#kkyun's blurbs
m4niackkyun · 1 year
Idk what this is (trying to explore thier dynamic)
It was 2 AM, the house was dead asleep. A soft yawn escaped from his gaping mouth, he covered it up quickly with on of his hands. His hair was curlier than usual as he has just woken up to get some water from the kitchen downstairs. Just was he flipped the light switch on, a dark figure was sitting on the couch in the center of the living room. He raised an eyebrow, squinting his dark orbs to get a better look at the person in range.
“Hyung...?” he called out.
Hearing himself being called, the ravenette turned to the tall frame who was now rubbing one of his eyes from the sudden flash of light. “Oh..Jaemin-ah, uhm..s-sorry, I couldn't sleep.” he gave him a brief smile before averting his gaze back onto his fiddling hands. He'd been pricking at the skin for the past hour until a bit of blood started trickling out of the abused finger. Jaemin, who knew him far too well, instinctively grabbed a few paper towels from the kitchen counter and rushed towards him.
Sighing briefly before scolding the older, “Dae hyung.” he voiced quite sternly. Looking tentatively at his older brother as he wiped the blood off his fingers. “Huh? O-oh, ah-shit. S-sor—” “It's fine, hyung. You don't need to apologize for everything.” Jaemin reached for the small box under the coffee table, it's filled with all the things a first aid kit would have. He grabbed a band aid and handed to the ravenette.
“Here, patch yourself up. I'll make us some warm milk,” he instructed, earning a light nod from Dae-Jung as he quickly fiddled with the packaging.
Trying to be as quiet as possible as it is already so late, he grabbed a few cups from the cupboards and some milk from the fridge. There was only oatmilk left but, that'll do for now.
As he was heating it up on the stove, silence filled up the atmosphere between them. Nothing but the ticking sound of the living room clock that almost seemed like it echoed through the room.
“What...” Jaemin paused, a bit hesitant to say something. Dae-Jung turned around after hearing his voice briefly, “..yes?” their eyes locked onto each other. A bit awkward to say the least, “Did you...have a bad dream?” he started. A took a few seconds for the ravenette to respond, shaking his head lightly, “No, I just...couldn't sleep at all in my room. I figured I might fall asleep here but, didn't work..” Jaemin Nodded from his explanation.
“I..I hope you know that you're always allowed to ask for help. From me, hwan-ie, soohwa, mom, and dad.”
The curly haired teen slowly made his way towards the sofa, sitting right next to his hyung.
It took some time for him to convey the words he wanted to say, one thing's for sure though, with the way his bottom lip was trembling. He was scared.
“promise me, hyung. Promise me you won't hold it all on your own...and leave without saying goodbye.”
Dae-Jung shuffled slightly from where he sat, a bit caught off guard with his younger sibling's response.
“I know what you've been up to. You're planning to find him right? Your so called ‘father’. ” Dae-Jung's eyes widen from his statement, “How did yo—” “A-are you...” he swallowed, “Are you really gonna believe those lies people are telling you?? What about us?? Do you not see us as family to you...? You'd rather leave us to be with someone you never even knew let alone even exist in your life?!” Jaemin's raised his voice slightly, not too loud but enough to express his anger.
“I-i...” the younger let out a quiet sigh, “I'm not saying you don't deserve to know...but what will happen if you do? Are you gonna leave us...a-are you gonna leave me...?” he couldn't help it, he couldn't help but let the pools of frustration flooding his eyes flow down as lets out a sob, Dae-Jung pulling him into his embrace. He placed one hand over the younger's head to give him a sense of reassurance.
“I'm...sorry.” was the only thing he could respond with as he heard the quiet choked sobs of his younger brother, who was desperately trying to hold him from slipping away and never come back, forgetting what it means to find home.
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
“Words I've Heard” || [fdau fic]
The former groaned as he tried to get into a comfortable position, hissing in pain from how sore his body was in each stretch. It was just him, the closed space of the school bathroom, and a first aid kit he kept in his bag everyday; just in case.
He furrowed his eyebrows when the stinging sensation of the alcohol cotton pad that made contact with his bruised skin, a bit of blood still leaking from the cut. A long sigh escaped his lips, he was tired, so tired. He had to skip class again just so he could tend his wounds, they really didn't go easy on him this time.
“Mm...how am I gonna explain this to mom...saying I tripped off my bike again? Ugh...no no she wouldn't believe that,” he grumbled, to think he'd be worried about himself, he was much more worried about making his dear mother overthink about his own safety. He'd rather play off as the good and proper elder brother that he is...most of the time. He's the eldest Lee sibling, he's supposed to act stern and strong. He's supposed to be the one figure his siblings could look up to and depend on.
Ugh who is he kidding... What kind of big brother gets beaten up and hides away in the school bathroom like some fucking coward..? All that he's been doing is just lie to himself.
“Fuckin' hell!?! that dipshit ran away.”
The pair of red orbs widen in fear from the familiar voice, his breath almost stopped from how dreaded he was. He stayed quiet despite the pounding sound of his heartbeat which he felt ringing loudly within his eardrums.
“Oh c'mon, let it go dude. We beat him up pretty badly, he probably went somewhere to piss himself hahah!” another voice, a somewhat lighter toned speaker, chimed onto the other's frustration.
“Tch, well I ain't done playing with him—I mean, did'ja see how that stupid prick looked at me?! He dared looked at me dead in the eye with those disgusting eyeballs of his could you belive it?!?”
The other one scoffed, “What? You scared of that loser?? Pfffft—” the ravenette kept silent as he heard one of the two individuals crack a mocking laugh.
“Like hell I am, shit head. When I find that fucker I'll beat him up twice as much so that useless brain of his wouldn't forget who he's messing with.” his voice laced with malice. The ravenette couldn't help but quitely curl into a ball, a hand covering his mouth as he tried to steady his breathing. He was trembling, he couldn't risk going out now, not when he knows what will happen to him.
“Hey, don't you think we've been messing with him enough? Yer gonna attract those two other assholes,” another voice, this time gravely rough and hoarse, he also heard the clicking sound of a lighter. Ah..they're gonna take a smoke...great. now it'll take more time for him to wait.
“The twins?? Naaah, don't worry. Pretty sure they wouldn't care, they're not even family.”
The ravenette jolted.
“What..? You 'know it all' fucker, don't go blabbering stupid shit just to act smart,” the hoarse voice spat.
“It's true, dipshit! They all look nothing alike, that bastard's practically the ugly duckling of the group!”
There was a brief silence between the three of them, or... more like four.
“Ya, but Lee Soohwa's also got dark hair too? That kinda contradicts your theory.”
“So what? Hair is irrelevant. You know what Lee Jaemin, Lee Jaehwan, and Lee Soohwa all have in common?” he snaps his fingers before the others could answer, “Normal. Fucking. Eyes. Have you even been hearing what I'm talking about?! This bitch has red eyes. Red. Eyes. Don't that ring any bells for ya??”
The hoarse voice cackled, “That's your only argument? It could've just been a genetic mutation. See that's why you read books Einstein, fucking learn.”
“Tch, I'm also talking about facial feature-wise dammit. Jaemin, Jaehwan, and Soohwa all have that same smug shit-eating looks on their faces while he...” the former paused, as if he were finding the right words to describe him.
“I-i don't know he just has this weird carnal...sort of... grim look on his face that just...j-just like today he—I don't know man! It just fucking creeps you out.”
“So you ARE scared, HAHAH” the lighter toned voice cackled once more, it sounded like he was slapping the poor guy's back while he was at it.
“Fuck off, you don't know how it feels, asshole!” the former hissed, shoving the person in question away harshly, making him stagger a little from the rough gesture.
“Heheh, but that's a pretty funny theory. Like what if he's actually an illegitimate child, a bastard, if you will hahah!”
The individual who has been the topic of their conversation kept dead silent. Guilt and frustration started to boil within him, his jaw tightening more and more, hands balled up into fists.
“Ahh right right right, no wonder he looks so different. Someone probably picked him up from a brothel!!” the lighter toned one chimed in.
“Pffft—ahah! Or maybe, y'think someone could've knocked his mom up and made a little mistake along the way??” the hoarse voice emitted a squeaky laugh, “Man talk about lame pull out game—”
That was it.
The last. Fucking. Straw.
Hasty footsteps echoed through the halls, He knew exactly where his brother was. And he knew damn well what's gonna happen when he's either left alone or when they find him. It was like some sort of protocol that's bound to happen at least 4-6 times a week. Jaehwan had been a little around 5 minutes late due to the fact that his history teacher wouldn't stop blabbering about WW2.
Luckily he'd already texted Jaemin to get a head start and find him quickly.
Just one hall to the right and hopefully he'll arrive before things start going downhill.
After a sharp turn and nearly tripping over his feet, he saw a familiar figure standing stiff in the middle of the hallway, right in front of the opened bathroom door.
“Jaemin,” he huffed as he attempted to catch his breath. Slightly crouching his back forward as he placed his hand on one of Jaemin's shoulders. Not getting a response, he swallowed thickly, looking up to his twin who plastered a dreaded expression. Almost as if he's in total shock, his eyes locked onto whatever it was in front of him.
“Jaemin...? Where's hyu—” The bicolored teen glanced over the scenery before him. His dark orbs widen to the point where he was practically bawling his eyes out. The display was rather...grusome.
His brother, the person in questions, had his hand gripping the head of another individual. One he would recognize as “Taesang Hwang” from class 2-B perhaps if his face wasn't mushed up like a squished grape from the way his brother kept slamming him agaisnt the bathroom wall over and over and over again until the white tiles were absolutely painted with blood.
“H-hey, th-that's enough m-man, you're gonna k-ki-kill him!?!”
Another student, supposedly one of Taesang's lackeys, yelled from the corner of the room. Blood gushing from his mouth, probably from a few lost teeth. A couple of them scattered near him as evidence of the assult.
There's was also one more student right next to him, laying unconscious on the floor with one of his elbows dislocated just until you could see the bone poking out of the busted up limb.
Jaemin grimaces at the sight. Perhaps not out of any sympathy knowing what these three have done towards his older sibling, rather because of a little bit of nausea tickled his throat. Pools of blood were practically drowing the bathroom floor. Not only that, what sent goosebumps down his spine even more was his brother's complexion that laid no remorse.
After one last slam, he let go of Taesang's now deranged limp head. Jaemin stared at him before letting out a subtle sigh in relief after seeing Taesang's body twitch a few times.
Hey, that's a good sign okay? Means that he's not dead... yet.
The ravenette got up, his eyes moved slowly to trace the twin's figures. He was an utter mess. His hair was wet and sticky from a mixture of water, sweat, and maybe a little bit of blood. Uniform absolutely spoiled with the thick crimson fluid, and his hands shaking from the adrenaline rush.
A soft smile appearing on his face that made both Jaemin and Jaehwan's blood run cold.
“S...sorry...I—i..Th-they—” his voice was quiet, but audible enough for them to both notice how it shook.
Jaemin, initiatively pulled him into his embrace. Wrapping his warm arms around the ravenette in hopes that whatever he was doing would calm him down.
“It's...'s alright hyung, we'll get you home...”
As for Jaehwan, whom eyes were still fixated on the three beaten up bullies laying limp on the floor tiles like lifeless dolls. He couldn't help but feel a sort of....fear? He always knew his hyung couldn't fight for shit, and yet this goreish display in front of him was evidence of what he was more than capable of.
Lee Dae-Jung was something, but he wasn't a full blown brute. The ravenette was nothing but a gentle, soft-spoken guy that doesn't like violence. At least, that was the Lee Dae-Jung he knew all his life.
Thanks for @shuuryuhei for the name suggestion :> i decided to go for it anyway cause it'd seem fitting than the other ones
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
“Wh—h-hey!? Ugh...k-knock first dammit...” the ravenette cursed as she held her shirt close, her back facing towards him as an attempt to cover up what part of her body she doesn't intend to expose so freely. The perpetrator didn't reply, instead he corresponded by lifting up his own shirt. Revealing the creamy white skin and toned abdomen, making the ravenette avert her gaze quickly as a rose hue trailed across her complexion.
“Hm..? This is no problem, is it not? Besides, I've seen you naked before Han, we're not strangers,” He hung it up next to their towels that were significantly placed hear the door to the shower.
She lets out a rough sigh, “Still...you don't just barge in while someone's about to take a shower, asshole...” she grumbled, mimicking his gesture by pulling off the remaining cloth that tangled her arms. Revealing her scarred back, every nook and cranny, every cut and slash her body bared witness and received the abuse life has given her. Moreover, she looked thinner, tired, more...frigile. The sight made the pink haired man frown slightly, a quiet sigh escaped his lips as he shook off the thought.
He slowly steps towards her, “Whoa, I could tell you're recovering quickly, look at you already cussing me out after weeks of not talking,” he cooed, his arms crossed as he leaned forward to get a better look at her. His gesture only made her turn her head to the side even more, slightly embarrassed. It was a good thing her long hair was in the way, otherwise he might've seen her heated up face and teased her even further. James hummed, reaching in to tuck her hair behind her ear. His fingers running to caress her cheek, thumb grazing gently at her chin, “Look at me..?” he pleaded.
Her dark orbs followed the direction of his voice, his gaze softened, “There you are,” he smiled. “Mm...” was her only response, feeling the warm touch of his palm cupping her cheek before being swept up, “Ah–w-wha—James!? What are you doing???” her arms flung to hold his neck, James held her steady while carrying her in a bridal style.
“Taking you to the bath tub with me, we're showering together—”
“wE'RE WHAT?!?”
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
“Eomma, is there something wrong with me? You keep looking at me like that..”
“Mm..? Like, what...?”
“Like your heart is breaking..”
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
“Mhm?” the man replied although he was preoccupied with the documents on his desk.
“...Who's Naosuke...?”
His hand unconsciously gripped the piece of paper in his hand hard enough for it to crumple. Still maintaining his calm exterior, he glanced at the boy beside him—who was busy fiddling with his fingers, a familiar habit in which reminded him of his wife and how she'd frequently prick on the supple skin whenever she was nervous. Guess a fruit doesn't fall far from the tree..
“Where've you heard that?”
“Mom...she'd..she'd call me by that name sometimes..”
The curled haired man chuckled lightly, “Maybe it's a new nickname she came up for you,” he replied, attempting to brush of the young one's worries.
“...Well I don't like it. I...I don't like the way she says it, it's like...it's almost as if she's calling someone else...even from the way she looks at me is like she's hoping for something, for someone...? I don't—I don't understand...” he explained as he curled up into a ball from where he sat.
“Dae-Jung... Lee Dae-Jung...that's my name...why is it so hard to understand...why is it do hard to acknowledge me for me..?”
James got up from his chair after noticing the way his eyes glistened. Crouching down to his level as their eyes met, “Hey kiddo, it's alright, mhm? We'll talk about this to your mother, yeah?” he gave him his signature toothy smile as reassurance. The ravenette didn't respon, the frown on his face deepening instead.
It won't matter...she'll get sad again, I don't want her to be..
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