#kohi-zeri's input
strxnged · 1 year
happy birthday june!! 🥳 hopefully i'm not late, haha. i'm honestly pretty bad at birthday messages and the like but i wanted to let you know that i'm really glad we met. seeing you on the dash/in my notifs always makes me smile, and i always appreciate your words. happy birthday again, and i hope you're doing well ♥️
you're right on time! i really appreciate that you took the time and energy to send this, dearest kohi 😊🎉 i always love to see your url and saiki in my silly little computer and i too am glad we met. i appreciate your articulacy and sincerity more than you know. thank you !!!
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strxnged · 1 year
hi june, hope you've been well ♥️ i'd like to request 47 and 69 for the ask game please!
kohi my friend! lovely to see you in my inbox <3
47. what story are you most proud of?
well... it's hard to say because i tend to be proud of my writing because i wrote it, not because i still think it's good (or even "good enough" most of the time lol). i feel proud when i look back at all the hard work i've put into my writing. i think i'm the proudest of the overflowing time and love i put into "love letter" — it was a melding of my enjoyment of comedic plot twists, my desire for university to start, and my fascination with the concept of bangchan as a coffee barista (a second time). i think my pride here was especially helped by the plentiful sweet feedback i received for it... some people actually found it funny! wow!
a runner-up for this is "a couple more" with akaashi as one of my last haikyuu fics. i LOVED writing that. i love dramatic things like those where writing the conclusion is like finally letting go of the breath i was holding the whole time.
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
i don't write things i can't somehow relate to. sometimes i have to draw from deep within myself and feel things i've never felt, but as an author, i think i have to be capable of understanding my characters if i'm going to write about them. even when i wouldn't make the same choices as them, i am with them through those choices. it's sort of like watching a friend hear your advice and then ignore it. often i know where a story is going and yet i still have to put the characters through it, if that makes sense. so i feel what they feel and forgive them, and then i, as the author, deal to them their consequences.
(gosh, imagine being a writer and thinking you don't have a god complex of some kind)
send me writer asks
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strxnged · 3 years
hi sara i just saw your carrd rn and omg it's so cool!!!
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