#legitimately have sworn off any other fandoms' fics
At what point does a hyperfixation turn into a soecial interest /gen
Because I've been in the transformers fandom for threeish years now and know way too goddamn much
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bleakcreek · 5 years
If it’s almost the end of the year, and we think i can safely say that this has been an AMAZING year for fic in the rhink fandom! there have been so many incredible new authors, on top of authors that have been around for years who are still writing about our boys, and i wanted to give a little bit of recognition to some of my personal favorite fics written in 2019!
i am not in any way implying these are “the best” fics, just the ones that i’ve personally enjoyed. i’m mostly sticking to either completed mutli-chapter fics or longer one-shots, and i’m limiting myself to no more than one fic per author so i spread the love.
without further ado, my (personal) top rhink fics of 2019. (behind a cut, because this post is very long.)
If You’re Wondering If I Want You To by @ssodangdark Rating: Teen Chapters: 5 Words: 10,234
Summary: “The year is 2006 — you just crafted the perfect away message, The Fray is playing on your clock radio, and you're trying to figure out what band t-shirt to wear to school today. Meanwhile, two teenage boys meet for the first time and navigate their feelings for one another through the songs on one of their iPods.”
this fic is everything you could want in a high school au. it’s sweet, and full of pining, and comes with it’s own built-in soundtrack. i can’t recommend this fic enough. this fic is so sweet, you might get a cavity reading it.
Honorable Mentions: most of em’s other fics are oneshots, so i wanted to feature a longer fic, but i also have to acknowledge her oneshots too! Three’s a Crowd (rhett/link/jessie) and Chris Springs are two of my favorite fics and i would highly recommend reading them.
Don’t Hold Back by @likeaswitchinheat Rating: Explicit Chapters: 26 Words: 86,501
Summary: “Link has a lot of responsibilities resting on his gorgeous shoulders. It’s Rhett’s job to unburden him of all that. When Link is Rhett’s, he doesn’t have to think about a thing. Rhett will take care of him.”
laika is another ridiculously prolific author, and i’m actually ashamed that it took me until a few weeks ago to read this fic even though it’s been finished for months. this fic is basically half shameless filth and half feelings and angst, which is pretty much exactly what i look for in a fic. 
Honorable Mentions: i absolutely love all of laika’s oneshots, of which there are far too many to name, but i’ll put myself on blast for my particular tastes by giving special mention to Man Bites Dog and Selfie. 
Candids by @captainsourwolf Rating: Explicit Chapters: 8 Words: 19,635
Summary: “Rhett is a photographer fresh out of SCAD. He lands his first gig soon after graduation, just a simple print ad for a high school advertising their new senior class wear. At the shoot he meets in-demand fashion model Link Neal. It's tense from the start. Rhett ends up being his photographer on most of his shoots, and at every single one Rhett starts a collection of candid shots that he keeps for himself, in a box of trinkets he finds comforting.”
i absolutely loved this fic. i loved the premise, and the slowburn and build up, and the tender longing between rhett and link in this fic. i’m such a slut for pining, which is why this ultimately won out over a couple of elizabeth’s other fics, which are also very good. 
Honorable Mentions: a very close second for this my favorite fic of elizabeth’s was None Like This, but i ultimately had to give it to Candids because i’m a sucker for that softness. Aftercare and hump a little also deserve to be mentioned, too, if you’re looking for oneshots. 
Rhinestone Cowboy by @soho-x Rating: Explicit Chapters: 15 Words: 26,439
Summary: “If he was honest with himself, he could admit the glamour of being on tour for one of Country Music’s biggest acts had clouded his better judgement. He’d quickly dismissed all apprehensions regarding living in a conversion van for three months, instead focusing on the idea of working a stage during a live show, standing in the wings while country maverick Roy Walker played to crowds bigger than the population of the town Rhett grew up in. It was a dream come true for a small town boy like him.”
this fic hooked me right from the first chapter! i was absolutely in love with the premise of rhett and link as country music stars, and this fic did not disappoint. if you like tender slowburn and pining, you’ll absolutely love this fic. it killed me in the sweetest possible way.
Honorable Mentions: for how recently em jointed the fandom, she’s written a ton of fic! Stolen Moments, No Good Very Bad, #Dormlife, and Only For Your Very Space (unfinished) are some of my other favorites from her.
Apartment 69 by @apparentlynotreallyfinnish Rating: Explicit Chapters: 18 Words: 86,501
Summary: “Link has it all figured out. He has a plan for his life. He has a nice girlfriend and a nice job and a nice routine. It really doesn't mean anything that sometimes he gets off on watching men fuck each other. He's just curious. But when a famous gay porn star moves next door to him, his perfect plans start to fall apart.”
appa is one of the most prolific writers in the fandom, so it was really hard to narrow it down to just one fic from her. i actually almost put another fic of hers on here instead, but apartment 69 was the first fic of hers that i read, so i felt like i had to give it the edge over incognito if only for that.
this fic had me on the edge of my seat with every update, and it should be a testament to how much i loved this fic that i was genuinely shocked by how long it was, because i could have sworn it was less than 10 chapters. that’s how quickly i tore through it all.
Honorable Mentions: while i didn’t officially include them, i also want to mention her fics Incognito, I Only Want You to See Me (unfinished), NSFW, Wingman, and Let Me Be Your Light, as well as her entire library of oneshots. she is INCREDIBLY prolific so you can easily spend weeks going through her ao3 page and never run out of things to read.
remember that time in college I found your handcuffs? by @egocentrifuge Rating: Explicit Chapters: 3 Words: 10,435
Summary: “Rhett feels antsy, wants to leave this entire conversation about the fetish gear he found in their dorm behind, but he still wants to know despite his better judgement.
“Okay, the - dom? takes control of a scene. Why wouldn’t the dom just do whatever he wants?”
“Because it’s all about trust, man.” Link’s face is open and sincere in that way he only gets when he believes in something; Rhett can’t look away. “The sub trusts the dom to make it good for them, and so the dom does their best to. It can be a lot of pressure, but it’s - good, too, being able to make someone feel safe and taken care of, you know? For someone to be willing to be that vulnerable…”
Something in the way Link says it trickles warmly down Rhett’s spine, and he puts his beer down.
“Alright,” he says firmly. “Fine. I don’t understand it completely but that’s - that’s fine. As long as you’re both happy or whatever.” There are more questions Rhett wants to ask, but it’s - too much, for some reason. Not just knowing weird kinky details of Link’s sex life, but the way he’s talking about it.
It's twenty years before they discuss it again.”
eggsy has the market cornered on a very particular genre i like to call “porn that makes you cry.” this fic mostly gets the spot because a lot of eggsy’s other fics are much shorter and/or not on ao3, and for purposes of a fic rec, i really wanted to give something long enough to really sink your teeth into, but i an assure you that every single one of their fics should and would be on here if i didn’t limit myself to one fic per author.
eggsy packs an incredibly amount of feeling into a small amount of words, and strikes a perfect balance between hot, angsty, and loving. i cannot recommend eggsy’s work enough.
Honorable Mentions: what of eggsy’s fics isn’t an honorable mention? Reciprocation, You Know What They Say, Men Who Dress Like They Do in California, Reprobates, Unbuttoned, and literally everything on their tumblr (which has a lot of stuff that isn’t on their ao3).
The Murmur of Yearning by @its-mike-kapufty Rating: Explicit Chapters: 35 Words: 108,811
Summary: “When burnt-out professor Link Neal is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that whisks him to the farthest reaches of the world, he isn't as ready as he thought he would be for the biting cold or the overwhelming darkness of Antarctica. Though at least he'd been given fair warning of those hazards.
The same couldn't be said of his new boss and research partner.”
mike has so many amazing fics that it by all rights should have been impossible to narrow it down to my one favorite, but honestly, this was a surprisingly easy choice. in spite of how much i love every single fic of mike’s, this one was so beautifully written and poignant, and i don’t think any other fic has ever made me cry the way this fic did. it hurts — in the best possible way.
i started reading this fic one evening after work, and was so captivated by it that i stayed up until 3 am, passed out midway through a chapter, then went home early from work the next day (sick! i was legitimately sick!) and laid in bed with a fever reading through the rest of this fic. the last written work i plowed through with that kind of speed and determination was harry potter and the deathly hallows...ten years ago. 
Honorable Mentions: truthfully i could just link to mike’s whole ao3 page here, but i have to at least give special mention to You Have (1) New Message for making me sob (and being the first fic of mike’s that i read), Feel Good for being delightfully fluffy and soft, Untethered for being so incredibly creative and exciting and having me on the edge of my seat for the entire month it was coming out, and And Sundowns Mend Rhett for making me feel things, as mike is wont to do. 
The Traveler by @the-average-bear Rating: Mature Chapters: 13 Words: 52,712
Summary: “Rhett's on a journey.”
this fic is probably tied with The Murmur of Yearning for my favorite rhink fic of all time, but i had to give The Traveler the edge only because it’s not...quite an au, and while both fics gave me a lot of feelings, this fic focuses on the rhett and link we know and love. it explores what might have been and what could be — and it touches on my favorite genre of fiction, which is sci-fi. 
rhett finds himself accidentally traveling between timelines, exploring what his life could have been like under different circumstances. the build up to the rhink content is slow, and while there’s some smut, it’s pretty minimal, so this is a very different type of fic than a lot of the others here. but god, if you want to feel every feeling possible about these boys, if you want to cry, if you want to be overwhelmed by how much rhett loves link (and vice versa)...? 
please, please read this fic. 
Honorable Mentions: a lot of their other stuff is from pre-2019 so it’s kind of cheating to rec them on a post of the best fics of 2019, but seriously, please read any and all of their stuff. 
More Honorable Mentions: i was going to do a lot more, but this list got really long and time consuming and i wasn’t able to do as many as i wanted. but some other authors i absolutely adored this year (in no particular order) are:
Rhincoln | @bloodbros
evenlypaced | @youdidinthedark
cockymclaughlin | @cockymclaughlin
pringlesaremydivision | @pringlesaremydivision
ohmyflavors | (not sure if they have a tumblr?)
LinksLipsSinkShips | @linkslipssinkships
missingparentheses | @missingparentheses
festivalofpudding | @festival-of-pudding
RileyRooin | @rileyrooin
crackers4jenn | @crackers4jenn
TheMouthKing | @themouthking
chronicallyilltrashcan | @chronicallyilltrashcan
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mego42 · 4 years
3 4 19!!!
3.  How many times a day do you whisper, “why am I doing this”?
It’s p much a constant refrain tbh, I barely even notice it anymore
4. Number of ‘wips’ that are just totally never getting written, let’s face it?
okay well, that was a bracing tally of my drafts folder, so thanks for that
I would say I have about 8 that are p much definitely never getting written (4 of them are missing scene style things from throughout s3 and whatever urge I had to write them has passed, the other 4 may come back, who knows, I completely forgot I wanted to do a scenes from mick’s stressful associations support group meetings thing and now that that’s back in my brain I may bump it to the maybe list)
that leaves:
3 prompts I am extremely interested in writing but haven’t actually started anything for so who knows when that’s going to happen
4 dialogue prompts I’m sitting on but haven’t figured out a hook for yet
2 wips that have been on my list forever that I’ve either already written chunks of or have a p solid outline for and I am DEF GOING TO DO THEM DAMMIT ( @medievalraven’s F extravaganza, jewel!!!!! thief!!!!!!! au!!!!!!!!!)
2 dialogue prompts that have captured my attention and are morphing into something else (kinkverse and one that’s becoming a pacific rim au bc no one can stop me)
and then obvs my 2 ongoing wips I’m already posting for
which brings the total to, what? 19????? How??????? did this happen????????????? I’m not counting song and listening bc I’ve sworn a blood oath to not abandon something I’ve already started posting. it’s unlikely I’m going to abandon some of the stuff on the list but who knows tbh, my brain is both a wonderland and a nightmare factory and I can’t make any promises.
19. Which fandom best encapsulates the nightmare terror that is your saved writing folder?
this question is legitimately impossible for me to answer because it would be one of the completely off the wall bonkers ones and there have been too many, I don’t know where to begin.
extremely relatable fic writer asks
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