#krolfred anon
calimera62 · 5 years
Do you remember this golden time when almost all the fandom was in a Krolfred mood and we had the Krolfred anon whose identity was a mystery?
Good time, good time...
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calimera62 · 7 years
(hi it's the krolfred headcanon anon - pls feed me i'm starving for more) 1) which one is the caretaker? 2) which one gets jealous? 3) which one is romantic? 4) what do they fight about? 5) what is the first thing alfred notices about krolock? 6) how does herbert deal with alfred being essentially his step-dad? 7) also do you have any krolfred song recommendations?
Hey anon! It’s very nice of you to come by! I had a lot of fun reading it then answering it! I hope you’ll be happy with the answers :)
Here we go!
*Which one is the caretaker?
Hm…with Alfred as a young vampire, I would say Krolock. I can see himteaching Alfred the ways of the vampire life, how to trust his newvampire instinct, how to hunt and feed, and which changes Alfredwould go through as a vampire. Like in the movie, he would provide acoffin for him as well. And if Alfred is reluctant, at first, todrink human blood… well, I don’t think Krolock would just let himstarve himself for long.
*Which one gets jealous?
Weeell,I see Alfred more insecure than jealous if there were someone lookingfor Krolock’s attention, or maybe just a little jealous if there weresomeone who knows Krolock well and Alfred wishing he could know moreabout Krolock as well. I don’t see Krolock as the jealous typeeither, but I guess he wouldn’t like someone taking Alfred from him,and would make sure Alfred wouldn’t leave him.
*Which one is romantic?
Well,Alfred would the more romantic of the two. He’s a sensible boy with abig heart who would do anything to please his loved one. Now, whathappen when the big bad vampire becomes his unexpected choice ofpartner? While I’m not sure he would romance Krolock the way he wouldhave with Sarah or another girl, I think – after getting used toKrolock and becoming more at ease around him – he would shyly askfor affection, or try to do some act of affection, like a kiss on thecheek or a hesitant hug, or making king gestures like reading to him,or something?
Now,I think Krolock would be quite capable seducing Alfred. However, it’sbeen a very long time since he tried to romance someone withoutwanting to just have them for their blood, so it would be hard to just… let himself be romantic and affectionate with someone again after centuries of just seducing his victims in a way to play with them before biting them. However, if he begins to have genuine feelings of affection for Alfred, he would honestly try! Like buying him things, playing music for him, stuff like that.
*What do they fight about?
Idon’t feel like they would have big fights. Krolock mostly mastershis emotions, and has a rather cool temper; and Alfred… well, heisn’t really one to have outbursts. He would rather avoid fights.However, I think they could have their fights; mostly about Alfred’sreluctance to drink human blood to survive with Alfred blamingKrolock for making him what he is (Sarah is the one who bit him ofcourse, but he would never blame Sarah, and Krolock did start it by seducing and bitting Sarah) and condemning him with a life he rather not have, andKrolock being exasperated sometimes because Alfred doesn’t always actlike the vampire he is. 
I also think they would have somedisagreement about modernity: both Krolock and Herbert are stuck inthe past and don’t want to change their ways, while Alfred is a youngman of the 19th century and would want to live with histime, and see some modernity in the castle.
*What is the first thing Alfred notices about Krolock?
Besidehim being a vampire ;p ?
Ithink he would be quite impressed with his hands (he does have longfingers and looong nails hehe), but I think it’s quite unlikely hewould focus more on his hands, I would say either his long cape orhis hair. They’re quite hard not to notice ^^
*How does Herbert deal with Alfred being essentially his step-dad?
Atfirst, quite disappointed I would guess. While he mostly lusted forAlfred’s blood, he hungered for him too, so he would quitedisappointed he didn’t get Alfred in the end. However, he does carefor his Vater a lot and wouldn’t mind if Krolock got some happinessof his own. His father being quite a solitary creature, Herbertwouldn’t mind him having a companion at last. And, well, he doesstill get the chance to see Alfred and his “popo”.
Heis, however, quite distressed when Krolock basically told him thissituation makes Alfred his step-dad. I suspect old Krolock would findsome amusement in it. Herbert is less amused.
*Do you have any Krolfred song recommendations?
Ido. Alas, not much dear anon. I’m open for suggestion through?
There’sThe Phantom of the Opera which is, let’s be honest, the 1stsong I like to associate to many hero&enemy dynamics. Most lyricsjust fit! In this case, you mostly have to replace “phantomof the opera” with “vampire”.
Sing once again with me,Our strange duetMy power over you,Grows stronger yet.
Also, I could never forget Poison by Alice Cooper:
I want to love you, but I better not touchI want to hold you, but my senses tell me to stopI want to kiss you, but I want it too muchI want to taste you, but your lips are venomous poison.
There’s also Desire by Meg Myers:
I want to touch youI want to breathe into your wellSee, I got to hunt youI got to bring you to my hell(…) Desire, I’m hungryI hope you’ll feed me.
Aand that’s it ^^ thanks for the ask, dear anon. Feel free to come again soon!
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calimera62 · 7 years
@fish-d, @penhales, where have you been all my shipper life?
Here I thought nobody shipped Krolock/Alfred as much as me, and then I see new people shipping them... new content... also anons wanting some Krolfred too!
I can’t tell you how happy I am now!
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