lakreepk · 4 years
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lily-onher-grave · 5 years
y’all want an excerpt? i got the good stuff
(from the prologue of my new project)
They say the Witch is going to die. They say that’s why the Wizard sent Dorothy.
Glinda pays the rumors no mind. Perhaps the Wizard wants Elphaba dead—does he remember them, from all those years ago?—but the idea is laughable. Elphaba’s survived the marshy Quadling lands, a campus haunted by Morrible, and the filthy, shadowed streets of the Emerald City. The Wizard will have to do much better than a little farm girl if he wants her gone.
But maybe it’s better this way. Maybe her letter will reach Elphaba first, and she’ll think of a way around the Dorothy girl. Glinda imagines different scenarios, reveling at the cloak and dagger of it all. A faked death, perhaps? The new ruler of Oz reuniting with a criminal. It excites her, and not just because she’ll finally get to see Elphie again.
Without meaning to, she finds herself wholly tied to the prospect of being with Elphaba once more. Years of separation have taught her wariness, but now there is no doubt in her mind. And why should there be? They were reunited in Munchkinland. And though they left on such bad terms, they had also been able to pick up again so flawlessly. Glinda remembers the thrill, the bliss, the hope. It was a sign of things to come. She’s certain of it.
But she’s smart enough not to let it show. After she sends her letter, she finds herself waiting. Her life carries on mostly normally, but she notices the small details that are changing. More politicians are showing up at the dinner parties she’s invited to. A sorceress from the palace extends an invitation to meet for tea.
“We should do the same,” Chuffrey says one evening over his nightly brandy. “Host a dinner, invite over all these new friends you’re making.”
There’s a touch of bitterness in his voice. She’s amused by his jealousy—as if she were ever his in the first place.
But it’s a good idea nonetheless, and so she sends servants out with handwritten invitations for all of the city’s finest: palace officials and Gale Force officers, heads of estate and bank owners. She even invites Madame Morrible, just to be cheeky. She knows the old woman can barely make it out of her bed these days.
She doesn’t particularly like hosting, but she knows she’s good at it. Her smile is dazzling as each guest is ushered in. Men bow low and kiss her hand, while ladies dote over her dress, her shoes, her necklace.
Chuffrey stays unusually close, and she both expects and hates it. Usually he’s inviting men to the den for cigars and business talk. How patronizing. But tonight he’s at her side, tagging along as she wins the hearts of the city’s most powerful people.
“I’m just happy my Glinda is getting the recognition she deserves,” he tells people. He doesn’t smile down at her as she says it. He doesn’t even act like she’s there. “She’s always been a bright one—for a lady, of course. Went to that college up in Shiz.”
There’s always an air of mockery when Chuffrey talks about Shiz, as if he’s revealing something scandalous about her. But Glinda places her hand on his chest and smiles, saying nothing. Nobody ever asks her what Shiz was like, what she studied. Usually they just awkwardly move on, not sure how to address the idea of an educated woman.
“A college girl?” asks one of the bankers around them. He winks at Chuffrey. “You caught a wild one, didn’t you?”
Or, if they’re feeling bold, they say something like that.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Glinda says before Chuffrey can speak. The man looks at her, smug with her sudden attention. “I was quite serious about my studies.”
“Of course, Lady Chuffrey. I went to university myself. I know not all studies are purely academic.”
Chuffrey chuckles good-naturedly, cutting off any response Glinda can come up with. “What does the past matter?” he asks. “It brought her to me in the end.” She feels his fingers tighten around her waist.
“Indeed.” The banker raises his glass. “And we are all the better off for it. Congratulations, both of you.”
Their little group disperses at that. Alone for a moment, but with eyes still on them, Chuffrey turns to her. He leans down, and she tilts her head so his lips brush her cheek.
His other hand comes up, touching her jaw and turning her so he can kiss her mouth. She feels the prickle of his mustache against her lip. It’s quick and light, nothing outrageous in front of the company. But it doesn’t need to be a lot for her to understand what’s behind it.
These are the nights when she misses Elphaba the most. Elphaba, who knows how important Shiz was, and how hard Glinda fought to be there. Elphaba, who asked about her studies, her thoughts, her passions. Who would let Glinda tell a smirking businessman off, unless she just couldn’t hold back and had to do it herself.
Elphaba, who sees Glinda as her own person. A real human being, with ideas and desires and complex emotions. Not someone to be won or owned. And who, when she kissed Glinda, never did it for show.
And now her missing Elphie is not only an ache, but a craving.
When she first married, she would try to imagine Elphaba in bed with her instead of Chuffrey. It was a lost cause, of course. They are too different, in every possible way. But sometimes, on the rare nights when she sleeps alone, she can pull up old memories: lumpy beds in noisy rooms where Elphaba could never seem to let go of her, or their freezing dormitory. Yes, that’s one of her favorites. When she heard Elphaba shivering across the room and gathered her blankets, going to wrap both them and herself around her. And when she went to kiss Elphaba’s cheek good night, Elphie turned her head to meet her. Glinda thinks of how they didn’t sleep, but they kept plenty warm, and her fingers are close enough to Elphaba’s that, for a moment, she’s no longer alone.
A shrill laugh brings her back to the party. Chuffrey is standing too close, his hand still on her waist, and the heat flooding through her turns to something sickening. She pulls away.
“Let me go fetch us some champagne, hm?”
He smiles his thanks, already turning away to greet one of his business associates. Once free, Glinda takes a breath to steady herself. She almost makes it to one of the servers, but a graying man in a sharp emerald suit steps into her path.
“Lady Chuffrey,” he says, tilting his head toward her. She notices the gold stripes at his shoulders.
“Captain of the Guard.” She holds out her hand. “You honor me.”
He kisses her knuckles. His movements are curt, formal. For a moment, she’s genuinely intimidated.
“You have a lovely home,” he tells her, “and lovely taste in guests.”
“I count myself as very fortunate.”
“Perhaps, though the people tend to believe you deserve it.”
The intimidation is gone. He’s wrapped around her finger, too. Glinda gives him her most charming smile.
“I’m flattered. I only hope I can continue to do so.”
“I’m sure you will.” He meets her eyes. “It is safe to assume, then, that you’ve heard the rumors of—”
A boy runs into the ballroom, one of the servants on his heels. Glinda thinks, briefly, of Boq. This boy is so small. So young. He nearly skids to a halt before them, coming to attention.
“News from General Lakree, sir, in the Kells.”
The servant bows low. “I’m sorry, my lady. I told him to wait for me to fetch someone, but—”
“It’s quite alright,” Glinda says. “I won’t have my household getting in the way of Gale Force business.”
For the first time, the boy seems to realize who he’s interrupted. His eyes dart nervously between her and the captain. His suit is also emerald, but it bunches at the shoulders, a touch too big on him, and there is no gold save for the buttons.
“Report,” the captain says.
A hush has fallen over the room. The boy relaxes his stance.
“The general has broken camp. He and his troops are personally escorting Dorothy and her company back to the city.” The boy runs out of breath and has to pause before continuing. He looks less nervous now. “Kiamo Ko is now abandoned. He checked the castle himself. The Witch is dead.”
Behind Glinda, a champagne flute explodes.
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rainteaanddragons · 4 years
20/20 Hindsight | April - Aine
20/20 Hindsight | April – Aine
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“I can’t wait to get out of this stupid, tight-“
“Gorgeous dress. That Lakree Pearl trimming is lovely my friend.”
“You did insist on me using it Aine, so thanks. But it’s not as beautiful as your suit. You must’ve sewn it from the fabric of space itself.”
“Really Zahli? You know that even I have nothing near to that much talent.”
“If you really do not believe me, I will…
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lakreed-blog · 11 years
Game Recognize Game,..So [email protected] ? Get at Me! @Lakreed on twitter.
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 3 years
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lakreepk · 3 years
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lakreepk · 3 years
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lakreepk · 3 years
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lakreepk · 3 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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lakreepk · 4 years
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