#kindess comes in so many shapes and forms my love :) <3
apocalypse-gang · 3 years
TUA S3 Titles & What They Could Mean
Spoilers for All S3 Info (Offical and Unofficial) Under Cut
Note: These theories are all my own. This is pure speculation, and I do not claim them to be correct or the only "right” theories in any shape or form. I love to see other theories, and I am fully prepared and excited to be proven wrong when S3 comes out. Thank you and enjoy!
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Episode 1: Meet the Family
Well that’s pretty clear, and we’ve all known about this one for a while. The Umbrella Academy meets the Sparrow Academy. The Hargreeves meet the Hargreeves, their replacements/new family members (kinda, and then Ben, their old-new sibling).
Episode 2: World’s Biggest Ball of Twine
Whether or not the Hargreeves visit the real world’s biggest ball of twine in  Branson, Missouri, I’m more doubtful. I am imagine it’s more likely something going to be mentioned throughout the episode. Maybe one of the members of Team Zero was born here, either in the town or at this attraction??? Maybe the Sparrows are seen/see themselves as an attraction or novelty? Or one of the Team Zero members of this timeline uses their powers as an attraction? I have no clue.
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The ball of twine in question.
Episode 3: Pocket Full of Lightning
Someone has a lot of lightning. My initial thought is thinking maybe Five or Vanya? Since Five’s powers have sorta electrical stuff, and Vanya’s power can effect the weather?
But it is much more likely a Sparrow. Whether or not it means actuallightning powers or just having an abudance of power, we’ll see!
Episode 4: Kugelblitz
Kugelblitz, German for “Lightning ball”. I found two things referred to as “Kugelblitz” on wikipedia. One was “a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed during World War II”. I am mostly ruling it out mostly because I could only see it being mentioned. and I don’t know why they would mention it. The second is
“a kugelblitz is a black hole formed from radiation as opposed to matter. Such a black hole would nonetheless have properties identical to one of equivalent mass and angular momentum formed in a more conventional way, in accordance with the no-hair theorem.”
And, while I don’t know how Team Zero could cause such a thing, I have no doubt that they could cause that.Maybe it is an metaphoical black hole they are getting into. Also, it’s interesting how it relates to the previous episodes title. Is lightning going to be something important this season? Does lightning = power, and this may be Klaus powerful moment? Or Five’s, since his time portal was confused for a possible wormhole/black hole(?) in the first episode of the series?
Maybe it’s just someting heavily mentioned in the episode, I can’t wait to find out.
Episode 5: Kindest Cut
I strongly believe it’s comes from the phrase “[The] unkindest cut [of all]”, which according to Dictionary.com, means “The most painful of insults, affronts, or offenses, often so painful because it comes from a trusted friend.”  It comes from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, and it’s how Antony describes the wound Brutus gave to Caesar.
So intially I assumed it had to do with Diego because cut, but now I’m not sure. Part of me thinks it may have to do with Five or Reginald? Maybe one of them is doing something they view as kind to Team Zero but hurting them in the process? I definitely see it is as betrayal done out of apparent kindess, though it would be pretty late for the Hotel Oblivion. I’m excited and scared.
Episode 6: Marigold
Okay this was the most fn discovery. Blackman mentioned in the Geeked Weeked interview that superfans would know about this since the beginning... Well I searched up “Umbrella Academy” and “Marigold”, I found an interview on AWN.com. It’s called “Different Day, Different Doomsday in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2″, and it was with TUA VFX supervisor Everett Burrell. One quote of his stood out to me,
In another sequence, Ben dissipates because of his interaction with Vanya.  “Hargreeves opens a jar and a marigold flies out into space; that’s how the marigold gets into the kids’ bodies,” Burrell says. “When Ben dissipates, Steve wanted the same marigold effect that is almost like fireflies breaking off and crumbling.”
He spefically called those fireflies things “marigold”. 
These things...
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are marigolds. I think we’re finally getting answers to what they are, and how they related to the Hargreeves, their origins, and their powers.
And it fits. It’s something superfans have been thinking about, it’s something we’ve all been wondering, and we could figure out and understand.
I am trying my best not to freak out.
Episode 7: Auf Wiedersehen
I feel like we all the same idea of what this is about.  Auf Wiedersehen is german for ‘goodbye’, and Klaus, who’s name is german and speaks german (and is all but confirmed to be born in germany), has “Goodbye” tattooed on one of his palms.
Lowkey, kind of terrifying at first. Are we saying goodbye to Klaus? Is Klaus saying goodbye to Dave for good? But... we’ve speculated the worst for episodes titles before and they didn’t come to pass.
There’s been some unofficial set spoilers that give me one idea. They’ve apparently built the Berlin Wall, that was still up when the Hargreeves were born. Though that may be happening in an earlier episode, I’ll still speulate that it might happen in this episode? Maybe we see Klaus’ (and at some point perhaps the rest of team zero’s) birth. Maybe the “Auf Wiedersehen” is his mother saying goodbye?
But maybe they just time travel to the Berlin Wall? Maybe this episode has nothing to do with that? Hell, the title may not have anything to do with Klaus, maybe he said goodbye to the Sparrows? Or goodbye to the Mothers of Agony?
I’m trying to not be worried about our characters.
Episode 8: Wedding at the End of the World
Immediately made me think of “We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals”. I have no idea if it willl be a Team Zero or Sparrows or some other characters we’ll get to know this season? None of the Hargreeves seem like they’d want to get married at the moment, for many many different reasons. The goofball in me says Five married Dolores in the apocalypse.
Is the world possibly ending again? Or is it like,Team Zero’s world is emotionally ending. Is it an wanted wedding, or a happy marriage?
I wanna believe the wedding is Klaus and Dave so bad but I doubt it’ll be that
Episode 9: Six Bells
My immediate thought was wedding bells cuz of the last episode. There is a village in Wales called Six Bells, so maybe another Team Zero birth location? But it is more likely six literal bells? LIke they’re important to Reginald? Maybe Team Zero are like metaphorical six bells, but what would that mean?
I’m grasping at straws for this one.
Episode 10: Oblivion
Well, this is ominous. We know it has to do with Hotel Oblivion, but what exactly? Are the siblings escaping the Hotel and the wreck they caused, or are they going further into literal oblivion, a state of being unaware what is happening. Makes me think we won’t be getting a break for the Hargreeves at the end. And goes knows what they’ll have to face off next.
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