#lazarus brown
ineffableigh · 10 months
Isn't it interesting that we hear two things:
When Mr. Brown (of Brown's World of Carpets) is taken by the demons, we HEAR him getting crunched and mulched up. To me there's no denying that man's Dead As Hell, even if (as I recall, maybe?) Neil said he was just taken. I don't buy it lol.
When Crowley brings him back, it sounds like flesh being knit back together or something. Crowley resurrected a whole-ass crunched up human AFTER demons snacked on that ass.
INTERESTING! This is kind of a huge thing the show just glosses over, like damn lol.
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Jason cursed. This is on par for most of his evenings, as it was rare that he ever got a peaceful night. However, this? This takes the goddamn cake and smashes it on his face.
Red Hood stood, with a portable wet vacuum in his halo bed hands, cursing everything in the world as he cleaned and followed the small puddles of Lazarus water. The people in the streets give him a wide berth, having long learned the intricacies of Red101: if the Red Hood is doing weird shit but there’s no gun in his hand, you make sure you’re not the reason he’ll have a gun in his hand.
“O, you there?”
“Mark this priority, would you?” His voice is tense, pissed. “Some bastard’s dripping Lazarus water all over my territory.”
A pause.
Oracle’s calm voice flowed through his helmet, “Then we’ll have to watch out for League influence. I’ll let the others know. Red Robin?”
Red Robin chimed in, “Yeah, already on it. It’s weird though, Ra’s isn’t supposed to be here for another two and a half weeks.”
“And how would you know about my grandfather’s movements?”
“Careful, Robin, I might become your grandma!” Red Robin chirped sadistically, before clicking off his comms, snickering at Robin’s spluttering.
“Jesus fuck. I’ll try to hunt down the bastard from the ground. O?”
“Can’t help you. The cameras around your area has been scrambled for the last half an hour.”
“Shit.” Red Hood tensed, one hand going for his pistol as the street’s current inhabitants wisely vacated the area.
“Hood. Don’t go in alone. It could be a trap.”
“Whatever, B, you’re not the boss of me.”
“Give me three minutes. I’m close by. Do not go in without back up, little wing.” Nightwing piped in, and Red Hood could hear the faint whooshing noises of a quiet grapple.
“Cass and I are close by as well. Staking out a place but we could be on standby if needed.”
Two taps. Cass’ tacit agreement.
“Got it.”
When Nightwing gets there, they follow the trail into a dead end with no sign of any scaling of the wall or secret passages.
“Fuck! What the fuck are we chasing, a ghost?”
“Don’t even joke like that-” Nightwing said. “You’ll set Red off again.”
Jason kicked at the wall.
On the other side of the wall, thirty minutes earlier:
“Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckberg…” Danny mumbled as he stumbled away. He’d saved his alley kids from a pretty serious mugging that ended with a stabbing that Danny foolishly allowed to touch him because he wanted to keep the wicked looking knife. Normally, he’d be able to brush this off, but with his recent injuries, mental stress, and the lack of food that is the hallmark of a homeless teenager, Danny barely kept himself conscious as he stumbled into a particularly dense in ectoplasm dead end.
“Napping place… napping place…” Danny mumbled before eyeing the brick wall. Yeah, okay, he’s slept in weirder places. He could sleep in the dumpster, but… he’d smell and Danny could not handle an infection. So, he went intangible, invisible, and pulled the knife out of his body. As he settled in (quite literally into) the stone wall for his nap, Danny manages to mold his ectoplasm to hold his cut up stomach together.
Danny allows sleep to take him, blissfully unaware of the glowing green puddles of ghost blood he’d left behind.
Jason, terrified: he’s in the walls!! He’s in the fucking walls!
Danny, quoting vines and tiktoks while napping in walls for that back support option: thanks for checking in! I’m still a piece of GaRBaGe.
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shinekocreator · 6 months
based on this amazing prompt by @ghost-bxrd (it's hella ooc, but if you wanted it in character, you wouldn't be here)
⚠️Tw: mentions of death, stopped heart, panic, fear⚠️
They weren't supposed to find out, at least, not like this.
His heart, which just a few moments ago wasn't beating at all, is now beating too fast, too loud, too strong.
He wants to move, to say something, to do something, but he can't. His lungs are still empty, so he starts breathing, too short, too fast.
This isn't good. They're not supposed to know, not supposed to see.
How could he let this happen? Why did he even agree to this stupid sleepover? Now they're all going to know.
All of them?
Panic creeps into his mind. What if he finds out? He can't find out.
He takes a look around the room, Dick is holding him, and he says something that Jason can't hear. Damian looks scared and on the verge of tears. Tim is in the corner holding Cass's hand, trying to reassure her that everything is alright, even if he doesn't believe so himself. Steph and Duke aren't in the room. He has no idea where they could've gone. Barbara is on her laptop, probably searching for a course of action.
"... Just breathe in slowly. " he can finally make out what Dick is saying. So he does just that, trying to slow his breathing and heartbeat, using Dick's voice as both a guideline and an anchor.
It works. He can talk now. He pulls Damian into a hug, which Damian doesn't reject. "I'm alright, Baby Bird, I'm alright."
Damian starts sobbing into his arms. "Your heart, it stopped, and you, you weren't breathing and I, and I don't know what to do because I don't want you to die again!"
"I'm not. You guys aren't getting rid of me so easily," he jokes, then kisses Damian's head. Damian doesn't flinch or move away. He must be really concerned then.
Jason turns to Dick "what exactly happened?"
"Just like Damian said, your heart stopped, so did your breathing. Does this... Happen often?"
Jason nods. He's not sure what to say.
Then Tim speaks "What the actual fuck Todd?! You have any Idea how scared we were? Why didn't you say anything?"
Jason slowly gets up and goes to hug Tim. He can't seem to find the right words.
Tim pushes him away with a horrified expression. "Dude, you're freezing cold!"
Hearing that, Cass brings him the warmest blanket she can find. "No more cold," her warm smile is radiant, Jason wants to hug her but knows he shouldn't.
Barbara comes closer and helps wrap the blanket around him. She doesn't need to say anything.
Jason pulls her into a hug, then brings in Dick, Cass joins them soon after, and so do Tim and Damian.
It's not as cold anymore, Jason feels warmth spreading throughout his body.
After they let go of him, Jason finally pays some mind to the absence of people in the room.
"Where's Steph? And Where's Duke?"
Dick rubs the back of his neck. NO NO NONONO!!
"They went with Alfred to calm Bruce down."
Jason removes his grip from the blanket, letting it fall to the floor as he attempts to escape and leave the manor altogether, but the presence of a man in the doorway stops him in his tracks.
Jason takes a step back, and right before he manages to turn around and run for the window, two strong arms wrap around him, pulling him in for a hug.
And Jason fully breaks down.
Bruce holds him while he sobs and whimpers, giving him a moment to let everything out and calm down a little.
"It's alright, I'm still here. You're still here. We're still here." Bruce says, whether to Jason or himself, no one knows.
Jason can feel Bruce shaking. He tries to grasp the fact that Bruce cares and wants him around. Tries to process that Bruce was scared, terrified of the thought of Jason dying again.
Jason takes notice of the tears running down Bruce's face, moving his hand up to gently wipe them away.
"I'm still here, old man, I'm not dying again."
That's the last thing he says before he allows himself to relax and hug Bruce back, after mouthing a quick "thank you" to Stephanie, Duke, and Alfred, knowing he's wanted and loved by his family.
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franollie · 7 months
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the inherent intimacy of kissing your lover’s scars
(nude version under cut)
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wyvernsgale · 6 days
Another writing prompt.
This time Jason is the father!
Basically while Jason was semi-comatose and thrown into the pit, his DNA was taken by Talia or Ra’s, to be used if or whenever they felt like it. Eventually they did and created a clone or a child from his DNA and that of someone else.
Honestly this is as far as I’ve gotten on the prompt lol
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birdielikesbatfam · 2 months
anybody have any good Batman/Batfam fanfic recommendations??? I’ve made my way through a bunch of the highest kudos’d/bookmarked ones on ao3 and am desperately searching for more!! Preferably good dad Bruce, but if you know a really good fic where he’s not ill still give it a shot! No batcest please!
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illusion-of-sea-axes · 4 months
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Your eyes used to be brown, right, Tucker?
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sam-and-crystal · 1 year
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a little bit late to draw this but welcome to club lazarus steph 🥳
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manicmouse · 3 months
You know what I think about from time to time?
Stephanie Brown and Talia Al Gul
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Like that entire plot point was completely dropped in Dceased. Wasn't even a footnote in 'War of the undead gods' (if I'm remembering the mini series correctly.) I think a lot more could've been done. Talk about wasted potential 😕
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Adding this part for context but also because this was really sweet. I sobbed through most of it 🥲 like this was so heartbreaking.
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But back to the point, this. I also wonder what she originally thought of Steph lol. I really liked their interactions with each other little as there was of it. Their personalities work quite well with each other but-
Then she died :(
Had to add these because wow and I like when they acknowledge each other as family 🥲
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And we were left with this:
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And it never came back up 😔💔 I would've loved to see their new dynamic when the new JL came back for 'Dead planet'. Can you imagine what they would have been like? Like I don't know if it was begrudging respect that made Talia decide to use a one time only Lazarus pit for Stephanie or if it was because she didn't want her son to lose any more family. Either way they would've played nicely against each other had it not been forgotten about 💀
Rip what could've been
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astroeatsurass · 3 months
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some cass and jason drawings cus theyre my fav and their dynamic interests me
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heroesriseandfall · 2 months
“Damian’s eyes are green like Talia’s” neither of them have green eyes…
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Star Trek: The Original Series // S01E20: The Alternate Factor
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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The Bat Family fight to free Batman from the Devil Nezha’s control!
Batman vs Robin #5
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cluescorner · 7 months
Randomized Robins, names and character work
I figured out what I want everybody's superhero name to be and wrote out their explanations for why they chose their names to try to figure out how I want to write them going forward.
Steph (Spoiler, then Clue): I named myself Spoiler because I was going out to Spoil all my dad’s plans! And now I’ve named myself Clue, because after my father’s death I want the chance to turn his name into something good. Plus I’ve changed my goals for why I’m doing this whole vigilante thing. Instead of being someone who ‘spoils’ the plans of villains, I want to help people and show them the true way the world can be. It’s not enough to just stop the bad guys anymore, I want to protect people who can’t protect themselves or just need a push in the right direction.
Tim (Spoiler, then Paradox): After I was brought back, everything about me felt wrong. I was Tim, yet I had another ‘self’ crudely shoved in me…literally. I was supposed to be dead, yet I was alive. I was supposed to be a ‘good guy’, yet all I could feel was an onslaught of awful emotions (not to mention that I broke Bruce’s rule, I’m a murderer now). I was supposed to be Jack’s kid, yet whenever I pictured ‘dad’ two people who weren’t him came to mind. I was Bruce’s son and Steph’s boyfriend and Cass’s friend, yet they left me with him for so long…and I suppose I betrayed them back. I had friends who could literally hear my goddamn heartbeat and protect me from bullets and race to me from across the world, yet when I screamed until my voice was raw begging for them to help or free me from that hell or to kill me and get it over with they never showed up. *Sigh* So yeah, I was basically a walking contradiction. But Pierrot and I needed to agree. And he thought ‘contra’ was both too basic and that nobody would get it. So we compromised and now we’re Paradox. 
Pierrot (He’s just Pierrot): Ok, so I got to name MYSELF! Which is AWESOME but also a lot of pressure. I mean, I started existing 2 weeks ago and now Ra’s was asking me for a name?! Like, I just spawned, can I have a bit longer before I have to make a lifelong commitment? But he was an efficient man and wanted to initiate Tim and I into the League and he couldn’t do that if I didn’t have a name. I had 3 hours. So, I went to Talia. She had just had a kid and she named him, maybe she could name me! She wouldn’t do that, but she did give me a baby book. It was useless and I hated all of those names. I was down to the last hour when Tim suggested that I just take his middle name, which is JACKSON! And I thought, “Like I’m gonna name myself after his dad!” But then it got me thinking…what if I name myself after my dad?! The Joker TECHNICALLY wasn’t my dad, but he did make the chip and the chip made me! So I had it! I would name myself ‘Jack’ and trick Tim into thinking I did it based on his advice! The perfect plan. 
….Then once we left the league I decided that I hate my dad and also his name. So I changed my name to Pierrot. It fits into my whole ‘tragic clown’ bit and I like how it has the name first letter and amount of syllables that our ‘vigilante’ name has. Plus it makes me sound sophisticated!
…….Ok fine I also like Hatsune Miku and she had a song about a puppet clown named Pierrot and I went ‘hey I like this song! yoink’. Plus there’s also another Vocaloid song about a kid named Pierrot who kills people at the behest of their parental figure and like…hello?? That’s literally our whole thing. I thought that it would be a fun if I could use that as a reason to code Vocaloid sound-banks into the mask so I could sound like Miku whenever I felt like it. Tim is still vetoing that idea. But I think the idea of getting chased by Batsy and singing ’The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku’ while he overanalyzes the lyrics of what we’re singing and guilts himself even more would be SUPER FUNNY. It’d probably mess him up for WEEKS! I mean, we have the voice modulator and it can speed our voice up, why not use it for something besides sending coded messages to Bart! 
Dick (Spoiler, then Twist): I really don’t think that Bruce wanted any more kids. It’d been a few years since Tim died and everybody could tell that Bruce Wayne was a mess afterwards. The only times he really went out were for official appearances and to go places with Cass. He hadn’t made any new friends or even kept up with his old ones, everybody thought that any chance he had at moving on was caput. So when he adopted me after my parents died, I think even he was surprised. And I just kept surprising people, first by finding out about Batman and then by becoming Spoiler and then by being really good at it! So I guess my name kinda reflects that. It’s a way to remember my parents too. Some of my best memories of them were of us flying in the sky and having fun, twisting up and around in the air. 
Damian (Spoiler, then Hoax): When I first arrived, everybody figured that I was some ploy my grandfather had dragged my mother into. In reality she was trying to get me away from the mess that was the league, but they were all paranoid enough to run plenty of tests. To the surprise of everyone except me, and Paradox perhaps, I was as real as they come. But this did not mean they trusted me. In their defense, I probably would not have trusted me either. Mother had hidden a lot from Father, for good reasons but these were still betrayals, and everybody was already on edge after Timothy’s return. The mantle of Spoiler was withheld from me until I stole the costume and went out on my own. But everybody could tell I wasn’t quite like the other Spoilers, I was too good for a kid just starting out and far more brutal than any Spoiler ought to be. Thus, I was dubbed the ‘fake Spoiler’ until Father finally let me join him officially. My name spawned from these memories and the emotions that came along with them. And after Dr. Thompkins helped me with my ‘death’, it only became more relevant.  
Jason (He’s Spoiler! So what does the name Spoiler mean to him?): Steph picked a really funny name in retrospect. I mean, the phrase ‘No Spoilers’ took on a whole new meaning in Crime Alley after she started showing up! I’d be asking people not to tell me the endings of books and they’d think I was doing some funny business that I didn’t want the capes showing up to. We got more used to Spoiler over time and most of us kids actually started liking her. It was probably because she seemed…like us. She was a normal person, not some looming rich jerk like Batman. She could relate to us when we talked about our parents and gave us advice that came from experience, not a guy repeating the same canned advice we could find on the internet. Our feelings about the Spoilers changed depending on who had the mantle, but we always trusted Spoiler to help us out without also ruining our lives. They were kids and they understood us. So…I guess to me Spoiler is someone who understands people when Batman can’t. They’re a symbol that we can all make a difference in somebody’s life, we don’t have to be some meta-human or really rich to do what we can to help each other. …I really hope that I can live up to that.
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batcavescolony · 2 years
Jason's not special. Anything he can do Stephanie Brown can do better 💜💜💜
Killed by Parent+Gotham rogue ☑
Revived by Lazarus serum/pit ☑
Complicated Batman relationship ☑
'Spite my Dad' vigilante persona ☑
Underrated Robin ☑
Knocked out Tim in their first meeting ☑
(This is a J-O-K-E Jason stans calm yourself)
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tastycitrus · 7 months
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i looked through some of my old messages on a whim and uh
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