#laios and falin aren’t meant to be fat
kaneidae · 29 days
Hey! I don’t mean this as any criticism I’m just confused/curious. I know it’s like a meme with the I’m into fat bitches but a lot of people really do see Falin as a fat person. That’s perfectly fine but I personally don’t get it because to me she just seems like an average person weight wise? Like that’s just what women who aren’t super models look like? That’s just kind of average/recommended for that age? Or is there a cultural difference in what fat means?
If you don’t mind could you please elaborate? What is it that everyone sees that I don’t?
Don’t worry I understand. So basically the train of thought is
Falin is drawn as explicitly not skinny and is a stockier woman (her build is essentially identical to Laios, if a bit softer). The anime made her skinnier by a decent amount especially in Chimera form.
Marcille is visibly a lot thinner than Falin, and Dungeon Meshi is about eating and being healthy. As a result, Falin being fat and Marcille being attracted to it is a popular headcanon/fandom joke
Falin is not really fat but she has a more realistic and bigger body than 90% of anime women so a lot of people enjoy going all in on that. Ryoko Kui is fully capable of portraying fat women, so I think that if Falin was meant to be *fat* fat she would be, but I also agree with the fanon of her being at least chubby
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