#leave it to these two to draw 800 words out of me. my homework due 10am tomorrow isn't done btw
goose-books · 3 years
promptober day 12: stuck
He found her at the precipice. Half of their great hall was bared to the sky: the walls stopped and the floor cut off and the mountain fell away in a wicked jagged chasm, like the room had been lopped away with some divine sword, gutted and laid open to the howling winds. Charybdis picked his way across the slick marble, and those winds threw snow into his face, sharp and stinging.
Scylla stood where the floor fell away, snow swirling around her coat and frosting her pale hair. Planted like a statue at the edge of the world. If Charybdis had liked, he could have placed his hands on the small of her back and pushed her. She might have even let him. Instead he stopped just behind her and took up her pose, legs spread, one arm behind his back in parade rest, the other extended to cup a goblet of wine she held and he didn’t. If Scylla had liked, she could have spun and taken his outstretched mocking wrist and wrenched him over the edge.
The wind scraped the mountains and echoed off the cliffside. Scylla stared out at the stark landscape, white except for the black rocks jutting like bones from the snow. There was ice fringing her collar. Her stone face didn’t shift.
“It’s fucking cold,” Charybdis said, because he was.
Scylla didn’t glance back. She inclined her head to what she was watching: the narrow bridge of rock where the mountain met the great hall, and the frighteningly swift progress of a gray-gone-ice-white wolf climbing to meet them.
It was still fucking cold. Charybdis crossed his arms and waited.
“Gods aren’t cold,” Scylla said, again without looking at him — half deadpan, as if she were filling in scripted lines.
“This one is.”
She handed him the goblet. The wolf crested the mountaintop and loped across the rock bridge. Scylla dropped to her knees to meet it, and the creature tumbled headlong into her arms, nearly knocking her clean over the cliff. Charybdis suppressed a grimace. He glanced at the goblet — half-full — and wondered how hungover she was. She had been wild last night, stalking the halls, bellowing incoherent rages, kissing him with teeth, leaving beads of blood like rubies along his neck. She always went statuesque in the mornings, when she had to stop yelling because her head hurt.
“Good girl,” she was saying to the wolf, arms wrapped around its shaggy snow-crusted ruff. It had dropped something into her hand — some rock, shiny with drool, that the watchwolves only brought back if such-and-such conditions were met. “How clever you are.”
The wolf panted, tongue lolling happily out of its mouth. It smelled wet. If she made him stroke it, Charybdis was going to throw her drink over the edge of the world. He took a sip instead, which hardly helped the cold.
“It seems we’ll have supplicants soon,” Scylla said, scratching under the wolf’s chin. “There’s a ship moored in the channel.”
At this time of year, any ship in the channel would be stuck too fast to tilt an inch. Charybdis smiled. “I’ll send someone to meet them. Tell them to start their prayers.”
The drawl in his voice was enough to make Scylla look up; he’d known it would. She didn’t return his smile, but her eyes glittered. The beast licked her chin, and she tousled its ear absentmindedly.
To say he loathed her was an oversimplification. To loathe each other was to loathe themselves, which meant that both of them still did, only it felt different. To say he loved her, too, was almost irrelevant. Charybdis put his hand out, and Scylla took it, and they wrapped their fingers around one another’s wrists, and he pulled her to her feet.
Neither dropped their hand. They stood against the screaming winds at the edge of the world, a breath from the plunge, and their eyes met.
Charybdis wondered idly if she was just going to throw him. She was certainly stronger than he was; he wouldn’t have been able to stop her. Of course, he expected that if she did put him over the side, she’d leap after him within moments.
“You haven’t got to send anyone right away,” Scylla said, voice low, eyes tracing the marks she’d left up and down his neck. “To the ship.”
Charybdis snorted, already turning to tug her toward the warmth of the castle proper. “No,” he said dryly, “I rather doubt they’re going anywhere.”
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
A/N: Good morning all! Hope you’re having a good week thus far. Another update for you lovely people! The Angel jealous headcanon was definitely fun to write! Jealous Angel is always a win. 
Things you never knew and Everything is you will be update next along with two more requests that I’ll be posting. 
Hope you all are staying safe during these times! Love you all! 
Whoever requested this piece, hope you enjoy! <3
92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” with angel - anon
Word count: 4265
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People always thought that you were an odd person due to the people you choose to surround yourself with. You were new in town a few years back and somehow, someway, you were adopted by the Mayans. 
But you knew it wasn’t an accident. 
You had served in the Marines with Coco and throughout your service, you two had one another’s backs. You were the little sister he never had so when you finally decided to move away from San Diego, he suggested for you to move to Santo Padre. 
A low key town, with hardly any trouble.
But it was Coco, why did you even believe him? He always stretched the truth.
You couldn’t really be mad at Coco since you were able to meet Angel through him. A ridiculous crush you couldn’t believe you had that developed into something more. Angel wasn’t even your type, which was what Coco always reminded you. 
‘He’s too tall for you.’
‘He has too many tattoos.’
‘He’s a player.’
Coco was looking out for you, you knew that, but you could make your own mistakes. You were a grown woman. And maybe Angel wasn’t your type, but people always said the people you fell for was hardly your quintessential type. Angel just had this certain charm and aura. He was a flirt, had a cocky smirk, and he was so fucking tall. Height has always been a big thing for you, but tattoos on a man was not something you were into either. Angel Reyes? He wore his tattoos well and you honestly couldn’t look away.
You two first met when Coco went to visit you when you were finally discharged from the Marines. He brought Gilly along as well, but it was difficult for you to focus on anyone else besides Angel. The way he looked at you had you blushing, but you brushed it off as being in service for so long that any little glances from good looking men as himself would make you blush. Sure, you served with men in the Marines, but half of them were married, some were douches and some were nice. You just wanted to do your job and get back home safely. Interpersonal relationships always complicated things and in a battlefield it was needed, you learned the hard way.
You’ve been in Santo Padre for five years, and you didn’t imagine enjoying living in this ridiculously hot city, but you always found family in Coco, so you weren’t exactly surprised you chose to live in Santo Padre. Instead of moving up to Seattle where your blood relatives currently lived, you stayed in Santo Padre and set up a branch of your cousin’s tattoo shop there. Your cousin helped you set up four years ago and you’ve built up a clientele over the years. 
And for your Mayans, you made house calls or went to the clubhouse to do their tattoos. If you weren’t their chosen artist, you would send whoever their preferred artist was. 
Your clients were mostly Angel, Coco, Gilly and Bishop. The other Mayans had their preferences and you took no offense. They always took care of you, so you took care of them. You didn’t give a fuck what the assumption in town was. 
Sometimes, the prim and proper citizens were the worst.
You knew they were no angels, but you didn’t judge either. You’ve done your fair share of unforgivable sins, it was just part of the dog eat dog world you all lived in. 
Currently, you were at your office, watching Letty as she worked on some Algebra II homework. As a favor to your hermano, you took care of Letty till he could pick her up and if he couldn’t, she would stay with you. Celia has been gone for a few months now and you definitely saw the change in Letty. She was such a little shit when you first met her, but she was a good kid. 
“Good job, look at you, you are teachable.” You teased Letty, ruffling her hair. 
Letty laughed, flipping you off. “Your support means the world to me.” Letty wiped faked tears, making you laugh.
“God, you’re such a pain in the ass.” You chuckled as you shook your head. 
“But you love me.”
“I do, for some odd reason, I do.” You watched as she continued to do homework. Going back to your sketchbook, you were sketching a piece for Angel that you were going to place on yourself. You two had been dating for almost two years now. No matter how many times Coco warned you off, you two ended up dating. Coco didn’t even mind, when you told him you two were dating, Coco had only one thing to say.
‘No fucking at our house cause that’s just fucking weird.’
You currently lived with Coco and Letty since you never really saw a reason to move out and Coco didn’t want you to move out. So now, you have been living with Coco for five years and quite frankly, you wouldn’t want to change your living situation. 
It was having your own little family. Your older brother and niece, you smiled at the idea before focusing on your drawing again. 
Christmas was a month away and you wanted to surprise Angel for Christmas. It wasn’t much, but you knew he would appreciate it. 
“So, have you told him?” Letty broke you away from your sketch. 
“Told who, what?” You looked up at Letty who was smirking as she continued to do her math problems.
“Angel, have you told him you love him?” 
You rolled your eyes, releasing a sigh. You weren’t going to discuss your love life with a fucking teenager. But it was difficult, Letty was technically one of the few females you had around you. And to be quite honest, for a brat, she was wise, which she most likely obtained from her father. 
“I’m not going to discuss this with a teenager.” You threw a crumpled sketch paper at her, making Letty laugh.
“Come on, you don’t want to discuss it with your sobrina(niece)?” Letty’s smirk grew and you just laughed at her ridiculousness.
“There’s nothing to discuss. Angel is,” you sighed. “It’s complicated, half the time, I feel like Angel and I just have a casual relationship.” Which was the truth. Angel and you slept together often, much more often than you would like to admit, but it was hard to resist Angel. 
But you two never did anything together. Sure, you two hung around the clubhouse, your shop, but otherwise, he never took you out on a date or anything. You tried not to take offense since you knew how busy he was and the club had him doing odd hours. 
But at times, you just felt like you were a warm body he liked coming home to, or asking to come over when he was home.
He did ask you to be his girlfriend, and you two went on a few dates prior to you dating, but maybe once Angel landed you, he didn’t see why he should put forth effort. At the same time, whenever you two were together, you couldn’t even describe how much love you had for this guy. He always made you smile, he made your day better with his mere presence. 
God, you were more into him than he was into you. 
You were a part of a romantic comedy and Angel was the guy you dated before you met the one. 
This was comical.
Cause you were really hoping Angel was the one. 
“Why won’t you just talk to him?” Letty felt the answer was quite simple. Communication was key, which was something she was learning, no more running away. “Or you can dump him, you’re way out of Angel’s league anyway.”
“Stop, I’m not, I thought you like Angel.” 
“I do, but you know,” Letty shrugged. “You’re kind of the older sister I’ve always wanted and if he’s making you feel that way, he’s not worth it.”
“I’ll talk to him later and I’ll decide from there.” You smiled. “Aww, you’re so protective of me Leticia, I feel special.”
“Shut up.” Letty grumbled, but she smiled as well. “How hard is it to say I love you?”
“Can you say I love you?” You quirk an eyebrow at Letty, slightly challenging her. 
“Of course I can, I say it to you all the time.” Letty scoffed. “I love you. See was that so hard? Pretend I’m Angel.”
“No, absolutely not.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Come on, I know I’m not as tall and I don’t have that awful beard, but you can still pretend.” Letty offered.
“Leticia, I’m not going to pretend you’re my boyfriend.” You went back to sketching, feeling Letty’s eyes on you for a moment before she went back to her homework.
After a few minutes of silence, you broke it.
“Okay, but you are absolutely not allowed to use this against me.”
“Come on, of all the people here, you’re the one person I don’t collect blackmail material on.”
You laughed at Letty’s comment reminding you of Coco. He always teased you, but when push comes to shove, he was your go to, until Angel at least.
“I love you, Angel. If you don’t feel the same way, I get it. If you’re bored cause you already got me, I get it. But just let me know so I don’t fall for you any further.” You let out a sigh of relief, feeling good to say those words out loud. You heard sniffling and you placed your sketchbook down, making your way to Letty. “You okay?”
“Why would you make yourself so vulnerable like that?” Letty wiped her tears. 
“Letty, why are you crying?”
“I don’t know, this is your fault.”
You both laugh, hugging one another. 
Unbeknownst to you, Angel was outside your door, hearing the whole exchange. He arrived when Letty first asked if you had told him that you loved him. He wasn’t going to lie, hearing that made him smile like a fool. But hearing you say that confession about him being bored with you? That hurt him. 
How could you think that?
With everything going down with the club, he hasn’t been able to spend as much time as he wanted with you. Whenever he was done with whatever he was doing, he always called you up to make sure he could at least be with you when he had some free time even if it’s just to sleep with one another and occasionally fuck.
Alright, almost always fucked.
But he figured it was a good stress reliever for you both.
What he neglected to realize was that your mind could wander especially with previous relationships. He was such an idiot. 
He loves you too, more than he could express. 
Angel was going to do better. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like you didn’t matter to him. You were the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. There was no other person he saw himself with. Maybe it was too early, but he didn’t care. He never comforted with social norms and he wasn’t going to start now.
Feelings were feelings and his feelings for you were intense.
He was going to talk to you tonight, then he’ll worship you as he always did.
“Did you order food? I’m starving.” He heard Letty question. 
“You’re so demanding, brat.” He smiled at that comment.
Angel figured he should make his presence known now. He knocked on your opened door. You and Letty looked up at the door and found Angel holding two bags from your favorite sandwich place a few shops away from your shop.
“Angel!” You really hoped Angel didn’t hear anything you had said. “Did you just get here?”
“Yeah baby, I just walked in. What’s up junior?” It was a nickname he fondly called Letty and she honestly didn’t mind. Making his way over to you, he dropped a quick kiss on your lips before placing the bags on your desk.
You were thankful your sketchbook was closed since you didn’t want Angel to see your present, if you two were still together then. 
“Nothing, is EZ here? I need help with Algebra.” Letty looked around, obviously EZ was not here. 
“You’re not gonna ask me? How do you know I’m not good at algebra?” Angel challenged.
“Are you?” Letty countered
“I actually am, junior.” 
You watched as Angel pulled up a chair right beside Letty and helped her with class. You hated how everyone assumed that Angel did not know anything simply due to the fact that EZ was the golden boy. But Angel was intelligent in his own right. 
Angel looked up at you, smiling as you ate your Philly cheesesteak sandwich. Realizing he loves you was definitely interesting, but was quite simple.
You had slept over his place for a whole week and he just did a relief run with the rebels. He came home and he found you on the couch sleeping with Tiger King playing in the background. He laughed as he turned off the television, squatting beside you as you slept. Taking you into his arms, he carried you into his room, placing you on the bed. He took a quick shower and joined you in bed once he was dressed. Having you in his home, waiting for him almost every night that week, he realized that this was what he wanted for the rest of his life. Coming home to you, being able to unwind and just spend his free time with you, that’s all he wanted. 
Have kids, late night adventures which you two did every once in a while, and just having you.
All he wanted was you.
It hit him then he loves you. And it just continued to grow from then.
“You want to go to the movies?” Angel asked you unexpectedly. 
Letty looked at you, shooting you a quick smirk before focusing back on her homework.
“Sure, what time did you want to go?”
“We can catch a late showing, I’ll buy the tickets.”
You yawned, getting ready for bed. You were going to the movies with Angel, but they ended up having a late night run which you understood. Just as you were about to sleep, there was a knock on your door.
“Baby!” You heard Angel call out. 
Looking at the time, it was two in the morning. How did Angel even get in here? It was most likely Coco.
You opened your door and Angel almost fell on you, but he caught himself.
“There’s my baby girl!” He planted a kiss on your lips, wrapping his arms around you. He was so warm and he smelled and tasted like alcohol.
“Are you drunk?” You sniffed him once more. “Are you high?”
“Sorry, he insisted I brought him here.” EZ’s voice surprised you especially since Angel and EZ haven’t been talking for months.
“He talked to you?” You questioned.
“Yeah, believe me, I was surprised myself.” EZ was nursing a beer at the picnic table when Angel approached him, inebriated and talking about how much he fucking loved you.
EZ hated this rift between him and Angel. He understood why his older brother was pissed, but he just wished Angel would give him a chance to speak to him, so he could speak to him about what's been plaguing his mind regarding his discovery of their mother’s killer.
He was definitely surprised when Angel plopped down next to him, patting his brother’s thigh.
“You like Y/N?”
It took some time for EZ to reply, surprised that his brother was speaking to him.
“Yeah, of course I do.” EZ looked at his brother as he leaned against the table top of the picnic table, his elbows resting on the table.
“I love her man, I’m gonna marry her.” Angel proudly informed his brother, taking another swig of his beer. 
That much EZ knew. Angel looked at you like you held the world. If you told Angel that the sky was green, Angel would believe you no questions asked. Angel was very confident in your relationship and EZ could tell. While Angel still became jealous, it was more at the fact your attention was away from him, then he became upset. And there were times when newbies who didn’t know any better or some of your customers that push Angel that made the green-eyed monster come out.
He chuckled.
“Yeah?” The lightness of the conversation made it feel like things were back to normal and EZ knew it was far from that, but he would take this.
“I do. And you’re gonna be my best man.” Angel took another drink of his beer. “I’m still angry, but you’re my brother. She would want you there.”
EZ and Angel sat in silence then before Angel asked him to drop him off at your place that you shared with Coco. A few months ago, Coco had given him a spare key so that he could come to the house in case there was an emergency. 
This wasn’t exactly an emergency, but he fucking needed to see you.
So here he was now. He was holding you from behind, nipping on your ear, his hand moving under your shirt. You pulled your shirt down, trying to get Angel’s hand away from you. 
“Thanks for the ride little brother, I gotta go fuck my girl now.” He chuckled right beside your ear making chills run up and down your spine.
“Angel!” You and EZ both yell out.
You shook your head. “Thanks for giving him a ride.”
“Not a problem, I’ll see you later.” You followed EZ to the door after helping Angel to your bed. 
After locking the door, you made your way back in your room, locking your bedroom door behind you. 
Angel was already down to his boxers, laying in your bed. His eyes were closed so you figured he was asleep. As soon as the bed dipped, Angel sat up. He smirked at you, offering his hand, which you took. 
“You love me?” Angel questioned you as he sat you on his lap.
Drunk Angel was the best. He was so much needier than usual and he was so cuddly then. 
“What?” You didn’t want to tell him the L-word like this. But you weren’t going to say no either.
“You love me?” Angel nuzzled his face at the crook of your neck.
“I don’t know, you ditched me today.” You teased him, running your nails up and down his chest. 
“You love me?” Angel repeated again running his hands up and down your thighs. “You love me.” He nuzzled his face on your chest now, practically motorboating you. It wasn’t a question this time, it was a statement. “Te amo mucho, mi vida. You love me?”
The drunken slur made you giggle as he talked into your chest. 
But then his words sunk in.
“You love me?” You felt your heart swell, the butterflies in your stomach going insane.
“I fucking love you, you’re my world.” Angel sat up and pulled you down towards him, capturing your lips, sighing against your lips. “You love me? I heard you earlier. I love you.”
“I love you,” you saw how Angel’s eyes softened, kissing you once again. You didn’t think hearing those words could make your heart flutter just like how the movies described it, but fuck, this killed you. You felt your eyes welling up causing Angel to frown.
“Baby, why are you crying?” He wiped your tears as they fell. “I’m sorry you feel like I put you on the back burner or I’m tired of you, but I’m crazy about you.”
You wrapped your arms around him, Angel did the same thing. You two sat in silence, enjoying the silence and the confession you two just had. 
“You gonna let me eat that pussy?”
You laughed at his words. Pulling away, you shook your head. “Let’s sleep, once you wake up, then you can do that.”
Angel obliged. You both laid down, your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat lulling you to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning with Angel’s head in between your thighs. He brought you to a high twice. You were a wet, quivering mess as Angel kissed his way up your body.
“Morning mi dulce,” he kissed you, your taste on his lips. 
You felt his erection against your thigh, he was already bare. Slipping inside you, he kissed you as he buried himself to a hilt.
This was different. This wasn’t your usual sexual encounter where Angel couldn’t wait to be inside you, fucking you to oblivion, he was usually rough. 
This was much sweeter, slow and sensual.
“I can do this every morning.” Angel said against your lips, his body moving against yours. Angel wrapped your legs around his waist, stretching you further. His pace was slow, which you were usually not a fan of, but this was something else right now. The room was still slightly dark, but you could tell it was at least near six in the morning with the little bit of the outside you saw through your blinds. 
You realized then that Angel woke you up by eating you out, wondering if he remembered his drunken confession.
Angel placed his forehead against yours, placing a kiss on your lips every once in a while as he moved in and out of you. Your back arched, scratching his shoulders, meeting his thrust with the movement of your hips.
“I love you, I love you so fucking much.” 
Your heart swelled at his repeat confession. Fuck did that feel good to hear.
“You love me corazon? Huh?” He held himself with one arm and cupped your cheek, running his thumb against your bottom lip. “You love me?” The phrase was different when compared to last night. He has a playful undertone, his intoxication with alcohol obviously making Angel speak with repetitive playfulness regarding you loving him. 
It was a more weighted question today.
“Yes, I love you.” You breathed out, eyes locked on his.
He groaned, hearing you say it while he was sober hit differently. Angel could take his alcohol and remembered most of last night's events. Even his conversation with his baby brother.
“You’re the only one for me,” you tightened up around Angel, his words just turning you on even more. You were never into possessive wording when it came to yourself prior to Angel, but just to know he loves and cherish you as much as you did him, fuck it made you wet. “You like hearing that mami? That you’re the only one for me? I’m gonna put a ring on your finger one day, you want that?”
You couldn’t even process what the hell was going on. Angel was hitting you so deep, his words just making you inch closer to your climax. You could tell he was almost there as well, he sped up his pace, but his thrusts were not as rhythmic as before. You reached down and rubbed your clit, Angel’s eyes darkening as he watched you.
“Yeah querida, play with that clit, get yourself off.” 
You both reached your climax, each other’s names rolling off your tongues. Angel collapsed on top of you, your arms wrapping around him. Running your fingers through his hair, he sighed happily.
“I don’t want you ever thinking that I’ve had enough of you. You’re my world. Shit has just been,” he paused, finding the right words to say. He hasn’t disclosed much with you, but he would soon. After all, he had no plans of letting you go. “It’s just been crazy.”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me.” You quickly respond.
“But I do, I,” he sighed. “I overheard you yesterday when you were talking to Letty.” 
“Fuck,” you slightly laughed hoping it made you less embarrassed. “Angel, I don’t want you thinking that I’m clingy or something, it’s just if you’re bored, I get it.”
“How can you even think that, I could never get bored of you.” Angel slipped out of you then, a tiny moan escaping your lips. He sat up, his knees bent, his arms resting on his knees. “I’m not used to it, being in a relationship is new for me. I’ve been in relationships before, but it hasn’t been as intense as this. I may not be handling it as well as I want, but I do fucking love you and I want all of you, all the time.”
You sat up, wrapping an arm around his middle. You kissed the back of his shoulder and leaned your head against it. 
“I’m sorry, past relationships just fucked me up.” You both chuckled at your statement, as if it was some sort of agreement. “I love you Angel, the past two years has been the happiest I’ve been. With everything I’ve been through, I’m glad it led me to you.”
Angel has never had someone love him as much as you have that at times, it was a bit daunting for him. But he was done sabotaging relationships due to his insecurities and fears. He wasn’t willing to let you go and he was certain you weren’t going to let him go either.
For once, he felt secured. 
He found his person.
And it was you.
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