#lakewood house cleaning
Day 0
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This is not Asia, but I'd say it's when the trip started. I submitted my final paper of the semester and then we came here to have a celebratory North American meal before flying off to Japan and beyond for the next four weeks. El Burrito Grill in Lakewood. It was good. I got a California burrito and Josh got the carnitas plate. We ordered beers, as pictured—they were good.
The second we got home we were in a flurry of packing and cleaning and it ended up being 2 am when I slept. I think the cats knew we were leaving. They kept getting into the suitcases... Made me want to take them with us. Maybe we could take them on a road trip someday?!
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We left the house late in the morning but I was too tired to be stressed—or even really know we were late? We got to Josh's mom's place, covered the truck, and took a picture with some wildflowers that sprout by her fence. She didn't plant them but they grew, she said.
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It's pretty funny, the premise of the picture. We were running late but we stopped to take a picture with the flowers. She said I came out well and then she kept zooming in on her face in the photo.
There was lots of traffic to LAX because we took the 105, but it was the fastest check-in-to-security-to-the-gate experience for an international flight I've ever had. We're waiting now, getting ready to board in 30 minutes with a Starbucks in hand. (I thought about skipping the morning coffee in case it might help with the time change but I couldn't do it, I felt too terrible.) Now I just hope I get to go to the bathroom before we board.
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hist101interview97 · 1 year
Matthew Ridgers interview with my Mexican Grandmother (NANA)
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I interviewed my grandmother on my moms side of the family. She is Aurelia Ruiz Hernandez today she is 72 living in Lakewood California was born and raised in Mexico. She lived in Baja Rosarito. She lived in a nice house near the water with her parents and her siblings. 
She has 12 other siblings although she lived with 8 of her siblings. Some of the other children have moved out of the house or back to America. 
Her Dad Valentino Ruiz was from Michoacan Mexico, and her mom doesn't know where she was born. She told my nana that she remembers going with her dad across the border to the USA in Texas. Her mom grew up in America and met her husband Valentino in California when he had just moved there. They lived in Southern California and had 4 kids. Her parents were living a happy life until the great depression came in the 1930’s making them move back to mexico. When they moved back, they bought a ranch and a house near the beach. Their kids having their American citizenship they wanted to live near the border and decided to move to Rosarito Mexico. Her dad was a farmer having many animals and herbs on his ranch. With her parents living in America, they knew how to cook many different types of dishes like pancakes along with the traditional Mexican food. Her mom did all of the cooking besides the dad making the eggs in the morning. 
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(Rosarito Beach postcard)
My grandmother's childhood consisted of waking up in the room she shared with her sister Genie and getting ready to walk to school. It was a few miles walk to her school which required a uniform. In school she liked learning about history and science, but she enjoyed playing at recess even more. She enjoyed playing sports like soccer, volleyball and hopscotch. On the weekends she was able to wear her normal outfits with her colorful dresses and heels. Her house was right next to the beach and would go swimming all the time. They would all walk down to the beach from their house. Her and her friends would be out all day going on adventures. One of their favorite things to do was ride horses together. She says it was completely different from now being outside all day and not being around any screens. In the nighttime she would do things with her family and go dancing where a band would play orchestra songs. If not dancing, she would go to the theater and watch films. On the long breaks like the spring breaks and such she would visit her siblings living in America. They lived in Santa Ana and Orange County. This is where my grandmother would go shopping and really get an influence of American Culture. She loved to shop in Orange County and in San Diego. America is where she also got her love for music. She really liked to listen to rock n roll. In this time in America, it was a time that was called the “British Invasion” for music. With the likes of The Beatles and Rolling stones being very popular. This is where her love for these bands come from. 
As a teenager she saw a better opportunity in America so that's where she went. She moved to America first living with her siblings while she saved up money for her own place by cleaning houses and babysitting. She met my grandfather and a few years later my mom was born. When my mom was a child, her dad passed away. My grandma remarried a few years after and had one more kid, my aunt Michelle. They lived in Huntington Beach enjoying the wonderful weather and beautiful beaches.
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(Picture of Hunnington beach in the 1970's)
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greenhomeelectric · 8 days
Pros of Tesla Charger Installation In Denver And Westminster, CO
The world has begun taking steps towards eliminating deadly fossil fuels from all appliances. Cleaning the environment by ridding it of those ugly carbon footprints is the need of the hour. Traveling cannot be eliminated, however. No worries! The advent of electric vehicles (EV) has ensured environment-friendly ways to commute to the workplace and embark on long journeys without marring the atmosphere. Tesla is the biggest and most popular manufacturer of EVs today, and the vehicles require regular charging to remain operational. Many homeowners and proud owners of EVs find it essential to order Tesla charger installation in Denver and Westminster, CO, which comes with multiple benefits. ​ Charging the vehicle at home can save time and improve productivity. The user needs to contact a seasoned electrician who is skilled enough to go ahead with the installation. Asking the local electrician may not be the best solution. The chosen professional must have the proper credentials and the requisite skills. Moreover, the individual should be able to assess the existing electrical system and note whether it can support the charger. Fortunately, such electricians will also be able to procure the necessary permits to ensure that there are no problems in the future.
Wishing to have a Tesla charger installed is not enough. Instead, the homeowner needs to connect with a company or service provider to determine whether the existing home can support the installation. It is also essential to check the existing electrical system and have the following ready before the electrician arrives to install the charger:
· Right Electrical Capacity · A Dedicated Circuit · Location in the Garage or close to the parking space
There are advantages to installing the Tesla charger at home or on business premises. The most appreciated pluses include the following:-
· Speedy Charging- A dedicated circuit for the charger can rapidly charge the car. The time is way better than waiting at a standard outlet. The actual charging time at home will depend on the make and model of the car as well as the type of charger used.
· Convenience- The user may charge the vehicle at night or during the day during working hours. This negates the need to head out to the nearest charging station in all types of weather conditions. The convenience factor plays a huge role in increasing the sakes of home chargers and installation in the garage or driveway.
· Home Value- The electric vehicle is the future, with experts stating that conventional vehicles will become a rarity soon. Having a Tesla charging point installed within the premises can become the USP of the seller eventually. It is advisable to install the charger when the property owner hopes for an improved ROI.
Advanced technology has succeeded in making the property genuinely convenient and comfortable. A connected house can also ensure perfect security for the residents. Smart home installation in Denver and Lakewood, CO, is the need of the hour, with most US citizens expressing interest in such homes.
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whitehatlink · 14 days
Hiring a Deep Cleaning Company — What They Do
Fall is approaching, and thoughts of holidays that draw people into our home, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the winter holidays, are filling our minds.
This makes us think of all the things we need to get done to be ready for parties, get-togethers, and decorating.
One of the things you may be thinking of is how clean your home is.
A deep cleaning company Lakewood is a great option to help you.
Hiring someone to help with the deep cleaning means more time you can spend planning the other details.
Read on to learn all the benefits of a deep cleaning company Toms River, what a deep cleaning company can do for you, and how to find the best company for you.
Getting your home ready for the holidays
With the holiday season coming up there is most likely a list of things that you need to do to be prepared for the parties, get-togethers, and guests who will be coming to your home.
You have likely already thought about any renovations you need to do plus shopping for food and decorations.
One of the most vital things you need to do is ensure your home is as spotless as it can get to impress your guests.
This requires deep cleaning.
Deep cleaning will ensure that your home is dust, bacteria, clutter, spot, and allergen free.
The benefits of hiring a deep cleaning company
Hiring a deep cleaning company can be a true lifesaver by saving you time and stress.
A deep cleaning company is full of professional cleaners who have been trained and have years of experience in house cleaning.
They can wipe every surface, dust, remove any stains or spots, and ensure your house shines.
Deep cleaners are pros at ridding a home of dust, allergens, and bacteria or germs.
Hiring deep cleaners can save you money because they already have all the equipment, chemicals, and supplies needed.
It also allows you to have the time to make your lists for food, decorations, and what guests to invite.
You will have more time to plan because you are not stressing over if one spot or another has been cleaned.
When a deep cleaner comes through your home you can rest assured that they will get every nook and cranny — under, around, on every surface, and even the hard-to-reach spots.
Finding the best deep cleaning company
When you are looking for a deep cleaning company Lakewood to ensure your home is spotless and ready to impress, do your research to find the best company.
Ask family, friends, and neighbors what deep cleaning company Toms River they would recommend.
Search online for deep cleaning companies.
Look at their reviews and any before and after photos they may have to determine their quality.
Talk to them about the size of your home, what rooms you need to have done, and your budget.
See if they will do a free walk through of your home and give you an estimate of what it will cost.
To make it easier on the cleaners:
Pick up any messes accrued from daily messes
Make lists of things you would like them to focus on
Make a list of any things that you or a family member are allergic to
Once you find the best deep cleaning company you can sit back knowing that your home will be up to par for you to invite guests and throw parties.
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wakingthefury · 7 months
ABC News reports "Free Palestine" was written on the long rifle belonging to a man dressed as a woman who opened fire at the Lakewood Church in Houston, according to a law-enforcement official briefed on the investigation.
You're on the wrong side, handlers. And you'll find out the hard way when Jesus comes to clean house.
But hey, play the odds.
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Cleaning services Graham is a query that can help you find the best house cleaning options in Graham, WA. You can compare and hire the best house cleaning to fit your needs and budget. Some of the cleaning services Brilliantly Clean | Natural House Cleaning a house cleaning service that uses natural cleaning products and offers personalized service They have more than 10 years of experience and serve Tacoma Lakewood Puyallup Bonney Lake Orting Sumner Graham Spanaway and Eatonville! https://mplcleaningservices.com/
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Enhancing Home Comfort: A Comprehensive Guide to Carpet Cleaning Services
Carpeting is a popular choice for flooring in many homes and commercial spaces due to its comfort, warmth, and aesthetic appeal. However, over time, carpets can accumulate dirt, allergens, and stains, affecting both their appearance and the indoor air quality. Regular carpet cleaning, particularly from a reliable Carpet Cleaning Service in Lakewood WA, is essential to maintain a clean and healthy living environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of carpet cleaning services, exploring what research recommendations are, providing examples, discussing how to write research recommendations, and elucidating the purpose of recommendations in the context of research.
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What are the Research Recommendations?
Research recommendations are actionable suggestions or advice provided based on a thorough analysis and assessment of a particular subject or area of interest. In the realm of carpet cleaning services, including Commercial Carpet cleaning in Lakewood WA, research recommendations offer valuable insights and guidance to individuals seeking the best ways to clean and maintain their carpets effectively. These recommendations often stem from the collation and interpretation of data, trends, best practices, and expert opinions in the field of carpet cleaning.
Examples of Research Recommendations:
1. Frequency of Cleaning:
 Research suggests that carpets should be professionally cleaned at least every 12 to 18 months to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan. High-traffic areas may require more frequent cleaning to prevent dirt and grime buildup.
2. Preventive Measures:
 Research recommends using doormats at entrances to minimize the amount of dirt brought into the house. Additionally, implementing a 'no shoes' policy indoors can significantly reduce the accumulation of debris on carpets.
3. Proper Vacuuming Techniques:
 Research emphasizes using vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to trap allergens effectively. Regular vacuuming, at least once a week, is recommended to prevent the buildup of dust and dirt.
4. Spot Cleaning:
 Research advocates immediate attention to spills and stains by blotting and not rubbing the affected area. Utilizing mild, carpet-friendly cleaning solutions is essential to prevent damage to the carpet fibers.
5. Professional Steam Cleaning:
Research indicates that hot water extraction, commonly known as steam cleaning, is one of the most effective methods for deep-cleaning carpets. It helps remove embedded dirt and allergens, leaving the carpets fresh and sanitized.
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How Do You Write a Research Recommendation?
Writing effective research recommendations involves careful consideration of the research findings and their practical applications. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to craft meaningful research recommendations:
1. Identify Key Findings:
 Begin by summarizing the crucial discoveries or observations made during the research. Understand the implications of these findings in the context of the subject being investigated.
2. Consider Target Audience:
 Tailor your recommendations to suit the needs and understanding of your target audience. Ensure that the language and tone are appropriate and accessible to the intended readers.
3. Be Clear and Specific:
Clearly articulate the recommendation, providing specific details on what action needs to be taken. Ambiguity should be avoided to ensure the recommendation is easily implementable.
4. Highlight Benefits and Rationale:
Explain why the recommendation is important and how it can benefit the audience. Provide a rationale, citing evidence or research findings that support the recommendation.
5. Suggest Actionable Steps:
Break down the recommendation into actionable steps or strategies that the audience can follow to achieve the desired outcomes. Make the steps achievable and realistic.
What is the Purpose of Recommendations in Research?
The purpose of recommendations in research is multi-faceted and serves several important functions:
1. Guide Decision-making:
Recommendations provide guidance and direction to individuals, organizations, or policymakers by presenting well-informed suggestions based on research findings.
2. Facilitate Improvement:
 Recommendations aim to drive improvements in processes, practices, or policies. They identify areas that require attention and propose ways to enhance performance or outcomes.
3. Inform Best Practices:
Recommendations contribute to the establishment of industry or field-specific best practices. They synthesize research insights into actionable guidelines for practitioners and stakeholders.
4. Influence Policy and Planning:
Recommendations often influence policy-making and strategic planning at various levels, from local to national. They help shape decisions that can have a substantial impact on communities and society as a whole.
Final Thoughts
In the context of carpet cleaning services, research forms the backbone of informed decision-making. It involves studying various cleaning techniques, understanding carpet fibers and materials, analyzing cleaning product efficacy, and investigating consumer preferences. Research recommendations derived from such comprehensive studies offer practical and valuable advice to consumers seeking the most effective and efficient ways to care for their carpets. Stay tuned for the continuation of this informative guide, where we will delve deeper into the factors influencing the choice of carpet cleaning services and the importance of selecting a reliable and professional carpet cleaning company.
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Maintaining Home Integrity: Gutter Cleaning Solutions in Lakewood
Maintaining the structural integrity of your house is critical to keeping it a safe and enjoyable retreat for you and your family. Gutter cleaning is an often-overlooked element of house upkeep. Neglecting your gutters can result in a variety of problems, ranging from water damage to damaged structural integrity. The significance of gutter cleaning and viable solutions for Lakewood households.
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Understanding the Significance of Gutter Maintenance
Why Clean Gutters Matter
Gutters are essential for diverting rainfall away from your home's foundation. When they are clogged with leaves, debris, and dirt, they are unable to fulfill this role properly. This might cause water to collect around the ground of your home, potentially causing cracks and water intrusion.
Preventing Water Damage
Clean gutters prevent water from overflowing and causing damage to your roof, walls, and landscaping. Accumulated water can seep into your home, damaging walls and ceilings, fostering mold growth, and compromising the overall structural integrity.
Preserving Structural Integrity
Properly functioning gutters ensure that rainwater is carried away from your home. If water is allowed to accumulate, it can weaken your home's structural components, leading to costly repairs over time.
Challenges of Gutter Cleaning in Lakewood
Dealing with Leaves and Debris
Gutter cleaning Lakewood lush environment means gutters are prone to clogging from fallen leaves and debris. Regular cleaning is essential to prevent blockages that can result in water damage.
Handling Extreme Weather Conditions
Lakewood experiences a variety of weather conditions, from heavy rainfall to snowfall. These conditions can add to the wear and tear on your gutters, emphasizing the need for regular maintenance.
Professional Gutter Cleaning Services
Benefits of Hiring Experts
Professional gutter cleaning services in Lakewood bring experience and specialized equipment to the table. They can efficiently remove debris and identify potential issues before they escalate.
Choosing the Right Service Provider
When selecting a gutter cleaning service, look for reputable companies with a track record of excellence. Read reviews, ask for referrals, and inquire about their cleaning techniques.
Regular Maintenance Routine
Establishing a Cleaning Schedule
Consistency is key. Set a cleaning schedule that aligns with the changing seasons, ensuring your gutters are always free of debris.
Inspecting for Damage
Regular cleaning provides an opportunity to inspect your gutters for any signs of damage. Address issues promptly to prevent further complications.
Repair and Replacement Considerations
If your gutters are severely damaged, it may be more cost-effective to replace them. Consult with experts to identify the best course of action.
Impact on Home Value and Curb Appeal
Enhancing Aesthetic Appeal
Clean and well-maintained gutters contribute to your home's overall curb appeal. They give off an impression of a well-cared-for property.
Avoiding Potential Depreciation
Neglected gutters can lead to water damage, which can significantly reduce your home's value over time. Regular maintenance helps avoid this issue.
Attracting Prospective Buyers
If you're considering selling your home, clean and functional gutters can be a selling point. Prospective buyers appreciate a property that requires less immediate maintenance.
Environmental Benefits of Gutter Maintenance
Minimizing Soil Erosion
Properly directed water prevents soil erosion in your yard and landscaping. This promotes a healthier outdoor environment.
Preventing Water Pollution
Gutters that efficiently carry rainwater prevent pollutants from entering local water bodies, contributing to the protection of the environment.
In conclusion, maintaining the integrity of your property entails more than just interior maintenance. Gutter cleaning is an essential part of house maintenance that should not be overlooked. Whether you hire A clean and well-maintained gutter can save money, protect your home, and benefit the environment. It can be done professionally or as a DIY project.
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iepnw · 1 year
Experience the IEP Difference: High Quality Rental Items, Great Customer Service, Always Safety First.
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Weekend Specials Looking to a great weekend rate on Inflatable Bounce House rentals? We want to make sure that you get the best value for your money and are currently offering several weekend deals. Currently available are inflatable bounce houses and bounce house combo rentals. You will find units specifically made for your smaller guests and others that a perfect for all age groups. These bright and colorful inflatables are available now for a Saturday and Sunday rental at a reduced cost.
Water Slides Water slide and Slip and Slide rentals are your best choice for a wet & wild time on a hot Tacoma summer day. These large inflatables demand attention and will quickly become the centerpiece attraction at your next event. We carry different sizes of water slides, to fit the needs of all age groups. Choose from our 34' ft Fire and Ice Water Slide down to our pre-teen options for the younger guests. Or give our Dunk Tank rental or an inflatable Slip N Slide a try.
Bounce Houses Combo bounce house rentals in Tacoma allow you to get the best value with the maximum amount of fun. These inflatable rentals combine the popular bounce house with additional features like slides, hoops and more! We also have units specifically for the smaller of your guests, our pre-teen inflatable bounce house rentals have features that keep young ones safe and allow parents to keep a close watch on all activities. Bright colors and graphics, with simple skill games.
Foam Parties When it comes to foam party rentals in the Tacoma and Spanaway areas, Inflatable Event Professionals offers several great options and packages. Tired of traditional entertainment at your events? Foam parties will add a new twist to any party or type of event and are perfect for everyone! Try adding foam to a water slide rental for lots more fun. Our foam machines produce mountains of foam in just minutes. This is the best alternative to traditional summer pool parties. Check out our options and take your event to the next level.
The Best Inflatable Event Rental Company in the Pacific North West. Serving most of Pierce County. Focusing on Spanaway, Tacoma, Parkland, Puyallup, Graham and Lakewood.
Why Inflatable Events Professionals in Tacoma? We know your free time and leisure activities are important. At Inflatable Event Professionals we offer a stress-free rental and professional installation. Veteran Owned and Family operated event rental company located in Spanaway, WA, with a Key Emphasis on Timeliness, Professionalism, Customer Service and Safety. We are one of the best Inflatable Event Rental Companies in the Pacific North West.
What does the BEST Inflatable Event Rental Company mean to us? At Inflatable Event Professionals, we are committed to safety and service. Our Family owned business has a professional, caring, and safety trained staff. We choose only the highest quality inflatables that meet the latest safety standards. Our experienced staff will help you plan your next event by leading you in the right direction.
We stand apart from the competition providing top quality Bounce Houses. Our inflatables are built using “Lead Free” vinyl that conforms and is in accordance with US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) and are ASTM F 2374-10 (Standard Practices for The Design and Manufacture of Amusement Rides and Devices) compliant. Don’t be fooled by cheap rentals using products containing lead-based products or which can be structurally not built for commercial use and dangerous for your loved ones.
We provide you with Clean, Sanitized and Well-Maintained Inflatables for your party/event. We use environmentally safe cleaning products to clean our equipment. We take a great amount of care of our Inflatables. We clean and sanitize the inside and outside of each of our units.
Delivery and safe setup and teardown included by our crew.
We provide you, your family members, staff and volunteers with training on the use of our equipment and all the safety rules that need to be followed. We also provide you with written safety instructions with each rental that remain at your event. We go over the weight and safety requirements to give you peace of mind of how many kids can safely bounce, and if the adults want to jump in too you know the weight limits as well. We make sure you are educated so you can provide fun for your party.
We are licensed by the State of Washington and are fully insured. We don't believe in short cuts; your families safety is first and foremost. All our Inflatable units have passed the mandatory Washington State Inspection. For schools, parks, rental venues and businesses we offer additionally insured certificates.
Great customer service is only a phone call or email away. We appreciate your business & your time---we will give you the facts and let you get back to other tasks while we work out your party details. We answer most calls immediately… The only time you will get voice mail is if we happen to be on another call with a customer…in that case we will get back to you once we are available. We realize your time is valuable, so we won't keep you waiting.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Inflatable Event Professionals(https://www.iepnw.com/why_choose_us/)
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#DreamOc #OkKoOc #Bedtaur #ShifterOc #Ordealeana #Halluctasmica #MyOc #PoodleArtMyArt
She was my 7th Dream oc.
Ordealeana has a amazon like company called Slamazon and a streaming service.
She is the ceo of her company that is in competition with both Boxmore and Lakewood Plaza Turbo.
Once a item is bought then it teleports to their house fast.
She wants to buy out company's from both sides but slowly distort the business companies over time and then close them down to completely take over the businesses.
She bounces from being a hero and a villain.
She is pretty neutral.
She also has a tailmouth and her name is Halluctasmica.
Her level fluctuates and she can live in both the real world and the dreamworld. 
Her tailmouth mimics stairs and is actually her sister.
It's a reference to Girafarig and also the beta version since the sister has a more human like form.
Hallucination and Phantasm (Tailmouth name ref.)
Likes: The shade, scaring people by pretending to be a random bunk bed for people to rest in then slowly lifting her arms to grab people then drag them under the bed, vintage/thrift stores , 70's-2000's  bedsheets, obscure foods/expired foods, waxing her bunkbed beams, having frenemies, and old obscure songs.
Weakness: Bed Bugs, getting stained/smells bad.
Powers: Shapeshifting, ability to have fire/ice powers, laser eyes/mouth, flight, hypnosis, bed manipulation, and teleportation.
Inspirations: Nights (both games), Nightmare  Ned (game and series), Klonoa, Girafarig, Obscure stores closed down by popular ones.
Sketch Background: White Main Background: Brown
This is the form of what a human bedtaur would look like. This is what my shifter teacher oc turned into by a cursed school that appeared out of nowhere.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #ENS
BedTaur Lore
BedTaurs are shapeshifters that eat dreams, nightmares, dream travelers, inner thoughts information, emotions from others, and adrenaline from a person or being.
They tend to occupy abandoned buildings and fix them up so they can lure humans or other beings that can sleep so they can eat.
Their human forms tends to be low poly like the characters similar to Illbleed and don't have facial features just straight faced.
They move their body to convey talking and emotions while talking with their mouths are on their backs.
Every time a bedtaur successful eats it adds a new room to the newly fixed abandoned building based off the dream they just ate.
Every bedtaur is different in bed design like a pull out couch bed or a murphy bed.
Even if a person on being has insomnia the bedtaur will make that person or being successful sleep.
The bedtaurs are both hot and cold to the touch which is kind of like a real life bed.
They can control fire and ice.
Some bedtaurs hate bedbugs, stinky things, and being dirty but some don't mind that.
Each bedtaur's home is unique and some have toy bodyparts like dolls, wheels, and stuffed animal parts.
Some bedtaurs tend to help other species out to get food by making a human or being sleepwalk then wake the person up only if the monster wants that as a request.
What makes most bedtaurs angry is not cleaning up after yourself as they are letting you stay for free, not eating meals on time, being together in a group when multiple guest are over in the dream world, being abusive to other being and people, being nosy/digging in places you shouldn't be, and looking in special places like a mini fridge a bedtaur is hiding important things in you are not supposed to see.
If you break any rules the bedtaur will be disappointed but will give you three strikes before giving you up to a monster that wants to eat you.
Kind of like a soup kitchen for monsters that stink at hunting, down on their luck, or lazy monsters that need a quick snack.
If a person dies in the dream or nightmare they die for reals but will leave a little bit of life force just in case the monster wants to chase or seem like the person still has life.
Most bedtaurs keep the kids of the abusive parents and raise them as their own but if the kids rebels then they have the same fate as the adults they feed the monsters too but feel really sad about it later.
Human form of the bedtaurs tend to get paid by other monster by kissing the face cheeks of the monster or any physical touch like a hug or a fist bump but not sexual to gain only 5 seconds of facial emotions before freezing back up to their unchanging low poly default straight face but it's worth it and also slowing stealing the life force of the monster.
When a bedtaur dies then the building returns to it's abandoned state because it was the dream/nightmare hallucinations keeping the illusion of a normal place like for example a airbnb but it's a little off.
Also if the bedtaur has an item that it love or wants to keep it will protect it by making traps to prevent anyone from stealing it.
Also the bedtaur can control the victims of rest and use them to fight/protect from damage in human form which is human weak.
Their true form can only be seen in dreams but can be imagined in the abandoned building as a physical force.
Also each Bedtaur has a secret code word to confirm that the monster wants a meal then a hotel stay.
Shifters can be effected by the sleep but can only be immune if the shifter adapts.
The ads they make to advertise a business seems normal until they say something in shiften (Which is the main fake language that all shifters speak similar to Phantomile or Balanese or whatever lanuage Blinx was using in Blinx 1) in reverse which is a calling card for the underground monster soup kitchen.
Not all Bedtaurs do the soup kitchen thing most use their powers to help people like helping people with sleep problems.
The fake human forms carry their bed/couch halves as a backpack, suitcase, or handbags shaped like the bed/couch that can be removed then teleport back if lost or stolen.
> images.cb2.com/is/image/CB2/Do… > rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.… Her bed sheets. > img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-stat… Bunk bed sheets> www.istockphoto.com/vector/bun… As a art ref for the pose. > us.123rf.com/450wm/lenm/lenm10… Songs she likes. > www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gE0M3…
Color Refs for Ordealeana and Halluctasmica (Tailmouth) Her hair is black with pumpkin orange, navy blue, metallic dark green, metallic purple, metallic pink, raspberry, and blue green hair tips. Her skin is pewter or metallic dark gray.
Her X nose is half ice blue and half metallic dark red.
Her ears are metallic dark red and ice blue. 
Her eye antenna is black with metallic dark green with metallic yellow with a black dot pupil.
Her eyes on her shoulders are metallic yellow with black whites for eyes.
Her bellybutton eye is metallic yellow with a black X on the inside of her eye with metallic dark green whites of eyes.
Her teeth are navy blue with a black inner mouth, her tongue is light brown, her cool and hot mouth symbols are metallic dark red (right symbol)with ice light blue (left symbol). Her (right) hot long finger is metallic dark red and her (left) cool long finger is ice blue. 
Her wings are pumpkin orange. Her bed spread and sheets are blue green, black, and navy blue.
The pillows are white.
Her bed frame is dark brown.
Her bottom half of her body is lightly colored black and their dress is blue green, black, and navy blue.
Her legs are black with metallic dark gray or pewter paws with metallic dark red and ice blue claws. 
Her tailmouth warmer collar is blue green, black, and navy blue.
She also wears metallic gold necklace with different colored gems.
The first gem color is a metallic dark green with metallic dark blue symbols on the sides. 
Her other gems are metallic dark blue, metallic mauve, metallic dark purple, metallic yellow, and metallic pink on her tailmouth.
Her taimouth's eye is metallic yellow with black symbol in her eye and metallic dark green on her face.
The tailmouth's tongue is a light brown ladder tongue.
Her paw pads are like normal paw pads but are square and is ice blue and metallic dark red.
Her elbow spikes are metallic dark red and ice blue.
She has a half black and half raspberry squares on her shirt and on her bed sheets/dress.
Her shirt is blue green, black, and navy blue. Her tailmouth is metallic dark gray or pewter.
She is light colored black where the bottom  of the bunked is.
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pixtourz · 1 year
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Home for Rent - $6,000 - Seasonal Rental 3 BED l 2 BATH l VILLA w/LAKE VIEW Virtual Tour: http://vtours.pixtourz.com/4464292d/ Charming Seasonal Rental in Sunny Naples Florida! Furnished Turnkey 3 BED 2 BATH Villa with LAKE VIEW! Available August-Dec 2023 & Season 2024! 30 Day min $6,000 a month Located in the community of Lakewood.  7 minutes to downtown 5th Ave, shopping, dining, boating, fishing, golfing, Third Street, Art shows, entertainment, Beaches & more!  20 min drive to Isle of Capri & Marco Island, 30-40  drive to Bonita Springs & Estero. Master Bedroom (KING) 2nd Bedroom (QUEEN) 3rd Bedroom/Den & Lanai will (QUEEN) Sleeper Sofas! Living/Dining w/ sliders opening to large enclosed Lanai or Florida Room. Enjoy your coffee every morning or cocktail in the evening with a LAKE VIEW! Sliders of Lanai open to large Outdoor Living PATIO space. Experience the Florida Lifestyle - relax, sun bath, barbecue & enjoy amazing NAPLES SUNSETS & Repeat! Cable, Roku, Internet, WIFI, 2 TV's include your favorite internet streaming apps, Printer, Outdoor Grill, Beach chairs, Beach umbrella & Cooler Included. 1 Car Garage w/ Laundry. 1x a month house cleaning included. Property Type: Villa Building Type: Villa Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 House Size: 1422 Year Built: 1983 For more information call (239) 220-5119
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adrians1 · 1 year
Revamp Your Living Space with These Budget-Friendly Residence Improvement Concepts
Are you wanting to improve your living space yet anxious regarding spending a lot? Anxiety not! There are numerous economical house renovation suggestions that can transform your residence right into an elegant as well as comfortable oasis. One very easy method to update your area is by adding a fresh coat of paint to your walls. A neutral shade palette can create a relaxing as well as inviting ambience, while a bold accent wall can add a pop of shade and character to your room.
An additional simple yet efficient residence enhancement suggestion is to declutter and organize your room. This can be done by buying storage space solutions such as shelves, baskets, as well as hooks. Not only will this make your residence really feel even more roomy and clean, yet it can also help you keep an eye on your valuables and decrease tension. In addition, swapping out old or outdated lights with contemporary as well as energy-efficient options can brighten up your area as well as save you cash on your electrical power costs.
Finally, residence enhancement doesn't have to be expensive or overwhelming. By including these affordable ideas, you can transform your living space into a comfortable and also fashionable haven without draining your pocketbook. Remember, the key is to concentrate on little and impactful adjustments that make a large distinction in the general look of your home.
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clean-pro-lakewood · 2 years
Rain gutter Cleansers Near Me - Just How Much Does Rain Gutter Cleaning Be Priced At?
Gutters are a really integral part of the house's structure. They assist network water far from your home to stop it from creating damage to the structure. Without proper upkeep, stopped up rain gutters can lead to serious troubles such as roof as well as foundation damages. Having your rain gutters cleaned up by an expert once or twice a year is a simple way to guarantee your rain gutters are functioning correctly.
Relying on your area and also the dimension of your house, the price of gutter cleaning can differ. In general, rates range from $105 to $480 for 150 feet of gutters. Labor prices and equipment likewise affect the general price.
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The length of your gutters will identify the quantity of time it will take to clean up them. The rate will additionally differ if your downspouts have a lot of accumulation. It is best to flush the water out of your gutters to look for leaks and make sure your downspouts are working effectively. If they are not, you may need to employ a specialist to repair them like clean pro lakewood.
The height of your residence is another factor that can have an influence on the cost. Higher residences will certainly need to be accessed making use of unique tools. For example, gutters on 2 tale structures will be charged $2 per foot, whereas a one tale home will be priced at $0.70 to $1.30.
Having trees or other landscape design attributes on the home can make complex the procedure of cleaning your rain gutters. When the gutters are obstructed, they can not easily stream water and also will pool. This can create the structure of the residence to damage, as well as damage the roof covering product. To eliminate the build-up, you can utilize a telescopic pipe wand or durable pressure washer.
The incline of your gutters is additionally a variable. If you have an incline that is uneven or also high, it can take longer to clean your gutters. A full inspection of the slope of your gutters will ensure that the slope is effectively established and that there are no problems with your rain gutters.
Numerous house owners postpone when it concerns specialist rain gutter cleaning. This is not just a bad suggestion, it can lead to costly and potentially unsafe repair work. Rather, house owners should schedule their rain gutter cleaning to happen semi-annually. While this is not a specific scientific research, it is far better to plan in advance to stay clear of common rain gutter issues.
You can likewise conserve cash on rain gutter cleaning by hiring a specialist. Professionals will know exactly how to ideal clean as well as repair your gutters to expand their life expectancy. Nonetheless, they may also have to use more advanced devices and strategies to do the job. Inevitably, this is an investment. Not just will you have peace of mind, however you will certainly likewise shield your house's value.
Whether you choose to clean your own gutters or have them cleaned by a professional, see to it you have a gutter ladder that is tough and also can arrive of your rain gutters. Also, beware not to climb on ornamental rocks or various other tough surfaces when using your ladder.
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Sold Condo in Lakewood, CO
218 Wright Street, Unit 106, Lakewood Colorado listed for $339,000 and sold for $350,000 on June 28. 2022.  Move-in ready, updated, clean, 2 bed and 2 bath condo with 2 reserved parking spaces! This is a ground level, end unit - only one shared wall - with newer porcelain tile flooring in the living spaces. Kitchen remodeled with newer cabinetry, solid-surface counters, and stylish backsplash. Updated lighting as well as newer bathroom tile and fixtures. New furnace installed in 2021. Spacious Great Room with plenty of space for an L-shaped sofa, jumbo tv and dining. Sliding glass door to the covered patio space and outside storage closet. Primary suite can accommodate a King size bed and includes a large window, two mirrored closets and attached bath. Second bedroom also has two closets. Hallway with second bath and laundry closet - clothes washer and dryer included in the sale. Move in this summer to enjoy central air conditioning in your awesome condo, and spend time at the community pool, hot tub, club house and gazebo. Telluride West is a popular community with good dining choices just blocks away at Union Blvd: Jose O'Shea's Cantina, Old Chicago, Le Peep, Mad Greens and more! Plus easy access to dining, shopping and entertainment at Belmar. Direct commute to Downtown Denver and light rail stops along 6th Avenue. Enjoy walking to nearby green spaces: Union Square Park with a playground, picnic tables and paved paths and Union Ridge Park with one of the best sledding hills in Lakewood! And a short drive to all the hiking-biking trails at Green Mountain Park.  Questions?  Call Jo Myers, Colorado Realtor with HomeSmart, 303-868-8058. 
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christim12 · 2 years
Lakewood, CO | Junk Removal Services Clearing Your Space Hassle-Free
Cleaning a cluttered home can be a daunting task, whether it's your own residence or a rental property left in disarray by previous tenants. Rather than struggling to move and dispose of unwanted items on your own, consider hiring professionals to take care of the job for you. A junkyard or waste removal service can provide a convenient and efficient solution to clearing out clutter and trash.
Challenges to Expect When Dropping Off Unwanted Items
Packing Up
Everything you intend to drag away must first be packaged, which includes: heavy lifting, back-breaking, overwhelming, time-consuming, and increased time limit.
Need a Vehicle
Then, with all the stuff that needs to be taken from the house, you need a big vehicle that you do not mind if it gets dirty or even smelly. Most likely, you will need to travel more than once. The larger goods you need to remove could not fit in your vehicle, depending on its size.
Need to Travel to a Remote Location
Garbage typically needs to be located in a remote place, far from protected areas like wetlands and floodplains. Strong smells there can make the air uncomfortable, even though the facility management has the earthmoving equipment to backfill dirt to cover the rotting junk.
Time and Money Consuming
You must pay a fee to throw your rubbish at the junkyard. When having your garbage weighed, expect to wait a while as each vehicle checks the scales to see if its load qualifies for public service. Once inside the property, you will find distinct bins for various types of trash, and garbage typically stores collection bins for hazardous materials in different areas. Employees often need to be present to unload your trash.
There is yet another choice. The use of Lakewood Junk Removal service. Quick, simple, and accessible.
To eliminate unnecessary stuff in your home or business, consider hiring a professional Lakewood Junk Removal service whether you are relocating, scaling back, or simply trying to declutter. As a result, using a professional junk removal service has several advantages.
Advantages of Hiring a Professional Junk Removal Service
Invest less time and energy. Clearing clutter and junk alone might take a lot of time and energy. The most significant benefit of using a professional Junk Removal in Lakewood service is that you may save time and effort. Also, avoid the headache of leasing a truck and moving bulky objects.
Appropriate Disposal Professional junk removal services are specialists at properly and safely discarding various materials. Including dangerous goods and electronic garbage. They do, however, have the skills and tools necessary to handle and get rid of these things in an eco-friendly way.
Structured and effective Professional junk removal services provide the knowledge and skills necessary to quickly and effectively sort through your belongings. Separating recyclable or donatable materials from rubbish ensures that as much waste as possible is disposed of sustainably.
 A reputable junk removal service can provide you peace of mind. Ensure the work will be completed safely, effectively, and accurately.
Cost-effective although it seems like an additional investment, hiring a professional junk removal service in the long term can save you money. by not having to pay for a truck rental and doing your garbage disposal in addition to the possible expense of damages or injuries brought on by attempting to remove heavy or dangerous objects by yourself. However, the cost of using a professional Lakewood Junk Removal service can vary.
Things That Should be Checked Before Selecting a Junk Removal Company
Explore Their History
You should be better off inspecting the company's history first and foremost. The history of a person or business can reveal a lot about their work ethic.
Disposal Techniques
Another thing to remember is that getting rid of some household items might be extremely risky. Therefore, to avoid issues and reduce risks, the parts inside televisions and computers must be disposed of appropriately. This is why you should find out how they dispose of their waste. Check if the business disposes of the material most securely or not.
Confirm Insurance
Please confirm that the company you have chosen is fully insured. The company must have enough insurance if you want to avoid being held accountable for covering the costs of the damages.
Finally, spend some time investigating more about the available pricing alternatives. Obtain several free quotes from multiple companies. Then, you want to evaluate the costs charged by multiple companies. Take your time to select the cheapest service provider since they might hide something. To ensure that you receive superior service, you must be willing to spend a little extra.
Haultogo Junk Removal - Lakewood's Eco-Friendly Junk Removal
Are you looking for a Co service to remove your household junk? Haultogo Junk Removal provides its junk removal services in Lakewood, Co. Lakewood Junk Removal is made simple and efficient by Haultogo Junk Removal. They take great satisfaction in offering a prompt, competent, and effective service for any removal or junk hauling Lakewood, CO, may require. They do everything from simple garbage disposal to the relocation of large furniture. Haultogo Junk Removal is the firm to contact if you need junk removal services in Lakewood.
To support that, they have hundreds of reviews. Reviews, in our opinion, are the new kind of word-of-mouth promotion. As a result, it promotes their excellence to current and potential clients. In other words, existing consumers can talk to new ones and share their experiences. For instance, their top goal is to provide excellent customer service. This makes them stand apart from other Lakewood Junk Removal companies and adds high value.
Finally, a reputable Junk Removal Lakewood service can help you save time, effort, and money. In contrast, offering a risk-free, effective, and eco-friendly approach to disposing unwanted materials. Additionally, knowing that the task will be completed properly might ease your mind that the things will be appropriately disposed of to make your house or place of business as simple and stress-free as possible.
For providing the most eco-friendly junk removal in Lakewood, CO, Haultogo Junk Removal continues to lead the way. They offer a wide range of garbage removal services, including furniture removal, mattress removal, appliance removal, and electronic waste disposal, because they know how difficult it can be to remove a piled-up mass of various unwanted goods.
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jurnaltalking · 2 years
Time For Some Deep Cleaning!
Having a messy home can make things difficult, whether you have a large family living there or it is just you. The mess can lead to frustration, stress and even anxiety. Sometimes having the time to keep things clean and tidy takes the help of a deep cleaning company, Lakewood. Where you are busy, or just do not want to do it, not only can they handle it for you, it is often done to a better standard!
There are different cleaning companies to choose from
With so many cleaning services out there to choose from you should take the time to check that they can meet your cleaning needs. Some homes need cleaning more often, some need more specific guidelines from the homeowner and some need less. As well as looking for a company that is efficient, professional and prompt, you will want them to offer the cleaning needs you have. People that have carpeting will want steam-cleaned carpets perhaps whereas those with hard floors do not!
With a deep cleaning company Toms River you can get your bond money back when you leave your rented premises, or clean up after the home has gone through renovations, or perform a number of other cleaning duties. Some cleaners focus on commercial cleaning and some on residential cleaning so you should make sure if it is for your home then you get the right type, residential cleaners. If you are interested in green cleaning then you should also ask about that.
Three main types of cleaning companies
There are basically three types of cleaning companies.
Contract cleaners work cleaning offices and commercial premises and generally work for a deep cleaning company Lakewood. They clean however often the company has paid the agency to send them in, some that is just once a week and some that is 5 times a week. It focuses on areas the company has requested the agency handle and there is also a strong focus on health and safety. Larger businesses will have more cleaners to get the job done at the specified time. Often they are there either in the morning early before employees get in or after employees go home, in the evening or even at night.
One-off cleaning services are just that. Someone has an event that needs cleaning up after and they would employ them for that. Maybe you are leaving a rented accommodation and signed a contract to have it cleaned when you go. Whatever the reason it means either a business or home needs a one-time clean so it is just one visit and then done.They come at a time you ask for and it is often a comprehensive deep clean.
House cleaning companies can be hired as often as you want to come and clean the home. Some people pay for something that is less often on a monthly basis, and some get them a couple of times a week. A deep cleaning company Toms River can handle everyday cleaning jobs but might come to an arrangement for deeper cleaning jobs as needed.
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