#landon is probably the silliest inclusion by far but also is one od my favourites. he's just a little guy
triplechain · 1 year
Tell me about the triple chain? Do you have several equivalents of each hero in one chain or are there three separate ones traveling through time?
Three separate chains traveling through time, all with unique heroes!
The "Main Chain" is just the chain in LinkedUniverse as it stands: Time, Twilight, Warriors, Hyrule, Legend, Four, Wind, Wild, and Sky.
"Chain 2" is really only called a "chain" in the loosest sense considering there's only one person named Link, but it's named the same for consistency. Tri, Tre, Trois, Cly, Apri, Rhythm(the only Link), Skid, Yves, Trill, Horse, and Cent make up the team. Initially the Tri-Force Trio, Cly, and Apri were one team (though Cly was a later addition because he went through a portal and gained sentience, oops), with Rhythm, Skid, Yves, and Trill being another. Cent tagged along with the first group out of interest in Cly, and Horse joined last cause they needed a horse and Tre made friends with her =)
"Chain C" was the original nickname for the last group, cause "c stands for many things; canon(Spirits), cartoon, CDi, cereal--" and it wasn't supposed to be a thing at first. until I made Spoons to spite my friend and then let things expand from there. Shields, Spoons, Koridai, Peter Pancho III, Rus, Holpar, Spirits, Landon, and Riptide are part of the team. Chain C formed in duos: Shields & Spoons, Koridai & Peter Pancho III, Rus & Holpar, and Spirits & Landon. Riptide was already Spirits's companion seagull and probably knows how to drive the train. They all end up meeting in New Hyrule, joining one duo at a time to ride the train, and work together to defend it from an attack.
The closest there are to equivalents of the same hero are the members that are technically based on a Link with a pre-existing counterpart (mostly Rus, Spoons, and Holpar, but also Tre and Spirits to an extent depending on how much you consider TFH and ST canon to Legend and Wind)
Eventually they're all gonna meet up. one of these days. whenever I get around to writing it or drawing it @~@
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