#kinda sad Asmo didn't get to do much but she was still crucial for Dragonite
oh-boy-me · 4 years
Mammon did it he and the rest of the Pokémon team beat the Elite Four and the champion!
Below the cut is a summary of the battles for anyone who was interested in this Pidgeot and his friends.  Since I talked about it (and because I’m pretty proud of accomplishing it) I thought it would only be fair to not leave anyone in the dark lol (and to brag I get bragging rights).
It was fun to do this, so maybe I’ll do another Obey Me-themed challenge run more publicly one day.  For now, this is no longer on my mind and I’ll probably get the next request out later today :)
First up, a recap of the challenge rules, so you know why some of my movesets are abysmal.
A Pokémon can only use its level up moveset.  TMs and HMs are not allowed.
When a Pokémon wants to learn a new move, I HAVE to accept it, and I HAVE to replace the oldest move.
I obviously need HMs, but I can't use those Pokémon in battle (shoutout to Simeon the Lapras, Barbatos the Beedrill, and unnamed Doduo for those roles.)
Next, the team!
Solomon (Lv 60 Kadabra): His only attacking move is Psychic, but as you either know or will soon come to know, a good psychic type is essential to beating this game.  Solomon almost got boxed because for a while he had zero attacking moves, but luckily for him Psychic is good enough that I switch-trained him up to it.
Asmo (Lv 55 Golbat): My girl carried me through most of this game, but unfortunately I think she's going to be mostly a set-up/sacrifice Pokemon for this part of the challenge.  I can't level her up any further because I know that at Lv 56 she'll replace Confuse Ray with Haze.
Luke (Lv 57 Raichu): I actually boxed Luke back when he was a Pikachu after some bad moveset changes.  But he made a comeback, and now he's a crucial member of the team with powerful electric moves.  Plus, his speed is insane and I accidentally EV trained him in Special Defense, what with all the Tentacool I killed.
Satrio (Lv 62 Dugtrio): Satrio is very useful in some situations and useless in others, since three of her four moves are ground.  However, her high attack stat, boosted by soft sand, and her SUPER high speed, are crucial to this.  He also saved me so much time when she had Dig.  What a good girl.
Bellphie (Lv 57 Victreebel): While training him I learned that apparently Pokemon that evolve via stone don't learn any new moves after evolving!  Fun!  I decided that move tutor moves were fine as long as I taught them in the right order, so I caught a bunch of Paras in the safari zone for their mushrooms and gave him a proper moveset.
Mammon (Lv 62 Pidgeot): My boy.  My boy.  My second Pokemon after Levi the Squirtle.  He's been through it all.  He has one attacking move, but that's not all that's up his sleeve.  Mammon has tricks and he intends on using them.
With that out of the way, we move on to the Elite Four Challenge.
Lorelei is the ice type Elite Four member, and if you noticed, uh.  4 of my 6 Pokemon are weak to ice, and none of them can do anything to an ice type either.
However!  Gen I didn't make any ice type pure ice, so four out of five of Lorelei's Pokemon are part water.  And I have Luke.
Lorelei leads with Dewgong and I lead with Luke.  I immediately use Thunderbolt on it, which isn't enough to KO, but is more than enough to force Lorelei to use a full restore on her next turn.
Each major story battle, the opposing trainer has a set amount of healing items to use.  The Elite Four has two full restores each.  From what I've seen, they're programmed to use one full restore if their Pokémon finishes a turn with their HP below a certain threshold, but they won't use more than one per Pokémon (barring the last), and won't use their second restore until their ace Pokémon is on the field.
Lorelei uses her first full restore, and I use Slam to put Dewgong back into KO range.  Since I outspeed, Luke takes out Dewgong with one more Thunderbolt.
Luke then oneshots her Cloyster with Thunderbolt and levels up to Lv 58.  From now on, I need to be careful with when I use Luke, because he can't level up any more than this.
He nearly oneshots Slowbro as well, and the first slam that actually hits finishes it off.
I use Slam against Lapras, knowing that even the stronger Thunder can't oneshot it.  Unfortunately, Lapras' first move is Confuse Ray, meaning Luke has a 50% chance to damage himself instead of attacking.
And he doesn't!  But he misses Thunder.  Luke then teams up with Lapras to beat himself up, and Luke faints.
I switch into Satrio to finish Lapras off.  What's that, you say?  Satrio is ground type; she's weak to ice!
True!  But Satrio is very fast and has Earthquake.  She takes out Lapras with two Earthquakes, tanking a Surf in between with no problem.  Jynx is an easy oneshot with Earthquake too.
And with that, the first E4 member is down.
Bruno is a fighting type trainer who seems to always use the same order of Pokemon: Onix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Onix, and Machamp.
We have Bellphie and Solomon, though.  Bellphie takes out both Onix with a single Razor Leaf each, and Solomon handles the fighting types with Psychic.
Next up is the ghost type E4 member, but did you know that Gengar was the only Gen I ghost line?  Agatha fills in the blanks with poison types.  Did you also know that the Gengar line is entirely part poison?
Do you know what move is super effective against poison types?  Psychic.  Solomon uses Psychic five time, and then the battle is over.
Just like I had nothing for ice types, I have nothing for dragon types.  Dragon is only weak to dragon and ice in this generation, and I have neither type on my set.  My only goal right now is this: keep Mammon healthy until Dragonite uses Outrage.
Lance always leads with Gyarados, so my obvious choice is to lead with Luke.  I don't.  I forget to switch Solomon out of the first slot.  But Luke is a good boy who survives Hyper Beam upon switching in and uses Gyarados' horrible weakness to electric against it with a Thunderbolt.
Next up is to force my way through his two Dragonair with my strongest non-resisted move, Earthquake.  One Earthquake puts it in full restore range, a slash puts it back in KO range, and then Earthquake again finishes it.  An Earthquake and a Slash take out the second, since Lance won't use his second full restore until Dragonite is out.
Speak of the devil!  Dragonite comes out and I switch into Bellphie to land a stun spore.  A paralyzed Dragonite has its speed cut by 75% and has a 25% chance to not move at all.  Unfortunately, it uses safeguard, which protects Lance’s team from status moves, so I can't finish the paralyze-confuse combo.  All Asmo can do is tank hits and wait for Outrage.
With some good paralysis luck and a critical air cutter, Asmo gets Dragonite below half health, before it finally uses Outrage and knocks her out.
It is finally Mammon's turn.  Dragonite is locked into Outrage for the next 1-2 turns, so Mammon uses Wing Attack to wait for Outrage to hit him, after which he is finally free to act.
See, Mammon has a move called Mirror Move, which will copy the last move used against him.  Outrage is a dragon type move that has no choice but to happen on consecutive turns.  Dragon is weak to dragon, so Mammon has successfully given me a super effective move.
Lance can't use a healing item while Outrage is active, so Mammon takes out the Dragonite.
The last Pokemon is Aerodactyl, which Solomon can handle with Psychic.
The final battle.  Blue always leads with Pidgeot, so I lead with Luke, and this is why I had to be conservative with him.  I have zero idea how many full restores Blue has, but it's too many.  FAR too many.  I don't want to oneshot Pidgeot; I want to force Blue to waste one of his full restores on a Pokemon that can't win its match.
Luke just BARELY doesn't kill Pidgeot, so Blue does waste the item, and the same move combo I used to take out Dewgong works on Pidgeot.
Bellphie takes out Rhydon with one Razor Leaf, and while Alakazam used to be a run-ender for this team, Satrio outspeeds it and takes it out with one Earthquake.
Mammon comes in to battle Venusaur, and Blue doesn't know how to use Venusaur so Wing Attack just has to get past his setup stalling.
Next up is Gyarados, but Luke is still healthy so we know how that goes.
Last is Arcanine, the bane of my existence.  It won't die.  Its attack stat is insane.  It has Extreme Speed, a priority move.  And Blue bought the entire stock of full restores.
I switch into Solomon to take Arcanine's Intimidate.  Intimidate cuts the opponent's physical attack stat upon the user switching in.  However, this is Gen III, so psychic type moves are always special.  I use future sight to get in some emergency damage padding, but Flamethrower and Extreme Speed take Solomon out before I can do anything else.
Solomon protected Satrio from Intimidate though, so Satrio is able to withstand an Extreme Speed and oneshot Arcanine with Earthquake.
And with that, Ah shit defeated Rival bITCH and became the Pokémon League Champion!
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