me love you all the same. “
“And I'm not afraid to love you. Only afraid my love won’t be enough. “
“I feel like shit.” “You look like it, too.” *they bump shoulders*
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to do this to me.”
"Nothing about any moment I've ever spent with you will ever be a regret.”
"I'll find you. Okay? I promise you, whatever happens, I’ll find you, and we'll be together, and everything will be good again. "
“Do you truly believe that anything so little as a rule, or a law, might have stopped me from protecting you? “
“You. I'll always and endlessly fight for you. “
“This path you’re on… it’s gonna get you killed. You know that, though; don’t you? “
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been killed! “
“You need to go now, okay? Don’t worry. I've got this. They’ll want to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you.“
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commander-krios · 2 years
A Well Fought Battle
A fic for my dear friend @hunnybadgerv of their Inquisitor, Astyrr Wryn, and a few of my Imperial darlings. I hope you like it! <3
Dead leaves crunched beneath her boots as she waded deeper into the jungles of Dromund Kaas. She usually didn’t mind being planetside, but stomping through the thick jungle flora in synthleather boots and matching jacket was not on the list of things she wanted to be doing today. On that list also included being the mediator between two Sith Lords.
“I told you this was the wrong direction.” The human Sith said, his long blonde hair shining eerily in the moonlight that had managed to penetrate the canopy. Cora couldn’t make out his expression, but by his tone, he sounded irritated. Waving to the thick trees that surrounded them, he turned those weirdly charming green eyes on his fellow Sith. “The cave is not here.”
The other Sith, a Miralukan with short hair of the strangest red, made a show of turning her face away from him. “Lord Zythor, I didn’t take you for a defeatist.”
Those green eyes narrowed dangerously. “Do not mock me, Wryn.”
Cora could see Lord Astyrr Wryn’s lips curl upwards. She was amused. Kark, that wasn’t going to end well for the non-Sith in the room… er, wilds.
With an inward sigh, Cora took a few steps to catch up to the two towering Sith Lords. “Keep it down, will ya? We don’t want every creepy crawler to attack us because you two can’t stop pissing in each other’s ‘Sith flakes’.”
The two Sith tensed at her words, the irritation almost as thick as the humidity. Then, as if a spell lifted, they relaxed, but only slightly.
Lord Wryn was the one to meet her worried gaze. “I apologize. I will do my best to avoid antagonizing the illustrious Lord Zythor.” She waved absentmindedly with her hand as she spoke. Cora had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Oh yeah, she was trying so hard.
Kieran Zythor rolled his eyes, but said nothing. He stepped away from them, closing his eyes and did his weird ‘search the force’ thing. After a moment, he sighed, turning back to them with a shake of his head. “We need to look at the map again.”
Cora grumbled, grabbing the crude map drawn on a piece of flimsi from the pack on her back. She laid it out on the ground, leaves crunching at the pressure as she smoothed it out. The never ending dark of Dromund Kaas made it impossible to read. “Hey, I can’t see-”
A humming sound cut through the quiet, followed by a red glow in the dark. Cora’s eyes widened, the lightsaber not far from where she sat, held out by Astyrr. Cora glanced at her, taking note of the expectant tilt of the Sith’s head.
“Uh, thanks?” 
She didn’t know why the Sith didn’t just use a glow rod. The comment was on the tip of her tongue before she thought better of it. Best not anger her allies before they completed their mission. Averting her gaze to the map, Cora quickly took note of the major landmarks before letting her eyes make a sweep of their surroundings. Nothing immediately jumped out at her.
“Well, what?”
Kieran shot her a glare as he approached where she knelt. “Don’t play games, Mandalorian.”
Astyrr made an annoyed sound deep in her throat. “If you’d listened to her in the first place, my lord, then we wouldn’t be lost in the jungle.”
Kieran raised an eyebrow, not looking at all angry like Cora had expected. He almost appeared amused. “Yes, well, you seem entirely too trusting of the bounty hunter.”
“I wouldn’t call it trusting, Zythor. I can at least respect the fact that she knows what she’s doing. She does hunt down criminals for money for a living or am I misremembering what a bounty hunter does?”
Cora snorted, unable to stop herself. Kieran glanced at her sharply, green eyes narrowing. She sobered instantly. “Can we move on, please?”
Gathering up the flimsi, Cora stuffed it into her pack. “Since you asked so nicely.” After scanning the jungles around them, she noticed a break in the foliage where they might be able to survey the land. “We need to head that way.”
Before either Sith could comment, the Twi’lek trudged forward, determined to get to their destination before the rain started again. While she might enjoy thunderstorms on any other day, she didn’t want to get caught in a downpour while dealing with bickering Force users. No one spoke as they made their way through the thick vines and large trees. If she could get through this, then maybe she’d be lucky enough to never have to deal with their kind again.
With a frustrated noise, she knew that would never happen.
The group left some of the thickest part of the Kaas jungles a few more miles into their walk. Cora was about to navigate over a small stream when a hand reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back the way she came.
“What the-”
Kieran put a finger to his lips, his hand still on her arm. She stilled when he pointed to where Astyrr was standing a few feet away, her head tilted to the side as if she was listening to something… or someone.
“The cave is not far.” She said, quietly. “Unfortunately for us, there is a complication.”
“Of course there is.” Cora sighed, reaching to her holster for her trusty blasters. Feeling the metal beneath her hands helped settle her nerves. “How many are we talkin’?”
“Oh that’s not-”
“One enormous and extremely irritated Jurgoran.” Astyrr finished, suppressing a grin at Cora’s expense. When she turned to Kieran next, any hint of a smile was gone. “Are you prepared, Lord Zythor?”
Kieran pulled both of his lightsabers from their holders at his belt, switching them on simultaneously. The dark was broken with their red and purple glow. Astyrr nodded, turning to lead the rest of the way to their destination.
The mouth of the cave loomed ahead, dark as pitch, the sound of water dripping somewhere in the abyss. Cora swallowed nervously, glancing at the two Sith as they listened for any sign of the creature. Neither spoke, but they seemed to come to an understanding in the silence. Kieran took point, leading them into the maw of the cave, his lightsabers held aloft for what little light they provided. The darkness seemed to swallow the glow, leaving it almost darker than it would’ve been without them.
Astyrr had armed herself as well, the blood red of her saber joining that of her fellow Sith’s. Their footsteps joined the sounds of water, but everything else was quiet. She didn’t hear the rumble of the Jurgoran or any other creature, but that only worried her more. That meant it probably knew they were coming.
Before she could mention this likely scenario, a roar broke the stillness. The walls of the cavern shook, dislodging rocks from the ceiling, sending them shattering against the ground. Cora was helpless, unable to defend herself against rocks, not with a blaster. She heard the crack before she could react. 
A rock exploded directly overhead, shards flinging in all directions. Instinctively, she raised her arms to protect herself, but that’s when she noticed the Force lightning curling around Astyrr’s hands and arms. Before she managed to reconcile what had happened, Kieran was forcing them deeper in the cave, preparing for battle.
The tunnel connected them to an enormous chamber lit by torches with eerie purple flames. These torches stood at attention around a decorated sarcophagus. It was the only source of the light in the cave, but it was more than enough for Cora to notice the large hulking form of the Jurgoran. Astyrr stopped on the threshold, head tilted at an odd angle as she took in the energy of the room.
“The relic is here.” She said, her voice sounding loud in the quiet of the cave. When the hand without her lightsaber raised into the space in front of her, Cora took a step back, wondering how she got herself into this not for the first time.
“Then we fight.” Kieran muttered, little warning given before he launched his entire body at the Jurgoran, nothing but a streak of red and black through the air. He landed at its feet, the towering creature taking a swipe at him once it realized he was there. He rolled under the arm, coming back to his feet a moment later, his lightsabers slicing into the tough hide. The Jurgoran bellowed, the would enough to hurt it.
Astyrr didn’t jump into the fray, but instead, stood on the edge of the cave, her lightning arcing from her hands as she kept her focus on their foe. Her saber was posed for an attack should the Jurgoran come close, but her sorcerer skills would keep it at bay, especially with Kieran keeping it occupied.
Cora lifted her blasters, one in each hand, and took shots during openings in Kieran’s vicious attack. Most of her bolts did little to no damage, glancing off of the Jurgoran’s thick hide, leaving scorch marks in the rock walls behind it.
Frustrated, the monster lifted its gigantic arms, slamming it against the ground at its feet. The entire cavern network shook from the shockwave, stone splitting along the floor and walls. The force of it knocked Cora off of her feet, her body sprawling against the stone, her head nearly smacking against the ground. Kieran had cleared the shockwave, landing on the Jurgoran’s back, his sabers sticking into the tender flesh at the base of its neck. With another furious roar, it reached back and plucked the Sith from his perch. Then it threw him across the room.
Kieran landed in a heap a few feet from where Astyrr stood, her body completely engulfed in her lightning. She made no move towards him, instead focusing on the creature as it began to approach. Each step shook the floor beneath their feet. Cora had managed to clamber back onto her own two feet, one blaster lost to the darkness. The other was still in her dominant hand.
From where she stood, Cora could see the damage that Kieran had inflicted with his lightsabers. The creature was losing blood fast, but it wasn’t fast enough to drop the Jurgoran before it reached where Astyrr waited. With a steadying breath, Cora lined up what was going to be a difficult shot, but it was the best she would get.
When Astyrr hit the monster with a ball of lightning, it staggered, giving Cora the opening she needed. She fired the blaster, not breathing until the bolt hit where its injury was, severing the spine and dropping the creature before it could attack.
The only sound in the cave after the creature fell was Cora’s heavy breathing and the sound of Kieran groaning where he lay on the ground, coming to after the fight. Her eyes were locked on the dead Jurgoran, her heart pounding so loudly that she hadn’t even noticed Astyrr approach.
The Sith Lord turned to her with an expression that could’ve bordered on respect. “Your skills are admirable, Mandalorian.”
Cora was grateful that the darkness hid the blush on her cheeks. Genuine praise from a Sith Lord was another unexpected part of the day. “That’s why you hired a Mandalorian, not just any bounty hunter.”
Astyrr bowed her head in acknowledgement. “Perhaps. Or maybe it was because of your reputation.” Another groan interrupted her and she sighed, motioning over her shoulder where Kieran was struggling to his knees. “We should help our friend. Then we have a relic to collect.”
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Kieran Zythor
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full name: Kieran Zythor
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: he/him
family: Philipp Zythor (father),  Acantha Zythor (mother), Keshani Zythor (twin sister), Helene Zythor (sister)
birthplace: Dromund Kaas
job: Sith Warrior, Emperor’s Wrath, Outlander, Emperor of the Eternal Empire
phobias: illness
guilty pleasures: Has no guilty pleasures, but actively enjoys food, wine, and sex.
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Kieran has never had trouble making friends. He’s charismatic and friendly, although he can have quite the temper when angered.
organized/disorganized: He’s always been organized. He finds it makes his life easier.
close minded/open-minded: Despite growing up under a Dark Council member, Kieran tends to be more open minded than most Sith. His friendship with Vette helps that quite a bit.
calm/anxious: He can be either. It depends on the situation he’s in.
disagreeable/agreeable: Again, like the former, it depends on the situation and how he responds to it.
cautious/reckless: He used to be reckless in his youth, thinking it would help get him ahead. But as he got older and more wiser, he realized caution had its advantages as well.
patient/impatient: He’s an impatient person. He doesn’t like having to wait for something or given busy work when he could finish his mission and move on to the next.
outspoken/reserved: Kieran has never had a problem expressing his displeasure about something.
leader/follower: He’s the middle child of 3, and one of the only two who are force sensitive. His mother made sure he had every advantage in life so he easily takes on the leader role.
empathetic/unemphatic: For a Sith, he’s a lot more empathetic than people expect.
optimistic/pessimistic: Used to be pessimistic (mother’s influence tbh), but he saw how it only halted his progress so he tried to be more optimistic and found it worked better.
traditional/modern: A mixture of both. He sees the usefulness in using both in the way he approaches life.
hard-working/lazy: Hard working, but knows when to take a break.
otp: Kieran x Jaina Highwind (friend’s OC)
ot3: none
brotp: Kieran & Vette, Kieran & Lana, Kieran & Vowrawn
notp: Kieran x Jaesa
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commander-krios · 3 years
"12. …discreetly" from the 50 reasons to touch someone list? for helene and zhilae?
I forgot how easy it is to write for these two! Thank you for this. I hope it's good!
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Sadness was not an emotion that Helene Zythor felt often, if at all. She was a hardened woman, moulded by her mother into an unyielding force of destruction. She was the first born, the strongest of her siblings in the Force. She could channel lightning, fight with a lightsaber, and even knew how to use her wiles to her best advantage if all else failed.
But this was new terrain for her.
When her father died, she mourned him like a daughter would, but to say she felt any real sadness would be a lie. Her father was a distant figure in her life. He was a soldier, a Moff… he didn’t have an affinity for the Force so she never spent more than a few brief moments with him during childhood. That was her mother’s decision more than her own. But she’d never missed his affections.
When her mother was killed only a year past, Helene could’ve celebrated. Acantha was never a loving or doting mother, always more interested in power and control than her children’s wellbeing. Perhaps that’s why Keshani had cut ties with the family once she’d abandoned Sith Intelligence. Not that Helene blamed her. If not for her mother’s connections, she might’ve done the same.
But Kieran…
A tear fell from her eyes and slid down her cheek, wet and warm against her cold skin.
The loss of her brother was like a knife to her chest. Growing up, they leaned on each other through the worst of their mother’s teachings. When they went to Korriban to the Sith Academy, they could only trust each other. They’d had each other’s backs, kept the other safe. Helene could always rely on her younger brother to be there in her direst of times, as she would be with his.
But this… she didn’t know how to handle this.
Lana had never found a body. She wasn’t even entirely sure a body would be found with the way the cruiser had exploded after the attack. But she had to find out.
As she stared at the destruction from the helm of her starship, she reached out with the force, trying to find any trace of his power left in the remnants of ship and space. Nothing tugged at her mind so she pushed farther out, searching as best as she could. Echoes of his power brushed against her consciousness, but nothing concrete enough to give her any answers. Kieran was a powerful Sith. His strength would leave marks upon the galaxy upon his death.
With a frustrated growl, Helene conjured a ball of lightning, throwing it into the durasteel wall to her left. The electricity sparked brightly, sending arcs across the cockpit. It shocked her skin, but she ignored the brief pain in favor of her internal turmoil. She hated being useless, but especially when it should’ve been easy for her to confirm his death.
Covering her face with her hands, Helene closed her eyes, feeling her heart pound furiously at the sudden burst of power. She finally let the tears flow free, unable to hold them back any longer. Sorrow and rage warred within, neither coming out on top as victor. She was angry: at herself for failing to find answers, at her brother for stupidly trying to fight the new threat with only Marr as backup, for his crew for not boarding the ship with him…
Footsteps broke the silence. A light touch on her arm was enough to alert her to the only presence that she’d allow to see her in such a state.
Wiping her eyes, she stared out at the blackness of space once more, not seeing the debris any longer. Not seeing much of anything at all. “I don’t sense him.”
Zhilae didn’t speak which Helene was grateful for. She doubted there was anything her girlfriend could say that would ease her pain at that moment.
“I- I can’t tell if he’s dead or not. I can’t sense anything.” Her frustration grew again, beating down the sadness into the darkest depths of her soul. Clenching her fists, Helene wiped the last of the stray tears from her eyes roughly. “He can’t be dead. He can’t-”
Zhilae caught her by the wrist, stopping Helene from pulling at her hair. Emerald eyes met gold, the women staring at one another in the tense silence that followed. Zhilae was calm, reserved as she towered over Helene, her crimson skin bright against the gray walls of the ship.
Zhilae pulled Helene slightly closer, refusing to let the Sith drop her gaze. “If I know anything about the Zythor family, and if your tenacity is any indication, there is no way that your brother is dead.”
“You can’t possibly believe that.” Helene snapped, tugging her arm away.
Zhilae released her grip, but didn’t back away from the Sith Lord. “I do. If your brother is even half of the Sith you are, he is biding his time so he can come back at the worst time imaginable.”
Helene snorted a laugh. It was the best she could do with her tumultuous emotions, but the quip certainly deserved something because if she admitted it to herself… Zhilae had a point. None of the Zythor children would die without taking everyone with them. There was no proof of that in the wreck.
Kieran was alive.
“You’re right.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
Helene finally smiled. With one final glance at the destruction, she came to a decision. “Take the helm. We have a Wrath to find.”
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commander-krios · 3 years
One Word Writing Prompts - 33. hide
Thank you for this! I ended up using my Imperial Agent turned SIS Agent, Keshani Zythor. There are special appearances by my Sith Warrior, Kieran, and @kaosstar's Derrick. Enjoy!
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Keshani Zythor was too good at her job.
She didn't know why she’d agreed to this stupid mission. Going back home after she’d defected was dumb and she was usually smarter than this. Now here she was, being hunted like an animal through the forests of Dromund Kaas. She had no means of protecting herself except a blaster. She’d left her sniper rifle at the safehouse, not thinking she would need it to meet in a public place.
How wrong she’d been.
Nothing seemed amiss at first. She’d completed a rather tricky job for the Sith as she was instructed to do. Without the help of her old Imperial contacts, it had been difficult to acquire the rare artifact. But she’d managed it. The Sith inspected the object before commanding her apprentice to dispose of Keshani.
And now she was running for her life through the dense vegetation, dodging wildlife and rain as a storm brewed overhead. Her comms weren’t working, either due to the storm or a jammer, she was unsure. It didn’t matter in the end. She wouldn’t be able to get a message to anyone out here.
Breath coming in puffs, Keshani brushed her soaked hair from her eyes, glancing through the darkness for anywhere she could hide out the storm. A tree caught her eye, a crevice in the exposed roots just large enough for her to fit. Glancing over her shoulder, she didn’t see her pursuer, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t there. She was too exposed where she stood. Without another moment of hesitation, the agent hurried to the dead tree. Kneeling into the mud, Keshani crawled between the roots, feeling the drops of rain on her skin practically disappear as she settled into her new shelter. She could still see part of the forest through the space between the roots, the white lightning creating eerie shadows among the foliage.
No sign of the Sith or her apprentice. For a brief moment, Keshani took a deep breath, trying to calm the pounding of her heart. She should’ve taken her twin’s advice and brought him along for backup. It wasn’t like her to knowingly walk into a situation she couldn’t get out of. She always had a contingency plan.
She fucked up.
Jonas was going to be so furious with her.
The two of them had barely gotten to know each other past the professional bounds of their jobs. There was so much she wanted to learn about him, about the feelings that had appeared suddenly whenever she spent time with him… feelings that she thought were long dead.
Then there was her brother… Her twin. He was everything to her. For years, she thought him dead. Then he appeared one day as the Outlander and brought down the entire Eternal Empire. He only wanted to help her through this new part of her life. His understanding and support had nearly brought her to tears. She hadn’t had that kind of support since their father died.
Then there was Derrick. He’d been suspicious of her for years because of her ties to the Empire. The two of them had been forced together on missions and eventually, he’d become her best friend. Her only real friend in the Republic besides Theron. Would he be angry with her or would he mourn her? She didn’t know. Derrick was a complicated man, but one that she’d come to respect and admire.
A branch snapping in the distance halted her thoughts. Holding her breath, Keshani pulled the blaster from her belt, holding it at the ready should she need to use it. Her green eyes darted around, trying to distinguish between the plants and what was approaching. Then she saw it.
The apprentice wasn’t walking through the forest as cautiously as she had. He had no need to. He had control of the Force. He had powers that Keshani could only dream about. He also had a lightsaber.
That’s what had caught her eye. The crimson glow of the weapon illuminated the darkness, making it easy for the Sith to see as he made his way through the thick vegetation. Water from the storm clung to his robes, his hair, his skin… all reflecting that same glow. It would’ve been beautiful if he wasn’t intent on killing her.
Keshani lowered her blaster slightly, hoping to keep the metal of the gun from reflecting as well.
“Come out, little agent. I have my orders and you’re making me angry.” His gold eyes swept over his surroundings. A sensation tickled the back of her brain, as if the very air around them was constricting with the storm. It hit her a second too late. He was searching for her with the Force. The Sith looked directly at her hiding place, a smile curling his lips. “Found you.”
Keshani lifted the blaster, but she was too slow. The weapon was ripped from her hands and flew through the air, embedding in the trunk of a tree behind the Sith.
She couldn’t help the terrified noise that slipped past her lips as she tried to move farther into the tree’s protection, but that did nothing. The Sith lifted a hand and ripped the roots from the ground, exposing Keshani to the storm once again. Rain soaked her from above while the mud below made it impossible to get away.
A foot pressed into her back, shoving her farther into the mud. She managed to turn her head just enough to keep from suffocating in the thick silt, but it didn’t matter. She was going to die anyway.
With a deranged chuckle, the Sith pressed his heel harder into her spine, enjoying the pained cries that came from her mouth. “I’m going to savor this.”
As he raised the lightsaber, the familiar sound of a sniper rifle echoed.
The lightsaber fell to the ground beside Keshani, the red blade sending smoke up where it heated the mud. The Sith’s foot left her back as he stumbled, a blaster wound where his weapon had been. With a curse, the Sith spun to face his new foe.
A familiar face emerged from the branches of a tree overhead, dropping down onto the wet ground. With a nasty smirk aimed at the Sith, the man raised his rifle. “Come get some, you bastard.”
Growling, the Sith launched himself at Derrick, a ball of lightning forming in his outstretched hand. The attack didn’t land. As Keshani got to her knees, she found that the Sith had been thrown across the forest. He lay crumpled at the base of a tree, the force of the impact breaking his neck immediately.
Coughing, Keshani tried to wipe the mud from her face, but only succeeded in adding more.
“I told you to let me come along.” A deep, calm voice said from above.
She glanced up, not surprised to find her twin’s equally emerald eyes glaring down at her. “I’m lucky you never listen.”
Kieran rolled his eyes at her quip. “Not funny.”
Derrick was at her side a moment later, helping her to her feet. He glanced at the sky as thunder crashed loudly. “We should probably move this inside. The storm’s getting worse.”
Kieran sighed, lifting the dead apprentice's lightsaber from the ground. “I have unfinished business to attend to. Can I count on you to get her someplace safe until I return?”
Derrick’s eyes slanted angrily in the direction of her brother. “Do I look incompetant?”
“Well, considering my sister’s here in the mud, nearly dead, I’d say the SIS doesn’t hold a candle to Imperial Intelligence when it comes to completing missions.” Kieran snapped, his grip tightening on the weapon in his hand.
Keshani didn’t know what Derrick would’ve said had they not been in this precarious position, considering the SIS agent’s history with the Empire, but she might’ve liked to see someone give her brother a tongue lashing. He certainly deserved it at times. “Derrick- we need to get back. Jonas is waiting for a report.”
Blinking the rain from his eyes, he nodded, but Keshani could see the tightness in his jaw. “Let’s go.”
Kieran spared them one last glance before walking in the opposite direction. Keshani would’ve felt bad for what that Sith had coming, but then again, she wasn’t Imperial anymore. They would all get their comeuppance one day.
It was a few minutes before Derrick spoke again. “You had me worried, Imp. Don’t ever do that again.”
His tone was serious, but the look on his face proved how scared he’d been for her.
Laying a hand on his arm, Keshani couldn’t help but agree with him. She was tired of the near death experiences. “I’d say this makes us even.”
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commander-krios · 3 years
For my terrible son, Kieran: 4, 6, 10, & 14
Thank you, hun! It's been a while doing something for this jackass (affectionate).
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4. Summer or winter: Depends. During the winter, he can cuddle with Jaina under the blankets and have reasons to just hide away in the house. During the summer, though, he has an excuse to lay around naked because 'it's just too bloody hot'.
6. Horror movies or rom-coms: Honestly, I can see Kieran being the type to enjoy rom-coms enthusiastically. Not sure if Jaina is into that, but he would totally be down to watch a marathon of them and laugh at the ridiculousness that happens, but also get sappy during the romantic scenes.
10. Physical affection or verbal affection: Both? He never received much of either growing up, from his mother or father tbh, but he does love giving physical affection slightly more. Holding hands, kissing, snuggling, or sex... he's not picky.
14. Domestic pets or wild animals: He never had a pet growing up so he's not entirely sure what you would do with a domesticated animal. On Dromund Kaas, there are a lot of wild animals so he's used to seeing and interacting with them more so than pets. I think he would like a pet one day but he prefers wild animals more. He finds it better to watch an animal in its natural habitat.
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commander-krios · 4 years
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The Zythor Legacy
Kieran, Helene, & Keshani
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commander-krios · 3 years
OC association one: Bad Puns and Sweet tooth!
Bad Puns:
Despina! She’s a Trooper and every day she is on the front lines, she knows it could be her last day. So she tries her hardest to bring smiles to the faces of her crew, even if some of them refuse to smile. (Ahem, Aric lol)
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Sweet Tooth:
Kieran. He’s got quite the sweet tooth, especially if it’s something like chocolate. If there is a party with a buffet, the first thing he would pile high on his plate would be the desserts. He would pass on most of the other stuff if dessert is offered.
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commander-krios · 3 years
We all know that I miss Kieran. But if im honest, Kieran misses Kieran :p
Kieran misses Kieran and Jaina. And maybe his sisters. That’s about it 🤣 I did write a short fic recently with him but it was mostly about Keshani
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commander-krios · 3 years
Headcanon ask: 23, 35, and 8!
8. Can kill you with a pencil
Definitely Keshani. Although she probably won’t ever need that sort of skill, as an Imperial Intelligence agent, she’s got to be quick to react if things go south. A pencil can kill just as easily as a knife or a rifle.
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23. Will laugh as they kill you
Helene has and will do this, especially if you’ve wronged her in some way
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35. Has amazing hair
Let’s round this out with the Zythors, shall we? Kieran has some majestic hair and grew it out during his time as Darth Baras’ apprentice. Eventually, he left it like that because not only did his wife love it, but he had to admit he looked better with it that way.
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