#lance nakoa
oathkeeperoxas · 6 years
Worldbuildingex letter
Thank you to whoever matches with me, it means you have good taste :D
Horizon: Zero Dawn
General headcanons/likes for fandom: Vala lives, Aloy interacting with Old World tech, GAIA Prime being rebuilt, TFW characters interacting with base game characters, Aloy being a big lady lover!!!
Vanasha’s Spy Ring: Okay so apparently Vanasha is head of a spy ring, right? Well… what do they get up to? How does she keep in contact with her people when there’s no way to communicate over long distances besides actually travelling? Are they spying on just the Shadow Carja, or are they more involved with Carja politics as well? I also strongly headcanon that Nakoa came to Meridian after you finish her quest, and that she got caught up in Vanasha’s spy ring. If you wrote some Vanasha/Nakoa into the fic I would adore that.
Snow Ghost Lore: I’d be great to hear some of the ‘ghost stories’ that the Banuk have – maybe Ikrie is telling one to Aloy over a campfire in traditional spooky story telling fashion. Or maybe Aloy is travelling the Cut and hears rumours of a snow ghost that turns out to be Ikrie. Anything to do with Banuk superstition or tie it into their worship of the Blue Light would be great, and Aloy/Ikrie is cute as well so go with that if you’d like.
Nora Culture: We see so little of the Nora when really they should have such a strong impact on Aloy especially since Rost raised her – did he instil any habits into her that she doesn’t realise are very Nora until someone points it out? Or I’d love to see Aloy with Varl or Vala on a hunting trip and one of them starts singing a hunting song that Aloy doesn’t know. Or anything regarding the Mother’s Marks that every Nora wears – every Nora except Aloy. What does that mean specifically for them, especially when Aloy is an outcast/Seeker/Anointed? If you’d like to do anything with Aloy/Vala as well I’d absolutely go wild for that – Nora dating/asking someone out methods, and it going over Aloy’s head to Vala’s annoyance, or Aloy having to jump through hoops to ‘officially’ date Vala in the eyes of the tribe.
 Fire Emblem Heroes
General headcanons/likes for fandom: Only they/them pronouns for the Summoner, Fjorm being OP, soft ice siblings
Leiptr the Lance of Ice: Hrid tells Fjorm that the Lance is special to those from Nifl, but why? Even if you just explored when/where/how Fjorm first picks up the Lance I’d be very interested in that.
Nifl Customs: Exploring more of Nifl and especially how the royal family interact with everyone else would be great – do they mingle or are they more formal with their subjects?
Muspell Customs: Fire is important, but I’d love to see more everyday uses for it – lighting candles, oil lamps or however they have light at night, does those things take on their own type of significance to the people of Muspell that just doesn’t happen elsewhere?
Muspell and Nifl Relations: Either post or before Book II would be fine – I’d love to see the princesses interacting though, and either them being openly hostile or hostilely polite because they’re not at war yet but they might be soon and no one wants to make attachments to someone you might be seeing on the other side of a battlefield soon enough, OR post Book II and them being hesitant and awkward towards each other.
 Kingdom Hearts
General headcanons/likes for fandom: Riku is FTM trans, Roxas or Xion or Ven or Van lurking in the background/influencing Sora’s actions while they’re still in his heart, Sora crying, drive forms, keyblades!!, Van remembering KHUX events, Sora/Riku/Kairi, Nobodies being treated like the really fucking scary/dead things that they are, Roxas being OP, the Oathkeeper and Oblivion (the keyblades and their symbolism), fight scenes and fighting banter, Vanitas/Ventus
I will have finished KH3 by the time these fics are revealed, so if you want to use KH3 info feel free to.
Oathkeeper and Oblivion's Significance: I love Oathkeeper and Oblivion so much, the represent so much within the series – Sora using Kairi’s charm, Roxas inheriting the Keyblades but making them his own, Xion implied to be Oblivion – it’s all so interesting. Something about one of the characters musing out the Keyblades would be great, or if you want to go a more practical route – they are supposed to be opposites, but what does that mean for Roxas when he’s fighting with both of them? Does Oathkeeper heal and Oblivion hurt like in re:Coded?
Nobody Lore Expansion: I’d love to see this one in relation to how the people of Twilight Town think of the strange people cloaked in black that run around all the time. Who do they think they are? What do they think they’re doing?
Nobodies' Non-existence: Nobodies are like… literally, canonically, dead people who only still exist through sheer willpower. Do they still bleed? Cry? Are their physical forms really physical or can they just… walk through walls if they want to? They do ‘express’ emotions ingame, but I like to think that’s more of a reflex/habit than anything because they still have memories of what it was to be human. Since Roxas doesn’t have memories, how does he react to things like pain, which is both a physical and emotional response?
How Nobodies Discover Their Element: They all have one but how do they know? Do they just start shooting light/water/fire everywhere randomly? Isn’t that a bit dangerous to everyone else? Is there a set process or do they just wait it out until they discover it?
Vanitas' Negativity: Anything that has more lore to do with Vanitas and what he is exactly and what the Unversed are exactly would be very good, especially if it includes VanVen.
Vanitas or Ventus Remembering Their Past: I like to think that Vanitas remembers everything, and I’d love to see him holding that above Ventus (ESPECIALLY if you go the route that Ventus is the one who killed Strelitzia). Or Ven half remembering things in dreams but he can’t grasp them when he wakes up, but that red is like Ephemer’s scarf… wait who is Ephemer?  
Keyblade Student Ceremonies: How do they formally become a student? Are there formal tests?
The Fall of Radiant Garden: If you’re going to do this one, then I’d love a focus on Lea and Isa and their last few desperate hours before they become Axel and Saix. How come they, out of everyone else in Radiant Garden, were the ones who were strong enough to become Nobodies?
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