#laudna's an allegory for addiction and it's such a brilliant character choice
alliekitaguchi ยท 16 days
spoilers for c3 95
i have to admit that i was getting so frustrated with the hells after the laudna/orym fight because:
they awoke in magical darkness, knowing laudna cast it, which means that she was cognizant enough to have the forethought to hide from him and the rest of them, should they wake up to see what she was doing (because she knew they would try and stop her)
they saw her on the ceiling, running from orym
they saw orym defending himself from her (and yes, orym hurt her too, but as soon as he saw that it was her, he switched to defense)
they saw her use mage hand to grab the sword
they saw orym disarm her to get it away from her
they tried to speak with her and orym both to figure out what was going on and watched her snag the sword AGAIN
they watched her repeatedly open windows and doors, looking for a quick exit
they watched her speak to orym as if he was a piece of dirt beneath her boots
they know laudna has had issues with control, especially after ashton's debacle in whitestone
they listened to her be unable to give a single viable reason for why SHE should take the sword instead of him, just that she wanted to absorb it's power (historically never a good thing to hear from ANYONE)
and they still were like, "we trust you, laudna."
like, i love the hells, and i LOVED this scene because it was so beautifully juicy, but c'mon now. laudna's all charisma and deception, and they were being manipulated by her AND THEY KNEW IT and they still defended her. thank god chet and dorian stepped in for orym's defense, because everyone else just sat around in uncomfortable silence and let it go on.
i know they love laudna and i know they need all hands on deck, but she is literally a powderkeg about to erupt and that shit needs to be dealt with before this happens again and she seriously hurts someone.
i want there to be consequences for this.
i want laudna to get the same repercussions that ashton did. i want her to have to beg for forgiveness, to realize that she fucked up and broke everyone's (especially orym's) trust. i want her to have to apologize to all of them and i want her to realize that she's been lying to them and herself.
(and more importantly, i want to see her be rid of delilah once and for all)
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