#kira internally: i will fucking murder you in cold blood if you take one step closer.
chemical--chaos · 7 years
Beautiful Sin - Death Note AU - Daehyun x reader x Jongup
AN: Admin S here, so I decided to combine two of my most favourite things, Death Note and B.A.P~ For those who don't know, Death Note is an anime/manga about a student named Light Yagami picking up a Shinigami (god of death - Ryuk)'s notebook which was dropped by a bored Shinigami in the human world and begins to kill the world's criminals with it, being dubbed as "Kira" by the public and becoming a god like figure to the world. The Death Note requires the name of the person intended to be killed to be written while their face is pictured and unless cause of death is specified, it will be a heart attack 40 seconds later. L (under the alias of Ryuzaki), being the greatest detective in the world steps into the picture, wanting nothing more than to bring a childish, self-proclaimed god down in the name of justice, thus starting a cat and mouse game, the loser having to lose their life. So, in this one shot, Daehyun will replace L with Jongup replacing Light, other members of B.A.P will be playing other characters (which will be explained) throughout the fic, I really hope you guys enjoy this, I really worked hard~
Word Count: 2967 
Warnings: Sexual content (not smut), mentions of murder, super natural themes.
"Jongup-kun?" (Y/n) whispered, knocking on his door, only to hear maniacal laughter from the other side, causing her to get immensely confused. "Idiots, fucking idiots, I am the god of this new world, Kira will cleanse this world of all evil, L, you've just lost." Jongup continued, and (y/n) continued to listen, her eyes widening in horror. L was right, he is Kira, oh god, I need to get out of here and tell him.
She quickly pulled away from the door, only to tangle her own feet and fall straight down onto the floor, alerting Jongup of her presence. Feeling her lungs constrict as the door opened, she began to panic, he was going to kill her, this was her end, this would be how she died, discovering that her best friend was Kira and to die at his hands.
Jongup opened the door, expecting to see Sayu, his younger sister but his eyes widened a fraction when he saw (y/n) on the floor as she got up, and he smiled at her, hoping she hadn't heard his monologue.
"Hey, how come you're here?" Jongup smiled at her, his personality having done a complete 180 degree turn, scarring her even more. Just a second ago, he was a mass murder and now, his face showed no signs of remorse or guilt, but rather a caring and happy expression was plaster all over his face. "I-I-I was-" Before she could finish, Jongup bent down, his strong arm pulled her up and pulling her into his room, slamming the door shut behind them as he pushed her towards his bed nearby.
Letting out a loud sigh, he ran his hand through his hair, rolling his eyes before turning around, knowing what he had to do. "What did you hear?" He asked her, his voice dangerously low, he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. (Y/n) internally panicked as she straightened herself up, turning around and sitting down on Jongup's bed, trying to keep herself as calm as possible as she tightly gripped the bedsheets.
"I just got up the stairs, and I trip-ped, what, what was th-there to hear?" She asked him, giving him her best fake smile but he saw right through it as he walked closer to her, bending down so he was at her eye level.
"Come on (y/n) don't lie now, you know what Kira can do, a name and a face and I have both of them." He whispered into her ear, using one hand to hold her chin as he leaned over, asserting his dominance in the situation. Feeling weak and pathetic as tears brimmed her eyes, she lowered her head, hoping he wouldn't kill her.
"Pl-ple-please Jo-jongu-up." She cried, tears rolling out of her eyes freely as Jongup pulled back, his eyes curiously scanning her face. A god needed a goddess to rule by his side and who better could it be than (y/n)? She'd known him his entire life, she was insanely intelligent, working with L was a proof of that, and to top it all off, she was beautiful, to him anyways.
"You won't kill her Jongup, you love her too much to do that, she'll cost you your life hehehe." Ryuk laughed, watching the owner of his Death Note struggle with the current situation.
"Aww, don't cry love, I'm not gonna kill you, no, no, no, you're far too precious to die by my hands, a god needs a goddess to rule, I'm offering you to be mine (y/n)." He whispered, his nose rubbing against hers as her eyes widened more as if it were possible. His empty hand resting at the base of her neck, his fingers playing with the necklace that hung around her neck.
"Jo-Jong-up." She began, only for him to cut her off by placing a finger against her lips."Shh, this is your only choice, accept Kira and the new world, or I'll have no choice but to end you and your entire family." He threatened, the dark look in his eyes proving his point. Feeling helpless, she slowly nodded, agreeing to his terms and he smiled, before leaning forward to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
(Y/n) sat in the investigation headquarters, mindlessly fiddling with papers as she spaced out. Jongup had her dancing to his tunes and there was nothing she could do to resist him, her brain screamed at her to tell L, to tell Ryuzaki, to tell anyone but with the threat looming over her loved ones' lives, she couldn't bring herself to do so, no matter what.  
"(Y/n)-chan, it would be great if you could return to us." L's smooth, soft voice called out, breaking her out of her trance and she turned around, only to meet the brown eyes of the chestnut haired boy, who was busy stuffing strawberry cheesecake into his mouth with a silver spoon, sitting in his ever so odd position.
"I'm so sorry Ryuzaki-kun." She apologised, using L's other alias, like seriously how many did he have?
"It would be great if you could help me monitor the Moon family, Mr Moon is asleep." He replied and (y/n) nodded, moving her chair over to in front of the various TV screens that showed the three members of the Moon family. Sayu was on the phone with her friend, Jongup's mother watching a drama on the TV and Jongup studying in his room. Gripping the ends of her chair tightly, she watched him reach for his drawer, the one containing the Death Note.
He was going to get caught, oh lord, he was going to kill her family.
Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, she relaxed back into her chair when she saw that he pulled out a packet of potato chips but how on Earth did he know about the cameras? L had them installed in absolute secrecy and even she hadn't mentioned them to him.
"Is everything alright (Y/n)-chan, you seem very tense." L remarked, his eyes not once leaving the screen but yet he failed to ignore the sudden changes in her behaviour.
"I feel sick, I need some air." She replied, mentally thanking the gods that she came up with that and before he could question her further, she got up, basically sprinting out of the room, down the stairs and out of the building, stopping in the unmonitored car park as she ran out of breath.
I can't do this, I just can't.
"Jongup, I need to talk to you." (Y/n) began, walking in to his room as he closed his door, following behind her and she sat down on his bed, which no longer felt warm and inviting, but rather cold and hard, as he sat down on the chair he pulled opposite her.
"What are we?" She asked, looking straight up at him, looking into his dark eyes for an answer. Jongup smirked slightly, knowing that this was the perfect time to send L a message. His best investigator was in his room, his main suspect's room, and now, all he had to do was show L was how weak he was.
"Baby, you're my everything." He smiled softly, before leaning forward and smashing his lips against hers, knowing that L was watching his every move and actions spoke louder than word. He gently pushed her back, until she was laying down beneath him as he hovered over her, using his strong arms to support his weight as (y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, loving the feeling on his strong lips against hers.
His lips worked magic on her, every time he kissed her, she forgot everything. She forgot the fact that he was a psychopathic mass murderer, and that she was the detective on the opposite side, she forgot everything, allowing herself to get consumed by his presence. This being her only moment of peace and pleasure.
Jongup smirked, pushing harder against her lips, bitting down on her bottom lip, allowing a little bit of blood to seep out, both of them tasting the coppery taste as they devoured each other and (y/n) wrapped her legs around his torso, pulling him closer to her as she tangled her hands in his hair.
At this point in time, she just didn't care. She was completely unaware of the two hatred filled eyes that were watching the pair through the screens.
"Hehehe, you're doing this to taunt L aren't you? Showing him how you have complete control over his best partner, you really are a devil Jongup." Ryuk commented, before walking out of the room, after all, he didn't wish to see the future events that were going to happen between the pair.
"You were fully aware of the fact that the cameras were there!" Youngjae, another investigating officer on the case remarked, not believing what Chief Moon had said. When (y/n) and Jongup were sharing their heated intimate moment, Chief had asked L to stop the monitoring and as uncomfortable as he already was, he asked L to give his son and his girlfriend privacy, to which L outright refused, which lead to the entire team hearing about Jongup's love life and his affair with (y/n).
"It's very unprofessional for you to do this (l/n), Jongup is a key suspect, you cannot continue your relationship with him while you're working on this case, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to choose one side." Chief Moon sighed, taking his glasses off. (Y/n) starred at him, knowing what this meant, and knowing what Jongup could do, she had no choice but to resign from the task force.
"I need some time to think over it, I'll you know soon sir." She gave him a weak smile, before grabbing her coat which was hanging on her chair and began to make her way outside again before she bumped into L on the way out.
"(Y/n)-chan, are you headed somewhere?" He asked her, giving her a weird look, like, she couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was. Lust? Anger? Jealously? Hate?
"I'm sorry Ryuzaki, I need some time to think over everything… Jongup, he means a lot to me.." She trailed off, not knowing what to do.
"And catching Kira? Does that not mean anything to you?" He asked her, slowly taking steps towards her, very consciously pushing her against the wall as she moved back.
"Watari, please turn the cameras off." He commanded, not wanting this conversation to be visible to anyone, and this caused (y/n) to become even more alert.
"You didn't answer me (y/n), what about catching Kira? Or do you already know that Jongup is Kira?" He asked, his voice getting dangerously low as he placed one hand beside her head, pushing himself closer to her. Her heart began thumping wildly, this was it, L knew. He fucking knew that she knew. She was trapped, from both sides, her death was unavoidable from both sides but knowing if she stuck to Jongup, her family had a better chance of survival.
"Wh-what do you mean, pl-please st-stop jok-joking Ryu-Ryuzak-ki." She stuttered, not liking what this proximity was doing to her. L chuckled, running a hand through his chestnut hair.
"Come on (y/n), you know I'm not joking." L replied, dragging out the syllables in her name, sending shivers down her spine. (Y/n) looked up, her breath getting caught in her throat as she locked eyes with the brown headed male, his plump lips ever so softly brushing against her own as he leaned down closer.
"Tell me what you know, I'll protect you from whatever harm (y/n), I'll keep you safe." He whispered, seductively, before slamming his other hand on the empty space beside her head, before he slammed his strawberry scented lips against her sinful ones, taking her breath away.
If Jongup's kisses drove her mad, L's kiss drove her insane. His lips worked wonders against her own, his tongue invading her mouth as all her sense drowned in euphoria. The sweet taste of strawberry cheesecake lingered in the kiss, his tongue leaving no space untouched as he moved one hand down to her waist, holding her in place.
(Y/n) moaned into the kiss, causing L to smirk as he broke off, his lips attaching themselves on to the smooth skin of her neck, pushing her against the wall harder as he pleasured her. Closing her eyes tightly, (y/n) threw her head back, giving him full access to her neck, wanting nothing more than his lips on her skin. His touch caused her skin to flare up, his lips burning her but she didn't care.
L smirked, bitting and sucking on the nape of her neck, causing her to whimper beneath him. "Say my name." He commanded, rather aggressively as he continued, his left hand moving down to intertwine with her right hand. "R-yu-ryu." She couldn't continue, her brain wasn't letting her continue. "My real name." He commanded, bringing her back to reality, no one knew L's real name no one and that's when Jongup's face crossed her mind. She'd just cheated on him, with his worst enemy, oh lord, she'd just sinned against the god of the new world
But if this was sin, she'd happily do it again, she'd damn the devil, again and again to feel his lips against her own
"This is wrong! Ryuzaki, no!" She mumbled, her eyes darting around the room before she frantically sprinted away, leaving a smirking L behind, who stood there, rubbing his lip with his thumb, his plan was going to be a success.
"What's wrong with you? The cameras are gone now." Jongup smiled, pulling (y/n) closer to him as the pair lay in her bed, he held her as she rested her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Jongup had his fingers threaded through her (h/c) hair, running his fingers through it adoringly.
"Your father gave me a choice, I either stay on the task force or end it with you." (Y/n) gently spoke, catching his attention. "You're staying on the task force, no matter what, we can always meet in secrete." Jongup replied, already having his answer planned since day one. (Y/n) felt immensely guilty but then again, this psychopath was blackmailing her into dating him, constantly reminding her that the lives of her loved ones were in his hand. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get L's voice out of her head, the way he kissed her, the way he held her, who knew that the world's greatest detective had such a side?
"Come on, tell me baby girl." L smirked against her lips as the pair lay on his bed, with (y/n) underneath him as he attacked her lips. The both of them couldn’t keep their hands off each other as they devoured one another.
"Ryu-z-" Before she could continue, he broke her off, placing a finger against her lips.
"Daehyun, my name is Daehyun." He smirked at her before reconnecting their lips, allowing this new information to sink in. "Now tell me, Jongup is Kira isn't he?" He asked, kissing her neck, his hands playing with the hem of her shirt, rubbing circles on to her skin.
"Dae-dae." She moaned, feeling lightheaded from his touch, the effect he had on her was scary. "Come on love, tell me." He urged her, kissing her jaw, his hands lifting her shirt a little higher, allowing the cool breeze from the open window to hit her warm skin.
"Jongup, he's kira." She spoke, not caring about anything in the world, being selfish and not wanting his lips to leave her own.
'L, you, you...lied?' She asked, not believing what was happening but it was her own fault, she was the idiot. The idiot who was now in jail, serving a life sentence due to her involvement with Kira and now he had the audacity to come visit her in prison, to mock her.
How did she fail to realise that this man wasn't capable of loving another. How could he? He was heartless, never having had a friend, a companion, she's been a fucking idiot for trusting him.
'It was all business darling, all business.' Daehyun smiled at her, finally dropping the act. After all, she was his accomplice, she willingly placed her lips on his guilty ones, she willingly let him continue, she willingly kept this from him.
"I've made arrangements that would keep you safe from everything." He remarked, leaning back in his chair as she glared at him. Even now, she'd give anything to feel his touch, to have his mouth against her own.
"Keep you fake concern with yourself Jung Daehyun, just tell me one thing, why L?" She bitterly asked, causing Daehyun's eyes to widen. How on Earth did she know his name?
"How do you know my name?" He questioned her, standing up and leaning his hands against the table as she threw her head back and laughed. The letter L held so much significance to him, a nickname his mother had given him before giving him to Wammy's House where Watari raised him.
"You've forgotten, I am a detective too, didn't take long to hack a few places." She grinned back at him, knowing she had the upper hand. Daehyun glared at her, before learning across the table, capturing her lips with his own in a rough kiss. When he'd began his plan, he had no idea that things were going to end up like this. Despite everything, deep down, Daehyun could not deny the sinful attraction he felt towards the girl, her lips, her voice, her touch, and for her, he was prepared to sin, give up on everything, damn his own faith.
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