#knuckles series predictions
sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
Any specific predictions for movie number three and/or the miniseries?
Okay! I have some predictions as well as hopes for both the Knuckles series and the third movie!
For the Knuckles show:
Lots of Wachowski family shenanigans 😁
Knuckles gets to keep his motorcycle in the end
Knuckles got his hat from Tom (or just the Green Hills Police Department lol)
Wade becomes an honorary uncle to the Wachowski bros
Knuckles' fire powers are either a one time thing or a rare power he has that's similar to Sonic's lightning powers
Pachacamac is a hallucination of Knuckles', though how he started hallucinating is a mystery 😂
Sonic calls Maddie Mom. Please, I'm begging. Tails, too!
Some kind of second hint about Shadow's coming arrival
For Movie 3!
Again, Wachowski family things! Silliness between the brothers, and of course the brothers bickering about stupid things is a NEED
All three boys using parental titles with Tom and Maddie!
Vivid, detailed flashbacks complete with dialogue of Space Colony Ark and Maria!
Ark sibling memories! They'll make us sad but I want them!
Maria with more personality!
I think it was one of the older Wachowskis who was involved with the Ark incident. Maddie saying there's been a Wachowski protecting Green Hills for over 50 years, that feels way too specific to be a coincidence. Not to mention it wasn't outright G.U.N. in this universe that did it, because it wasn't formed until after the events of the first movie. That would spin things into a WHOLE new context as to why Shadow has it out for Sonic, because he's a Wachowski 👀
Amy and Rouge will be in it! Please!!!
Amy will still like Sonic in it, and he'll just be super embarrassed and bashful about the entire idea, but I don't expect or necessarily want them to actually get together in the movie. (Especially since they're much more painted as KIDS in the movie. I still think Sonic will like her back, and I'd want them to be together EVENTUALLY, but not in the timeline of the movie.)
Shadow will end up getting adopted by either Wade, or Rachel! I think Jojo's presence, a sweet little girl, might remind him of Maria 🥹
Both Shadow and Sonic will go Super!
Fat Eggman would be hilarious!
If Rouge gets adopted into the same family as Shadow and they actually become basically real siblings I will officially die of happiness
Speaking of-- the Wachowski bros actually referring to each other as brothers!
Them interacting with the other citizens of Green Hills more!
That's all I can think of for the time being! Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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1000sunnygo · 19 days
Always gets me how visually similar these two panels are:
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And how they're exactly 200 chapters apart.
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katiexpunk · 20 days
Scarlet Haze - Part 2
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!Reader | W/C: ~6.2K | Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Series Summary: Life in the QZ was fairly predictable. That was, until Joel Miller showed up on your doorstep covered in blood. Since then, you've helped him more times than you can count. Now it's his turn to return the favor.
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Series Warnings: SEX POLLEN. SEX POLLEN. SEX POLLEN. Set in the TLOU universe in the Boston QZ. Buckle the fuck up for a lot of filthy, feral smut. Check chapter warnings for specifics. This series will follow them through current day.
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence. Blood. Sexual tension. Bloody knuckles/wounded Joel. Flirting. Alcohol. Male masturbation. Voyeurism. Pearl Jam. Drug-seeking behavior. Medical references. Crying. Hallucinations similar to a drug high. Euphoria. Damsel in distress trope. Pet names. Praise kink. Begging. Unprotected P in V. Oral (female receiving). Fingering. Use of daddy. Age gap (make it your own!). No use of Y/N. Reader has no physical descriptions. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Surprise! It's here early (probably the only time you'll be glad something came early). Part 2 as part of my contribution to @morallyinept's Flora and Fauna Challenge. Part 3 coming 5/19.
Part 1 | Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Notifications
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“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.” ― Stephen Chbosky
Joel Miller is a bad man. 
It wasn’t always this way – there was a time when he thought he was good, kind even, a gentleman through and through, just like his momma raised him to be. 
But those days are long gone. Nowadays, the things he does are far from decent.
What he’s doing right now tops the list.
He should avoid it. He knows he should. 
Whatever this feeling is, it’s entirely alien to him—like a cocktail of a thousand potent drugs coursing through his veins, igniting an instinctive physical response. His heart pounds furiously, and a searing heat prickles his skin. He feels lightheaded, probably from the blood rushing anywhere and everywhere except for his brain. 
He tries to reason with himself that he can wait— he should wait. Wait for you to wake up, do your typical doctor business, pull out a magic pill or some bullshit, and you’ll both be well on your way. 
He should wait. A good man would wait. 
But then you started whimpering. 
Fucking whimpering. 
It was soft, just a whisper; he almost second-guessed it, but then you said his name clear as day, drawing him closer to the edge of control.
“Joel, please,” you moan, spread out on the dusty sheets, lost in a daydream he wishes he was part of, totally unaware of your actions.
He palms himself through his denim, hips titled forward as he sits on a wood chair that he’s not all too convinced can bear his weight after years of abandonment, but he could give two shits about that right now. 
“Yes, oh god, yes, just like that,” you moan again, your hand inching closer to your center, chasing friction of any kind. He wonders if you’re wet right now, how sweet you must taste. 
Fuck it. 
If he's destined for hell, he might as well make it worth the trip.
He unhooks his belt and yanks down his zipper, forcefully pulling his pants down to bunch around the muscular expanse of his thighs
Heavy cock in hand, he takes a second to admire it. It’s a fat, healthy one with a little curve to the left and a prominent vein running up the side. He’s a blessed man – in this regard, anyway. 
He rises to full attention, and his hand rises with it, thick, strong fingers just about meeting his thumb as they curl around him. He savors the first proper stroke, the shift from teasing to relief. 
He’s so fucking hard. He’s not sure he’s ever been this hard. 
His skin feels like velvet wrapped around steel. Even at the end of the world, hell, even before it, he’s not sure touching himself has ever felt like this. 
As the edges of his vision begin to soften and blur, he focuses on you. He empties his mind into thoughts of you and only you – how good you’d feel, your tight cunt wrapped around him, creaming on him as you chant his name like a prayer. 
His head falls back to lean against the wall, eyes tightly shut, his hand still working as he conjures up images of you bent over for him as he watches his cock slide in and out of your wet heat. 
It feels like his whole system has been turned on, his body flooded with adrenaline, the frantic thud of his pulse in his ears now palpable against his palm, too.
Just then, you blink open your eyes, and the remnants of your daydream evaporate like a mist in the morning sun. For a moment, you’re unsure where you are, the room spinning gently in your haze. 
The last thing you remember is being in the flower field with him, and now you’re on a bed that hasn’t seen a warm body in over a decade. How did he? 
You drop the thought when you feel the air, thick with a heavy, sweet scent that tugs at the edges of your consciousness. You feel hot, every nerve ending tingling uncomfortably. Breathing feels difficult, each breath deep and labored. It’s as if your lungs are struggling under a heavy weight, a need you can’t quite pinpoint. 
Your gaze slowly shifts from the ceiling to the corner of the room, and that's when you spot him. 
Sunlight streams through the grime-streaked windows, casting beams that light up the swirling dust in the air. As your eyes adjust, the details come into sharp focus, cutting through the haze in your mind like a knife. 
Oh. He’s — 
 You must still be dreaming; you must. There’s no way this is happening. 
Your stomach flutters and flips, enough physical proof that you see what you think you do.
You take a moment to admire him, his cock, the glistening precum that’s gathered at the tip of it, the soft groans coming from his chest. The way his thick neck is angeled back perfectly presents his Adam's apple and the nape of his throat. 
You adjust to prop yourself up slightly. 
"Joel," you coo, his name dripping from your lips like nectar from a flower. 
He pauses at the sound of your voice, and time suspends for a moment. If he weren’t so fucked out, he might think to stop what he’s doing, might even feel embarrassed that he was caught. 
But right now, part of him wants you to watch. When he tilts his head up, you’re staring at him with a look he can’t quite place, but holy fuck, you’re beautiful. 
Seeing your own lust-filled eyes, knowing you're watching what he’s doing to himself, consumes him. 
“See what you do to me,” he groans, holding your stare as he fucks his fist, jaw slack and balls tight. 
It’s so intense. He’s intense. 
“Wanna see you,” he rasps, and you’re more than happy to oblige.
You work to undo the buttons of your jeans, desperate to touch yourself – dazed and dizzy. 
You haven’t even touched him and you’re already cock drunk, tipsy with the need to touch him. You can’t stop it, not even if you tried. It feels like this moment was always meant to happen, and everything in life—the good and the bad — has led up to it. 
Feeling a sudden surge of boldness, you stand to walk over to him, but the floor rushes up unexpectedly. As gravity claims you, a different kind of pull—a magnetic force you've felt since the night you met him—lingers in your mind. 
You think you hear him call your name as the ceiling swirls into shades of red, patterns like a kaleidoscope painted behind your lids, and you’re living that night again before you can be sure. 
Boston QZ, Fall 2022
The bar's dim lights hardly penetrate the thick air and despair that seems to stick to everything inside the QZ. You shove open the heavy metal door and step inside. The noise—a mix of wood chairs scraping against the ground and low conversations—briefly spikes before settling as the door thuds shut behind you. 
It's been a long, tough shift at the clinic, leaving you feeling bone tired.
The bar—if you can even call it that—has a worn appeal. As your eyes get used to the dimness, you head straight for the counter. 
The bartender, a middle-aged guy with a scar trailing down his cheek like a tear track, gives you a quick nod in greeting. “Hey, Tom,” you greet him with a tired smile. “I’ll have a chardonnay.”
Tom chuckles, wiping down a glass with a rag that has seen better days. 
“Doc,” he nods. “Best I can do is beer. Got a fresh batch that’s more hops than rust this time.”
“Sold,” you laugh, settling onto a stool and pushing him one of your ration cards. “Make it a cold one, if you can remember what cold feels like.”
Your eyes drift across the bar as Tom turns to fetch your drink. That’s when you notice him—a rugged man nursing a beer, his presence almost as worn as the leather jacket hugging his broad shoulders. 
His knuckles are raw, the skin split, and a dark bruise blooms around his left eye. It’s an impressive shiner that catches your attention more than it probably should.
You lean slightly on the bar, the wood cool under your arms, and a half-smile forms on your lips when you catch his eye. “You really should have someone check that out,” you say, nodding toward his hand, the flirtation in your voice unmistakable.
His eyes assess you momentarily, weighing your words, maybe even your presence here talking to him.
He curls his right hand into a fist, the skin tight and pale over the knuckles. “This?” His voice, rough as gravel, carries a hint of nonchalance. “It’ll heal eventually.” As he speaks, his words stretch out with a slow Southern drawl, wrapped in a weariness you can almost touch.
“Must have been quite the fight,” you remark, accepting the beer Tom slides in front of you. “Or a really stubborn door.” 
A trace of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. 
“Something like that.”
“You know,” you continue, sipping the beer and finding it surprisingly not terrible, “I’m pretty good with stitches and less good with doors. If you ever need a hand…”
His dark eyes flick back to you, pausing on your lips, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You sip your drink, the corners of your lips twitching upward slightly. Turning to face him fully, you let your eyes roam over his features, openly appreciating the chisel of his jaw and the facial hair that covers it. He’s handsome. 
He doesn’t ask for your name, but the silence feels like an invitation. Leaning a bit closer, you raise an eyebrow playfully. "And you are?" your voice lilts at the end, lingering on the anticipation.
"Joel Miller," he says, his voice a deep rumble that cuts through the bar noise. His handshake is firm but careful as if he's mindful not to hurt despite the roughness of his hands.
"Joel Miller—I like that," you reply, holding his gaze a little longer than necessary, your hand still clasped in his. You gently turn his hand to inspect the battered knuckles, not having to work hard to imagine the sting you know he feels.
A shout from across the bar catches your attention; your friends are waving you over. You turn towards them, but he continues to look at you. When you turn back to him, he drops your hand quickly, almost like you burned him.
"Well, Joel Miller, I guess I'll see you around," you say with a hint of promise.
He nods, “Maybe so.” 
As you walk away, you feel his thoughtful, dark, and hungry eyes still fixed on you. 
The intensity of his stare sends a shiver down your spine as you move toward the laughter and warmth of your friends waiting at a table near the back.
You feel the pull of curiosity that makes you want to look back, but you don’t. 
Later that week, you’re pulling a late night at the clinic. 
"Fuck," you moan, bringing your hands to your temples and rubbing them slightly. You're exhausted. When are you not?
You don't have a clock in the clinic, but you know it's probably close to curfew. Every cell in your body tells you to go home, but you ignore it. At least you have the peeling paint and the constant drip from a leaky faucet to keep you company.
You’re restocking a shelf in the lobby when the front door slams open violently. A man staggers in, his eyes bloodshot, clothes tattered, and reeking of what you don’t even want to know. You straighten up and quickly reach into your coat pocket, your grip finding a scalpel from earlier. Using your thumb, you work to remove the cap and position it between your fingers should you need to use it.
"I need some meds," he growls, slamming his fists down on the reception desk. "The strong stuff, now!"
"Sir, I need you to calm down," you say, trying to keep your voice even despite the adrenaline surge. "I can help, but first, you need to tell me what's wrong."
"Listen here you little bitch, I don’t need advice; I need fucking pills!" he bellows, his voice echoing off the walls. Suddenly, he lunges over the counter, grabbing your arm with a firm grip. 
You struggle to pull away, but he’s too strong. You try your scalpel, but he slaps it away. Panic spikes as he twists your arm behind your back and slams you against the counter. Pain shoots through your shoulder, sharp and blinding.
Just then, the door to the clinic bursts open with a force that makes the entire room shake. You barely have time to register the figure rushing in, his movements fast and determined.
And then you see him. 
Joel Miller. 
His expression is set in a hard line, eyes pinpointing the man pinning you down. Without a word, he grabs the man by the collar and yanks him away from you. The man flails, trying to swing at Joel, but he’s too quick, too angry. He lands a solid punch to the man's jaw, sending him reeling backward into one of the shelves. 
"You okay?" he asks, turning to you with concern etched on his face. His hands are still clenched into fists.
Breathing heavily, you nod, rubbing your bruised arm. The pain is sharp, and you know you'll be feeling it tomorrow, but you’re relieved to be free from the man's grasp. 
"I think so?" you manage to say, trying to steady your voice as you back away from the counter to put some distance between yourself and the now-groaning figure on the floor.
Joel’s eyes find the man as he slowly picks himself up, giving him a warning glare that promises more if he tries anything again. "Come in here again, and I’ll make sure a broken jaw is the least of your worries," he threatens. Is he always this intense? The man, clutching his jaw and mumbling curses, stumbles out of the clinic.
Once gone, Joel turns back to you, his expression softening. "Let me look at your arm," he says, gently taking it in his hands, his touch careful as he examines the bruising.
“Playing doctor today, are we?" you tease with a smirk.
Joel's chuckle rumbles low and warm, melting some of the tension from your shoulders.
"I'm not, but you could've fooled me," he replies, his touch light as he examines your arm. His eyes hold a soft concern that seems at odds with his typically rugged exterior. 
“Didn’t know you were a doctor.” 
"Do a lot of women at the bar tell you they’re good at giving stitches?" you quip, watching his reaction.
“Alright, smartass, point taken," he teases, releasing your arm. You gently massage the sore skin.
"How did you know I was in trouble?" 
Joel leans against the counter, his brow set as he watches you rub your arm. 
"Let's just say I've got good instincts.”
"Instincts, huh?" You say, stepping closer. "I suppose next you’ll say that it was just my luck that you happened to wander by when you did?” 
His eyes lock with yours.
"I think you're lucky I came when I did," he agrees, his tone serious now.
"Yeah," you agree, a wave of gratitude washing over you. The clinic is suddenly quiet, and you both look at each other momentarily. Everything suddenly feels heavy.
“Too bad there’s no lottery anymore—I could've used some of that luck earlier,” you joke. Stupid.
Joel shakes his head, eyes still scanning your face, perhaps looking for injuries you hadn't mentioned. 
"Really, you should be more careful," he chides. "It’s not safe to be out here alone this close to curfew."
"I usually manage fine," you assert, trying not to let his concern make you feel like you can't handle your job. "Tonight was just... unexpected."
"Doesn't mean it won't happen again. You should think about having someone here with you during late shifts," Joel suggests, his voice low and insistent.
You consider his words, knowing he's right, but it’s also not like people in the QZ are lining up to care for people who aren’t themselves.
Joel seems to read your mind. "Just promise me you'll be careful," he says, stepping back, giving you space. His eyes still hold that fierce protective glint.
"I promise.”
Joel nods once, satisfied. "Good.”
You give him another small smile and think he sees the thank you behind it. 
He nods again, eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he turns to leave. As he walks towards the door, you watch him go, feeling a mix of emotions—appreciation, relief, and that same magnetic pull from last night. 
“Joel?” you call out, halting his steps. “You like whiskey?” 
Joel turns, a curious arch lifting his brow as he shifts from his reserved demeanor. 
"Yeah, I like whiskey," he replies. "Why, you offering?"
A playful smile dances on your lips.
"Maybe I am," you say, considering for a moment. "How about a thank-you drink? My place isn't far."
For a moment, Joel just looks at you, assessing. 
"Lead the way, Doc,” he says, his voice carrying a warmth you haven’t heard before.
You unlock the door to your unit, stepping aside to let him in. "Make yourself comfortable," you say, gesturing vaguely towards the living room. Joel nods and walks through the threshold. As he passes, you notice that he smells slightly sweet and smoky, with a rich, woody undertone. 
He takes a seat on the worn couch that’s a carry over from the 80’s, it creaks under his weight. He settles back, his knees spreading wide, and makes himself at home.
Heading into the kitchen, you rummage through the cabinets before finding an old bottle of whiskey. You don’t own any glasses. 
You call out to Joel, "I hope you don’t mind sharing with me." You unscrew the cap, take a swig directly from the bottle, and feel the warm burn of the alcohol as it slides down your throat.
You cough. “It's not great, but it’s the best I’ve got.”  
Carrying the bottle back to the living room, you pass it to Joel with a playful wink. "Your turn," you say, watching him take his swig with an approving nod. He takes a moment to assess the bottle; not bad for decade-old Tennessee whiskey. 
As he drinks, you walk over to a shelf cluttered with various knickknacks and pull out an old battery-powered CD player. Rifling through the modest stack of CDs you’ve traded more ration cards for than you care to admit, you pull out the one you're after and slide it into the player. 
As the first chords of Pearl Jam's "Alive" reverberate through the room, Joel's head swivels, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Holy shit. Pearl Jam?" he says, his voice tinged with surprise.
"You know ‘em?" you respond, settling beside him on the couch.
He looks at you with a you’ve got to be serious look.
“Yeah, darlin’, I know ‘em. Pretty sure I was listening to them before you were even born.” 
“Oh please,” you laugh, gently elbowing him in the ribs as you snatch the whiskey bottle back. “I’m not that young.” “Pretty sure I’m old enough to be your daddy,” he looks at you. You’re not sure who moved closer, you or him. You feel the solid warmth of his thigh pressed firmly against yours, sending a spark through you.
You turn and look up at him through your lashes.
“Is that what you want to be?” You feel a little thrill as you watch his pupils dilate, and his jaw tightens. 
You take another swig from the bottle, and his eyes linger on your lips and the shine from the amber liquid on them. “My daddy,” you emphasize the word daddy with a suggestive tone. His hands flex on his thighs. You can tell he’s holding back, trying to maintain composure. He blushes a little; you notice. 
Your words hang in the air. You decide to go easy on him. For now. 
“I’m just fucking with you; that’s not really my thing,” you lie. You take another sip from the bottle, and you feel the alcohol coursing through your veins, your cheeks warming from the combination of the whiskey and his burning gaze. Your muscles feel a little gooey, and your bones feel lighter. 
“All yours, cowboy,” you say, passing him the bottle. His left-hand kitten kisses yours as he grabs it, and even though it was just a brief touch, you still feel it afterward. You bring your free hand to his resting on his thigh. His knuckles have started to heal, but scabs still linger. 
“You gonna tell me how you got this for real this time?” Your fingers gently explore the rough texture of his skin, tracing the prominent veins that stand out beneath. He clenches his hand into a fist, looking at you with an intensity that suggests you don’t want to know. 
"Alright Miller, keep your secrets then," you murmur playfully, leaning in so your side body is pressed against his arm. You gently pluck the bottle from his grasp and set it aside on the table. Sliding onto his lap, you straddle him, your thighs framing his sides.
“Wh – what are you doin’?”
"If you won't tell me, the least you can do is kiss me," you suggest, your fingers weaving through his hair, using it to tilt him up to look at you. His eyes flicker to your lips, and his hand cradles your face as you inch nearer. His thumb brushes softly across your bottom lip, sending a shiver down your spine. His touch wanders, trailing from your neck to your waist, each movement charged with tension.
Suddenly, he shifts, flipping you onto your back with a smooth motion. Your back hits the cushions and a small oof escapes your lungs. Your thighs are still bracketing him. The pressure of his hips against your center makes your insides flutter.
“You’re a needy little thing, arentcha?” 
Mhmm, you moan, cupping his face, trying to pull him closer to you. The hardness you feel pressed up on your hips makes you a little desperate. 
God, you’re perfect, he thinks. So warm and willing, making it so easy for him. 
You’ve been fairly obvious in your flirting with him. He hasn’t been with a woman in a while, but he sure as shit wasn’t born yesterday. A voice in his mind tells him this might be the liquor talking, not you. Or worse, he thinks you might feel like you owe him something for helping you out earlier. 
He wants you, but not like this. 
"I think you're a little drunk, darlin'," he whispers, his voice low and teasing. He leans in, his breath warm against your skin, noses so close they touch. 
“So what if I am?” you giggle. 
“Kiss me, Miller.” His eyes fall to your lips.
You close your eyes, expecting a kiss, but instead, he plants a tender kiss on your forehead.
"I should go," he murmurs, pulling away and standing up. "Get some sleep," he adds, his voice mingling with the music. Before you can reach for him, he's out the door, leaving you wet, tipsy, and confused. 
By the time Joel returned to his unit, the ache in his jeans was almost too much to bear. 
He fucked his hand twice that night, once to the thought of how you felt on top of him, your hips rocking into his, and the other to the thought of what your lips might feel like pressed against his. 
He wanted to kiss you. He wants to kiss you. 
And while his cock might have other thoughts on the matter, he’s never been one to take advantage. Joel knows he’s a bad man, but he’s not bad enough to do that to you. 
He’s done many hard things, but walking away from you at that moment might be near the top of the list. 
You feel his fingers on your forearm, gently tracing up and down on the skin there when you open your eyes. He’s sitting on the bed next to you. His voice, a heavy mix of concern and warmth now, steadies your spinning world. You try and sit up. What the actual fuck is happening? Wasn’t he…just?
"Hey, take it easy," Joel murmurs, guiding you gently back against the pillows.
As you settle, the dizzying spin of the room slows, and you're met with Joel's intense stare. He's studying you, his eyes flickering with a mixture of unease and something deeper, something unspoken. 
"You okay?" His voice is a soft murmur, barely rising above the whistle from the broken window across the room.
You nod, but your heart feels like it’s going to pound out of your chest —not just from the disorienting fall, but from the closeness of him. The magnetic pull you've felt since the beginning is more palpable now, impossible to ignore. You blink away the last clouds of your dizziness and focus on him. His shirt clings to him, damp with sweat; his usually neat hair begins to curl at the edges, and there's a tightness in his expression that mirrors the pain you feel.
You’re aching, not in your muscles or bones; no, it’s deeper than that. It's like the pull of a wave threatening to take you under tow. 
"Yeah, just,” you sigh. “Joel, I feel so weird," you manage to say, your voice barely a whisper. “I’m so hot,” you say, and admitting it out loud overwhelms you.
“I know, baby, me too,” Joel responds softly, his hand brushing lightly over your shoulder,
He’s so sweet and tender. The nickname lingers in your mind and plays on a loop. 
Baby. Baby. 
Warmth spreads up from your chest, a burning sensation that lodges behind your ribcage, familiar yet overwhelming. Tears start to prick your eyes, and before you can hold them back, they stream down your face.
You're crying now, not just from the discomfort but from everything—the closeness, the concern in his voice, the way he keeps calling you baby, and the deep ache it all stirs within you.
“Stupid fucking flower,” you say through your tears. 
“What’s that now?” 
“In the field—the flower, the colorful one I showed you. I didn’t know what it was at first, but then I remembered reading about it in a book about herbal remedies.”
“And you think this flower has something to do with what’s wrong with us right now?” he questions. 
“I don’t remember what it’s called, but I remember reading a warning about it –” 
He doesn’t say anything; he just looks at you, patiently waiting for you to finish your thought. 
“The flower,” you sniffle. “Well, the sap and pollen of the flower, I should say, have some strange side effects if ingested or put into the bloodstream…” 
“Go on, baby.” 
There it is again. Baby. 
“It causes extreme arousal, light-headedness, and a shit ton of other things I don’t remember.” 
“Oh. Well, that explains –” 
“Yeah,” you cut him off, already knowing what he wanted to say. You use the back of your hand to wipe away some moisture from your face, but there’s no point; you still feel the tears falling. You close your eyes and try to will the discomfort from your mind. 
“It's okay, darlin'," he murmurs, "I’m here. We'll just let it run its course, alright?" His arms envelop you, drawing you tightly against the solid warmth of his chest. Gently, he cradles the curve of your head in his hand, the rhythm of his heartbeat steady against your ear. You open your eyes, and through your wet vision, you look down and see that he’s still hard. 
“Joel, I –”  his hand floats to the column of your neck, holding you to look at him.
“What do you need, baby?” 
“I need you to fuck me.” 
Shit. No going back now.
“I can’t do that. We’re not in the right state of mind. I don’t want to take advan–” 
“Joel, please,” you say through your tears. 
He looks at you like he’s at war with his mind and body; your desperate doe eyes stare back at him. 
His cock twitches.
He’s been in pain ever since you hit the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to finish after you passed out again. How could he? He was too worried about you. Every fiber of his being was screaming to cum, but the concern he held for you overrode it all. 
“Joel, I’m begging you,” you plead.
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes, yeah—yes. Joel, I need you,” you respond quickly, already moving to drag the unbuttoned jeans off your body. He’s still unmoving, and his body feels like molasses—viscous and sluggish. You’ve rid yourself of your shirt when you command his attention again, “Joel!” 
“Fuck, yeah – okay,” he takes off his shirt, and you help him with his buckle. He undoes his jeans once more while you make quick work of removing your bra and underwear, leaving yourself bare in front of him.
“Lay back, baby, need to taste you.” You do as he says, letting your knees fall to the sides until you’re spread open for him. He comes to his knees on the bed, the mattress groaning under his weight. 
“God damn, darlin’ — could cum just from lookin’ at you like this,” he says, stroking his cock. You thought he was big when you saw him in the corner, but seeing him this close, really seeing him, is another story. 
He collapses onto his stomach between your legs, his breath warm against your skin. Gently, he presses his lips to the tender flesh of your inner thigh, delivering a playful nip that sends a shiver through you.
“Wanna taste you – you have no idea how bad I want to taste you,” he groans as he breathes in your scent, the tip of his aquiline nose bumps against your clit. You’re so keyed up already, a dripping mess for him, your aching clit just begging for a bit of attention. 
He runs a finger through your drenched seam, your juices dripping onto his thick digit. He licks his finger, then shoves it into his mouth so he can taste every drop. He clamps his eyes shut and groans. “So fuckin’ sweet, baby.”
Joel spreads your legs wider, giving him full access to your pussy. He plants a soft kiss on the top of your mound and then gently parts his lips, allowing his tongue to lick through your dripping folds. 
“Please,” You cry, with one hand gripping the worn fabric of the bedspread and one tugging on his messy curls. His beard scratches the sensitive skin of your pussy as you grind your hips into his mouth. 
“I’ll take care of you, baby, don’t worry, ‘m here,” he whispers before returning his attention to you.
Your vision fills with glittering spots while he expertly alternates between flicking his tongue and sucking on your clit. He’s keeping a steady rhythm, on the slower side, you think, but you can’t be sure; your sense of time is fully warped. 
He picks up the pace, your fingers cramping from their death grip on the fabric. You feel your peak approaching. It feels different, like euphoria injected straight into your veins. 
Joel senses your approaching release and pushes one of his thick fingers into your wet heat.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he mumbles against your skin. He picks up his pace and then adds another finger, one your greedy cunt happily accepts. He hooks them slightly so they’re pressing against the spongey spot inside you that you can never seem to reach yourself. 
“Come on, baby. Wanna feel you.”
His eyes flicker up to meet yours, and then tension inside you releases all at once, snaps, and hurtles you into another dimension.
As if the cosmos has poured all its beauty into a single moment, the wave of your orgasm breaks—an explosion of white light, pure and cleansing, sweeping away all that came before, cooling the fire raging inside of you.
Joel works you through it, his fingers keeping a steady rhythm as you come down, coated in a gentle rain of shimmering particles, bathed in a serene and growing peace, and you catch your breath. 
“I’ve–I’ve never felt anything like that,” you pant, “That was amazing.”
“It was pretty pretty to watch, too,” he tells you, rising between your legs. His hand comes to his cock again, holding it by the base. He’s furiously hard, the tip of him drooling, the color of it a deep, rich shade of violet.
“I need you, baby, so fuckin’ bad,” he tells you, voice wrecked. 
You spread your legs open a little wider for him, bringing your hands to your knees, spreading your glistening cunt open for him. 
“She’s all yours,” you coo, and he’s on you. He arranges himself above you, his forearms taking the brunt of his weight, yet the impressive heft of him presses down, enveloping you in his presence. His broadness looms, an expansive canopy; he eclipses your view, and all that exists in this moment is him. You wrap your fingers around his midsection, and he lines the tip of himself up with your wet and waiting hole. 
“You’re mine,” he tells you like it’s a fact, not a statement, as he pushes his hips forward and buries his cock deep inside of you. He pauses, giving you a moment to adjust. There’s a dull sting, but it quickly dissipates as he pulls out of you slowly and then thrusts forward again. The slow drag of his cock against your walls, the tip of it kissing your cervix, sends you into a frenzy. 
“Faster – ah shit, harder –” you moan and he begins to ravage you without mercy, kissing and nipping at the razor edge of your jaw, the tip of your chin. Your moans are muffled against his skin, cries of pleasure that rise in pitch with each thrust forward. 
“Mmm, you’re so warm,” he huffs and moans above you as he fucks away at your tight core. “Feels so good, not gonna last long like this. Tight little pussy’s choking me too good.” 
The familiar, odd sensation washes over you again, that strange mix of feeling both insubstantial and overwhelmingly heavy. It's as if you're simultaneously a feather, drifting weightlessly, and a boulder, rooted deeply and immovably. This feeling lifts and anchors you, leaving you floating between reality and a dreamlike state.
You focus on the feeling of his thrusts.
Back and forth. 
In and out. 
Back and forth. 
In and out. 
You’re drunk off it, off him.  
He snakes his hand behind your body to grab your ass for extra leverage, allowing him to slam into you harder, his hips thrusting against yours. The thatch of dark hair at the base of him rubs up against your swollen clit.  You feel like you’re getting fucked into near unconsciousness, your eyes heavy and half-lidded. 
“Joel,” you moan, your voice barely above a whisper, “I’m so close, oh my god, please.”
Joel’s eyes roll shut as you wrap your arms and legs around him tightly, holding on for dear life as he fucks you like a man possessed.
“That’s it baby, beg for it,” he tells you, and you do.
“Pleasepleaseplease,” you cry out, “Daddy, please.”
“Jesus, fuck,” Joel groans as he feels your walls clamp down on him, your orgasm gripping you like a fever.
“Good fucking girl,” he praises. 
Tears once again stream from your face, this time from pleasure, as he splits you open even more. 
He repositions, bringing your knees to your chest, holding them together with his strong arms as he continues to push in and out of you. 
The tension builds, a gathering storm within him. Every nerve seems to tighten, coil, ready to spring. His world narrows and blurs until there’s only you and the tight feel of your pussy around him. 
“Gonna come,” he tells you, and his thrusts slow.
His breath catches, and he quickly pulls out of you. Then, the release comes— your legs fall to the sides again, and a spray of his cum lands on you, hot thick ropes of it drooling from his cock. 
He’s floored by relief, pleasure radiating through his body. It's like watching the sky split open with light after a storm—vivid, raw, and beautifully clear. 
The aftermath is quiet, a soft descent back into himself, marked by a satisfying stillness. 
He drops to the bed beside you, and you both stare at the ceiling, breathless, nothing but prey ensnared in a web of desire.  He looks at you, his deep brown eyes now soft and satisfied.
“So…Daddy, huh?”
Part 3 - Coming 5/19
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A/N Continued: Okay ngl, I am down so bad for these two. If you are, too, I would really appreciate a comment or a reblog. Your feedback and interaction really are so special to me. Tags: @syd-djarin @endlessthxxghts @thereaperisabitch @caramilena @promptly-mercy @alex-does-art-things @swankyorange @ayishahislost @bensonispunk @doblasftcisco @lizlil @pigeonmama @sullyselena @deansimpalagirl @theelectricmind @pedropascalsbbg @laramc-02 @elegantduckturtle @rainbow12346 @senoratess @eff4freddie @auteurdelabre @yxtkiwiyxt @javipispunk @reedrchards @miller-n-morgan @sawymredfox @casa-boiardi @punkshort @pastawench @survivingandenduring @aspecialgreenie @puduvallee @moel-jiller @sheepdogchick3
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hiii i luv ur work^^ can i request a fic where carmy get sucked off so good it makes his brain short-circuit a little? like he came home all tired and pent up n reader just "blow" it all away. wanna see this man get taken care of🥺 he's alway got so much on his mind i just wanna see him fucked till his brain is empty
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Short Circuit.
Carmy doesn’t know how to shut his brain off. Luckily, you do.
pairing - roommate!carmen berzatto x female reader
warnings - smut. cursing.
word count - 1.8k
authors note - carmy’s a little bitch in this one!! mwahahaha!! to my love who requested - i’m sorry I ended up making him a bit pathetic here, but in my defence… he does give off the energy of a wet cat, so. this set in the roommates universe, but the fics have no particular order <3
if you enjoyed, please reblog!! reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which in turn creates more. <3
masterlist. inbox. series masterlist.
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“Sit the fuck down.”
Carmy blinks at you like a deer caught in headlights, confused and struggling to process.
“You heard me, Carmen. Sit the fuck down before I shove you there myself.”
You gesture at the couch only a few feet away, crossing your arms over your chest expectantly.
He exhales shakily before placing his mug of coffee on the kitchen counter, walking over to do as you ordered.
He’s never really been bossed around by you before. Sure, you scold him occasionally, warn him when he does something wrong, but never like this. He can’t tell if he likes it. He thinks that maybe he does.
He gets comfy on the couch, sitting back against the cushions and spreading his legs. His white t shirt spreads deliciously across his broad shoulders, tight and worn. His old flannel pyjama pants look so cosy, you itch to reach out and run your hand across them.
Carmy’s watching you curiously, waiting for your next move. He can’t predict what’s going to happen, which would usually make him nervous. But right now, he’s got electricity buzzing through his veins, crackling and charged.
You set your own mug down and saunter over in his direction, as if you have all the time in the world. You stop at the window and shut the blinds, smirking over your shoulder when he raises his eyebrows in a silent question.
“Don’t want to give the neighbours a show.”
Carmy’s breath hitches in his chest, panting with anticipation. You crack your knuckles and stretch your arms above your head, suppressing a laugh when you see his eyes glued to the skin you expose between your t shirt and pyjama pants.
You stand in front of where he’s sat, patient and waiting. You look so tall, looking down on him, so completely powerful. He’s suddenly very confused by his own feelings.
“I’m sick of you bitching and moaning,” you begin, dropping to your knees on the patterned rug. “So I’m gonna make you shut the fuck up.”
Carmy suddenly sits up straight, full attention captured.
“God, do you ever listen, Carmen?”
He’s silenced by your rebuttal, so you continue.
“You’re stressed to the max, and you don’t know how to leave work at work. You bring it home, complain for hours, and then wonder why you can’t relax. You need to shut your brain off.”
Carmy swallows harshly, eyes never leaving yours.
“And how am I supposed to do that?”
“You’re not. I’m gonna do it for you.”
With that, you rise up onto your knees so you’re face to face with your roommate.
“You okay with this?” you whisper, searching his features for any signs of trepidation.
“More than okay,” he breathes, leaning in to you. “Kiss me first? Please?”
You don’t think anyone would be able to resist him in this moment, when he looks and asks so pretty.
“Whatever you want, babe.”
You press your lips to his gently, resting the waters. Carmy instantly pulls you in with his arms around your back, deepening the kiss. You slip your tongue into his mouth and take control, nipping at his bottom lip when he gets too cocky.
“I’m in charge,” you tell him lowly. “If you wanna stop, say stop. But otherwise, I’m gonna keep going until you can’t remember your own name.”
Carmen’s eyes roll back at the promise, head hitting the sofa behind him as he groans. You settle back down between his legs, pulling his pyjama pants off and throwing them aside.
You trail open mouthed kisses up his thighs, starting at his knee and ending at his hip. Occasionally you bite down, soothing the sting with your tongue as you go. When he starts to fidget, you fully sink your teeth into his muscle, sharp and warning. He flinches, and you smirk.
“Patience, Carmen.”
“Don’t wanna be fuckin’ patient,” he grumbles under his breath, petulant as ever.
You look up at him firmly, and he gets the message.
Running your fingers up and down his thigh, you sit and enjoy the way goosebumps rise across his skin. You’re on a power trip, buzzing with the adrenaline of having a man like Carmy at your mercy.
“Good things come to those who wait,” you tease, before dancing your fingertips across the material of his boxers. His hips buck up into your hand and you relent, pulling his underwear down and off in one quick move.
He hisses as the cool air of the room hits his heated skin, the combination of sensations overwhelming.
You kiss along his hipbones, tasting salt and the musk that’s so Carmy. Nudging your nose into the juncture of his thigh, you chuckle when he shudders.
“Please, babe.”
“What do you want, Carm?”
“Just- just do something, please. Anything.”
Maybe it’s the rare show of manners, or maybe it’s his pleading tone, but you finally take pity on him. Grasping him in your hand, you give your wrist an experimental twist, biting your lip when he groans.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, all breathy and strained. He sounds so pretty like this, all loose limbed and pliable. “Shit, babe. Yeah.”
You take your time learning what he likes. Twisting, pulling, applying a little pressure. Carmy is writhing in his seat, completely unable to keep still. You keep pushing his hips back down firmly, putting him in his place.
He has his eyes screwed shut, head thrown back into the couch cushions, gorgeous neck exposed. You take him by surprise by wrapping your lips around him, sucking gently. His hand flies to your head, grasping for grip, for any kind of anchor.
You double down on your efforts, twisting your wrist as you hollow your cheeks. You rake the nails of your other hand down his thigh, squeezing occasionally to let him know you’re still good.
You feel his muscles go tense, knuckles gripping the cushion underneath him. He’s right on the edge - you can sense it.
So, you stop.
You pull away completely, laughing when his eyes shoot open, brows furrowed together.
“W-what? What the fuck? Why’d you stop?”
“Because I can.”
Carmy doesn’t even have the energy to come up with a sarcastic response. Instead, he sinks further into the couch, looking down at you with those big blue eyes.
“So whiny. Jesus, Carmen, have some self respect.”
On any other day, he wouldn’t take that lying down. He’d sass you twice as hard, smirking when you roll your eyes. But today, he doesn’t have it in him.
“Oh you sound so pretty when you beg.”
He blushes, heat blooming up his chest and across his cheeks. He reaches out and traces your lips with his thumb, a tender gesture among all of the filth currently occurring.
“Do it more.”
He blinks at you, wondering if he heard you correctly.
“Listen for once in your life, Berzatto. I said, do it more. Beg. Beg for it, and I’ll make you come.”
Carmy thinks he might have died and gone to heaven. He’s never seen this side of you before - in all honesty, you didn’t know it existed. He’s discovering a lot about himself tonight, and as confusing as it is, he’s loving it.
“Please, honey. Please.”
You click your tongue disapprovingly, shaking your head.
“Nuh uh. I want you to beg so hard that I am dripping, Carmen. Make it count.”
“You’re getting off on this,” he chuckles in disbelief. “Fuck, that’s so hot.”
You mime tapping an imaginary watch on your wrist, signalling him to hurry up. In reality, you’d kneel here on the rug all night if he wanted, content to watch him all high strung and flushed.
“Okay, okay. Sweetheart, please. Fuck, I need it. Need it so bad. Need you so bad. Just- give me anything, something, please.”
His voice has gone all breathy, shaky and unsure. He sounds like he’s on the verge of tears, and the mental image of him crying because of you turns you on more than it should.
“Oh baby,” you coo. “Was that so hard? Hmm?”
He shakes his head, bitten lip between his teeth.
“Gonna give you what you need now, because you were so good. My pretty, pretty boy.”
It might be your tone, or it might be because you called him your boy, but Carmy melts. He’s nothing but a puddle, mewling and panting, no coherent thoughts left in his brain.
You get back to work, hollowing your cheeks and working whatever you can’t fit in your mouth with your soft hands. You swirl your tongue, pressing it to the underside of him when you pull back slightly for air.
You wonder, for a second, if you’ve broken your roommate. Nonsense is leaving his lips in constant streams, babbling under his breath like he’s lost his mind.
“Yeah baby, keep going please, please don’t stop.”
“Fuck you’re so good, s’good, so good.”
“Just wanna come, please honey, I’ll do anything. Anything you want.”
“Ohhh, yesyesyes, oh fuck, thank you baby, shit.”
You keep humming in response, and the vibrations are Carmy’s undoing. His hips jolt upwards as his back arches off the couch, fingers scrambling for purchase. He hits the back of your throat and you groan, letting him ride it out however he needs. He relaxes back into his original position, body completely spent.
You squeeze his thigh to get his attention, making sure he watches as you swallow everything he’s given to you. He groans, low and tired, shaking his head with a smile on his face. You rest your head on his leg, looking up at him.
“You good, Carm?”
He nods, trying to gather the energy to answer you properly.
“Yeah,” he says after a while. “I genuinely think I’ve never been better.”
You laugh, and the sound makes him grin, all slow and saccharine.
“I can’t move. Think you’ve ruined me.”
“That was the plan,” you wink, standing up and pulling his boxers back up his legs.
You grab a bottle of water from the kitchen, watching as he downs it all in one go. Sitting next to him on the couch, he pulls you into his side, slotting you there perfectly.
“Thank you,” he whispers into the evening dusk of the room. “Not just for making me come harder than I ever have in my life. But, you know… for everything.”
You chuckle, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Of course. You’d do the same for me.”
“Next time you have a bad day, I’m gonna throw you on the couch and eat you out until you cry.”
You groan, pinching his thigh in warning.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
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@enigmaticloki @kaelabear @idontexist-anymore @jazminsjaz @kingsqueensandvagabonds
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stsgluver · 5 months
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synopsis. zenin naoya and his lack of respect for women. [part of the dynasty series]
wc. 970
tags/warnings. rich boy!gojo, idk what else, zenin naoya exists, established relationship
a/n. i switch between present and past (like five mins prior) throughout BUT IF IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE PLS LET ME KNOW. this has been sat in drafts for 2 months.
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“i wouldn’t have stopped you from punching him.”
gojo scoffed, pushing his hands through his hair frustratedly. the two of you sat together on the cold stone steps outside of some large historic building. 
“i don’t think i would’ve stopped,” he let out a ragged breath and you rested one of your hands on his knee. his fingers naturally came to intertwine with yours and you think you saw his shoulders relax ever so slightly at the contact.
a silence settled between you, but it wasn't an awkward one. your boyfriend was reliving the last hour and you were doing your best to try and forget it.
“is he always like that?” you asked quietly. the he in question being zen’in naoya. 
this was the first event that you had attended with gojo, and the first event gojo had ever attended with an actual date. he’d always turned down all of the girls his father offered to him (the children of other tech ceo’s that his father was encouraging him to get close to only for the benefit of his own bank account) and he’d never had a real girlfriend to bring prior to you.
“unfortunately,” he hummed quietly, brushing his thumb over your knuckles lightly. you shivered from the cool breeze and dared to shuffle closer to him. 
you’d experienced many sides of gojo since you’d begun your relationship, but never had you seen him so irritated that he couldn’t verbally communicate it. he was the one who annoyed people to the brink of insanity, with his cocky remarks and over-the-top, excitable behaviour. few people had ever tried to one up him, and even fewer were successful in managing to get under his skin.
zenin naoya, though, loved the challenge.
“do you think your dad will mind if we’re out here?” you asked tentatively. gojo’s hand reflexively tightened briefly around yours at the mention of his father, his jaw clenching. 
several minutes after gojo had led you inside the elegant infrastructure (to say you were getting imposter syndrome was an understatement), he’d left you by a confectionery stand in search of geto. according to him, you looked ‘too pretty’ and he didn’t want your dress to be ruined in the crowds. in other words, the less you mingled, the less likely you’d be harassed by his father’s rich peers – he’d already ‘accidentally’ knocked one drink over onto a woman who dared to hiss the word ‘gold digger’ under her breath as you passed.
it had to have been less than thirty seconds before the zenin appeared by your side, a sickening smirk on his twisted face. you knew who he was, you’d seen him once or twice around campus and you’d heard the stories, but you’d never been this close to him; not close enough to breath in the expensive cologne that smellt cheap.
“probably,” he clicked his tongue, tilting his head back to look up at the night sky.  “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have brought you here.”
you nudged his shoulder gently, “i wanted to come.”
a mistake on both of your behalf – though neither of you could have predicted that naoya would try and make a scene when you rejected his advances.
"you two alright?" 
both of you turned your heads back to see geto coming down the stairs towards you with a little skip in his step.
once naoya had your attention he wasted no time getting to his point – bigging up his status and telling you how gojo’s dad was doubting gojo’s position in the company. if you wanted a real man, in his words, you needed him. 
obviously, you’d given him a disgusted look without much thought and denied the offer, taking a step back to try and find your tall, white haired boyfriend in the crowd (an oddly difficult task). you figured you were safer weaving through a crowd of high society snobs than you were spending another minute here. naoya, though, was persistent and didn’t hesitate to pull you back towards him with a harsh grip.
"just trying not to bash that zen'in's skull in," gojo muttered as he gently traced the red marks on your wrist. it looked worse than it felt – the pain had dissipated pretty quickly once you’d broken from naoya’s hold.
"i could get on board with that," the dark haired male dropped down next to you on the stairs, stretching out his legs and smoothing down his pants.
you figured out pretty quickly that gojo and geto were a package deal. best friends since diapers and equally as resentful to their parents’ ways of life and the pretence they’ve been raised in. two sides of the same coin, both of which willing to go extraordinary lengths for the other with no regard for consequences.
such as the jail time that would come with the aggravated assault of naoya.
though you would give it to geto – when gojo and him got to you and naoya, it was him who was ushering gojo to just take you outside, not to engage with the spoiled man child. 
“geto,” geto mocked you with a grin, shrugging carelessly, "the kid’s an ass. he’s got it coming."
there was no more than a second until geto spoke up again, with an idea you were sure he’d had from the beginning of the night, his plans had just been accelerated: “shoko’s house is free now. her parents are away so she wasn’t forced to attend this bullshit,”
gojo’s head perked up at this, looking above your head at his best friend, “you think she’ll have the stuff for a smoke?”
“it’s ieiri,” you said in a ‘duh’ tone because when was she not smoking something. how she was top of her classes, you’d never know.
“god bless that girl,” geto blew a kiss to the sky.
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taglist. @hyori2 @ja-zz @animeflower26 @jar-03
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idiopath-fic-smile · 8 months
i make no promises, like i genuinely don't have any real ideas for scenes after this one, but uh here is more Singin' in the Rain ot3, continuing from here. they're not even on the honeymoon boat yet! but for whatever it's worth, there are shenanigans.
Here was another thing Cosmo had failed to predict: Don was a nervous flier. 
Cosmo had been up in the air a handful of times; Archibald owned a small personal craft that he flew sometimes on the weekends. And sure, it was cold and noisy and there was no denying that watching the ground disappear below you could give a guy a bad case of the stomach lurches, but it was a thrill all the same. An adventure, he thought, burrowing deeper into the very warm wool coat he’d had the presence of mind to bring. Don was generally up for an adventure; he’d once ridden a motorcycle full speed off a high canyon and fallen ten stories into the water below, for nothing but a day’s wages and an approving nod from the director.
The airplane offered comfortable seats and tables and fashionable cold salads served by very calm stewardesses, but from the moment of liftoff, Don sat there like a man waiting for the electric chair. Now he was clutching the armrests so tightly, the knuckles stood out sharp and white against his normally very appealing hands. 
“We should have taken the train,” said Kathy.
“Nonsense,” Don gritted out. “I’m fine. This is all perfectly fine.”
Belted in on either side of him, Kathy and Cosmo exchanged a look. One of the benefits, thought Cosmo, to being the funny little friend and not the leading man was that you were allowed to admit when you were terrified, at least a little, at least if you could make it a joke.
“I’m so sorry, Don,” Kathy said. “I should have asked if you’ve been in one of these before. Even knowing we’re perfectly safe, a train would’ve been so much more comfortable.”
Don closed his eyes. “Really, Kathy,” he said, a little more sharply. “You don’t need to—” The plane dropped several feet, and he swallowed hard.
Cosmo considered the situation. The facts were these: Don Lockwood was too proud, and too enamored with his wife, to be willing to discuss such a weakness in front of her, and now if somebody didn’t act fast, the three of them were in for an awkward, unpleasant flight. Or rather, series of flights, since the plane was going to need to refuel a couple of times along the way.
There was nothing else for it; Cosmo would have to save the day.
He took in Don’s ashen complexion and Kathy’s guilty face, and then he said cheerfully,
“Y’know, Kathy, for what it’s worth, Don actually has been in one of these before.” When this failed to earn any real response from the man, Cosmo poked him in the cheek. “Haven’t you, Don?”
“What?” said Don distractedly, swatting the finger away. “No, I haven’t.”
“Yes, you have.”
Don’s tense brow creased for a moment in irritation. “I think I’d remember—” he started.
“It was for one of those early stunting gigs,” said Cosmo. “A little biplane. They gave you goggles and an aviator hat and a brown leather jacket—” The incident stuck in Cosmo’s mind mostly because Don had looked very good in that jacket, but there were half a dozen reasons nobody needed to know that, “—and then they had you crash the plane through a barn.”
“Through a barn?” Kathy repeated, disbelieving, because apparently the fan magazines didn’t tell you everything after all.
“Into, not through,” said Don. “I didn’t come out the other side.” His fingers had relaxed ever so slightly on the poor armrests. “And that doesn’t count, that contraption never got off the ground, I only had to—”
“Into a barn?” Kathy interjected. “Why?”
Cosmo stuck a mock-pensive pose. “The things we do for art. And five dollars. And I think the producers let him keep the jacket.”
They had; Cosmo had suffered that autumn.
“Well, what about common sense,” said Kathy, “and human rights, and basic safety?”
“I said he had goggles on, didn’t I?” 
The truth was, back in those days, no matter how dangerous the feat, how seemingly impossible the stunt, Cosmo had never truly worried. It was Don, and Don could do anything. Except admit to his wife that he needed help, apparently.
“What about—about dignity,” she went on, and Cosmo snorted.
“I regret to inform you that Lady Dignity will not be making an appearance tonight.”
“Cosmo,” said Kathy, slowly, “Why in the world did you let Don do a thing like that?”
“Let?” Don and Cosmo said in unison, Don a little weakly but it was something.
“Don’t pin this on me, madam,” Cosmo added, “I am not my brother’s keeper.”
“Not my brother at all,” Don muttered, which stung a little, but Cosmo decided to let it slide in the face of how his plan was working.
“That’s hardly the worst thing we did for money,” Cosmo said instead. “Has Don told you much about our ignoble days on the road?”
Kathy shook her head, delighted. Don very discreetly kicked Cosmo in the shin. Things were looking up.
“So there we are,” said Cosmo, “performing in this tiny hamlet in Nebraska called, I kid you not, Oatmeal—”
“Oatmeal?” Kathy laughed.
Don had freed his fingers from the armrests entirely; he was now resting his entire face in his hands. He was no longer pallid as Nosferatu; in fact, he might have been blushing.
“It was Coyoteville,” Don volunteered without looking up.
“Pal, if you think I’d forget a place with a name like Oatmeal, Nebraska—”
“If you think I’d forget a place with a name like Coyoteville—”
“Coyoteville was in New Mexico!” said Cosmo. “Coyoteville was where we had to bunk with that ventriloquist, remember?” He watched as Don sat up and snuck a look at Kathy, who was clearly having a ball.
“The one who insisted his dummy got its own bed?” Don said with a slight smile.
“Don and me had to sleep on a twin mattress on the floor,” said Cosmo, “Curled up like a pair of puppies, if you can picture that—”
“I think so,” said Kathy, leaning forward, eyes bright, “only what happened in Oatmeal?”
“Wait, was Oatmeal where—” Don started.
“Yes! We’re about halfway through our routine, singing and hoofing our hearts out—fit as a fiddle and ready for love—when we look off to the side, at the next act waiting in the wings and we see—”
Don laughed. “You’re right, we were onstage when we realized it!”
“—at more or less the same time, I think—”
“Yes?” said Kathy.
“—the Amazing Dancing Daisy, the headliner following us—”
“Nobody had bothered to explain to us that she was a trained donkey,” Cosmo explained. “We were literally opening for an ass.”
“How was she?” Kathy managed, once she had more or less gotten her wild laughter under control. “The dancing, I mean?”
“Her footwork was a little sloppy,” said Don.
“Don’s just cross,” said Cosmo confidingly, “because she got much more applause than us.”
“They kept throwing her flowers!” said Don. “What was she meant to do with them? She didn’t even have hands!”
“So listen, Kathy.” Cosmo leaned way over Don to make eye contact with her. “The next time you two are having some sort of petty domestic squabble, if Don tries to act all high and mighty, just remember: I’m pretty sure your lawfully wedded husband is still, deep down, jealous of a donkey.”
Don grabbed Cosmo’s shoulder and flashed him a mock-scowl. “Why, when we get back on solid land…”
“I’m not afraid of you, villain,” said Cosmo, “not with your lady love here.” He stretched out an arm to Kathy. “You’ll protect me, won’t you?”
“Of course, good sir,” said Kathy, genteelly taking his hand and it was a joke, it was ridiculous, it was all completely harmless because Cosmo was hardly a threat to their marriage, and so Cosmo ducked his head and fluttered his lashes at her, and cooed,
“How shall I ever repay you?”
And then, without breaking eye contact, Kathy brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it, just a quick, warm, press of lips, entirely chaste but somehow something different, and Cosmo darted a nervous glance at up Don—he was practically in Don’s lap at this point, to better reach out to Don’s wife—because threat or not, there had to be some kind of line Cosmo was crossing. But Don was just watching them, with parted lips and slightly glazed eyes, as if it was not at all upsetting to see his girl and his best friend doing…whatever it was they were doing, and this moment was rapidly sliding away from any point of reference Cosmo might’ve had. 
Normally, Cosmo liked other people’s eyes on him. That was half the reason anyone was in showbiz, wasn’t it? Nobody might’ve looked at him twice in the street but with the right props and a couple of dance moves, he could be somebody for the length of a number or two, spread a little joy and get a lot of it back. So it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy Don looking at him and Kathy like that. It was just—it was too much, too close to something he might’ve dreamed up alone in his bed at night. He hadn’t, but that was mostly because he’d lacked the imagination.
Cosmo freed himself, twisted back upright, and coughed. “On second thought,” he said. “I think the ventriloquist was in Dead Man’s Fang, in Arizona? Coyoteville was where that strongman threw up inside Don’s fiddle.”
“How did he manage to—” Kathy sounded sincerely perplexed. She’d left a coral pink lip print on the back of Cosmo’s hand. He tugged his coat sleeves down to his fingertips.
“Sheer determination,” said Cosmo.
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gglitch1dd · 6 months
I know it wasn't the main focus of your Angry Dilf series
But please can we have a one-shot where Izuku and the reader finally have a daughter (I'm a sucker for a daddy-daughter fic).
The doctors thought I was a boy right up until I was born!
It was quite a happy surprise because secretly I think my dad wanted a girl all along 😅 (fyi im an only child)
Idk it could be a cute idea but it's up to you if you want to
Ohhhh... That's cute! I'd think they'd totally have a daughter as their finally child. Last one to wrap up the batch.
The Girl
Dilf Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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Warning: Parenthood, pregnancy, babies, boy mom Y/N, brief birth scene there.
Now THIS baby, this baby was vasectomy baby. You called them vasectomy baby because by NO MEANS did you think you'd have them. You and your husband had dusted your hands and called it an end to the Midoriya plantation.
However, you just had to have that last dip in the risky pool and there you found yourself standing in the bathroom, in smack disbelief at the two lined pregnancy stick in your hand. Five boys and now no doubt another on the way.
You weren't sure how your husband was going to react considering you had both talked about it and decided that you would be done. So that's how you ended up waiting for him to get home to break the news. You did it with all the boys that just so happened to be present when you had broken the news.
Your large husband turned to look at you as he paused whatever he was reading on his phone to look at you. The sides of his green head of hair were starting to go grey, giving him a devilishly attractive look that you couldn't help but adore. "Yah?" He asked so calm and unsuspecting of your bombshell of news.
You didn't say anything more as you placed down the pregnancy stick before him. His eyes followed you before landing on the stick. His eyes widened comedically before turning to you. He blinked once. Twice. Three times. Before turning to look back at the stick. He put down his phone before turning to look at you fully.
He pointed to the stick with a large finger. "Is this..."
"And you're..."
"Huh." He let out nonchalantly as he took a moment to digest the news.
Walking into the room was your oldest, Toshinori. The green haired fifteen year old boy walked in, dressed in his UA first year uniform. He took an apple from the fruit bowl before his eyes caught on the stick. The apple dropped from his hand as he looked to you with the same round green eyes that his father had. "No!" You persed your lips and nodded your head. Toshinori's jaw dropped before pointing to you and looking to his father. "Is this..."
Midoriya nodded with an amused chuckle. "Boy number 6." Your husband titled.
You gave him a pointed look, putting your hands on your hips. "Izuku!"
"What?" He chuckled putting his hands up. "Honey..." He let out a sigh as he moved to carefully pull you into his arms. "I'm grateful for everything you give me. This is just a surprise, nothing more and nothing less." He told you honestly, moving to hold your hand and bring your hand up so that he could kiss your knuckles. You couldn't help but melt in his arms, always being so swayed by him.
"YASS!" Toshinori cheered, taking the both of you by surprise. "We can form a volleyball team!" He raced out of the kitchen heading upstairs. "ASAHI! GUESS WHAT DAD DID TO MOM AGAIN!"
Your husband's jaw dropped as you let out a loud laugh.
Having had so many boys, the both of you had kind of just assumed it would be a boy just like the other five. It was predictable at this rate. Even your friends had accepted it as a new boy to add to the Midoriya army.
You didn't mind. You were a boy mom. It was kind of what you did and after the second boy, you understood completely how they worked, all being little copies of their father and all running off of chaos, affection, and obssession over something whether it be quirks, heroes, a sport, there was something they would cling to and hold till their grave.
So as your stomach grew and the baby inside you was also seemingly a boy from the ultrasounds, there was nothing to suggest otherwise. Considering you had had your youngest Kota just a little under two years prior, Midoriya had easily redone the nursary and everything was ready for Midoriya sprout Number 6.
However, leaving you both surprised was when you gave birth.
"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Midoriya. It's a girl." The doctor had said as they started cleaning up your little crying baby, bringing her over to you.
You and your standing by husband had both froze. You looked up to Midoriya as he had once again, his eyes widened so wide you were sure he had never looked so shocked. "It's a what!?" He asked.
At this point the labour and delivery nurses were all giggling, having had seen this all before and seeing you often too. You couldn't even get a word in as your girl was placed on your chest.
She was crying, her eyes squeezed shut as she had lungs big enough to wake up the dead. She had a healthy head of green curls like all your boys.
A girl.
A little baby girl.
You quickly shushed her as you brought a hand to her back, holding her gently. "Aww sweetheart, it's okay." You felt tears in your eyes as you smiled, a burst of happiness that made everything else in the room fade away other than your little girl.
It took a minute or two before your husband could finally hold her. She was smaller than her brothers were, sitting in his large hands weighing so light he feared he would drop her, despite having held a newborn plenty of times before.
You saw it.
You could see the moment that your husband switched over from a boy dad to a girl dad.
His eyes softened as he shushed her sweetly. Her little knitted hat sat on her head as she was put against his chest, wrapped up sweetly like a gift from the heavens. Your husband was a crier. It was what he did, but you had never seen him sob so hard since Toshinori's birth. And here he was. A grown man, crying as much tears as the baby.
Once you three had your time together, you soon allowed in the boys followed by your mother-in-law.
"MOM!" Your boys streamed in fast and quickly as if they had been seperated from you for months. They headed towards you quickly as your husband stayed by your side, the biggest smile on his face as he looked down at you and your daughter proudly.
You chuckled as you turned to the boys. "Shhh! Sprouts, you've gotta keep quite. Your sister is sleeping." You told them as you looked down at the little girl, so exhausted from spending the last few hours inducing you into labour to get here.
The boys jaws dropped as they looked to their sister. Instantly you were surrounded on all sides, all of them peering down to look at their little sister. So small and tiny.
You looked to your eldest. Toshinori had a wobbly smile on his face, and then you saw the tears. He quickly wiped his eyes, trying to stop them from falling on the baby. He leaned down and kissed your head. "Are you okay mom?"
You smiled at your boy. He always thought about you, no matter what. You nodded as you put a hand to his shoulder. "I am, thank you baby."
When you turned to your mother in law, Inko was bawling her eyes out as she hugged her son. "A girl!?" She asked softly.
It only made your husband laugh as he nodded, so much taller than her now. He nodded. "Yes, Okaasan. A girl."
Inko shuffled over to you, tired of her son for a second as she kissed your forehead before looking down at the little girl. She awed at the sweet little girl. "How precious." She whispered. "You did such a good job, Y/N. What are you guys gonna call her?"
You looked to your husband, honestly having not entertained the idea of girl names in over a decade. Your husband however seemed like he had been waiting for this question all his life. He put a hand on his mother's shoulder and said a single name.
[Needless to say, that girl is never getting a boyfriend and she's gonna be more protected than the president.]
[Izuku Masterlist]
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thankskenpenders · 11 months
Sonic Prime: "Season 2"
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Eight more episodes of Sonic Prime are out! They're labeled as "season 2" despite just being the next eight episodes of the first (and presumably only) season, allowing Netflix to market it as multiple seasons without having to give the cast and crew raises. They love doing that shit to their original cartoons. Ugh.
Anyway! Last time, I gave the show some leeway because it was still finding its legs. This time, though? We're now two thirds of the way through the series, and sadly, I think it's time to accept the truth:
While there are parts I like, a lot of this show... kinda sucks?
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This multiverse sucks and Rouge was robbed
Previously, I noted the pattern of each universe spotlighting a different friend of Sonic's (Tails in New Yolk City, Amy in the jungle world, Knuckles in the pirate world) and predicted that, hopefully, Rouge would get her time to shine next. And with 16 episodes left, surely there's time to explore new worlds that are more interesting than the jungle and pirate worlds. Those were just the warm up act. Right?
Nope! That's it! There are no more worlds.
This multiverse show where anything is possible really is just about another Eggman-controlled dystopia world, a jungle world, and a pirate world. That's all they came up with! Just those three, and two dead worlds that don't really count - one a featureless wasteland, the other a ghostly echo of the original Green Hill dubbed "Ghost Hill." (Sonic's friends appear here as holograms stuck repeating a single line each. It gets old immediately.)
The jungle and pirate worlds and their inhabitants being so overwhelmingly generic becomes unforgivable the moment you realize this is all we're gonna get. It just leaves me wishing they'd thrown this whole concept out and finally made a normal Sonic cartoon with no twist in its premise. A few of the new takes here are good, particularly Nine as a darker riff on Tails, but so many of them don't feel anything like the fun characters they're supposed to be. They're stock cartoon characters wearing the Sonic casts' skins.
I'll admit my bias is showing, but god, Rouge is REALLY done dirty by this setup. The normal Rouge we see in the first episode is so fun for how briefly she appears, but then in all the other worlds she's reduced to a generic action girl with zero personality. What's her purpose, exactly, when every AU version of Amy is ALSO a straightforward action girl? It drives me absolutely insane that they gave us a PIRATE ROUGE and she doesn't care about treasure. They do nothing with this! How!!!!!!!! She's just never gonna get her turn. It's so obvious that Rouge is only in this show so that they can have another girl, but you could swap her out with another character like Blaze and it'd make no difference.
Speaking of the pirates, though...
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The way things play out in the pirate world is so stupid
Previously, with the Paradox Prism shard within reach, Captain Dread Knux was regressing into his old obsessive personality. I'm fine with this. Sonic and Dread both want the shard, they're gonna fight over it. Obvious stuff. But the actual impact it has on the story is maybe the stupidest bit of writing in this entire show so far.
Basically, while fighting a couple of the Eggmen and their robots at sea, Sonic has to briefly run over to the enemy ship to fight them and grab the Paradox Prism shard while Dread and his crew remain back on their ship. Dread goes "Oh my god, look! Sonic's abandoning us! Traitor!" While Sonic is... like 200 feet away. Still in clear view. Fighting the guys who are trying to kill them. Retrieving Dread's beloved treasure for him.
And yet, Dread's crew buys this! And when Sonic runs right back over with the shard in hand, they're all like "HOW DARE YOU BETRAY US" and turn on him.
It's just. What?!
This isn't a huge part of the "season," but I highlight it as maybe the worst moment of the show's character writing. I'm reminded of Thorn Rose's backstory from last time, where she was depicted as suddenly snapping one day when she saw her friends pick one too many berries in the jungle. Sometimes a character just needs to pivot for the story to work, and they aren't really interested in getting there smoothly.
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The Chaos Council fucking sucks
I tried so hard to like these guys, but they drag the show down so much.
The choice to have a team of five different Eggmen really just means that Eggman has been split into five one-note characters. Four of them revolve entirely around the most trite, predictable, boomer-ass jokes based on their ages. The teenage one is whiny and just wants to play video games. The young adult one is a vegan hipster who does yoga. The old one is cranky about all the whippersnappers and has a bad back. The baby is a baby. These are jokes that would've been tired if this show aired 20 years ago.
The odd man out is Mister Doctor Eggman, the middle-aged one with a toupee who's the stand-in for regular Eggman. But even he kinda sucks. The other four all being one-note joke characters means that he has to be the straight man of the group, so he's just very dry and serious and plot-focused without any of Eggman's fun eccentricities. He's neither particularly funny nor particularly sinister, which is just about the worst place for an Eggman to be.
He doesn't even have any incompetent robot lackeys to bounce off of, because the unfunny alternate age Eggmen fill the quota for bumbling secondary villains. But also, like... Orbot and Cubot are in this show! They were in the first episode! Where are they? God, I never thought I'd miss them so much...
But, okay. It's not ALL bad.
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The highlights
There's a recurring theme here, which is that the best episodes are the ones where Sonic is pitted against a foe who can match his speed and they just let the animation carry it.
The first of the new episodes is mostly about Sonic fighting Shadow, and BOY is their fight fun to watch. Said fight happens because Shadow blames Sonic for shattering the universe and doesn't trust him to fix things. Shadow wants to restore their world, but he refuses to see the various AU counterparts as the same people Sonic once knew, and he doesn't really care what happens to them. Ultimately, though, he begrudgingly accepts that Sonic really is the only one who can hop between dimensions for Plot Reasons, and therefore lets him go try to do things the nice way. He sadly spends most of his time waiting around in the void between worlds, but in the last episode of the batch he and Sonic get to team up against the Chaos Council's forces and it's very cool.
As far as recent interpretations of Shadow go, this is a good one. He's a great foil for Sonic, which just makes me wish he could travel with Sonic to the different worlds. He's cynical and overly pragmatic in his approach, but his points aren't entirely wrong. His anger feels justified. They even let him have some snark! And Ian Hanlin is really great in the role - definitely a contender for Shadow's best voice ever. He just sounds so natural.
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The other speedster Sonic fights is Chaos Sonic, the Chaos Council's take on Metal.
He can talk! Deven is basically doing a Jaleel impersonation for him? People are very mixed on this.
The idea behind Chaos Sonic is to turn Sonic's obnoxious smack talk and zingers back around on him, and I don't hate this idea, even if a lot of fans find him annoying compared to Metal Sonic. (Some comparisons have been made to Archie's Shard, but I assume this is a coincidence.) Like the rest of the script, his dialogue certainly isn't anything to write home about, but the fights he gets into with Sonic and co. are so damn fun and dynamic that I have to like him. I also like how expressive his eyes are on his dome screen face, and the animators have a ton of fun with the fact that his torso and head can rotate 360 degrees.
Unfortunately, he's destroyed at the end of his debut episode. I'm praying he gets rebuilt, because this show desperately needs better villains than the Chaos Council.
Again, the animation in Prime is maybe the best animation in any official Sonic media, period. I just wished I liked the characters and worlds enough to be invested in more of the fights. It's hard to care about the dozenth group battle against the generic Eggforcer bots and the baby in his Fisher-Price mech.
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The note we end on
After fighting a giant glowing replica of the normal Eggman for... some reason? Episode 16 ends with Sonic and Nine getting into an argument over what to do with the Paradox Prism shards. Sonic wants to restore his original world, but Nine still wants to create a new, better world out of the one that's just an empty wasteland, believing he doesn't belong anywhere else. Nine angrily runs off with the shards, and Sonic is distraught as he realizes that Shadow was seemingly right about how he shouldn't trust Nine.
I kind of like this conflict, mostly because Nine is the standout character of this show. But my main problem is that we don't know what will happen when everything is fixed.
The logical assumption is that the alternate worlds will just... stop existing, right? That must be the idea if Sonic and Nine are treating restoring the original world and creating a new one in the Shatterverse as mutually exclusive options, right? If the Shatterverse disappears, will Nine and the rest all stop existing, too? The show seems unwilling to discuss this possibility, so I'm left not really knowing what the stakes are in this conflict. Nine becomes a whole lot more sympathetic and Sonic becomes a whole lot more monstrous if restoring the world will erase most of this show's cast from existence, but the thought that this could even happen doesn't seem to have crossed Sonic's mind. Sonic seems to want to take his AU friends back to the regular Green Hill - he at least wants to introduce Nine to his normal friends - but like... he can't really do that, can he? They're not gonna have four Tailses running around.
I don't really know what direction this is all headed in. I guess we just have to keep watching, even if I'm past the point of accepting that this show is mostly very mid.
It's just frustrating that everyone else working on this show is clearly giving it their all while the writers at Man of Action phone it in for so much of its runtime. The scripts drag this show down so, so hard. There are moments and episodes I like, but you have to slog through so much mediocrity to get there.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Ok but Lloyd, having you lying down naked on the table in front of him, worshiping your body while he's giving orders to his team, smacking your pussy/cheek every time you let out a whimper 😵‍💫
 mean!lloyd may be my favourite lloyd 
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Lloyd Hansen x reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut - minors dni, exhibitionism/lloyd being nasty & mean, pussy slapping, fingering (f), daddy kink, dirty talk, degradation, dumbification, overstimulation, squirting. mentioned: knife play, gun play.
𝗪/𝗖 | 540
❤️‍🔥 𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Sir, that isn’t what protocol is.”
Lloyd blinks, “You’re new here.”
“Uh, only by a few weeks.” The young man replies, soon realizing he should have stayed silent. 
“Of course, it’s always the newbies.” The brunet sighs, his arm flexes, his fingers knuckle-deep between your thighs. “I know you’ve heard of me, so you must know those rules you follow back at HQ mean less than dogshit to me. As does your opinion, and anything else that comes out of that fuckhole mouth of yours.” 
A sharp whimper brings him back down, and he glances at his hand. Your juices leak down his wrist to his watch, only adding to the growing mess under you. You cry out again and fist your shirt, the only thing Lloyd let you keep on while he played with you—in the sick and twisted way he often did, in front of his team during a meeting while planning hits as if you weren’t there. 
“What? Are you going to talk back too?” He asks, swatting your soaked cunt, the lewd noise bouncing off the walls. “This isn’t punishment enough, baby?”
You desperately shake your head, toes curling in pleasure as he lands a series of slaps on your throbbing clit. Teased beyond relief, you can barely breathe. You didn’t expect to last this long, but you knew it was only a matter of time until you could no longer stay quiet. 
“Dumb little girl—can’t even let daddy work, can’t even stay quiet for me. Should’ve gagged you instead, make you warm me with your mouth. Bet you’d fucking love that.” He huffs, “Always has to steal my attention, fucking slut.” Lloyd harshly rubs your clit, bullying the sensitive button while you squirm and whine on the wooden table. 
Your back arches as you gasp, and euphoria rushes in. It takes you by storm, and your vision goes white. All you feel is Lloyd and his torture, and all his mean words jumble into something incoherent. 
Lloyd watches you squirt and soak his sleeve and the table. Your cunt flutters and begs for something, his fingers, his knife or his gun—he’s tempted to give in, but you don’t deserve it. Not after being so interruptive and ungrateful. He slaps you once you’ve come back down, and you squeal, legs snapping shut around his forearm. 
“You,” He nods at the man from earlier and his predictions are confirmed. His gaze is locked on you with lamely concealed lust, “You stay, everyone else, out.” 
As the other people file out of the office, the young man remains seated at the table, practically shaking in his chair. “You can’t look away from my girl, huh? She’s a real treasure.” Lloyd prys your thighs apart, ignoring your pleas for a break. “Daddy’s busy right now, pumpkin, shut up.” Another swat and you fall slack on the table. 
“I’m gonna show you exactly why she’s mine, I’ll let you look at her while I fuck her stupid—and that’ll be the last thing you’ll ever see.” He finishes just as the last guard leaves, and the door locks after him. “I’d get comfortable if I were you. Even though she looks exhausted, my baby’s quite insatiable after being teased so much.” 
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katiexpunk · 26 days
Scarlet Haze - Part 1
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!Reader | W/C: ~4K | Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Summary: Life in the QZ was fairly predictable. That was, until Joel Miller showed up on your doorstep covered in blood. Since then, you've helped him more times than you can count. Now it's his turn to return the favor.
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Series Warnings: SEX POLLEN. SEX POLLEN. SEX POLLEN. Set in the TLOU universe in the Boston QZ. Buckle the fuck up for a lot of filthy, feral smut. Check chapter warnings for specifics. This series will follow them through current day (May 2024). Chapter Warning: Setting up some plot before the smut. Canon-typical violence. Blood. Blood sucking (just a lil drop, it's hot, trust me). Sexual tension. Bloody knuckles/wounded Joel. Descriptions of medical care. Guns. Mentions of unwanted pregnancy (not readers). Hallucinations similar to a drug high. Mentions of abortion and abortion medication. Mentions of abuse (not to reader/not by Joel). No use of Y/N. Reader has no physical descriptions. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: I've been waiting to a sex pollen fic for forever. This series is dedicated to the lovely Jett -- @morallyinept -- as part of her and her brilliant May Flora and Fauna Challenge. Part 2 coming 5/12.
Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Notifications
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“Love, my dear, is the opium of the masses, and once people get high on it, they will trample you like wild horses.” ― Yanko Tsvetkov
Boston QZ, January 2023 The clock ticks past midnight, the only sound in the small, cluttered room where you sit at an ancient, creaking desk. The journal before you is just as old, its pages yellowed and wrinkled from water damage, the ink smudged but still legible. Medical diagrams and handwritten notes fill its margins, proof that such knowledge was more prevalent than now. You strain your eyes in the dim light of a single lamp, deciphering the faded text.
Suddenly, a sharp knock at the door jolts you from your concentration. Your heart skips a beat. It’s late, well past the enforced curfew. FEDRA doesn’t take kindly to nighttime wanderers. You take a deep breath, rise, and approach the door, your steps silent on the wooden floor.
Peering through the peephole, you see the night alive with rain, water streaming down in sheets, distorting the figure standing on your doorstep. You slowly open the door. The broad shoulders hunched against your worn doorframe tell you exactly who it is. His knuckles are bloody, fresh crimson mingling with the rainwater, creating a diluted red that flows into the puddles on the pavement.
“Joel,” you whisper, your voice etched with concern. “Doc,” he rasps, giving you a stiff nod. 
“We can't keep doing this.” 
He looks down, following your gaze to the bloody water at his feet, and then back at you. He offers you a sheepish, almost apologetic grimace. He winces in pain and you know his knuckles are probably the least of his injuries. 
Your face tightens with worry. 
“Show me.” 
He responds by opening his jacket and lifting his shirt to reveal a deep, gruesome gash across his abdomen. You sigh. Hate to see the other guy. 
Without a word, you step aside, gesturing him into the warmth. “Sit in the kitchen chair. I’ll get my kit,” you instruct, closing the door behind him.
He lumbers in, his heavy boots thudding on your floor, leaving wet, muddy prints. You hurry to fetch your medical supplies, already cataloging the steps you need to take to clean and stitch the wound. 
Tonight, like many nights before, you’ll patch him up again.  And like all the nights before, you have a feeling you’ll be left wondering how it even came to this in the first place. 
You carefully wrap the bandages around his side, the room silent except for the rain tapping against the window and the rhythmic sound of his breath.
"Sorry, just a little more," you tell him, giving him an empathetic smile, pulling the bandage snugly against his skin to ensure it's secure. "This should help keep the stitches in place," you add, smoothing the edges as you tape them down. Your hand trails over the hard lines of his core, and breath hitches in your throat. He’s firm, a mass of a man, yet somehow soft around his middle.
"Gonna give you an antibiotic" you explain, preparing the syringe. You notice his focus on the rain-streaked window, his jaw set in a stoic line. “Might sting a bit,” you warn, and he chuckles. When you administer the shot, he doesn’t flinch, just pulls his shirt back over his shoulders with a quiet grunt of acknowledgment. 
You step back, giving him space to adjust his shirt, watching him move with careful, controlled motions. "That should do it for the wound," you say, avoiding saying what you really want to. 
"Thanks, Doc," he says, his voice low and thick like honey.
He looks at you then, really looks, noticing the tiredness in your eyes that doesn't hide your beauty. "You owe me, Miller," you say with a smile, trying to keep the mood light.
"Yeah," he agrees, his tone more serious than the situation warrants. 
He rises to his full height and steps closer to you. You tilt your chin to meet his gaze, and his calloused hand gently cradles your cheek. The pad of his thumb brushes over your bottom lip, a tender but deliberate touch, his eyes locking with yours in an intense gaze that thickens the air around you.
“I do.” 
He drinks you in, his eyes dark and hungry. You feel the heat of his attention and it ignites every nerve in your body. His gaze falls to your lips, and yours to his. You stay there for a breath, inches away from an entirely different night.
You place your hand over his on your face, before grabbing it and pulling it down, turning it gently so you can inspect his knuckles. "You—you should let me clean these up, too."
"No point, Darlin'," he responds, and you feel a knot tighten in your stomach. 
You almost challenge him, ask why he thinks it doesn't matter, but the answer hangs unspoken between you— it’ll happen again. Like fine wine and cheese, Joel Miller and bloody knuckles just seem to go together. 
You're always worried about him, though you'd never openly admit it.
It's late, and the rain shows no signs of stopping. "You could stay," you suggest, hesitating slightly, “If—if you want.” The words hang in the air, surprising even you with their sudden presence.
He pauses, looking deeply into your eyes. Time seems to slow, the world fading away until only he remains in focus. He lowers his hand and steps back, his movement reluctant.
"Better not," he says, voice heavy.
He turns and slides the chair back under the worn dining room table, the wooden legs screeching across the floor, shattering the silence. He then moves around you and heads towards the door. 
You watch him leave, every part of you wanting to call him back, to keep him safe under your roof.
"See you next time, Doc," he calls over his shoulder, glancing back at you framed in the warm glow of your apartment. He looks down, willing his feet to move forward, ignoring every fiber of his being trying to make him turn back to you.
"God damn it, Miller," you say with a half-laugh, shaking your head in a mix of irritation and affection.
You watch him walk away until his figure merges with the rainy night, becoming just another blurred shape in the darkness.
Once inside, the room suddenly feels chillier without him there.
Boston QZ, May 2023
"Who's next?" you ask, stepping out of an exam room, ready to keep the day moving.
She hands you a chart, and as you scan the details, a familiar name catches your eye: Daisy. Your heart sinks a little. Married to a FEDRA guard known for his cruelty, Daisy's visits are all too frequent, and the reasons are always distressing—'accidents' that never sound like accidents. With a heavy sigh, you brace yourself and walk into the next room.
"Daisy, what brings you in today?" you ask, though you're almost sure you know the kind of answer you'll get.
She's sitting on the exam table, her face in her hands, sobbing. "Doc—I, I don't know what I'm going to do," she stammers out between tears. You close the door gently behind you, hoping not to draw any attention from other patients. Her words are few, but her eyes say everything.
"Oh, Daisy, I'm so sorry." you say soothingly, your stomach twisting with the gravity of her situation. You finish up the appointment, providing the care she needs right now, but the real solution she's looking for isn't something you have on hand.
Back at the medicine cabinet, you scan for mifepristone and misoprostol, but the shelf is bare—a too common problem these days with supplies running low everywhere.
"Damn it," you mutter under your breath, pushing vials and bottles aside as you search every inch of the shelf, hoping you might have overlooked it. Overwhelmed, you briefly shut your eyes.
Flashes of that rainy night when Joel appeared at your door – bruised and bleeding – much like the night you first met him, flicker through your mind like scenes from a film. You remember the press of his chest against yours, his hand gently cupping your cheek, his breath warm against your skin. Yeah, I do.
If anyone knows how to find something hard to get, it's Joel. 
Time to see if he can make good on his promise. 
“Absolutely fuckin’ not,” he rasps, his voice heavy with finality.
“Joel, please,” you plead, kicking the heel of your boot into the ground and crossing your arms over your chest.
He stands before you, a formidable presence, hands planted on his hips, one knee angled slightly out. God, he's infuriatingly handsome when he's angry. Though you hate to admit it, there's something irresistibly alluring about his fury—the rigid set of his jaw, the pronounced vein pulsing at his neck, and even his lips, pressed into a thin line of displeasure, somehow draw you in. His brow is deeply creased with frustration.
You lock eyes with him, engaging in a silent battle of wills as people pass by, careful not to draw attention. He waits until the bar door swings shut behind you before he speaks again.
“No,” he growls, the word hanging between you for a tense moment before he turns to walk away. 
You hurry to keep pace with him, your steps quick and double-time to match each of his long strides.
"Jesus, Joel, it’s not like I’m asking you to commit mur–" Before you can finish, he grabs your arm and pulls you off into a back alley, away from prying eyes. Suddenly, he's got you pinned against the cool brick wall, his presence so close you can practically feel the heat radiating from him. His skin is a golden tan, kissed by the spring sun, and his jacket carries a heavy scent of fire smoke that envelops you. 
Fuck, he’s intense. 
"Why do you want to go outside the gate, anyway, huh?" he questions, his eyes probing yours intently. "It’s dangerous out there."
“You think I don’t know it’s dangerous?” you scoff, irritation flashing in your voice. “Of course I know. Why else would I come to you?” I’ve seen you come back bloody, bruised, and broken, and you’re still here. 
“That didn’t answer my question, Doc,” he counters, his presence still imposing as he keeps you pinned against the wall.
“I–I need a medication we don’t have here, and I thought maybe a pharmacy out there might still have it.”
He remains silent, eyes locked on yours, searching for any sign of falter in your resolve.
“What kind of medication?” he digs deeper.
“Abortion medication,” you sigh, gluing your gaze to the ground, avoiding his. He recoils slightly, the weight of the word hanging between you. You can almost see the gears turning in his head. There’s a long pause, before the question he doesn’t want the answer to slips from his lip. 
“You’re pregnant?” he asks, wrestling with the grim realities of life outside—and sometimes inside—the walls of the QZ. He can’t shove down the questions bouncing from corner to corner in his mind. Who’s the father? Was it consensual? Why is he so angry?  
“What? Me? God no,” you scoff. You don’t miss the way his shoulders fall from his ears, apparently relieved. “It’s for a patient of mine. I can’t tell you who, but I can tell you that she’s desperate.” 
You step closer, placing a hand on his chest, feeling the worn fabric of his plaid shirt under your palm. You notice stains of crimson set into the cloth, despite the scent of laundry soap. Who’s blood it is you try not to wonder. 
“You did say you owed me one,” you remind him, looking up to catch his gaze, which has softened slightly, his brow knit with concern.
"Fine," he admits reluctantly, his voice tinged with resignation. He turns away quickly, stepping out into the dim light of the alley before he can second-guess his decision.
As the sky begins to darken, tinting the horizon with shades of deep blue and purple, Joel meets you at your apartment just before curfew sets in. He leans against the doorframe, his expression troubled. "You sure about this?" he asks, hoping you might have changed your mind from this morning. 
You nod, trying to sound more confident than you feel. "It'll be fine," you assure him, though his doubtful look suggests he isn't convinced. There’s an acidic fear low in his gut, the weight of keeping you safe heavy on his shoulders. 
You slip quietly through the alleys, avoiding the main routes to evade the guards and the two somehow still working surveillance cameras. 
Once outside the gate, hidden by the fading light, Joel sets some ground rules.
"Listen, if I say run, you run. If I say hide, you hide," he instructs firmly, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. "We're here for one thing only—no funny business." He looks so good like this, bathed in the moonlight, all stern stoicism. 
He draws a handgun from behind his back, checks the safety, and then holds it out to you with the handle facing you.
“Think you can handle this?” You nod hesitantly; you're familiar with a gun, though the last time you fired one was during your harrowing journey to the QZ—a memory you desperately try to keep buried. 
"Look, Doc. ‘M not gonna sugarcoat it—it's rough out here. ‘M gonna do everything in my power to keep you safe, but I need you to have this, just in case something happens to me," he explains. You think you see it then, hidden in his expression, the softness of his brown eyes  – his affection for you. 
You accept the handgun from him and trail your fingers over the intricate designs on the handle. It’s heavy, the barrel long and the grip smooth, you think it might be one of his favorites. Heat rises to your chest at the thought, and you shove it down as you slide the weapon into the waistband of your jeans. 
You give him a firm nod, mustering as much confidence as you can manage. 
“I trust you, Joel. Let’s go,” you say, your shoulder brushing his forearm as you step further into the unpredictable. 
Throughout the night, as you make your way deeper into the territory reclaimed by nature, the atmosphere between you two shifts and lightens.
You mostly walk in silence, on Joel’s orders. By dawn, you've reached an area where the city's crumbling remains are overtaken by nature. With more light, he seems to have relaxed a little bit.
“Did you have a place you used to go, just to escape it all?” he asks, catching you off guard. Your eyes scan the horizon as you think of your response. It doesn’t take you long. 
“Yeah, there was this little bookstore near my apartment. Quiet, cozy. I'd lose hours in there. How about you?” “A park bench by the river. I’d go there to think, or just watch the water flow by.” “Didn’t really take you for the meditation type,” you smile, warmth spread on your cheeks at the thought of big, bad Joel Miller sitting on a park bench by the river. Maybe even feeding the ducks. 
“‘M not, but I figured it sounded better than the real answer,” he looks over his shoulder, eyes scanning the perimeter of your surroundings. 
“Alright, consider me hooked. What’s the real answer then?” you ask. 
“Home Depot,” he answers, voice level. 
You laugh.  
“What? Not a fan of Home Depot?” he looks back at you, the corners of his lips lifting to an almost smile. 
“Never really had a reason to go much, but uh – I think it smelled good. Especially near the lumber section, something about the smell of wood. My grandfather used to take me –” you trail off as you see a particularly vibrant patch of flowers through a clearing. 
Excitement bubbles up inside you, and you can't help but rush towards them. "Hang on a sec!" you call out to Joel, who sighs but follows reluctantly, still keeping an eye out for any threats.
"They're gorgeous," you exclaim, bending down to examine the flowers more closely.
Joel watches you, a slight smile playing on his lips as he agrees, "Yeah, they are." But his gaze stays fixed on you, not the flowers. You don’t notice. 
"Can we grab some? I want to press them," you ask, gazing up at him with your biggest pleasepleaseplease eyes. Initially hesitant, Joel nods, standing guard with his rifle slung over his shoulder while you immerse yourself in the floral wonder.  “Alright, but let’s make it quick, don’t want to burn any daylight by dilly-dallying,” he says. 
You make your way through the field and lift your arms to the sky as if to say hello to the clouds, before doing a little twirl of excitement.  
It's a beautiful spring day, albeit windy. As you lean in to smell more of the flowers, a sudden gust sweeps across the field, lifting a cloud of pollen into the air. It sparkles in the sunlight, swirling around you like a shower of gold dust, ethereal and shimmering. For a moment, the world seems enchanted, and Joel can't help but watch, captivated by your beauty and wonder amidst the sparkling air.
“Oh come on, Miller. Didn’t anyone ever tell you to stop and smell the roses?” You tease, the tips of your fingertips dancing over the tops of the flowers. 
You stop short of the middle of the field, attention captured by a patch of flowers you’ve never seen before.
Joel catches up and crouches next to you, curiosity lighting up his usually firm features. "What did you find?" he asks, peering at the cluster in front of you.
"It's bizarre, isn't it?" you say, tracing the delicate petals with your finger. The flowers are vibrant, almost luminescent, with a pattern that doesn't resemble anything you've seen before. The petals are a deep violet at the base, transitioning to a glowing teal at the tips, and the centers are dotted with tiny, sparkling flecks.
Initially, you think about just leaving the flower there, figuring the memory would be enough. But then you think, why not take one? It’s the end of the world, after all. Might as well enjoy a bit of its beauty. 
You pull out a small knife from your pack with the idea of pressing the flower into a bookmark. You reach out to cut the stem, but as you do, a nasty thorn dislodges and embeds itself into your finger. 
“Shit, ouch!” You cry out, shaking your hand in pain, causing Joel to turn his attention back to you. Was he…smelling the flowers? 
“What’s wrong? You okay?” he asks, his eyes instinctively scanning over your exposed skin. “Fine, the flower just uh….bit me?” you reply, trying to make light of it.
He sighs in relief.
"Better the flower than a clicker," Joel quips, moving closer to examine your finger. He notices that the thorn, nearly translucent, is embedded deeply, its core a swirling mass of the same deep violet as the mysterious flowers. He squints, bringing your finger closer to his eyes, and for a moment, he could swear he sees it pulsing in your skin. Without warning, he brings your finger to his mouth. Using the tip of his teeth with surprising gentleness, he clamps onto the embedded thorn. With a quick tug, he frees it, spitting it onto the ground. As he does, he notices a drop of blood pooling on your fingertip. Without hesitation, he brings your finger back to his mouth and sucks gently at the wound. 
The unexpected intimacy of it sends a spark right to your core—arousing and confusing in equal measure.
Joel looks at you, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "All better, Darlin’.” He plants a small kiss on your fingertip and drops your hand. 
You’re speechless. All you can do is mutter thank you and hope he doesn’t think you’re being awkward.
As you and Joel continue your trek through the expansive field, the breeze begins to intensify, carrying with it a heavy swirl of pollen from the myriad of flowers surrounding you. The air fills with vibrant particles, shimmering like tiny, floating jewels in the sunlight. With each breath, the world starts to shift subtly around you.
The colors of the field become unnaturally vivid, each blade of grass a sharp, electric green, and the sky a deep, pulsating blue. The flowers seem to breathe along with you, their petals undulating in slow, hypnotic rhythms. The sounds of birds amplify and distort; the rustling of leaves turns into a soft symphony, and your footsteps resonate like deep drumbeats against the earth.
As you walk, reality bends. The ground beneath your feet feels softer, almost spongy, and the horizon appears to melt into the sky. Everything is connected by a thread of radiant energy that you can almost see, a web of life pulsating in unison.
Joel's voice comes to you as if from a distance, warped and echoing. You turn to look at him and his features seem to blur and sharpen intermittently, as if your eyes can't decide how to see him properly. The familiar becomes alien, and time feels like it's stretching, moments lingering longer than they should.
“Hey, uh – Doc?” He asks, and all you can respond with is a small hmm.
“Do you, uh…feel a little funny?” He stops in front of you, and walks closer, suddenly coming into your line of vision. 
The scarlet haze in your vision begins to dissipate, your attention now solely on Joel. He stands there, illuminated by the soft glow of the sun, his figure sharp against the light. Joel appears almost ethereal, a stark silhouette carved from the backdrop of the broken world around you.
His eyes, deep and expressive, hold yours with an intensity that seems magnified by the surreal experience. They flicker with shades of amber, and a softness that makes your muscles feel like goo. His hair, tousled by the wind, frames his face with a wild, untamed look that adds to the raw, rugged nature of his features.
His face is marked by the trials of the world you both navigate—scratches, a bruise near his temple that is just beginning to fade, a scar on the side of his neck. Yet, despite the harshness, there's a gentleness in his jawline, in the way his lips curve into a half-smile as he sees you regaining focus.
Joel's build, strong and sturdy, reassures you of safety in his presence. His shoulders are broad, set in a posture that’s relaxed yet ready, mirroring his ever-vigilant nature. His hands, rough and calloused, hang by his sides, but even they seem to express a readiness to comfort or defend as needed.
As you stand there, all else fades into the periphery—there's only Joel. 
There’s only ever been Joel. 
And right now you couldn’t need him more. 
In your delusion, it hits you—you’ve seen that flower before. It was in a book about medicinal plants you'd been reading to learn about natural remedies. 
The details are fuzzy, like trying to remember a dream, but one thing stands out clearly: a stark warning at the bottom of the page.
"Warning: The sap and pollen of this flower are known to cause extreme hallucinations and may cause intense arousal."
The words dance in your mind, sharp like diamonds. 
“Yeah, baby?” 
Oh fuck, that’s new. 
“I think we need to find a place to lay down.” 
Part 2
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A/N Continued: Thank you so much for reading! Like most writers, I do have a praise kink. If you like this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I'll not only love you forever, but it keeps me motivated to keep creating.
Tagging some moots for visibility (lmk if you want to be removed -- no hard feelings!) @endlessthxxghts @syd-djarin @auteurdelabre @morning-star-joy @theoasisofthings @chulopascal @yxtkiwiyxt @milly-louise @secretelephanttattoo @sawymredfox @xdaddysprincessxx @burntheedges @punkshort @pedrostories @ghostwritesthings @josephquinnswhore @drunk-and-capable @survivingandenduring @joeldjarin @paleidiot @darkheartgatita @ro-nahime-things @gwendibleywrites @morgaussy
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user211201 · 1 month
Totally Normal
--- Originally posted on 2023-12-08 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
“Welcome back to Totally Normal, the online show where we narrow down the one thing that makes us all meet that standard!”
The host then hit a button on his laptop, releasing an audio for an uproarious round of applause. With his entire audience streaming in live, he had to make due with tracks. He didn’t mind it though; he could always predict what his viewers were thinking. It was like they shared the same mind.
“My name’s DJ, and before you ask, yes I have a side gig in music.” A laugh track obnoxiously inserted itself. “I don’t dabble in the typical jazz; I remix these men back to the tunes they oughta be singing.”
Another fake round of applause. The host smirked before continuing forward with the rules.
“The point of the game is simple: Figure out that one thing that makes someone totally normal. Through a series of questions, I’m going to chisel away at our contestants until we get to the base. For every wrong answer, a vibration will be sent out to their device until they head back on the right track. We want to find out that one thing that solidifies them as an average joe, but we don't exactly know what that thing is."
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The host then took a scripted pause. "Well, *I *know what that thing is.”
Another laugh track entered before the host silenced his imaginary audience. “So, let’s get down to it. We have our men here, but ARE THEY NORMAL?”
The last three words were all enunciated with the typical gameshow pazazz. The host even had an accompanying audio that made it seem like there was an audience chanting it with him.
On cue, the livestream booted up a panel of the three contestants. The first was a shy young man, who by his age looked to be in college but by his height possibly younger. The second was the typical corporate homosexual, the breed who was already happily married and wore tight, designer clothing. And last but not least, the third looked just a little older than the first with an office that displayed the inner workings of a minor start-up.
“Help me welcome our first contestant, coming from the cool waves of Cali, here comes Cody!”
Corey opened his mouth to kindly correct the host, but was immediately silenced by the massive track of applause. A small and nervous 20-year-old, Corey was an academically-fine student at a state school. He worked as an IT intern, helping others work through their issues in a manner where he didn’t have to fully engage. Yet he knew he would probably have to work through this introvert problem if he ever truly wanted to make a loyal boyfriend from the crop of surfers across the street.
“Up next is our cowboy-tootin’, bullet-firin’ family man, Norman!”
Nolan made a face of disgust, but he too didn’t stand a chance against the fake cheers. He’d settled down with his husband just about 10 years ago in the suburbs. Working for a Fortune 500 company, he had everything a man of his caliber could want. Great company, great style, great pets instead of real children. Nolan loved his little metropolitan life.
“And finally, the privileged heir to the corporate throne, it’s Asher!”
Aaron rolled his eyes as the artificial eruption burst through his speakers. He assumed that this narcissistic jock host had gotten all of the contestants names wrong. Aaron had built his own business up from the ground, an independent hard-worker with no one tying him down. It wasn’t that Aaron didn’t want a boyfriend, he just needed to focus on himself. That’s why he was keeping it casual, hooking up with boys a little younger and less responsible. He absentmindedly pawed at his crotch a little as the douchebag DJ started the game.
“Now,” the host cracked his knuckles dramatically. “Let’s start off with some easy questions, just to make sure those devices are working after all. Cody, you’re looking comfortable out on that beach!”
Corey looked around the library he was sitting in confusedly, neither comfortable nor on a beach.
“I think you’re mistaking me for the surfers across the street,” Corey tried to joke, but his feeble demeanor spoiled the comeback.
“Men…you all ought to be where all the other guys of your kind are at.”
All three of them put on bewildered faces.
“Cody, what’s holding you back from embracing that Cali life?” the host asked.
“I…I mean there’s the obvious fact that they aren’t keen on ga-”
“Ah!” Corey ripped his hand away, the "vibration" more of a literal sting.
“Cody, what’s holding you back?” the host asked again.
“Dude,” Corey uncharacteristically responded. “I don’t know if they will accept me, man.”
“Bro, what’s there NOT to accept?” the host chuckled. “You fit right in!”
Corey looked over his short frame, his pale skin, his shrimpy figure. He appeared better fit for the library than the bea-
“You’re right DJ! I'm a gnarly guy like them brahs! They’ll totally accept me!”
Corey looked over his tall frame, his tanned skin, his toned figure. He appeared better fit for the beach than the library–that’s why he was on the beach after all!
“Alright alright,” the host nodded with approval. “Now Norman, let’s talk about your life in the countryside.”
‪‘Country side’?” Nolan interjected. “Do you consider Houston-”
Nolan flung his hand back, “HOWARDWICK the countryside? You bet! Population 402, the two being me and my husband.”
“And what massive land you got behind you, I’m assuming you and your male fling built that together.”
“My what?” Nolan peered behind him, noticing his garden he’d built with his hus-
-the ranch he’d built with his hustle. Well, not technically–this land had been managed through the traditional good ole ways of his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. He’d just been fixing it up here and there.
Nolan stretched his thickening fingers, hoping to desensitize them from the pain. “W…What in tarnation is goin' on ‘ere?”
The host continued on, mocking the Southern accent he’d implanted onto the second contestant. “A place fittin' for a cowpoke like y’all’s self! Ain’t no city folk allowed; you don’t want nothin’ queer intrudin' your property, right?”
Queer?!” Nolan spat back. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with bein’-“
“Darn tootin’ straight! Ain’t nothin’ strange gonna be happenin’ on this ‘ere land.”
With the second contestant’s location rightfully reoriented, the host moved onto the third.
“And onto our Ivy League, let’s discuss ascension…I mean, ‘climbing the corporate ladder’.”
Aaron shot the host a dirty look through the screen. “You don’t think I worked hard to earn this position?”
“Well, you certainly didn’t do it all yourself.”
Aaron held his breath. He was a decently attractive man with his slim figure and responsible will, and even his anger made him appear wiser than his years. But Aaron's best feature was his independence, and he wasn’t going to let anyone taint his name over that.
“What, do you think my current boyfri-”
“-my dating his-”
“-my friends with benefits were involved?”
Aaron’s fingers tingled with energy. His body tingled with fury.
“Well,” the host snickered. “If by benefits, you mean…”
“What’s all this!” Aaron flipped. “This is simply…p…preposterous!”
“What are you talking about?” the host egged on. “It's simply normal for a man with your caliber to have such an ‘inheritance’.”
The other two contestants watched on with intrigue.
“I…I may have a b…benefactor,” Aaron suddenly revealed, as if something had just been placed upon his chest. But he was still independent, right? “But that has nothing to do with it!”
“Benefactor? Do you mean your DADDY?”
The fake audience suddenly burst into a chorus of shocked “Ooooohhhh”s. Aaron’s usual calm nature was flatlining, being replaced by a more quickly-agitated behavior.
“We may be really closely acquainted!” Aaron backpedaled. “But it’s nothing of that kind of sort!”
The other two contestants smirked as the growingly-pompous bastard was taken down a peg.
“Sounds pretty queer to me, man,” Corey interjected confidently, scratching at his defining abs.
“Yeah, Ah reckon that fellas a little less normal than us folks,” Nolan added, adjusting the large hat that had secured itself upon his head.
“SHUT UP SWINE!” Aaron spat, his face gaining back a little of his baby fat as he absorbed more child-like aggression. “I'm perfectly normal!”
The two men laughed alongside an obnoxious laughter track.
“He’s right folks, we men are on the right side of history.” The host knew he needed to move on, the show only had so much time of course, but he was having fun. “Surely that father-figure is just some kind of…relative?”
“Just a relative, brah?” Corey asked as his trim cut bloomed out into luscious blond waves.
“Seems closer than that, partner.” Nolan quipped as a graying stubble crawled upon his widening jaw.
“A….A relative?” Aaron stammered, a higher youthful pitch lightening his tenor as this benefactor became clearer in his head. “He’s…he’s someone who I f-“
“Father! He’s my father: Asher Osvald the Third!” Aaron screamed, his blond locks gelling up into a refined style that didn’t match his own personality. “And you all better remember it when you see our company in the headlines!”
Both Corey and Nolan took their respectful back-offs, but the host could only smirk with pride. After a moment of self-congratulation, he noticed some slight hesitation from the first candidate.
“Dude…” Corey started. “Can’t you just see he’s messin’ with us, man? Don’t you guys feel kinda strange-“
“Aren’t you supposed to chill, dude?” The host immediately cut him off.
Corey’s mouth went flat, his chin taking the opportunity to curve out a little further. “How can I chill with-“
“Without the support from my brosettes across the screen, duuuuude!”
The host watched on with glee as the female portion of the livestream burst into a flurry. Lots of hearts and kisses and even some eggplant emojis were flooding the chat. And the comments were getting suggestive too. One chick wanted to know why he was wearing a dorky button-up, and she was soon exposed to his lean bod and treasure trail. Another suggested he should flex for the camera, and Corey was happy to oblige, each of his muscles pumping larger as he did so.
“Now, Cody,” the host coyly asked. “I’m sure the fans would like to know what you do for work.”
“I uh…I work with coding.”
“You are studying IT?” the host replied, incredulous. “Sounds complicated man.”
Corey beamed at the compliment, an excited fever entering his voice. “Yeah, but I sort of have a gift for-“
“IT...like as in ‘it’ man...not ‘eye-tee’ or whatever.”
“But it has something to do with a code, right?”
“Well…yeah man…” Corey’s lifeless vocal fry responded. “But it's not that nerdy crap…something more…uhhh…”
The host graciously provided the answer, “Manly?”
“Yeah man….’it’ is the uh…bro-code brah.” Corey fiddled with the cross necklace that had materialized around his neck, trying to structure his thoughts. Corey felt like his head was spinning in a light vertigo, but not out of stress. Rather, a pleasurable confusion. Cali dudes don’t think that much right? They just go with the flow, so why shouldn’t he man? Wasn’t that what was normal?
While Corey processed his internal dilemma, the host reconnected with the second contestant, noticing he too was becoming a little self-aware.
“Hey Norman, you’re really rocking that fit.”
Nolan was honestly surprised at the comment. He knew he looked good in his tight, patterned three-piece, but he didn’t think the ultra-straight host would notice that too.
“Those shoes must be great for the ranch.”
Nolan laughed. “These ole’ things? They’re Prada from last season-“
“Uhh…Ah mean these boots are from that one brand-”
“Ah’ve had these kickers for years, fella!”
The host observed quietly as the rest of the second contestant’s clothes altered. The suit jacket and vest disappeared completely. The pants grew out into a straight pair of jeans that had been worn continuously for many seasons. The shirt rolled it sleeves and loosened some buttons, darkening to a dusty black that was meant for hauling hay rather than implying gay. But as the outfit masculinized, there was one item that stubbornly fought back, unlike the man who wore it.
“And that belt, how long have you had that?”
Nolan evaluated the expensive snake leather. “Oh yeah, this ‘ere was a gift-“
“What in TARNATION was that for?!” Nolan yelled, the vibration noticeably more painful than the previous blasts. The material of his belt quickly grew cheaper, a massive longhorn buckle blooming forth above his blooming pouch.
“S…Sorry y’all,” Nolan collected himself. “Ah don’t know what’s gotten ovah me, or why Ah’m speakin’ so-“
“Enough apologies,” the host gagged. “You are a man, are you not?”
“Yessiree, but that doesn’t mean we men ain’t got to be sens-”
“Ah reckon yer right there, partner!” Nolan puffed out his chest, carrying his emerging muscle gut with him. “We men oughta be tough! The MAN of the household.”
The host snickered, his eyes meandering around the second contestant’s body as additional muscle and bulk was piled onto his frame. “And men like you ought to have a body like that, don’t they?”
The cowboy huffed, his torso heavy with Southern pride. Nolan had worked his muscular frame up over all these long years, from sunrise to sundown. At 6’4, his big hearty body was always devouring meat to stretch out everything from his big strong biceps to his huge Size 15 clompers!
With the first and second contestants almost there, it was time for the host to catch his third man up to speed. He had already advanced mighty far, his skin having cleared up a bit and a few arrogant gold trophies having appeared in the office background, but the host had some additional notches yet to secure before the final round.
“Now Asher, let’s get real here.” The host put on his classic douchebag smile for the audience. “Any ladies tickling that fancy lately?”
“What?” Aaron scoffed. “Are you dense? I'm into g-”
“Girls…no…wait what?” Aaron felt strange. Why did the host ask if he liked…girls? And why was the thought of girls suddenly something he…liked?
“Listen ere’, partner,” Nolan suddenly interjected. “Yer talkin’ 'bout women like they’re nothin’!”
The host, displeased, fought back. “Aren’t you married to one, partner?”
Nolan couldn’t believe the disrespect. “Me? Married to a woman? Yeah right-”
“-Ah am! Ah’ve been married to my lovely wife for darn straight twenty years! Ain’t nothing QUEER happenin' on this ‘ere normal ranch. I got youngins to raise after all!”
As Nolan became bombarded by memories of his new flock of children, the satisfied host switched back to his third contestant.
“Look, I think we should respect women.” Aaron tried his best to sound mature, now finding it extremely difficult to maintain. “In fact, I think we should respect all others appropriately-“
“And by appropriately, I am referring to overlooking these swines of colleagues who cannot afford a top notch education adjacent to my own.”
The host queued up a laugh track for his next one-liner. “They weren’t kidding when they said someone with your prestige had everything handed down to you, including bad manners.”
Aaron felt his anger rising once again, it easily filling his shortening body as he squared out to an average 5’9.
“Well excuseeee me! I am my own person with-“
“My father is a reputable man who would wish to-”
Aaron stomped his foot, bewildered at this idiocracy. Why was he continuously interrupted? Why was he not given the required recognition? He was captain of the country club’s golf team, rowing team, youth league, and the youngest member on the executive board for Christ’s sake! He studied at an Ivy League! He was everything!
As Aaron tried to understand why none of these other men appreciated the absolute honors of his merit–which he refused to ever admit weren’t even his own–a small alarm went off from the host’s computer.
“Like what was that, mannnn?” Corey’s face furrowed into an all-too-natural look of dumbfoundment.
“Yeah,” Nolan reared. “What's y'all gonna do next?”
“I demand to know it this instant!” The host was surprised at the third contestant jumping in, but he assumed it was just his way of trying to maintain his (nonexisting) position on top. “Or else I’ll tell my father about this-!”
An insane uproar of artificial laughter echoed throughout their ears, startling and silencing them.
“Alright folks, you know what that sound means!” the host grinned. “It’s almost time to wrap up our show, and because our contestants still haven’t figured out what makes them 'Totally Normal', we’re going to have to speed things up!”
“But can’t there only be one winner?” Aaron whined.
“Technically, no,” the host responded honestly. “All of you can be winners if you find out what makes you totally normal.”
For the first time since the game had started, all three of the contestants fell silent.
“I mean, let’s look at our surfer stud Cody,” the host started. “You are almost there, but you gotta loosen that one thing that’s still pent-up, man.”
“Brah…” Corey complained. “What else is there?”
As if by some subconscious command from the host, Corey began dumbly palming himself, a light drool dripping from the edge of his lips. The constant cycle of tits and feminine bits in his mind bombarding all over thoughts.
“A totally gnarly surfer focuses on working out, banging chicks, and chillin’ dude.”
Corey guffawed with a stupid relaxed expression, casually groping as the host moved on.
“And Norman, you’ve worked hard for your position in life, haven’t you?”
The Texan father nodded in cold agreement.
“So what would pride a totally traditional cowboy more than his ranch, his woman, and his legacy?”
Nolan groaned as he instantly unbuckled the massive lock hiding his mighty steed. Huffing loudly, the Southern Baptist’s lil’ pony was wrangled into a full-fledged stallion, the kind that was built to produce offspring. And the kind that got worked up over anything that could threaten the generational uniformity his family, religion, and nation he swore to protect.
“And you, Asher,” the host swiped over to the final contestant. “What’s stopping you from becoming the total Harvard bastard?”
Asher’s face went red and his cock went hard.
“I’m talking complete corruption, pure privilege, Daddy’s little-”
The host was suddenly cut off by a loud holler, the exclaim like the crashing waves of the ocean. Immediately, the comment section blew up as the host, players, and audience watched the surfer jock release a blast of his sea salt spray.
But before the host could congratulate the first winner, the southern father turned around the corner. With one hand whipping his meat and the other held tightly onto his hat, it was only mere moments until the inevitable:
Once again, the audience burst into merriment over the propagating blast. It was then that Aaron’s anger truly took the best of him. He couldn’t be beaten by two no-names! He was the top of his class, an heir to a Fortune 500 company, and a totally normal man for Christ’s sake! Gripping his pecker and shining it furiously, Aaron accepted his heterosexual rage and vowed that he would win and please his…please his…!
A loud, pretentious yell echoed out of the Harvard student, an endless splurge of funds dumping out of his mighty account. It was just one of the many things his heritage’s estate had granted him.
The host didn’t try to hide his devious sneer as the viewers erupted once more. He’d loved his job because everyone won every time. And now, seeing all the new stereotypical straights he’d created, the host couldn’t help but feel his own massive sausage chub. But he laughed the feeling off, knowing beating off over these other men wouldn’t have been “totally normal.”
“And it looks like with just a minute left on the clock, all three of our contestants will be going home as winners today!” The host then added his artificial rounds of applause. “So, did you three ever figure out what makes you ‘Totally Normal’?”
“Isn’t it obvious, brah?” Cody replied, the typical airhead more sure of himself now than when he had dropped out of high school. “It’s that we’re straight, mannnn…”
“He’s right, partner!” Norman added, his fatherly conviction always strong and steady. “Ain’t none of us are them faggots. If Ah do say so myself, we are all what the mighty Lord named men.”
“Well, if that is what common plebians such as yourself are called, then you shall address me as ‘I-V’,” Asher Osvald IV’s voice was doused in entitlement and a lack of understanding for anyone but himself. A pair of offscreen hands adjusted his tie just to prove his privilege. “After all, I do attend Harvard. I guess you could say I was destined for greatness since birth.”
“Yes, Asher, everyone here knows you are a prick.” The host immediately followed up his quip with a laugh track. “But that’s all we have for today’s show. Signing off, this is Host DJ!”
“Hang ten and surfs up, dudes!”
“The biggest rodeo’s the family and kids y’all!”
“I’m probably way richer than you vagrants, so don’t bother.”
“And don’t forget to ask yourself,” the host winked before adding in the final audio. “ARE YOU NORMAL?”
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 month
my predictions for the knuckles series
knuckles becomes an honorary cop of green hills
knuckles lets wade become a guardian of the master emerald
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i-heart-hxh · 7 months
Do you remember if Gon has ever seen Killua crying? Like I know Killua cried when Gon was crying about not being able to beat Knuckle and staying out of the NGL mission, but I think he Killua was behind him so he probably didn't notice, I wonder how would Gon react if he ever sees Killua crying?
Killua crying behind Gon in that scene you mentioned is the only time Killua cried in Gon's presence.
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I definitely don't think Gon was aware of Killua's tears in this scene--he was lost in his own pain at that moment, and I'm sure Killua hid it when Gon would have been able to notice, as he's prone to doing. All of the other times we see Killua crying in the series, it's when he's separated from Gon.
(Also, I just want to say I think Killua was partly crying for Gon's pain, but he's also crying because he deeply understands this feeling himself. At this point he's decided he's going to have to leave Gon because of his own weakness of running away from stronger opponents, after what Bisky told him. Of course, this weakness is caused by the needle, but he's not aware of that at this time.)
I think Gon has some awareness of Killua's feelings for him, vague as that awareness might be, but he'd be very surprised nonetheless to find out how many times Killua has cried over him and just how deeply Killua feels for him in general.
It's a predictable answer, but if Killua cried in his presence I think Gon would initially be surprised, and then wipe his tears, give him a long, warm hug, and comfort him to the best of his ability. I think that level of openness between them would be healing for both of them.
Thanks for asking!
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mama-qwerty · 2 months
My Predictions for the Knuckles Series:
Here's how it starts.
In one of the spots floating around, we see Maddie grounding Knux for his little arena/kidnapping the mailman stunt. He responds with "You cannot ground an echidna warrior!", to which I predict Maddie will give him The Look.
Scene cut to him in the attic throwing a little tantrum, ranting to Sonic about how unfair it is. "I have bested warriors five times my size! I have fought and won hundreds of battles! I am the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy, and she, she grounds me???"
Which leads to him throwing himself to the floor, breathing hard as Sonic swings above him in the tire swing as we saw in the original trailer.
One of the bounty hunters coming after them will be the Knuckles kid from Wade's childhood.
Wade's mom goes all Grandma mode over the echidna, and Knux isn't quite sure what to make of it.
Knux seriously considers leaving the planet at one point, so he doesn't endanger those around him. (He's gotta have some moment of doubt, some point where he thinks he will always be fighting, always be alone, and this is where Wade comes in to give him a little pep talk.)
I don't know that we'll get any flashbacks of his childhood or life on the run, but I'm hoping really really hard that we do.
At the end, after the adventure, there'll be a callback to something he did at the start of the series, but now he's more mellow and relaxed about it.
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Only 1 day left until the Knuckles series premieres on Paramount +! Drop your predictions now on how the show will end and how it’ll tie into Sonic 3!
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signedeclipse · 1 year
yayyy finally your request is open! may I request a prompt like, you wanna confess to them on valentine's day but accidentally already confessed to them, or you can watch this vid (https://www.tiktok.com/@punkgal_/video/7204905468186152197) with gyutaro and muzan, but you can add extra character if you want, and can it be in kimetsu academy au please? you can make muzan become our senior or same age friend! I really like your signed with love work, you write it so well and accurate with their character😭 thank you in advance!!!
Gyutaro is not one to celebrate holidays which is why you pulled together a plan to ask him instead
The only trouble was how unpredictable he could be, and after almost three attempts gone wrong you were starting to realize having a large scale setup for it was pointless
The first time you had wrapped yourself like a present in his room, but, he stayed out late and by the time he got to you he thought you were being held hostage by someone
The second time you made a sign with lights and flower petals but he ended up grounded for a week for bullying first years
And the most recent attempt was something akin to today, except no candles this time because he accidentally caught his hair on fire when playing with the candles
So now you were searching through every hallway to find him and get him to meet up with you properly so you could ask
When you did, he was outside the school at his parking spot, polishing his motorcycle even after everyone had already gone home
"Gyu-kun! I have been looking everywhere for you!"
He only grunts in response and shrugs his shoulders
"When you are done come to my place so i can finally ask you to be my valentine! You are so hard headed sometimes...!" You were already stomping away down the sidewalk
Leaving the poor red-faced boy behind
Once he gets his motorcycle on he'll be chasing down the street to catch up to you and accept your confession
The senior student was always punctual, working off of a strict schedule
So it was easy to predict the best time to stop him
As his self-proclaimed best friend, you knew him better than anyone else which was still very little
Between every class, he would pull out a book and read exactly twenty pages
But depending on the length and size of the font, the time it took varied
Luckily for you, you noticed this book was not typical novel size and had a larger font, which would give you a minute to cut in before the teacher showed up!
Of course you can't judge his punctuality when you could pay attention to such small details with ease
"Muzan-kun, are you available at 5 o'clock tonight to meet outside the school library?"
The second his book had been put down on the desk you asked sharply, having taken the seat next to him
"5:15 and I will be."
The boy only stared forwards at the chalkboard, but you knew he cared what he had to say by the fact he was holding onto the side of the next with a grip so hard his knuckles were going white
"I will be asking you to be my valentine, see you then!"
Right then the teacher walked in and you moved to sit across the class from him
He would lower his head so some of his hair falls in front of his eyes and use a hand to cover his mouth
Not because he's bored of the teacher talking, but because he wants to hide his shifty eyes and red cheeks
Of course you would confess like that, you were so stupid- and now he had to arrange to get some of your favourite flowers by next week
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Authors Note - Thank you so much for those kind words! I am really happy my SIgned with Love series was enjoyed <3 Funnily enough I saw a tiktok once of that audio with Shinobu! I hope I captured what you were hoping for!
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