#kougin amann cookie fluff
poly hcs ; capsaicin, kougin-amann, prune juice
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requested by ; anonymous (03/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | epic | super-epic
character(s) ; capsaicin cookie, kougin-amann cookie, prune juice cookie
outline ; “Hii im not sure if you take requests with more than two characters but if you do could you whip up some poly headcanons with Capsaicin, Prune Juice, and Kouign Amann??
x reader obviously ahaha, take care and dont overwork yourself!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
this relationship is pure chaos at its finest because as much as they all love each other and you, they’re still on opposing teams and all very competitive at heart
and this bleeds into every aspect of your relationship
like, for example, you guys have a rotating chore roster that makes sure that everyone gets a chance to cook
and when it’s each of their turns, they’ll go out of their way to make the most delicious, grand meal they can — to show that they’re the best provider of the three
they all tend to brag about their respective schools and will get into debates about which school is best (they never agree)
whenever tcc season comes around you can guarantee that they’re dragging you there to support their schools’ new competitors — they get really riled up because this was where you all met, and they’re really big on the competition culture
prune juice cookie is the partner you go to if you want a quiet night in spent with a good book, a hot drink and plenty of fluffy things to keep you warm
that mini relationship is defined by rainy days, deep conversations, fluffy socks and studying together
capsaicin cookie is the partner you go to if you want to get riled up with lots of movement, lots of shouting and heaps of fun — including metal music and mini moshes
that mini relationship is defined by wonderful chaos, shameless affection and going out to concerts to headbang until your necks hurt and scream until you can’t speak anymore
kougin-amann cookie is the partner you go to if you want to spend an afternoon baking and laughing and dancing barefoot on the kitchen floor
that mini relationship is defined by traditionally sappy gestures, casual effortless affection, matching clothes and drawing hearts on each others’ cheeks with flour
kougin-amann is the best baker of the three and prefers to take on dessert duty — which all of you are happy to let happen
she loves trying out new recipes but will try making them no less than five times before even considering serving them (capsaicin is her taste tester)
prune juice prefers to handle hearty meals — things that fill you up after one serving and that can stay good to eat for a week
this usually means that he’ll be spending the entire day prepping everything by hand
capsaicin loves spice and thus tends to make meals that will leave you reaching for a cup of milk whilst he wolfs it down effortlessly
granted he can, and does, make meals that aren’t quite as catastrophically spicy as he wants — seasoning his portions separately — but he does make some incredibly flavourful dishes anyway so nobody is complaining about him being in the kitchen
capsaicin calls you all ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ — or, occasionally, ‘hotties’
kougin-amann calls you ‘my love’, prune juice ‘darling’ and capsaicin ‘sweetheart’
prune juice just calls you all by your names
temperature regulation in your house is a nightmare because prune juice prefers the cold and capsaicin loves it hot — so the boys end up sleeping in separate rooms and you and k-g will rotate between them
you have a wonderful garden where you grow your own herbs and spices for cooking, which p-j meticulously researches and cares for using his potions and magical expertise
kougin-amann has styled all of your hair at least once — you have a picture of the final (very pink) result and it sits proudly on your fireplace
capsaicin prefers metal music, kougin-amann loves classical, and prune juice loves opera — so they usually debate who gets to control the music on road trips
movie nights are a staple in your home and they always end up with popcorn everywhere and you sandwiched between two of your partners (especially if you choose a horror film)
capsaicin sleeps on his back and will basically hold you all hostage against him until he wakes up
prune juice is a more independent sleeper and will just barely spoon whoever is closest to him in bed
kougin-amann is a clingy sleeper and shockingly strong so she’ll pretty much koala against whoever she’s in bed with
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shmolish · 2 months
Can I request a kouign amann x female reader one shot? Saw your Prune juice one and I loved it!
AN: I don't know Kouign Amann as much a Prune, but she's definitely a super cute character!! I did some research before writing this, so I hope it turns out all right now 👉👈
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Kouign Amann Cookie x Fem! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None, just fluff
It was Valentines day, and you were in charge of some decorations around the campus. There were couples all throughout the school, giving each other gifts and saying sweet nothings.
It was a rather annoying day though, for some of the less unfortunate. Those without dates, or anyone to love. You were one of these people.
"Oh, you are my everything!"
Said someone to their date.
"No, you're MY everything!"
Responded the other.
It made you gag.
That's when the ladder you were using to hang some decorations started to shake, and you fell. You never hit the ground though, since someone caught you.
"You should be more careful! If I didn't catch you, you would have gotten really hurt." Your friend Kougin Amann told you. She carefully placed you back onto the floor and gave you a bright smile. It was the smile she always had when she saw you. The smile that made you fall fully in love.
You nodded your head, not being able to find the right words to say.
"Oh, I have something for you, actually!" She said to you, cheerfully, taking out a small box of chocolates and handing them to you. She still had that confident smile on her face. You on the other hand, were a mess.
"Oh, um, yeah. Thank you." You said, while having a lot of blush on your face. Your heart was melted completely by her.
It doesn't mean anything. Just a gift between friends..
That's what you would tell yourself.
"And, do you mind coming somewhere with me after-school? There's something I want to show you." Kouign Amann said.
This doesn't mean anything. She won't like you back. She's just being nice.
"Sure thing." You responded.
She just waved before walking away.
You swore the sky got a little brighter after seeing her.
You needed to tell her how she made you feel.
It was much later in the day, and the sun was setting. Kouign Amann took you to a cliff, where you could see all of the city.
"It's nice, right?" She asked you, sitting down. You took a seat next to her.
"It is.." you would tell her. You weren't really focusing on the view. Just her and her wonderful smile.
"I have something for you." You told her. She didn't say anything, just looked at you sweetly.
Why does she have to make me feel this way?
"I.. got these flowers. They reminded me of you."
She looked a little surprised, and took them from your hand. "Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" She looked at them with soft eyes.
"Hehe, don't you know what it means to give a person roses? Especially on Valentine's Day?"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I know what it means. That's why I gave them to you."
Please say you like me as well.
"Wait, are you confessing to me?" She held the flowers closer to herself.
"I am.."
She smiled once again. "I thought I would have been the one to confess first. I guess you proved me wrong!"
She picked you up in her arms, twirling you around with ease.
Innocent laugher filled the air around you two, as you both smile at each other.
"I love you, Kouign Amann."
"I love you too."
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