#lae'zel realising that she will not be left behind
sky-scribbles · 1 year
I think a lot about Lae'zel suddenly being around people who'll heal her when she needs it.
She grew up in a culture where the weak are culled, where those who cannot fight are discarded. Failure cannot be tolerated. Those who fall in battle deserve their fates for not fighting harder, being stronger, better.
So how does it feel to her, when she's on the ground and bleeding out, and she knows this is the moment when she should die - and then she doesn't, because someone heals her? How staggering a shift is it for her, knowing that someone will pick her up if she goes down?
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why do I not let them hang out more often honestly
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moonselune · 15 days
Shadowzel + Xan | Hatchling no more
This was a request sent by @longjohnsilverfish but I had a mad moment and hated what I wrote so I deleted the whole thing, not realising that it would delete the ask itself - whoops, anyway, enjoy!
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Xan carefully eased the window open, wincing as it let out a faint creak. His heart pounded in his chest as he glanced over his shoulder, making sure Shadowheart and Lae'zel were still asleep. The house was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Confident he hadn’t been heard, he hoisted himself out, landing lightly on the grass below.
He stood still for a moment, listening, then grinned to himself. Another successful escape. He had been sneaking out for weeks now to see his girlfriend, and while he knew it was risky, the thrill of it made his heart race even faster.
Just as he turned to run toward the meeting spot, a dark figure stepped into his path. He froze, his breath catching in his throat. Even before his eyes could fully adjust, he recognized the imposing silhouette.
"Ma," he muttered under his breath. His mother stood there, arms crossed, her fierce yellow eyes gleaming in the moonlight.
"Going somewhere, hatchling?" Lae'zel’s voice was low, filled with the kind of authority that left no room for argument.
Xan scrambled to back away, his mind racing for excuses, but before he could form a coherent thought, he bumped into something—or rather, someone. Slowly, he turned his head and felt his stomach drop as his mama, Shadowheart, stood behind him, arms folded and eyebrows raised.
Trapped between his two mothers, Xan knew lying was futile. His pulse raced as he opened his mouth, trying to salvage the situation.
"I… I was just getting some fresh air?" he stammered, though even he knew how weak the excuse sounded. Lae'zel narrowed her eyes at him, while Shadowheart gave him a look that was half concern, half disappointment.
"Fresh air? At this hour?" Shadowheart asked, her tone skeptical. Xan sighed, slumping his shoulders in defeat.
"Alright, fine," he admitted. "I’ve been sneaking out… to see someone. My girlfriend."
There was a moment of tense silence, and Xan braced himself for the reprimand that was surely coming. Lae'zel’s stern expression didn’t falter, though there was a glint of something else in her eyes—curiosity, perhaps. Shadowheart, however, crossed her arms tighter, her lips thinning into a line.
"How long?" Shadowheart asked, her voice sharp. "How long have you been sneaking around behind our backs?"
"Only a few weeks," Xan said quickly, holding up his hands. "It’s not what you think! She’s not bad, or—"
"You are young," Lae'zel interrupted, her voice steady but intense. "Too young to be sneaking out in the dead of night. And too foolish to think you could do so without being caught."
"I—" Xan began to protest, but at that moment, a soft voice cut through the air.
All three of them turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows near the edge of the yard. Xan’s heart leapt into his throat when he saw his girlfriend approaching, worry etched on her face. The moonlight illuminated her features, her sharp cheekbones, the pale green skin, and the familiar steely gaze of a Githyanki.
For a moment, no one spoke. Xan’s stomach churned as he glanced between his mothers and his girlfriend. He had no idea how they’d react to seeing her. Lae'zel’s eyes widened in shock for the briefest of moments before a wide grin spread across her face.
"She is Githyanki?" she asked, her voice rising in excitement. Xan blinked, caught off guard by his mother’s sudden change in demeanor.
"Uh, yeah?" he replied, unsure of what to make of the situation. Lae'zel’s grin grew even wider, and she stepped toward the girl with an approving nod.
"You choose well, Xan," she said, clapping him on the back. "A Githyanki partner—this is an honorable match. Go. Enjoy your night together."
Xan’s jaw dropped in disbelief. "Wait… what? You’re… okay with this?"
Lae'zel looked at him as if he had asked a ridiculous question. "Of course! She is strong. Fierce. It is fitting you should seek out one of our people. Go, have fun."
Shadowheart, however, was not so easily swayed. "Lae'zel!" she said, her tone incredulous. "You can’t just let him run off into the night. He’s still a child! There’s no telling what kind of trouble they’ll get into."
Lae'zel turned to her with a raised brow. "Do you not trust our son to handle himself? He is nearly a warrior, Shadowheart. Let them have their time."
Shadowheart’s lips pressed together, her protective instincts flaring. "I just don’t think it’s responsible," she argued. "He should have told us, and—"
"Enough," Lae'zel said, her tone firm but not unkind. She placed a hand on Shadowheart’s shoulder, her touch both soothing and commanding. "We do not need to coddle him. He will learn through his experiences. Let him go."
"But Lae’zel—" Shadowheart started, but she was quickly silenced as Lae'zel leaned in and kissed her lightly on the forehead.
"Shush, my heart," Lae'zel murmured, guiding Shadowheart away from Xan and his girlfriend with a gentle hand. "We must give them space. Come, let us return to bed."
Shadowheart still looked uncertain, her eyes darting between Xan and Lae'zel. "But what if something happens? What if—"
"They will be fine," Lae'zel assured her, her voice calm yet firm. "Trust him. And trust her."
Xan stood there, half in shock, watching the interaction between his mothers. His heart pounded in his chest, half relieved and half anxious as he saw Shadowheart relent, her protests falling silent as Lae'zel led her back toward the house.
Lae'zel turned back to Xan, a smirk playing on her lips. "Be back before the first sight of light," she instructed, her tone playful but firm. "Or you will have more than just your mama’s wrath to deal with."
Xan nodded quickly. "Yes, Ma."
As Lae'zel led Shadowheart back toward their bedroom, the door to the cottage softly clicked shut behind them, but Shadowheart’s objections hadn’t quieted. She glanced back toward the window, her arms crossed, her brow furrowed in concern.
"I still don’t think it’s a good idea," Shadowheart muttered, clearly not ready to let it go. "He’s too young to be sneaking out like that. And with someone we barely know—"
Lae'zel, walking just ahead, sighed heavily, rolling her eyes as she turned to face her wife.
"Shadowheart, Xan is not a hatchling anymore," she said, her voice firm but patient. "He is old enough to make his own choices. We cannot shelter him forever."
Shadowheart huffed, her lips pressing together in frustration. "But he’s our son! How can you just let him wander off into the night like it’s nothing? What if—"
Lae'zel took a step closer, her gaze sharpening with a mix of affection and impatience. "Do you not trust him to handle himself?" she asked, her tone quiet but filled with conviction. "Or is it that you do not trust the Githyanki girl?"
Shadowheart hesitated, her eyes narrowing. "It’s not about trust… it’s about responsibility. He didn’t even tell us he was seeing someone! We should’ve been the first to know—"
"And now we do," Lae'zel interrupted smoothly. "And you have already met the girl. She is strong. She is Gith. Our son is in capable hands. What more do you need?"
Shadowheart opened her mouth to argue further, but before she could get another word out, Lae'zel swiftly closed the distance between them. With a low growl of impatience, she cupped Shadowheart’s face in her hands and kissed her firmly, effectively silencing any more protests.
The kiss was rough at first, driven by Lae'zel’s frustration, but it quickly softened as she melted into the moment, her hands sliding to cradle the back of Shadowheart’s neck. Shadowheart tensed in surprise, but within seconds, she relaxed, her arms unfolding and coming to rest against Lae'zel’s chest.
Lae'zel pulled back just enough to rest her forehead against Shadowheart’s, her eyes gleaming with amusement.
"Xan is not our only responsibility, Shadowheart," she murmured, her lips still brushing against hers as she spoke. "And now that he is occupied… we have the house to ourselves."
Shadowheart blinked, momentarily taken aback, her mind still half-occupied with worries about their son. "Lae'zel, this isn’t the time to—"
But Lae'zel’s smirk grew, her sharp features softening with affection as she gently pulled Shadowheart closer by the waist.
"It is exactly the time," she said, her voice low and playful. "No hatchling to interrupt us. No responsibilities to drag us away. Just you, me… and a quiet house."
Shadowheart’s resistance faltered as Lae'zel leaned in to kiss her again, slower this time, teasingly. She felt the familiar warmth pooling in her chest, the weight of her worries slowly lifting. Lae'zel’s hands were firm against her back, her lips insistent, and despite herself, Shadowheart found it harder and harder to hold on to her arguments.
With a sigh, Shadowheart finally gave in, her hands sliding up to thread through Lae'zel’s hair as she deepened the kiss. The tension that had lingered between them moments ago was swiftly replaced by a different kind of heat. Shadowheart pulled back just enough to look into Lae'zel’s eyes, her own still half-lidded with a mix of frustration and desire.
"You think you can just kiss me to shut me up every time we disagree?" she teased, arching an eyebrow.
Lae'zel’s grin only widened, a spark of mischief in her gaze. "It works, doesn’t it?"
Shadowheart huffed again, though this time it was more in amusement than annoyance. "You are infuriating."
"And yet, here you are," Lae'zel shot back, her hands roaming up and down Shadowheart’s back, her voice lowering. "With me. In an empty house. Tell me, Shadowheart… why are we still talking?"
Shadowheart opened her mouth to retort, but once again, Lae'zel silenced her with another
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Hope you guys enjoyed this, I rewrote it about five times so sorry if it's a bit rough! - Seluney xox
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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commander-diomika · 11 months
Fandom - Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing - Shadowheart/Lae'zel Wordcount - 1730 Tags - Kinktober 2023, Scent Kink, Blood, Cunnilingus, Finger Sucking, Hate Sex, Dubious Consent, Forced Orgasm, Shadowheart never really says yes she just doesn't say no, you know? that kind of dubious consent, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary - Lae'zel wants to be the one cleaning the blood from Shadowheart's skin after battle.
*** Minthara had died bloody yet silent. That was the part that Shadowheart kept coming back to. She hadn’t even screamed as Lae’zel’s glaive whipped through a goblin and came screeching back up in an arc, cleaving Minthara from navel to throat. Shadowheart had been on the other side, holding steady with Tav behind her. She hadn’t flinched when the spray of drow blood splattered her shield, her face, her hair.
She had been trained not to flinch.
Her mace and shield leant against a tree behind her, moonlight soaking into the red-black spray of Minthara’s dying moment. She would clean those later. The armour, already doffed and carefully polished, took priority, but there was still blood in her hair. On her hands. It had splattered onto her face, dripped down her neck…
The rivulet the party had camped by would be cold, but bathing under cover of darkness in a cool river was as easy as breathing. She peeled off her undershirt and pants. Standing naked in the moonlight, Shadowheart took a moment to breathe, and to open her heart to Lady Shar.
The fire, the heart of her strange crew’s little campsite, was well behind her through the trees. It was just her and Lady Shar out here, and she’d wandered far down the path to find solitude. Astarion was already out hunting. Karlach was on watch. Tav knew to respect her privacy. Gale and Wyll, she suspected, were still afraid of her. They thought that forbidden Sharran ideals might infect them should they come too near to her moonlit bathing. Superstitious little boys who didn’t understand anything past their own fields of expertise.
That meant the soft, leather-shod footfalls behind could only be one person. She took a deep breath in through her nose.
“What do you want?” She didn’t turn, and the footsteps didn’t falter.
Shadowheart could have lunged to snatch up her mace. She envisioned it clearly, a scene in high contrast under the harsh light of the moon. The weight of the handle, comforting in her hand as she attacked, the blood-encrusted flange crunching into that smug face.
“You know what I want.” Lae’zel replied, now close enough to Shadowheart’s back that she felt the hair on her neck shift with the gith’s breath.
Maybe not the mace then. Maybe the dagger set down with her clothes, another spray of blood for an already red-drenched day. Her eyes stayed closed and her breath didn’t hasten as her mind's eye was briefly filled with another arc of startling red.
As tempting as the vision was, deep in her heart of hearts? She knew she would lose that fight. Did the gith bleed red? She’d yet to even see Lae’zel take a wound that would answer that question.
So Shadowheart didn’t lunge for the dagger, or the mace, as Lae'zel shifted her heavy braid onto one shoulder, and leaned into the other.
Lae'zel took a slow, deliberate breath in through her snub nose, and it sent prickles washing over Shadowheart’s pale skin. “It would be a shame for the river to be the only one to taste my kill on your skin.”
She shifted closer, tongue darting out to touch the side of Shadowheart’s neck. Lae'zel’s mouth was warm, but the cool night air chilled the wet spot left behind by her tongue. Shadowheart shuddered.
Lae'zel returned to the same spot, this time mouth opening wider, lips forming a seal and tongue lapping against the skin, and with a lurch Shadowheart realised there was a bloodstain there, splattered in a furious burst, where it had dripped down her face and dried, only for a fervent tongue to moisten it. To take it in.
“Your hands.” Lae’zel commanded. Her voice was icy and Shadowheart thought of resisting, for one short moment. She could walk away from this feral woman, this animal, lapping blood off her neck and demanding more.
Shadowheart turned away from the watching eye of the moon; the cool light washed Lae’zel’s golden eyes out. There was a luminous grey flash of stars reflected, before her gaze dropped to Shadowheart’s hands. Blood and ichor stained them from wrist to fingertip, worn into the grooves of the knuckles, in the dry riverbeds of her palm lines. Lae’zel took in the sight, her pupils tightening in sick anticipation.
She licked those filthy hands like a woman starved. Holding one in a bone-creaking grip she laved her tongue over the back, ravenous, tongue finding the spaces between fingers and- it was disgusting, riveting, the sensation of wet meat drawn across her sensitive palm.
Lae’zel was making little growling sounds as she guzzled the blood off every place her tongue could reach. Her eyes were closed; it was like Shadowheart wasn’t even there. Teeth scraped the skin of the big muscle of the palm, like she was trying to scrape every last piece of gristle off a chicken leg.
Shadowheart felt… dazed by it. If anyone had ever been so hungry for Shadowheart’s skin before, she could not remember it. She was sick with something like want, stomach swooping at the feeling of a tongue rolling over the pads of her fingertips.
Lae’zel sucked two fingers all the way into her mouth, and Shadowheart moaned.
She gasped, shocked at the noise that escaped her, her free hand flying to her mouth, wet with smudged blood and spit, and Lae'zel’s eyes snapped open. Beautiful golden eyes. They pinned her in place like a dagger through the palm.
Lae’zel was feral, delighted, as though she’d caught an opening in an enemy’s defense. She leant in closer, mouth red and shining, and licked a long stripe up Shadowheart’s cheek. “I want to smell you. I want your scent. I want your sweat in my nose, down my throat.” She pulled Shadowheart in close, gripping her wrist hard. “Are you going to stop me?”
“You’re disgusting.” Shadowheart didn’t meet her eyes, or pull away.
“Chk. That is not an answer. Do you want me to stop?” Lae’zel’s eyes were mocking.
She didn’t respond, and that was enough of an assent for Lae'zel to press her advantage. She turned them both in an elegant mockery of dance, pushing until Shadowheart’s back was flattened against a tree. Without pause Lae'zel lifted Shadowheart’s hand above her head, and jammed her face into the revealed armpit, inhaling deeply.
Shadowheart squirmed against the rough bark, biting back a shriek at the invasion. She could fight back. She could. Lae’zel’s tongue licked through the hair there – like a cat grooming itself – Shadowheart thought desperately, but something about the sensation of a tongue in her armpit shot arousal straight through her, and the shriek in her throat turned into a moan, her legs to goo beneath her. If not for the hand around her wrist she may have collapsed all the way to the grassy ground.
Lae’zel tasted her fill, and Shadowheart didn’t resist as her other arm was raised. Lae’zel worshiped, drawing in deep, satisfied breaths as she made a wet mess of the aroma, the tastes, that she found there.
What defiance might have been left in Shadowheart was draining away, pooling into lust, throbbing in her belly. She could feel the slickness between her legs as Lae’zel moved her again, pushing her to a flat rock by the riverside.
Demanding, overwhelming hands shoved her down, pushed her thighs apart, and when Lae’zel’s bloody mouth found her slit she didn’t fight. She didn’t fight Lae’zel, or the moan rising desperately from her throat. When that determined tongue licked her from asshole to apex, she let out a shriek into the dark night.
Lae’zel mouth was merciless, hands finding a grip on the plush curve of Shadowheart’s hips and fastening there, holding on to prevent an escape she was no longer capable of making. Lae'zel plunged in, sucking all the soft flesh into her mouth and moaning, those sounds of delight and dominance indistinguishable from those that she’d moaned around bloody fingers in her mouth.
Shadowheart was lost in it. Unthinking, her hands scrabbled against the rock, tangling in Lae'zel’s hair, yanking against the hands and their pinprick of nails against her skin. But Lae’zel was all sinewy muscle, as immovable as the boulder they were splayed upon. Her tongue was relentless, flicking and laving, lips sucking and squeezing the flesh between them in an agony of pleasure.
Shadowheart didn’t want her to stop, but she also didn’t want her to win. Pinned down with a sharp mouth buried in her cunt certainly felt like a losing position. As her thighs began to shake with the building pleasure, she felt that defeat looming, Lae’zel pressing one advantage after another.
Shadowheart’s hands stopped their desperate roaming, and her hips rolled and bucked into Lae’zel’s hungry mouth. Her orgasm stalked up behind her despite her attempts to evade, roiling waves overcoming her.
As she came, her head dropped back, eyes finding the unblinking eye of the moon. Forgive me, Dark lady. For what, she wasn’t sure.
Lae’zel eyes were pinpricks, mouth shining and chest heaving as she clambered up Shadowheart’s body and straddled her. She grabbed a fistful of Shadowheart’s hair and yanked their faces together, sealing her victory with a kiss.
Shadowheart tasted her own arousal on Lae’zel’s tongue. She tasted blood, and she opened her lips helplessly to Lae’zel’s salty, biting mouth.
The sound of Shadowheart’s pleasure, a pained, defeated yowl, was easy enough to hear back by the fire, where Karlach and Wyll kept watch in companionable silence.
The noise might have been cause for alarm if it wasn’t familiar by now.
Karlach looked sidelong at her friend. “Should we… do anything about that?”
Wyll gave a helpless shrug. “What, go bang pots at them like a pair of stray dogs?”
Karlach gave a bark of laughter, then tilted her head to say, fair point. “That’s exactly what it sounds like.”
“I’m just glad they’re not fighting anymore. If this is the alternative to the whole “knives to throat at midnight,” business, I’ll take it.”
Karlach nodded. “Hey, maybe next time they stalk off like that, I should go watch.”
“For their own good, of course.” Wyll’s eye glinted devilishly in the firelight.
“Of course.”
His mouth twitched in a desperate attempt to thwart a smile. “Alright, but I’m not protecting you from either of them if you get caught.”
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shimmerbeasts · 29 days
Karlach hid a secret, one that no one in her party knew of, save for Wyll. And that was the fact that Wyll wasn't the only one bound by contract. Much like Wyll, Karlach couldn't even so much as mutter Zariel's name, not without the engine in her chest causing a thrum of pain akin to bursts of fire. Pain that she hid well, hidden behind stone like expressions. It was even worse when Zariel visited her dreams, and left that painful reminder that her time was limited, on Faerun.
Tonight was such a night, as she had run from the view of others. The dream, in which Zariel had made her experience, was enough to kick her engine into overdrive. Flames were starting to spread across her skin. Her breathing slowed as she struggled to calm her engine, and as a result she was unaware of the company. That was until she could feel a buckets worth of water pour all over her.
"What the fu-?" Karlach turned to see Lae'zel before her, holding a now empty bucket in her hand. "Lae'zel? Shit did I wake you? Fuck, I'm sorry." She took a deep breath, trying to to push back the image Zariel's flail hitting her body from her dream. "Look, thank you for that, I kind of needed that..."
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Much like elves, Githyanki slept in a strange blend of light sleep and meditation. They could be stirred awake by the slightest shift in the air, the smallest temperature change, the faintest trace of a smell and the subtlest sound. Thus Lae'zel had woken up in the dead of the night in time to see her companion, Karlach, steal herself away into the night.
Getting up on soft feet, the Githyanki wandered after her. She had not gotten too far when she realised how Karlach was engulfed by hellfire. That monstrous engine in her chest was making some very questionable noises. Smoke poured out of her vents, blanketing her in a thick, black cloud. The stench of burning flesh might make someone gag.
Lae'zel swiftly grabbed the nearest bucket, filled with some water, and swung it. Under a loud splashing sound, she doused the flames, causing Karlach's body to abruptly cool off and the engine to splutter and wheeze in confusion. The tiefling whirled around with a shout of shock, or was it fear, and locked eyes on her. Lae'zel stood there, stance shifted into a defence, one hand still holding the bucket.
"I am a light sleeper." Lae'zel dropped the bucket like it was dead weight. "I caught the smell of burning flesh and followed it." Her matter-of-fact tone changed as yellow eyes gleamed with worry. "You look agitated, Karlach. What ails you?"
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galaxymagick · 6 months
bg3 playthrough🗡️
the other day, in a rush to find karlach, and help her, i may have got my self smote by those so called paladins of tyr lol, (i looted all their stuff while in kitty wild shape before we fought them). but it kinda helped because the rest of my group was able to defeat them. thankfully astarion, in my old clothes and a new cape, was able to ask the still juicy skeleton withers who we found in the ruins, to resurrect me. karlach approved of this and it inspired shadowheart. ^^ we fought some gnolls, easily actually, came upon a burning building, saw a dragon, and some gith but left because astarion said they'd carve me up like a goose.. maybe later... decided to rest where wyll (who just appeared at our camp one night)'s devil lady friend mizora made an appearance and made him a devil... I realised then we needed to make our way back to the grove we kinda er didnt investigate because we left straight after fighting the goblins
oh we met scratch ^^ and i have the vision of the absolute which i actually had no idea about until i was looking through my items and saw you could combine certain pieces. i like the look of it. oh we saw astarions a dead boar...
even knowing about some of this before hand cause ive watched neil's streams and a few other videos, (tho i ve tried not to spoil myself too much). a lot is new but also happening to me differently.
not fully knowing what we're doing but we're..... fine...
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shadowheart is with the team shes just behind me here, and wearin lae'zel's armour lol
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