#let me be a sensitivity reader or something man. i'll write a series bible for ya. i'll continuity-check the books.
aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
okay so upon further inspection it seems i did not receive the version of Chalice of the Gods i actually ordered so i will need to fight the bookstore about that. still have not actually read it yet since i am filled with despair every time i look at it. Ever since like mid-TOA i've felt like i'm being force-fed fanfiction. Like if this was actual fanfiction it'd be fine, because then it'd be optional, but no, I am bound by coming-up-on 8 years of askblog so i'm basically legally obligated to read this to know what happens so I can then ignore it.
Anyways I suppose I will have to speed-read my copy whenever I get around to it but like. As delicately as possible in case it needs to be returned for a replacement.
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