#legit the dream 💦
detectiveichijouji · 1 year
Case 19 - A wannabe Taichi?! The jealous kid
[AO3 version]
He was kinda afraid yet curious about what would happen if all Seven Deadly Sins were gathered. What was that purpose…? And the Halloween festival at Amanogawa High was… That same weekend.
“... Only Envy is left… Yet we don’t know why that Impmon and those other ‘pals’ want those…”
“Ah, I think Taichi-san will come to see us!” “Really? He’s been too busy lately…” “Hikari-chan, don’t you want to prank your brother this year?” “Hmm… What should we do this year??” “I don’t think it’s a good idea…” “Daisuke-kun, we know you want to prank him~” “M-me!? No!! I don’t! T-Takeru, why would we do that!?” “Well, maybe we can prank Yamato instead.” “Yamato-san is scary! Hikari-chan you don’t agree with that, right?” “Hmm… What if we prank both??” “.................... H-Hikari-chan… 💦”
“... Hmm… I wonder if…”
“HEY, NOEL!” Daisuke approached with a grin and gave the boy a pat in the back.
“GUH!” and Noel got caught off guard, almost losing his balance and falling on the floor.
“A-ah, sorry…!!” Daisuke babbled awkwardly.
“I-it’s okay…” the blonde boy said, smiling at him, “You three are excited for the Halloween festival…?”
“Yeah! Now that Takeru’s back… We can all enjoy it together!!”
“Oh… So, the others will come…”
“Yep! I think even our seniors will come too! But they’re busy peeps… But it would’ve been cool if they came!”
“Oh, you mean… Yagami Taichi-san’s group…?”
“Oh? I bet you heard about them from Catherine!” Patamon butted him, “Right?”
“Catherine… Y-yeah, I did…!”
Takeru blinked, why did he sound like he didn’t know Catherine…? -- and thought.
“Aah… I didn’t find anyone to play with today…” the eyepatched Impmon sighed, “Geez, those humans and digimon are no fun!”
Suddenly, they saw one of those oldest Chosen Children dealing with a legit 11 year old child.
“Please teach me!” the kid said, “I’ve been looking up to you, I wanna be cool like you Yagami Taichi-san!!”
“Uhh, I… I don’t know?? The last time I was given that responsibility I ended up blowing it up…??” Taichi blinked, “Uhh, Agumon can you handle this for me?? I need to… work.”
“H-huh!?” Agumon tilted his head, not sure what to say to either of those humans.
“W-will Agumon train me!?”
“Taichi, I…”
“Please Agumon,” Taichi begged his digimon, “Just a little… Until I come back.”
“A-Agumon, I will obey every command from you!” the kid bowed his head.
“Aaah, Taichi--” But Taichi left, and Agumon was left behind with the kid. It’s weird how Taichi has been acting a little strange lately… Is it what they call ‘being an adult’?? But he felt Taichi not wanting to deal with that little kid was off.
“What should I do…” Agumon frowned.
“So, what should we do first?” the boy asked, excited.
“Uhhh… Um, what’s your name again?”
“Taisuke, Kamiya Taisuke. I’ll be 11 years old in two months,” he introduced himself, “And I’m going to be cool like Yagami Taichi-san!”
The kid carried a Botamon plush, possibly made-or-bought by his parents. Agumon had been unsure what to do right now. He should’ve been used to it, since Daisuke was kinda like that as a kid…
“Um, alright…” Agumon scratched the top of his head, “Taichi said to keep watching you until he’s back so… Let’s play something while we wait for him…?”
“Ooh!! Nice idea, teach Agumon!” Taisuke nodded excitedly, “The arcade has the best ways to improve your mind and stamina!”
“No, I mean just playing to distract oursel--”
“LET’S GO!!” and he left.
“A-ah… Um, W-wait for me!!” Agumon went after the kid, but then he just witnessed Taisuke stopping and talking with a hooded digimon, “Huh??”
“I know you envy those people with digimon, especially the one you admire the most” the mysterious digimon said, “Say, would you like to use that envious heart to achieve your dream?”
“T-that’s bad!” Agumon muttered to himself, “I have to warn Taichi--”But it was too late. Taisuke accepted a forbidden Digimental fragment and used it on the plush… Which evolved into a BlackAgumon.
After school time… The Take-Dai-Hika trio was leaving on the way home when they found Agumon running in their direction, desperately. 
“Hikariiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Daisukeeeeee, Takeruuuuuuuuuuuuu!!”
“Huh? Agumon?” the kids and their digimon exclaimed.
“Big trouble!!” he stopped in front of them, exhausted, “A kid named Taisuke got one of those strange shards you were talking about!”
“W-what!?” Daisuke exclaimed.
“Taisuke-kun?” Hikari frowned.
“Do you know him, Hikari-chan?” Takeru asked.
“Yeah, he’s a kid wanting Taichi to pick him as a student…” Tailmon shrugged.
“Like someone else used to do” Patamon smiled, Daisuke blushed.
“I-it was a long time ago…!!” Then he looked at Agumon, “Where’s him? Which digimon did he evolve into??”
“He didn’t, he…”
Agumon and the group dodges from a fireball shot by BlackAgumon, who was in front of Taisuke. The kid pouted, “Ow, stop running away and fight me!!”
“I don’t want to fight you!!” Agumon shouted, “You shouldn’t use that shard on you--”
“Shut up! You’re such a coward! Face me! I will show you I can be a Chosen Child too!!”
“Hey, kid” Daisuke stared at him, clenching his fist, “If you wanna fight someone… Do not use dirty tricks like those shards! Give it to us, now… Before your digimon runs amok!”
“Do you think I will fall for it? BlackAgumon is fine, Now… Fight me.”
“Alright… V-mon!” Daisuke cracked his knuckles, “We will have to take it by force!”
“Got it!” and V-mon ran towards BlackAgumon, “BOOM BOOM PUNCH!!”
That opponent was fast and dodged V-mon’s punches. BlackAgumon then shot another fireball against V-mon. Luckily, V-mon managed to hop to the side, escaping from the fireball.
“They’re fast…!” Takeru exclaimed.
“W-what!?” Daisuke squinted his eyes, meanwhile the kid was grinning. This made Daisuke feel more irritated.
“Hehehe!!” Taisuke laughed, “Now, BlackAgumon!!”
BlackAgumon moved too fast for V-mon’s speed, and he got hit by a flurry of kicks. V-mon couldn’t escape or block them all, so he got hit!! Then, BlackAgumon used an uppercut on V-mon and finished with a fireball. V-mon was hit and thrown closer to Daisuke and the group.
“V-MON!!” the 02 trio, their mons and Agumon screamed in shock.
“Gah… ack…” V-mon fainted. Daisuke went to him and took the poor digimon from the ground, helding him in his arms.
“V-mon, a-are you… Are you okay?? Talk to mee, V-mon!!”
“Tsk, So this is the legendary Motomiya Daisuke’s power?” the kid scoffed.
“Y-YOU! LITTLE--!!” Daisuke was furious, but Takeru put a hand on his shoulder, making him look back and then the blonde boy shook his head.
“Now, Agumon… Will you fight or run away like a coward?”
“We won’t allow you to keep harassing Agumon or Daisuke-kun like this!” Hikari snapped, then she took her D-3, “Light Digimental Up!”
“Oh, I know what you mean…!” Takeru nodded, and took this digivice as well, “Hope Digimental Up!”
Both Tailmon and Patamon Armor-evolved into Nefertimon and Pegasusmon respectively. Then they used their combined technique to form a net of golden strings and catch Taisuke and BlackAgumon. Then, the kids and Agumon mounted on the armor digimon and left, taking V-mon to Joe.
“Ghn!!” Taisuke growled, “COME BACK HERE, YOU BULLIES!!”
Someone appeared in front of the kid and the digimon. It was… Noel.
“H-hey, mister can you help us?”
Joe treated V-mon’s wounds, and he opened his slowly, regaining consciousness and glancing at the humans and their digimon around him.
“Uugh, what happened?” the blue digimon was hug by Daisuke tightly, “O-ouch, Daisuke--”
“You only got obliterated by another Agumon,” Patamon said, but he wasn’t joking. He was quite worried, “Are you okay now?”
“Uh… A bit…” Daisuke let him go, and he then looked at the group “Daisuke… Everyone… That digimon….”
“Is not a digimon,” Agumon finished V-mon’s line.
“H-how??” Daisuke blinked.
“It’s a plush turned into a digimon!”
“Like a Dark Tower digimon?” Takeru asked rhetorically, “Then it wouldn’t be hard to undo the spell…”
“Taisuke has the fragment…” Agumon frowned, “I remember seeing it turn into a fake digivice… Since he got it, he started challenging me… He changed drastically from the boy we know…”
“Envy, hmm??” Noel’s right eye was not covered by his bangs this time, “Interesting that they picked someone closer to Yagami siblings… Kamiya Taisuke. You’re the son of one of the Yagami siblings’ cousins, am I correct?”
“A-ah…!! H-how do you know--”
“You just confirmed it.”
“W-what!? H-hey, please mister, help me out…!!”
“If you gently hand the shard you have to me, maybe?”
“If I do that I won’t be a Chosen Child anymore!!”
“Then good luck trying to get out of there.”
“W-wait I… I will give you the shard!”
“Very well, so… un, deux, trois~” he snapped his fingers. Espimon came and removed the net over them, “Now hand me the fragment, please?”
“Ah, thinking about it I won’t!” and he put his tongue out, “BYEE!!” he and BlackAgumon ran away.
Noel watched the boy running away, with a throbbing "cross popping" vein in his head.
“He… he fooled you, didn’t he?” Espimon commented awkwardly.
“... Well, it doesn’t matter. This only makes things even more interesting.”
“Y-you can’t be serious…!” she babbled.
Taisuke and BlackAgumon kept running through the streets, until he accidentally bumped into Ken.
“Ack!” the little child shouted, “Hey, look where you’re goin-- Oh!!”
“Hm?” Ken blinked, “It was you who came running into my direction…”
“You… Fight me! Fight me now!”
“I don’t think we should fight because of that…” Wormmon panicked.
“It doesn’t matter, I have to fight the Chosen Children if I want to be one!
“Isn’t this the kid Daisuke-san told us to look for?” Wormmon asked Ken, who nodded in response.
“Wow, I’m getting famous! People are hearing about me now!!”
“Look, I agree with Wormmon and we don’t need to fight,” Ken said gently, “You’re in real danger if you keep using that shard. Please, let me have it.”
“Ugh, you’re also after my digivice!?” Taisuke pouted, “I won’t give it in! Bye--” But when he started to run, Wormmon used his Sticky Net ability to pull him back, like a yo-yo “EEK!!”
“Sorry, but we can let you take any risks” Ken said seriously, he tried being reasonable with the kid again, “Please, hand me it.”
“NO!” The shard-digivice started to shine, and BlackAgumon evolved into MetalGreymon (Virus). It tried to attack Ken, but Wormmon jumped in front of his partner and evolved into Stingmon. 
Stingmon took Ken and dodged the attack. MetalGreymon caught the kid and flew away.
“... I have bad memories about that digimon” Ken sighed, it was like watching a phantom of his past being revived.
Ken warned the group about what happened and they felt it would be even harder to stop Taisuke now. V-mon was hurt, but maybe Patamon and Tailmon could solve it…? Miyako started using the power of the internet and social media to locate MetalGreymon.
The group were sure he was after Agumon and, to some extent, Taichi. Hikari didn’t want her brother to get hurt, so she decided they had advantage in hands if they used Angewomon.
“I found them!!” Miyako said on the phone, “They’re in the deck area.”
Hikari, Takeru, Ken and Iori went there instead. Daisuke stayed in the university hospital with V-mon and Agumon. Maybe… Just those four can be enough. Miyako was working as their navigator through phone calls and messages.
“Taisuke-kun! Please stop!” Hikari begged politely, “This will hurt you if it goes out of control!!”
“He’s not a real digimon!” Takeru shouted, “That MetalGreymon is just a puppet!”
“HOW DARE YOU…!! MetalGreymon… Get ’em all!!”
“Takeru” / “Hikari” / “Iori” the digimon looked at their partners. Stingmon was also ready to rumble. 
“Right!” the kids nodded, and then got their D-3 digivices.
The digimon evolved (and super-evolved, in Tailmon’s case) to their adult (and perfect) forms. MetalGreymon attacked, releasing his Giga Destroyer missiles against them, but Angemon and Angewomon destroyed them with Heaven’s Knuckle and Holy Arrow techniques. Ankylomon and Stingmon tried a melee attack, by using Tail Hammer and Spiking Finish at the opponent, but MetalGreymon kept being faster than a normal digimon… perhaps because of it being basically a plush come to life.
“It’s not working…!!” Takeru gasped.
“HA, are you losers ready to give up??” Taisuke smirked, “Me digimon is stronger and faster than yours--”
Suddenly faster than the naked eye got the shard-digivice from the boy’s hand. Yes, it was him… Arsenemon.
“GAH! MY DIGIVICE!!” Taisuke panicked, “H-HOW DID YOU--”
“Oeil de Chat” he snapped his fingers and a small black cat with green eyes magically popped in front Taisuke’s face. The cat’s eyes met with Taisuke’s and suddenly the boy fell asleep in Asrenemon’s arms.
“What did you do!?” Angewomon flew in his direction, but the burglar just gently put the child in her arms, “H-huh…??”
“He’s asleep,” he said nonchalantly, “Now it’s your chance to beat MetalGreymon. I suggest using your holy powers on it, that plush might be too precious for him to get permanently destroyed.”
“... Why are you helping us again?” 
“Why wouldn’t I help you? Think about it being a trade-off for this little piece here.”
“Did he…” Ankylomon looked at Iori and the others.
“I think he did indeed…” Iori, blinked. When he looked at Hikari, she was definitely giving that digimon a deadly stare.
“What?!” Angewomon also stared at him under her helmet.
“Au revoir ~” and then he just vanished before Angewomon could even strangle him.
“W-well… Angemon, can you turn MetalGreymon into a plush again…?” Takeru tried to change the subject.
Angemon super-evolved into HolyAngemon and used his sacred powers on the plush, which also stopped moving the moment Taisuke fell asleep. And thus, the MetalGreymon enemy turned back into a tiny Botamon plush.
“It was a bad choice,” the eyepatched Impmon pouted, “We should’ve caught that tall guy called Yagami Taichi instead!” and then he left… only to accidentally find Noel on the way “Gah?! A human--”
“What you’re doing is unforgivable” he said, staring at the small digimon with his green eyes, “Consider it a warning: If you mess with any of those Chosen Children again, or anyone closer to them…”
“Oh what? What will a human like you do?”
“... You might not want to know,” and then he left.
While returning home, Ken and Stingmon just caught (by sheer accident) that scene, but… There was something else they caught…
Noel had been tossing something to air and catching it. Something shiny… Was that one of the forbidden Digimental shards?
“... I need to talk to Takeru-kun about something.” Ken told Stingmon, “Please, take me to his building.”
What would it be…?
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onsunnyside · 3 years
I reread Cruel last night before bed and then had a dream where I cheated on my husband with Andy Barber 👀💦💦💦 lol it wasn't even a good dream, like he f*cked me good and I left my husband for him and then Andy was like "oh you thought I was serious??" It was legit "cruel" lol 😅😭
OMG ?? I AM SPEECHLESS—“oh you thought I was serious”
my fics have more power than I can imagine
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stargirlfics · 4 years
Ok so I was watching justice league and there was a scene where superman used his super hearing ability to look for people. BITCH imagine Clark is at work typing away on his computer and suddenly HEARS YOU AT HOME MOANING HIS Name! 👀💦 so now he's all at work hot and bothered then he RACES HOME and fucks your pussy uuuup😛💦💋🙂
A dream a legit dream omfg like there’s no way he isn’t gonna come help you take care of that 👁
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groovygroovyguru · 8 years
all the emojis?
*Linda Belcher voice* Alriiiiiight!☝ - How tall are you?5'6"-5'7"ish
✔ - Sexual OrientationBisexual
🚬 - Do you Smoke?No
🍷 - Do you Drink?Nope.
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?Hell no.
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?Like, 19-20-21.
💉 - Have Tattoos?Not yet!
✏️ - Want any tattoos?I've got them planned out :)
✂️ - Got any Piercings?Two in each ear
✌ - Want any piercings?I've contemplated getting my nose pierced
👌 - Best friend?Veronica 💞
♥ - Do you like anyone?Maaaaybe
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?Beatles, Styx, Eagles, The Who, The Doors
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?"A Criminal Mind" - Gowan, "Don't Ask Me Why" - Billy Joel, "I'm Still Standing" - Elton John, "Snowblind" - Styx, "Don't Pass Me By" - The Beatles
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?Ignorance.
📝 - Story from your childhood.One time in 2nd grade I forgot to wear my glasses to school and all the kids in my class thought I was legit blind without glasses and they screamed
💬 - I wish…I could just find someone already.
‼️ - Something you’ll change?Well, I'm working on losing weight right now!
💦 - What makes you horny?HAHAHAHA no comment. for the sake of my followers' innocences
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?I wish that I could stop having jealous tendencies
🔥 - Something spicy you like?Horseradish!
👃 You hate the smell of ….Deli meat. 
👊 - Something you hate?Donald Drumpf.
🚶 - Are you single?Sadly.
💬 - Can we text?If I know you in real life or on another social media platform, or we've known each other a long time, sure!
💌 - Fan mail me?Ringo doesn't allow it :/
💍 - Marry me?I don't want to get married :/
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?Those are still a thing?
💭 - Favorite foods?Chicken fingers, apples, and tater tots
☀ - Story about your day.I went to work. Not that thrilling, unfortunately. Although I did almost drop a man's oranges as the produce bag ripped open.
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?Ringo Starr, Brian Quinn, Lawrence Gowan, Wilmer Valderrama, & Christopher Knight
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Grease, Elf, Hairspray (2007), and The Lovely Bones
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?Friends, That '70s Show, Bob's Burgers, Impractical Jokers, and Full House
✏ - Random fact about yourself.I have won 2 spelling bees!
✈️ - Where are you from?Buffalo, New York.
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?New York City or London.
😍 - Do you have a crush?Maaaaybe.
😷 - Something you hate eating?Um, do I look like someone who hates eating anything?
🙈 - What makes you shy?When I somehow get attention drawn to me in public.
💃 - Can you dance?I can do a mean Electric Slide.
💏 - Do you love anyone?Besides my family and celebrity crushes, hardly.
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?My Beatles Vans or my Converse.
🌴 - A island you would visit?Disappointment Island.
🌎 - A country you would visit?Italy!
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?Sunny, 60-degree weather.
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?Kinda?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?iPhone 6. 
📅 - Favorite time of the year?September-December.
📚 - Career goal you want?High school band & music theory teacher.
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?Ice cream?
🍭 - Favorite Candy?Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
🍇 - Favorite fruits?Apples, clementines, grapes, and peaches
🚘 - Dream car(s)?Don't really have one. As long as I have a car, period, I'm fine.
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?No.
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?Nope.
🎫 - Do you have a license?Not yet, but I will soon!
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?Maybe in the future.
🔞 - Are you under 18?Nah, I am 18.
🐶 - Do you own a pet?A turtle, and my dad has a cat.
😔 - Something that makes you sad?The thought of Ringo dying some day.
😡 - What pisses you off?HOMOPHOBIC ASSHATS.
😏 - What turns you on?Kindness.
😈 - Are you a freak?Haha maybe.
💪 - Do you work out?Not regularly, unless you call cashing a workout.
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