#kinda tempted to actually make a spreadsheet and do a survey of the tag and try to find out if there's a real pattern here
hauntinghyrule · 2 years
I think it's really interesting how frequently people in the FS fandom list the Links in the same order: Green -> Red -> Blue -> Vio (then Shadow if he's included).
I haven't actually counted or anything, so maybe it's confirmation bias on my part, but from my observation it seems like, when someone is listing out the characters, they go in that order at least half the time.
It DOES happen to be the player character order from FSA (Green is Player 1, Red is Player 2, etc.) but I know a lot of FS manga fans haven't played FSA, so I wonder if that's actually where it's coming from in the fandom.
Are people doing it (on purpose or by accident) because of the game? Are they doing it (on purpose or by accident) because they've seen other people doing it? Do people do this based on something else, like personality or favorite-character-status?
It also seems like the second most common order is Green -> Blue -> Red -> Vio, so... it's like we've all decided Green goes first (because leader?) and Vio goes last (possibly to be next to Shadow? xD ) but Red and Blue can swap places sometimes.
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