#kurolisa au
juusauce · 1 year
Angel Baby (ft. Kurolisa) Pt. 6
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Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Names, characters, locations, and incidents are all made up by the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
If you hate my ship, please stop reading; I don’t want to block readers, so please be respectful.
Ⓒjuusauce - do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
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border @inthekpopland
Part 5
“What happened?” I confusedly asked her. “Alisa, tell me, what’s going on?” but she didn’t respond, still pushing me but later on she leaned on me. I loosened my hold on her, I asked her what was going on but she wouldn’t tell me. Instead, she immediately went to the woman’s comfort room. I followed her but I stayed outside.
I feel nervous every time I hear her vomiting inside the cubicle. I want to help her but I don’t know what to do.
“Alisa—Oh? Are you fine now?” She sharply looked at me while I was still confused about it. Is she mad at me? What the heck? I didn’t do anything but here she is getting mad at me.
“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” I’m still following her, like a dog’s tail. I might look like an idiot but I don’t care anymore.
She keeps avoiding me as she did before but I won’t give up on her easily. So I looked for a place where I couldn’t bother both her space and the customers. I waited patiently for her while my eyes locked on her, not letting her get away from my sight.
I noticed that she seemed unable to stand and walk properly. Later on, she suddenly lost her balance but before she could land on the ground, I caught her in my arms. It almost took away my breath, too scared for her.
 I didn’t want to leave her alone in the hospital but I needed to attend the meeting. But before I left, I put two bodyguards to look for her for a while, while I’m away.
“Sir, the patient escaped.” I suddenly stood from my seat, both shocked and confused but angrier. What the fuck? They were two bodyguards but they let a frail woman escape? I couldn’t believe this.
“I’ll fire you two if you can’t find her.” My voice thundered. I’m mad at them but more afraid of what will happen to her.
I walked back and forth, uneasy because a lot of things were running through my mind. I know she was afraid of me, afraid to be judged but why did she already conclude that I can do that to her? I believed her even though she didn’t tell me everything, about what exactly happened before that scandal came out.
“Could you calm down and please stop walking back and forth, Tetsurou? It’s making me feel dizzy.” Tooru scolded me.
How can I fucking calm, when Alisa is still missing until now? I asked for the hospital’s CCTV record on that day, and I saw her leaving alone, wearing a nurse’s uniform. The hospital wasn’t aware of her disappearance because she went through the back. Why was I too relaxed? I thought the hospital’s security was tight and safe. What the fuck?
I gritted my teeth. I was restless because I was worried about her. Everything was fine, except that someone had run away! She was used to leaving me behind, not thinking about what I could feel every time she left me. Why is she so unfair? Leaving me behind like I’m not important to her. 
Am I not part of her life? Did she love me? Apprehension and hesitation creep into my mind. The thoughts running through my head make me dizzy and tired. Even though I’m weary, I didn’t let my eyes close. I want to be the first one who will see her face once she’s found.
“Excuse me, sir, here are the documents you’ve been asking for.” 
I just let my secretary put on my desk the document I was asking for from the hospital. It was Alisa’s medical records. I want to make sure she’s fine and not sick. The last time I saw her, she looked so frail and it makes me worry for her all the time.
I frowned, can’t comprehend everything that was written on the fucking sheet of paper. I almost tore the documents when Atsumu suddenly opened the door.
I sighed and rested my head on the headrest.
“What the fuck? Her hCG is above average, she might be pregnant.” Atsumu looked so horrified as he looked back and forth between me and the papers he was holding. But there’s one thing that caught my attention, my jaw dropped.
This can’t be?!! hCG is above average? Pregnant? Fuck! Should I feel happy right now? Yes, indeed! Honestly, I’m thrilled but the fact that she’s pregnant while running away from me makes me furious. How could she leave me again with our baby, huh? I’m sure, I am the father of her baby. I didn’t doubt her about that but I know that’s our baby. But how long would she hide it from me? Is that the reason why she left me again?
“This could not be happening, right?” Atsumu still couldn’t believe everything.
“It’s happening.” I remained composed and calm while he looked so confused and shocked.
“So you were serious about her?”
“I wouldn’t be if I didn’t get pregnant!”
“What the fuck! You’re ridiculous!” He shook his head in disbelief, still processing how he could accept that information.
My eyes were still closed. I gritted my teeth. I don’t think I can stand it anymore, without knowing where she is right now makes me madder at myself. I couldn’t bear it if something bad happened to her or our baby.
Before she left, she looked frail and I was worried the whole time. I can’t even fucking rest my eyes in a single second, always planning what I can do to find her quickly and Mr. Kazuhito. I’m always bugging Kenma, asking for his help to track them both. And now, I’m too weary but I might not be able to sleep not until I find her and capture the person who ruined her life.
Part 7
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juusauce · 2 years
Angel Baby (ft. Kurolisa)
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DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. All the characters in the story are from Haruichi Furudate’s manga, Haikyuu, and the author creates some characters. Some places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
The mentioned characters are not mine, credit to Furudate Haruichi.
If you hate my ship, please stop reading; I don’t want to block readers, so please be respectful.
Ⓒjuusauce - do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
NOTES: inspired from the song of Troye Sivan’s Angel Baby & Jonaxx' TBIP, timeskip age
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Inspired by the ones created by @maysdigitalarts
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SUMMARY: Kuroo Tetsurou thought love didn't exist, but when he met this strange girl, an angel-like Alisa Haiba, everything changed. Is everything he does for her motivated only by his desire for her, or is he truly in love with her?
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made by @saradika
I am one of those who does not believe in love. After my parents separated, I began to feel that love did not last forever. My mother was found cheating with a younger colleague at work, according to my elder brother. And she was the first lady to break my heart. It was the reason I loathed women. I don't take relationships seriously. I get satisfaction from playing with women's hearts.
"Bro, check this out," Tooru said as he switched his phone to mine. "She's sexy as hell."
Tooru's habit is to check out some hot ladies on Instagram.
"She's quite hot, huh?"
I sipped my coffee quietly as I shifted my gaze to the documents on the table. I almost forgot I still had work to do.
Shit! I massaged my temples. My job has been causing me stress. After my father resigned as CEO, the sudden dumping of everything on me caused me to stop going to parties and seeing my women, leaving me completely stunned.
"Do you have a problem?" he asked softly as he patted my back.
I sighed and looked at him. 
"Is it about women again?" I groaned. "It's not about them, but about this," I said, pointing to the documents piled on my table.
He patted me on the back. "Don't stress yourself out; come on, relax for a while."
Now I massaged my throbbing fucking head. I sighed, wondering where I could be.
"Tsk!" I checked my watch and it was almost 7:30 a.m. Damn it! I have a meeting in 45 minutes. How could I possibly get there on time? I'm not feeling well after last night's drinking party.
When I turned to my side, I noticed a woman sleeping next to me. So she’s the girl I bedded last night? Hmm, not bad at all but I don’t need to bother about her. I’m already finished with her, anyway.
I’m tip toeing as I walk slowly, carefully not making any noise as I’m trying to leave her room. I hurriedly packed and wore my clothes. I didn’t bother to glance at her as I hastily went to my car. When I reached outside, I immediately searched for my car. But damn it! I can’t find it!
Tsk! Where the hell did I park it? But suddenly, I saw the truck start towing my car. I shouted several times but the towing truck did not stop. I would be late today. Shit!
I ran closer to the upcoming taxi but suddenly someone stopped me from opening its door.
“I hold it first.” she angrily said.
“What are you talking about? I’ve been waiting for a taxi cab for an hour.”
“I have to get in first. I’m late for the audition.”
“And I’m late for my mee—” she didn’t let me finish what I said and took the taxi cab.
What the fuck?
I’m really in a bad mood today, a lot of things happened to me, including my headache, to the girl I bedded with, my car and the worst of all, that girl I randomly met along the way, she was the reason why I’m too late today. Damn it!
After our meeting, I immediately went straight to my office, to start doing the work I needed to do.
I groaned as I checked each model’s profile. I sighed and massaged my temple. This is stressing the hell out of me. Honestly, I would prefer partying and having fun with women than sitting here and checking these damn profiles.
But I stopped when I saw a familiar face. I smirked when I remembered what happened earlier, this girl told me she was gonna be late for the audition. 
Hmm, so she is Alisa Haiba. I smiled at the plan I had in mind. I leaned my back on the chair and I brushed my index finger on my lips while reading her profile.
She looks so interesting, huh?
I bit my lip as I scanned her portfolio. She’s really beautiful and sexy, huh? 
Even though I wasn’t part of the judging team of the audition, they let me inside the room. I quietly sat on my chair while I waited for the next candidate to enter. Honestly, this is the first time I sat here.
“Miss Alisa Haiba, you’re next.”
My eyes shifted to the door where she stood. She stiffened when our eyes met. You remember me, huh? 
I lowered my head pretending to read her profile just to hide my smirk.
“Okay, Miss Alisa Haiba.” I read her name sensually, looking at her intently from head to toe and then back to her face.
“Hmm?” I leaned on my chair while my legs were leg-lock. “Move closer…”
Her eyes widened because of my request. I smirked as if I won a game. 
“Turn around.”
She wanted to say something but I didn’t let her speak.
“Miss Haiba, I don’t want to waste my time. Do what I say.”
She hesitated, and yet she turned around, I smirked again. I can’t stop smirking just because of the sight of her. She got both big boobs and butt, a small waist and an angelic face. 
I shut my eyes. Damn it! Tetsurou, be professional! Don’t be such a dick here!
“Turn around again and face us.” I intertwined my hands as I leaned my elbow on the table. 
I couldn’t help but smile when she faced us.
“I want you…” I said it while looking at her intently. She gasped as she averted her eyes, avoiding my gaze. 
I laughed to lighten the atmosphere between us. “You’re accepted—”
“What?!” Miwa looked so angry at me, the edge of my lips lifted, forming a smirk as I faced her.
“What’s the problem?”
“You’re asking me that? Seriously, Kuroo? You accepted this girl! She didn’t even reach the stand—”
“What’s wrong with her? She has an angelic and sexy body, so why not accept her right away?” Her lips parted, she couldn’t believe what I’m saying.
I didn’t let her talk again and asked my secretary about the contract signing for Alisa.
Every time she is in front of the camera. I can see the passion in her eyes. Posing as if no one’s looking at her.
When our eyes met, she looked so conscious about herself but kept herself composed. One of my brows raised. Trying to be tough, huh? 
I smirked. 
“So, are you interested in this girl, huh?” Tooru mumbled, standing right next to me.
“She got a pretty and innocent face…” he smirked, looking back and forth between me and Alisa. “You change your preferences, huh?”
“Shut up! I’m just checking here if everything’s okay. And the hell! I’m not interested in her.”
He smirked. “Geez! You’re too obvious, man.”
I groaned. “Oh? Shut up!” he chuckled, teasingly looking at me.
“Why don’t you admit that she already got you, huh?” he put his hand on his chin and smirked at me. “Because of pride?”
“What are you talking about?” I shake my head in disbelief, I couldn’t believe he said that. Me? Interested in her? Hell, no!
“You did great, Alisa.” He casually said it. She shyly smiled at him. I got irritated when Tooru tried to flirt with her. I called his attention. “We got to go now.”
“Huh? Where are we going now?” he looked confused but later on there was a smirk on his face. I got irritated by the way he looked at me.
“Oh? Someone’s jealous here.” he chirped. I glared at him but he just shrugged it off.
“Bye, miss beautifu—aw!” I elbowed him but he just laughed and then he winked at her.
Did she give him a shy smile? What the hell?! Is she flirting back at him? Tsk! What a pity girl, too naïve about everything.
My eyes darted at the big led tv screen. I saw her again but this time I am looking at the advertisement flashing on the tv screen. My heart suddenly pumped against my chest. What was this? Because of frustration, I brushed my palm to my face.
When I looked back at the screen again, I saw her expressive eyes. It looked like she was looking at me while her lips showed a mischievous smile, and my pants tightened. 
Fuck! I was aroused because of that?
Oh! Com’on Tetsurou, how many days since the last time you had sex? I sighed.
I’ve been on a diet for almost a week! Maybe that’s why I’m too horny tonight. I think I need to go to the bar to find someone where I can release my heat. But I’m not in the mood. The hell!
I gritted my teeth, annoyed while searching on the internet. I couldn’t find any further information about Alisa, so I dialed Kenma’s number.
“What now?” Kenma languidly asked me from the other line.
“I have a favor to ask you.”
“I want you to investigate everything about Alisa Haiba.”
“Oh? A woman…” Amusement was in his voice. “Another chick, huh?”
I frowned. “Stop interrogating me. Just do your job.”
I heard him laugh. “Fine. Whatever, motherfucker!”
If tabloids won’t tell me about you, then let’s do some dirty work, baby.
She looked so shy and nervous right now, in contrast to how fierce and shameless she is on the camera. 
Every time she looked in my direction, she would immediately avoid my gaze. Is she trying to ignore me? I grinned. Do you think you could get me through those old tricks of yours? Good luck, miss.
I stood and went near the group of women where Miwa was in. They laughed and it got me irritated by what I heard. They looked surprised, especially her, when I butt in at their conversation.
“Ladies, excuse me, may I know what you were talking about, hmm?” I smiled at them to hide my annoyance.
They looked at each other and then looked at me awkwardly. “O-oh? It’s nothing. Uhh, that was all about girly talk, right girls?”
I smiled at them again.
“Did you know, it’s not good for elite women to talk behind other people’s lives.” they looked so pale, bull’s eye! I smirked at them as I excused myself.
I could see from where I was sitting how those filthy men were touching her legs. She looked so nervous but by the way, she brushed it off, not minding their touches and explicit remarks, it got me more irritated.
So it was true, that she’s a prostitute? And what Miwa's circle of friends said were true? Well, as a matter of fact, what else can I expect from a woman like her? She has a brother to support. Maybe, because of poverty, she was forced to do that, to have money.
“So that was true, huh?” I smirked.
“Models are escorts too, right? Are you denying it?” I laughed without humor. “But look, why does it seem like you’re one of them?” I said it, intently to hurt her. Somehow, it made me lose my temper. I got irritated when I saw how her eyes panicked.
“Excuse me? What did you—”
“Trying to stay innocent, huh? Did you receive a payment for allowing them to touch you? Did you agree to meet them after this party?”
I shouldn’t flinch. But damn!  I saw her tears falling. I shouldn’t care if she was hurt by my insult, right? But what if she was trying to be innocent? Damn it!
“Hey, man—Oh? Alisa, what happened?” Tooru asked her and he looked suspiciously at me. “Don’t tell me—”
“Don’t cry as if you didn’t let them touch you.”
“Tetsurou!” He exclaimed. “Wait? Did I miss something here?” He coaxed her.
I gritted my teeth. 
“Tooru, stay out of this! This has nothing to do with you!”
“I said, stay out of this motherfucker!”
I saw how her eyes looked at Tooru pleadingly, with a tear over it. It’s like she’s trying to show us that she’s about to cry. Damn it! Damn it! She’s not only good at seducing men but also a good actress huh?
“I guess it’s right, isn’t it?” I was fuming mad while looking at her.
“I was trying not to make a scene—”
“Trying not to make a scene or did you just like how they touched you?”
Tooru gasped but I didn’t let him speak. I glared at her. I don’t know if I was mad because she let those fucking perverted old geezer or I was mad because she was pleading at Tooru or I was mad at myself? Damn… damn it!
“I don’t like—”
“Oh? Really?” I snorted with laughter, it was full of sarcasm. “Or did you swallow your pride for the sake of money?” I shut my eyes and scolded myself in my mind. I am confused about how I should feel.
“That’s enough, Tetsurou!”
After I said those words, I felt cold in my stomach. Something about my insults and the way her eyes glistened, made me feel guilty. It’s like she’s not lying, those glistening eyes were the evidence that she was hurt by what I’ve said.
Stop thinking about it, Tetsurou! I’ve been in the business for years and I already know how to distinguish liars from those who are telling the truth. She deserves my insults. Honestly, it was not enough. A woman like her was just like my mother, a whore, a slut or whatever they called it. Acting pity to manipulate men, huh? Do you think it will work for me? Sorry to disappoint you, but it won’t work for me.
“What’s your problem, Tetsurou?” Tooru asked me after Alisa left.
I’m just interrogating her but she was insisting that she was innocent. Tch! What a liar.
“She was acting pure and denying that she’s not an escort—”
He laughed full of sarcasm. “Seriously, Tetsurou? And so what? If she’s an escort, then it’s none of your business.”
“You’re acting like a protective boyfriend here.” He shook his head.
I stopped and realized what I was fucking doing earlier. What the fuckery was that?!! Does it have to do with me? Honestly, it doesn’t. Why the fucking hell I was so annoyed, huh? That was none of my fucking business! But I was hella fuck up, I was annoyed, her, trying to be looked innocent even though she was not!
I glanced at where she was, more annoyed and irritated.
She both has a pretty face and a sexy body, a body that men could die for. She has an hourglass figure, a thin waist, long legs and both of her breasts and ass are huge.
Those men who love paying for sex would like her so much. She would easily be all men’s fantasy with that innocent face, soft expressive green eyes, perfect heart-shaped lips and a sexy body of hers.
I gritted my teeth when I thought about it. Innocent, my ass. She may look like an angel but she’s not innocent like what she’s claiming to be. I couldn’t even imagine her high school or college years with boys making passes at her like a ball. I’m sure those fucking bastard youngsters were too crazy about her for that kind of face and body, right? And don’t tell me, she didn’t like any one of them?
Wait, what?!! Why the hell do I bother thinking about that, anyway? The hell do I care about that!
I was inside of my car, calling my secretary as I looked around, my eyes glued to the restaurant near me.
My eyes widened when I saw Alisa get off the van. Two men went with her, and one of them was Mr. Kazuhito Hyakuzawa, a well-known politician, entrepreneur and investor. He’s notorious for taking models with him and becoming their “sponsor”. That old man is doing dirty work again and his victim today is none other than Alisa. Fuck!
I gritted my teeth, not minding what my secretary told me. I’m completely distracted so I told her something came up and I will call her later. Before she could speak, I ended the call and started walking toward the restaurant.
I almost lost my temper when the valet’s restaurant blocked my way. He asked me about my car so I annoyingly gestured where I parked it. After that, I immediately went inside the restaurant.
“What the fuck is she wearing?” I angrily mumbled it.
Back then, I didn’t care about women’s clothes. I’ve seen a lot of women wear more revealing clothes than her but I was really bothered about it. Maybe it was because of her body, making her clothes look so small for her size or I wasn’t used to seeing her in a dress like that. Shit! But whatever! I shouldn’t be bothered, right?
As she absentmindedly pulled the hem of her very short skirt, it looked like she was uncomfortable. In just a simple movement, her panties would reveal and her breast would spill out from it.
I frowned as I lined up behind her. She took off from the van with Mr. Kazuhito, wearing revealing and sexy clothes and they were near the hotel. Don’t tell me…ugh! Why am I bothered about it? It had nothing to do with me!
But that was so disappointing. Wait! Why should I feel disappointed and surprised about it? In the first place, she was not innocent, she was just trying to be.
“Why were you with him?” I repeatedly asked her, accused her of a lot of things and even insulted her.
I was curious about how she came into that situation? I overheard their conversation, and she promised him something. And what the hell was that? Did she back out because the payment was not enough? Did she regret it? She can’t bear to sleep with that old geezer so she backs out?
I got irritated more when her tears fell after I mercilessly interrogated her. I’m sure she’s doing that on purpose so I could feel sorry for her, but it didn’t work for me.
Her eyes were bloodshot, her eyelashes were too wet because of tears, and her cheeks and nose were both red. She sniffed, trying to make herself better.
What the fuck? I saved her from that filthy old man! And then what now? Why did I feel like I was the one who should feel guilty? Like, I’m the one who should be blamed for it. Wait, am I the one who pushed her to go there? In fact, she willingly went with that old geezer.
Part 2
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juusauce · 1 year
Angel Baby (ft. Kurolisa) Pt. 4
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Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Names, characters, locations, and incidents are all made up by the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
If you hate my ship, please stop reading; I don’t want to block readers, so please be respectful.
Ⓒjuusauce - do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
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border @skylightlantern
Part 3
After doing my work, some thoughts were bothering me, like why the fuck I feel Alisa is ignoring me?
When did it start? Well, Alisa was not obliged to talk to me always and that was not unusual or something. But why do I feel bothered? This is getting me frustrated. 
And it seemed like she was trying her best to avoid me, avoiding me every time we crossed our paths.
I’ve been puzzled about what I did to her. Wait, was she sulking about what I told her? I was just being honest with her. I’m just telling the truth that I wasn’t courting her and I don’t like her. I’m just concerned about her because she looked like she could easily be fooled, too naive about everything. 
I glanced at where she was. I guess she was talking with some investors. I clenched my jaw when I saw some of them were men and I hated the way they looked at her, a look full of lust. I’ve been imagining things like how I wanted to pull out those eyeballs from their eye sockets.
Honestly, I was not supposed to be here but my feet dragged me like it has its own brain.
I caught her staring at me but suddenly avoids my gaze like nothing happened or didn’t see me. What the fuck? Her coldness towards me makes me frustrated.
I hissed under my breath, annoyed at the thought of it.
But my attention was diverted because my phone rang suddenly. I don’t want to answer it but when I saw Kenma’s name, I immediately picked it up.
“I’m done investigating her.” I suddenly sat up straight when I heard what Kenma told me.
Wait? Why did I suddenly feel excited? Fuck! I shouldn’t feel that.
I leaned on my chair as I heaved a breath. I frustratingly brushed my palm to my face.
“Just send it to my email.” I tried to say it like I’m uninterested.
“Okay.” I heard some clicking sounds from the keyboard and mouse. “Don’t forget about the payment.” 
“Yeah, fine.” 
I hastily checked my email, I found the file and clicked it. I read every detail Kenma got.
I glanced back at her again. She’s alone at the table, looking around while sipping her drink.
She stood and I think she was going to the comfort room but when someone bumped her, she bent a bit to reach something. I saw her dress lifted a bit and it made my mouth dry. Because of her well-defined hourglass body, her clothes always look so sexy. 
I suddenly looked away as I diverted my thoughts. This is not the time to have a hard on. Damn it! 
Fine! I admit it. I got interested in her because of her…face and also her body. But when we first met, I didn’t notice all of it. Recently, I began to appreciate her beauty.
I clenched my jaw, getting annoyed as fuck because she was still ignoring my presence while she was entertaining others. Damn it! She’s so unfair.
I had the urge to announce to them that I’m taking Alisa with me but the other half of my mind tells me I shouldn’t do it. I don’t want to spark again the rumor that I have a girlfriend.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Alisa again. She was at another table with some models, I think? I’m not so sure about them but they’re famous in the modeling industry. But I got annoyed when I saw her laughing with that fucking bastard, the man who sat next to her. My eyes focused on the guy beside her. What do you want me to do with you, huh? Do you want me to punch your fucking face until it will bleed?
I brushed off my own thoughts. I don’t want to think about some criminal thoughts right now. But if I’m not holding back myself I might have punched his face. I laughed softly at myself and looked at her again. She’s still ignoring me again, not glancing at my direction. Geez! What a heartless woman!
What the fuck?! Why is it such a big deal to me, huh? I don’t even like her. Besides, we’re not together.
I’ve been glancing at her for every damn minute but every time our eyes meet she always avoids it. I glanced at my phone before looking back at her. I sighed. I felt like a clingy cat longing for its master’s touch, and always gets disappointed when being ignored. I hate this feeling. 
I got nervous when I noticed she’s going in my direction. I sat up straight, thinking that she would sit beside me. A lot of thoughts running through my head, thinking on how I will plead or what bargains I should offer to her. Shit! Don’t ignore me, Alisa.
Okay, fine! I’ll admit it. I think I’m starting to like you! I’m not doing courts but if you want some corny and traditional way…I mean courting…well…uh..fine! I’m going to court you if that’s what you want.
I got stiffened when I realized she passed through me. I didn’t dare to move as my brain hardly accepted all the bargains I thought I could offer to her earlier, everything went into waste. 
How long are you going to ignore me?
My gaze followed everywhere she went. She was having fun with them while I’m still here at my table, silently drinking this fucking tequila.
So you won’t talk to me, huh? I won’t court you then! I gritted my teeth, annoyed at the thought that she was ignoring me.
But who the fuck am I kidding, huh? All I fucking did was the opposite! Even though I didn’t have a chance to talk with her as I planned, I would still court her. Yes! I will admit it! I like her. I like her more than I thought I liked anyone.
I can’t believe I’m saying those words after years of settling for just physical connection, and believing that there wasn’t a stronger feeling than attraction.
Damn it! I’m really smitten with her.
Or is it because of lust?
I was surprised when I saw a lot of reporters waiting outside the company. My bodyguard was trying to protect me and made those reporters stop nearing me.
“Mr. Kuroo, what can you say about your girlfriend’s sex scandal?” I frowned as I turned to face whoever asked me that question.
“Excuse me?” 
“Miss Alisa Haiba, has a scandal. What can you say about it?”
My eyes widened in shock. But before I could ask them, one of my bodyguards dragged me inside my car. I immediately dialed her number. I wanted to talk to her and ask her what happened but I couldn’t reach her. 
Part 5
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juusauce · 1 year
Angel Baby (ft. Kurolisa) Pt. 3
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Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Names, characters, locations, and incidents are all made up by the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
If you hate my ship, please stop reading; I don’t want to block readers, so please be respectful.
Ⓒjuusauce - do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
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border @saradika
Part 2
She was selected as the face of the famous clothing line, Emerald, and unfortunately, Kazuhito Hyakuzawa is one of the investors of that company. So I had to make an appearance, just in case, he would be there.
We went to the event together so we got everyone’s attention. A lot of reporters flocked and bugged her about me, asking if I’m her boyfriend but she quickly denied me. What the hell? I irritatedly looked at her while she was convincing them that we didn’t know each other, explaining to them what happened. 
I frowned at every word that she said during the interview. Everything she said was all lies. You’re a great liar. Tsk! Try harder, Haiba.
I clenched my jaw. She was getting on my nerves, huh? Like, who the fuck would dare to insist that they didn’t know me? Even those who were newly introduced to me would claim that we’re friends. But there she is, telling everyone that I was a stranger to her. Damn it!
I couldn’t stand it anymore and speak. “She’s with me tonight so please excuse us.” I snaked my arms around her waist. I saw how she bit her lip as she looked away from the gaze of the crowd. It seemed like she was ashamed of something.
When I asked her if she was ashamed of me, I felt so nervous while I waited for her answer.
She bit her lower lip before she spoke, explaining herself. But I wasn’t convinced. Why do I feel like she doesn’t have a plan to tell everyone about the truth? I believed she wanted to tell everyone that I was a stranger to her.
I don’t know what exactly I should feel right now. Angry? Happy? Sad? Damn it!
My patience was running out. Anyway, she has a lot of ways to test my patience. It seemed like she was too expert on how to annoy me, to get my attention and…to drive me crazy. Fuck! Maybe her day wouldn’t be complete without getting into my fucking nerves, huh?
“Why were you denying us?” I blurted out.
“Us?” she mumbled, confusedly looking at me. “There’s nothing between us.”
I was stunned for a while, her words unexpectedly hurt me. What the heck?!
When I was about to speak, she asked me if I’m courting her. For the second time, it stunned me. 
Me? Courting her? That’s impossible!
I never did consider courting anyone. Anyway, courting was not my style. But Alisa was asking me if I was courting her? I laughed my ass off at the thought of it. She lowered her head as she played with her fingers. I held her chin, seeing guilt and embarrassment on her face, which made me feel more pleased.
It’s too fun playing with her, huh?
Actually, I don’t court. I’m not bragging about this but even though I won’t lift a finger, there are still a lot of women willing to throw themselves at me. So why would I bother to court them, right?
And besides that, I have a lot of experience when it comes to women. I started hookups when I was around 2nd-year of high school and the first girl I had experience with also wanted to explore.
Usually, people who were in hookup relationships were either curious or just wanted the experience. And I am cool with it, that was more convenient. After all, what’s the fucking sense of commitment? In the end, lovers won’t stay loyal to their partners. Just like what my mother did to my father. 
So fuck and go. Less drama and less headache. Besides, I can’t tolerate women’s strange behaviors.
Well, I can’t deny it, I find some women I bedded with were attractive but it fades after sex. Attraction doesn’t last long, it disappears after the release. And that’s why fuck buddies always work.
So to ask me if I’m courting her was fucking ridiculous! Alisa is too innocent to ask me about that. She didn’t have any clue. Poor Alisa.
“I heard you’re in a serious relationship. Is that true?” Atsumu probed.
I frowned.
“I mean this raising model icon, Alisa Haiba.”
Crap! I’ve been going to a lot of events and most of them were all Alisa’s gigs. And we had dinner out together a couple of times. I never thought about the consequences of it. It’s not really a problem but I just don’t want people to assume that I have a girlfriend even though I don’t have one.
“Who told you about that ridiculous rumor?”
He burst out laughing while I was annoyed at how he reacted. He was getting on my nerves. 
“Did you know there is a famous proverb, news has wings, the ground has ears?” I frowned at what he said.
“That’s nonsense!”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Oh? So that was true?”
“It was just a rumor.” I languidly answered him, leaning my back on my chair.
“Aren’t you serious about her, are you?”
I shut my eyes and sighed before I opened my eyes, glaring at him. “Of course not!”
“Hmm?” He narrowed his eyes, keenly looking at me as I averted my eyes. He’s really prying something from me.
“But a lot of paparazzi saw you were with her.” When I was about to say something to defend myself, he immediately stopped me. “Don’t deny it, Tetsurou. Most of her events, you were there, so what could be the possible speculations people will think, right?”
I groaned. “Don’t make it a big deal, asshole!”
He laughed with humor, he looked so amused and I gritted my teeth as I thought of it. I wasn’t serious about her! Definitely, I wasn’t! I was just concerned about her, nothing more nothing less.
Part 4
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juusauce · 1 year
Angel Baby (ft. Kurolisa) Pt. 2
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Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Names, characters, locations, and incidents are all made up by the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
The mentioned characters are not mine, credit to Furudate Haruichi.
If you hate my ship, please stop reading; I don’t want to block readers, so please be respectful.
Ⓒjuusauce - do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
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border @earthscent
Part 1
I stood and went near the group of women where Miwa was in. They laughed and it got me irritated by what I heard. They looked surprised, especially her, when I butt in at their conversation.
“Ladies, excuse me, may I know what you were talking about, hmm?” I smiled at them to hide my annoyance.
They looked at each other and then looked at me awkwardly. “O-oh? It’s nothing. Uhh, that was all about girly talk, right girls?”
I smiled at them again.
“Did you know, it’s not good for elite women to talk behind other people’s lives.” they looked so pale, bull’s eye! I smirked at them as I excused myself.
I could see from where I was sitting how those filthy men were touching her legs. She looked so nervous but by the way, she brushed it off, not minding their touches and explicit remarks, it got me more irritated.
So it was true, that she’s a prostitute? And what Miwa’s circle of friends said were true? Well, as a matter of fact, what else can I expect from a woman like her? She has a brother to support. Maybe, because of poverty, she was forced to do that, to have money.
“So that was true, huh?” I smirked.
“Models are escorts too, right? Are you denying it?” I laughed without humor. “But look, why does it seem like you’re one of them?” I said it, intently to hurt her. Somehow, it made me lose my temper. I got irritated when I saw how her eyes panicked.
“Excuse me? What did you—”
“Trying to stay innocent, huh? Did you receive a payment for allowing them to touch you? Did you agree to meet them after this party?”
I shouldn’t flinch. But damn!  I saw her tears falling. I shouldn’t care if she was hurt by my insult, right? But what if she was trying to be innocent? Damn it!
“Hey, man—Oh? Alisa, what happened?” Tooru asked her and he looked suspiciously at me. “Don’t tell me—”
“Don’t cry as if you didn’t let them touch you.”
“Tetsurou!” He exclaimed. “Wait? Did I miss something here?” He coaxed her.
I gritted my teeth. 
“Tooru, stay out of this! This has nothing to do with you!”
“I said, stay out of this motherfucker!”
I saw how her eyes looked at Tooru pleadingly, with a tear over it. It’s like she’s trying to show us that she’s about to cry. Damn it! Damn it! She’s not only good at seducing men but also a good actress huh?
“I guess it’s right, isn’t it?” I was fuming mad while looking at her.
“I was trying not to make a scene—”
“Trying not to make a scene or did you just like how they touched you?”
Tooru gasped but I didn’t let him speak. I glared at her. I don’t know if I was mad because she let those fucking perverted old geezer or I was mad because she was pleading at Tooru or I was mad at myself? Damn… damn it!
“I don’t like—”
“Oh? Really?” I snorted with laughter, it was full of sarcasm. “Or did you swallow your pride for the sake of money?” I shut my eyes and scolded myself in my mind. I am confused about how I should feel.
“That’s enough, Tetsurou!”
After I said those words, I felt cold in my stomach. Something about my insults and the way her eyes glistened, made me feel guilty. It’s like she’s not lying, those glistening eyes were the evidence that she was hurt by what I’ve said.
Stop thinking about it, Tetsurou! I’ve been in the business for years and I already know how to distinguish liars from those who are telling the truth. She deserves my insults. Honestly, it was not enough. A woman like her was just like my mother, a whore, a slut or whatever they called it. Acting pity to manipulate men, huh? Do you think it will work for me? Sorry to disappoint you, but it won’t work for me.
“What’s your problem, Tetsurou?” Tooru asked me after Alisa left.
I’m just interrogating her but she was insisting that she was innocent. Tch! What a liar.
“She was acting pure and denying that she’s not an escort—”
He laughed full of sarcasm. “Seriously, Tetsurou? And so what? If she’s an escort, then it’s none of your business.”
“You’re acting like a protective boyfriend here.” He shook his head.
I stopped and realized what I was fucking doing earlier. What the fuckery was that?!! Does it have to do with me? Honestly, it doesn’t. Why the fucking hell I was so annoyed, huh? That was none of my fucking business! But I was hella fuck up, I was annoyed, her, trying to be looked innocent even though she was not!
I glanced at where she was, more annoyed and irritated.
She both has a pretty face and a sexy body, a body that men could die for. She has an hourglass figure, a thin waist, long legs and both of her breasts and ass are huge.
Those men who love paying for sex would like her so much. She would easily be all men’s fantasy with that innocent face, soft expressive green eyes, perfect heart-shaped lips and a sexy body of hers.
I gritted my teeth when I thought about it. Innocent, my ass. She may look like an angel but she’s not innocent like what she’s claiming to be. I couldn’t even imagine her high school or college years with boys making passes at her like a ball. I’m sure those fucking bastard youngsters were too crazy about her for that kind of face and body, right? And don’t tell me, she didn’t like any one of them?
Wait, what?!! Why the hell do I bother thinking about that, anyway? The hell do I care about that!
I was inside of my car, calling my secretary as I looked around, my eyes glued to the restaurant near me.
My eyes widened when I saw Alisa get off the van. Two men went with her, and one of them was Mr. Kazuhito Hyakuzawa, a well-known politician, entrepreneur and investor. He’s notorious for taking models with him and becoming their “sponsor”. That old man is doing dirty work again and his victim today is none other than Alisa. Fuck!
I gritted my teeth, not minding what my secretary told me. I’m completely distracted so I told her something came up and I will call her later. Before she could speak, I ended the call and started walking toward the restaurant.
I almost lost my temper when the valet’s restaurant blocked my way. He asked me about my car so I annoyingly gestured where I parked it. After that, I immediately went inside the restaurant.
“What the fuck is she wearing?” I angrily mumbled it.
Back then, I didn’t care about women’s clothes. I’ve seen a lot of women wear more revealing clothes than her but I was really bothered about it. Maybe it was because of her body, making her clothes look so small for her size or I wasn’t used to seeing her in a dress like that. Shit! But whatever! I shouldn’t be bothered, right?
As she absentmindedly pulled the hem of her very short skirt, it looked like she was uncomfortable. In just a simple movement, her panties would reveal and her breast would spill out from it.
I frowned as I lined up behind her. She took off from the van with Mr. Kazuhito, wearing revealing and sexy clothes and they were near the hotel. Don’t tell me…ugh! Why am I bothered about it? It had nothing to do with me!
But that was so disappointing. Wait! Why should I feel disappointed and surprised about it? In the first place, she was not innocent, she was just trying to be.
“Why were you with him?” I repeatedly asked her, accused her of a lot of things and even insulted her.
I was curious about how she came into that situation? I overheard their conversation, and she promised him something. And what the hell was that? Did she back out because the payment was not enough? Did she regret it? She can’t bear to sleep with that old geezer so she backs out?
I got irritated more when her tears fell after I mercilessly interrogated her. I’m sure she’s doing that on purpose so I could feel sorry for her, but it didn’t work for me.
Her eyes were bloodshot, her eyelashes were too wet because of tears, and her cheeks and nose were both red. She sniffed, trying to make herself better.
What the fuck? I saved her from that filthy old man! And then what now? Why did I feel like I was the one who should feel guilty? Like, I’m the one who should be blamed for it. Wait, am I the one who pushed her to go there? In fact, she willingly went with that old geezer.
Part 3
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