#lān'drien hurosa
purgetrooperfox · 1 year
tagged by @certified-anakinfucker ✨️
favorite oc: you dare make me choose? probably Nocte (swtcw). he contains multitudes. he transcends star wars. he is everything. I'm also terribly horribly fond of Uj'alayi (swtcw) my beloved bb
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newest oc: aw man I don't remember,,, it might be Danver "Jag" Hakka (mk) tbh. he's probably the newest that I ever think about
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oldest oc: Nocte was my first ever, unless Fox (swtcw) counts
meanest oc: actually yeah does Fox count?? if so, definitely Fox. if not, Krayt (swtcw)
softest oc: Lex (swtcw) is all heart ;-; biggest softie of all time
most standoffish/aloof oc: I was thinking Bastra and then remembered that Griffin (swtcw) exists. it's Griffin. poor thing has trust issues that won't quit and chronic flat affect
dumbest oc: book-wise is Danver. he's a dumbass, bless his heart
smartest oc: I had to think about it but this one goes to Uj. he's like disarmingly smart and versatile
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horniest oc: Nocte 💀
oc I'd bang: Lān'drien "Lane" Hurosa (sw) 👉👈 not my fault they're fine as hell
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oc I'd be besties with irl: Bastra Vargdan (sw) has a lot of my personality poured into him so we would probably get along like a house on fire. our we'd hate each other. there's no middle ground there lol
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no pressure tags! idk how many of y'all even have multiple ocs lol @voidika @canichangemyblogname @calamity-aims @roofgeese @gaeasun @lost-on-kamino @arthurmorganstinkydick @hamburgerslippers @brother-genitivi @babygirl-leon-kennedy
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purgetrooperfox · 8 months
🙏Doth thou have eine liste of your OCs??? So we may ask questions about them?? bitte
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I don't,,,, YET but this did give me a kick in the ass to put together a decently comprehensive one (bc I've been meaning to for ages)
if tumblr's search functionality works at all, I do tag all of my oc posts here and on ao3 as follows 💃 idk how populated these tags are but they're the ocs I think about the most
#leocs - is my catch all oc tag
this is my ao3 collection of fics featuring my ocs
star wars ⬇️
#clone medic nocte - is my most developed oc, he is corrie guard cmo
#arc trooper uj'alayi - he is arc trooper, he is mostly corrie guard but I also throw him at the shadows
#bastra vargdan - he is jedi investigator, he absorbed so much of my personality that he's almost a self insert
#lān'drien "lane" hurosa - they are journalist on coruscant
#clone commander bones - he is commander under bastra, he is severely underdeveloped
cyberpunk ⬇️
#desmond "eyes" gallagher - he is ripperdoc for maelstrom
call of duty ⬇️
#atama "nocte" te rangi - he is nocte starwars transplanted into cod, he is field medic with tf141
mortal kombat ⬇️
#danver "jag" hakka - he fell in with the black dragon and may or may not have a redemption arc, he mostly lives in my gdocs drafts
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
hi! I'm new here, could I possibly get a sparknotes about your oc's? -🍉
hello! welcome! I'll do my best to condense some of my guys lol I've been meaning to post some character sheets on here so maybe this will be the kick into gear I need. you can find my oc fics on ao3 (same username) in a collection on my profile as well!
putting some of my more Frequently Mentioned sw ocs under the cut!
Nocte (he/him) is my Coruscant Guard CMO
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he was trained to be the designated medic for an ARF squad, but extenuating circumstances at the start of the war resulted in his assignment to the Guard. acting as CMO means he doesn't get much field exposure but he's well-trained for it when need be
back on Kamino, he thought the Coolest thing one could be was a Mandalorian. he did not, however, like many of the Mandos he met
he's loyal (sometimes to a fault) to family and generally distrustful of politicians
he has a soft spot a mile wide for kids and shinies. very protective of them. like. extremely protective
buddies with Fox. vaguely disapproving of most things Thire does. knows Monnk and Wolffe from when they were all cadets
he has a bit of a reputation for recklessness in his personal life. work hard and play hard amiright
a year and change(ish) into the war, he starts a uhhhh kinda sorta relationship with Kit Fisto. bear with me on that, I swear it makes sense and I'm actively working on a fic with the context. in some (several) verses, he gets into a relationship with both Kit and @/spacerocksarethebestrocks' Dara. and sometimes @/penguinkiwi's Ashe is mixed in too
he's close like 🤞 with @/dilf-archivist's Saleese. she's the only Senator he trusts
after the rise of the Empire, he watches the slow disintegration of his unit until his chip errodes, shorts, and he's killed in the process of breaking some of the younger troopers out :)
he can be friends with your OC too 👉👉
Uj'alayi (he/him) is an ARC trooper
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[R art cred: @/maiseey]
initially assigned to work with the Jedi Shadows. he was kind of cocky, and butted heads pretty hard with Quinlan at first. they made a good team once they got on the same page.
about halfway through the war, he suffered a Traumatic Incident, nearly died, lost his arm, nearly died again (via decommission), ended up with the Guard. in the new role, he works primarily with animal handling and occasionally takes the odd assignment with the Shadows on the side
tbh his personality changes a lot after the Incident, in ways I can't concisely explain in a blurb
he's generally pretty easy-going, quick to laugh and joke, gets along well with most people on a surface level
avoidance through humor was always one of his coping mechanisms, but it comes out in force after the Incident
occasionally goes back to Tipoca to help train new batches of ARCs and argue with Alpha-17
once he decides he trusts someone, it takes a Lot to shake that
he gets purge-troopered after the rise of the Empire and gets a squad of stormtroopers to oversee
your OC will have to put in work to be his friend 😔
Lān'drien "Lane" Hurosa (they/them) is a journalist on Coruscant
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they're from Ryloth (b. 48BBY) and claim to have used the experience of growing up there amid significant political and social turmoil as motivation to get into reporting
sticking their nose where it doesn't belong has gotten them in a not insignificant amount of trouble, which is how they first met Quinlan Vos
their work puts them in proximity to the Senate fairly regularly and they're usually good at networking among them, regardless of their personal politics. there are exceptions to this though
friends with Saleese <3
they're pretty skeptical of the Jedi tbh. kind of just squinting at them over steepled fingers like "okay you say you're not beholden to politics but..."
Quinlan introduces them to Uj early in the war and the rest is history (they're together off-and-on until order 66 and the fall of the Republic)
several years later, they join up with the Rebellion. I haven't hammered out all the details yet but they get to be Ezra's weird old uncle (gn)
they do have that fuckign Rylothian (French) accent and I think it's hilarious
they'll be friends with your OCs if they aren't dirtbags 😌
Bastra Vargdan (he/they) is a Jedi Investigator
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[I borrowed his undercover outfit from mk erron black]
he was born (57BBY) and lived on Dathomir until he was like six y/o. Dooku was the one to scoop him and take him back to the Temple, at the behest of his community. fun fact, he went back to Dathomir to get his tattoos done by someone in his village, per tradition
he's in Quinlan's age/crèche group
he's a known buddy and bully (affectionate) of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sifo-Dyas took him as a Padawan. Dooku had varying levels of influence over his training by proxy, which included making sure he's at least proficient in Makashi. his primary 'saber form is a blend of Djem So and Shien (V)
he was Knighted by Mace Windu after a three-year solo mission undercover with a gang of slavers in the Outer Rim. Sifo-Dyas was only able to act as his remote liason, and only for a year before he died. one of Bastra's home visits was for the funeral
he's been assigned big brother to @/certified-anakinfucker's Omura
when she comes of age, he takes @/certified-anakinfucker's Kimni as a Padawan (Kimni is kinda sorta our joint OC now I guess???)
a lot of his spare time before taking Kimni on was spent in the crèche, helping out with the littles
his role during the war flits between backing Obi-Wan up in leading the 7th Sky Corps and investigative work. he is less than impressed by this. especially the part where he's supposed to bring his Padawan to the frontline
he spends. basically his entire tenure after getting Knighted fighting with himself. let's say he touched the Dark during a low point and has to work to keep it at bay for the rest of his life. and he manages not to Fall
he survives Order 66 by the skin of his teeth and goes into hiding. he does some merc work and bounty hunting to get by, but steers clear of the Core
the Inquisition catches up to him in the end and he dies in Imperial custody on Nur in 14BBY
he'll be friends with your OCs ✌️
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
Do you have any other SW OCs than the four you shared a bit about in a previous ask?
oof I have quite a few sw ocs! if you're curious about any of these guys (gn) you can lmk and I'll give you more info + probably some art heehoo
Nocte is the one I probably talk about the most :) he's CMO of the Coruscant Guard and the oc I've had the longest! he's Gruff Protective Brother and Soft Dad Shaped. he uhhhh has a situationship with Kit (Fisto) and then gets absorbed into the Empire after O66
Uj'alayi is an ARC trooper who was assigned to the Shadows and then reassigned to the Guard. he lost his arm during an assignment with Quinlan :) and he gets turned purge trooper after O66
Lān'drien (Lane) Hurosa is a twi'lek journalist on Coruscant who mostly does investigative work. they date Uj off and on throughout the war :) if they live long enough, they go on to meet Hera and Kanan and co during the Rebellion
Bastra Vargdan is a Dathomirian Jedi Investigator. he was raised/trained by Sifo-Dyas (and Dooku ofc bc they're husbands), grew up with Obi-Wan and Quinlan, works with the 212th in Some capacity during the war. he survives O66 but at what cost :)
Vio Selnes owns and operates a 24hr breakfast diner on Coruscant :) she gives discounts to the GAR, is buddies with Dex, and often hosts troopers who leave 79s early in the morning and need food in them stat
Kat Guthvani is a leader in the early days of the Rebellion :) I have an abandoned fic that starts with her busting Cody out of the Imperial Army. I also paired her with Rebellion-era Ahsoka. they are in lesbians
Buzz is Nocte's unofficial second in command medic guy :) he's my most beloved bald bastard (affectionate) man. for some reason he tends to click well with people Nocte struggles with
Amy(gdala) is a young medic in the Guard. she and Lex were basically adopted by Nocte
Krayt is a medic in the 212th and he's genuinely a dick :) dude has no idea how to bedside manner
Griffin is one of Fox's batchmates who ended up in the Kamino Guard/KamSec for the first half of the war. it was Bad. there was a lot of experimentation done on him before he got away. he goes to Coruscant afterward
OH and then there's Nocte's old squad !! because he was originally trained to be the designated medic for an ARF team. it fell apart when the war started and they got scattered
Vee was the oldest, the CC, he was deployed to the 212th (Foxtrot Group). he was KIA on Sarrish
Diem was like. Nocte's twin. the sniper. he went to the 501st and was KIA on Geonosis
Hard Knox was the demolitions expert. he was KIA when Ventress took the Tranquility
Tether was the sniper. he and Nocte were like 🤞. he was KIA by friendly fire on Umbara
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