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Metallurgy, Blacksmithy, Electrometallurgy and the beginings of operational Alchemy:
Having now understood the properties of many types of crystals our study must seek to expand into the Occult applications of metal and metal working also known as metallurgy. Metallurgy is an art that developed at the start of the Bronze Age where copper ore was smelted down into jewellery, weapons, armour and components for technology, this advanced knowledge is mythologically and theologically cited as being given to mankind by angelic, demonic or divine beings. As developments in mining and metallurgic techniques became wide spread the art of working metals naturally mixed with the medicinal and chemical studies of Alchemy and thus Blacksmithy was invented which used chemical treatments and advanced knowledge to work new materials into desired shapes. Blacksmithy takes its origin from Alchemy as proven by its name drawn from the term “black art” which is a close translation of what the word Alchemy means. As Alchemy developed into working with metals and chemicals eventually the ability to build batteries out of reactive and conductive metals and acids was realised which resulted in the new art of Electrometalurgy which would come to influence the development of our current advanced hi-tech society now capable of harnessing and storing electrical energy. In order to understand the Occult applications of metal working we must revist the Alchemical understanding of metals.
The Seven Planetary Metals:
By the Alchemical renaissance of the 18th centuary seven major metals had been discovered along with seven celestial bodies including the Sun and Moon and excluding the Earth, the Earth was excluded since it was seen as a source of all materials including metals while the seven remaining known celestial bodies and seven major metals became married to one another as the seven planetary metals which are as follows:
Saturn ♄- Lead (Pb A# 82)
Lead is a heavy dark grey-black metal which is also soft and maluable with a low melting point of 327.46 °C and a boiling point of 1749 °C, Lead is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Lead is non-magnetic. Lead is chemically unreactive to most stimulus. Lead is highly toxic attacking the nervous system, bones and biological enzymes meaning that it can lead to nuerological problems such as brain damage, in ancient Rome those suffering from Lead poisoning were called “Saturnine” meaning dark and cynical in respect to characteristics of the God Saturn, Lead also has slightly cubic faces leading black cubes to be associated with Saturn. Lead is resistant to weak acids but will dissolve in strong ones producing salts. Lead is unreactive and known to transform into few other chemical compounds however Alchemists believed that lead was an impure base metal which could be transmutated via chemical process into pure Gold. Lead is generally associated with Saturn because it is dark in colour, heavy to hold and unyielding in most experiments, these features match aspects of the God Saturn and thus symbolic aspects of the planet Saturn in Astrology were aligned with Lead in Alchemical theory. In old world Astrology Saturn rules over Aquarius and Capricorn.
Jupiter ♃ - Tin (Sn A# 50)
Tin is a relatively soft and malleable, silvery coloured metal with a slight yellow hue. Tin has a melting point of 231.93 °C and a boiling point of 2602 °C, Tin is also electrically conductive and becomes a superconductor at extremely low temperatures, it is also a good conductor of heat. Tin is paramagnetic meaning it can be weakly attracted to strong magnets. Tin is chemically reactive and will transform into many compounds under different stimulus, Tin is also easily corroded by acids. Tin is mostly non-toxic however some Tin organometal (organic+metal compounds) can have lethal toxcicity. Since Jupiter is the Romanised version of the Greek lightning God Zeus it can be asserted that Tins electrically conductive and maluable properties along with its bright hue may have associated it to Jupiter where other more conductive metals such as Silver and Copper were found to be more symbolically aligned with other deities/planets due to their other qualities, Tin also has relatively good strength especially when made into alloys and so like Jupiter has protective symbolism from being made into armour, tin also does not oxidise and therefore does not rust and was used to store and preserve foods likewise Jupiter was known as a preserver of life, when shaken Tin produces a sound like distant thunder which further associated the metal to Jupiter. In old world Astrology Jupiter rules over Pisces and Sagittarius.
Mars ♂- Iron (Fe A# 26)
Iron is a grey coloured hard metal with a melting point of 1538 °C and a boiling point of 2862 °C, Iron can be paramagnetic being weakly drawn by strong magnets but can also become magnetically charged via electricity to generate magnetism, some magnetic Irons are naturally forming and likewise Iron is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Iron is non-toxic and is chemically reactive being fairly easy to transform into other compounds via various stimulus. Iron will disolve in strong acids and react with weaker ones. Iron oxidises in air and water creating an orange-red hue and decayed, flakey asthetic called rust, iron is also found in the blood stream of living animals causing blood to take a red hue when oxygenated via the same process. The colour of rust associates Iron to Mars who was the Roman God of war thus association with blood and bloods Iron taste further emphasise this connection, Iron is also associated with Mars because it was used to make Iron Age weaponry, armour and technology which gave the Roman empire its cutting edge advantage in warfare over their Bronze Age rivals, in Occult terms following the precesion of the Zodiac, the Iron Age took place under the rulership of the star sign Aries whose name and traits are taken from the ancient Greek Spartan war God Ares whom the Romans based their own war God Mars upon. Interestingly the planet Mars is a rust-hued planet. Mars is also symbolic of masculinity which is interesting because men actually store more Iron in their bodies than women do. In old world Astrology Mars rules over Scorpio and Aries.
Sun ☉ - Gold (Au A# 79)
Gold is a shiny golden coloured malleable soft and ductile metal meaning it can be easily shaped without breaking making it ideal for jewellery making. Gold has a melting point of 1064.18 °C and a boiling point of 2970 °C, Gold is non-magnetic however Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat and a non-toxic material. Gold will not dissolve in weak acids but is known to dissolve in exceptionally strong acids such as Aqua Regia (a mix of Nitric and Hydrochloric Acids). Gold is very unreactive to chemical changes and transitions giving it its symbolic purity and incorruptibility and making it exceptionally hard to transfigure however it can still be changed into a variety of compounds under the right stimulus. Gold compounds such as the inaccurately named “Gold Salts” can be used in medicine to treat inflammation. Gold strongly reflects red and yellow light meaning that it absorbs the rest of the light spectrum which is useful in light projection practices and for rending objects invisible to infrared and thermal imaging technology. Gold has always been associated with the Sun and solar deities as well as with the human soul, this is likely due to its shinning golden asthetic, value, desirability and association with royalty who often wore Gold and equated themselves with solar deities, interestingly in the modern age science suspects that Gold is an element formed of star dust directly from nuclear fusions taking place within stars from the association with the soul Gold is also used to make wedding rings symbolising the marriage of soul mates/opposition, which is the objective of the Great Work of Alchemy. In old world Astrology the Sun rules over Leo.
Venus ♀- Copper (Cu A# 29)
Copper is a soft, malleable and ductile, shiny orange-brown metal meaning that it can be easily shaped making it ideal for jewellery making. Copper has a melting point of 1084.62 °C and a boiling point of 2562 °C, Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is a non-toxic material that does not corrode in most acids but will dissolve in Sulphuric Acid over time. Copper is very weakly magnetic and only very strong magnets can attract this material. Copper is chemically unreactive but will form various compounds under the right stimulus. Copper oxidises to form a blue-green patina called virdigris in the form of crystal salts. Copper is a good antibacterial agent and can be used to treat wounds. Copper is related in Alchemy to the Goddess Venus and thus the planet Venus. Although in the old world of the Bronze Age Copper was the primary technology and used mainly for warfare Copper has also always been used in art such as sculpture and in the creation of musical instruments which are ruled over by Venus who is a Goddess of love, art and beauty, Copper has also always been used in jewellery making and was polished to create mirrors which are cosmetic items relating to beauty, similarly marrying art and beauty, verdant Copper salts were used in the old world in the creation of make-up. In ideological opposition to war-like Mars who rules over masculinity, Venus rules over women and femininity which is especially interesting considering that women have around 20% more Copper in their blood stream than men and Copper levels in a womans body almost double during pregnancy to support the fetus. High levels of Copper in the vagina indicate pregnancy and so birth control often involves Copper implant insertion or medicine that increases Copper in the body this works since it tricks the womans body into believing she is already pregnant and since Copper is also a natural spermicide however women also regain their fertility when these implants are removed or when the levels of Copper in their systems lower. Interestingly the planet Venus is a blue-green or verdigris-hued planet. In old world Astrology Venus rules over Libra and Taurus.
Mercury ☿ - Mercury (Hg A# 80)
Mercury also known as “Quicksilver” is a silvery heavy metal which is liquid at room temperature in fact Mercury will remain liquid unless cooled to −38.8290 °C which will solidify the substance. Mercury has a boiling point of 356.73 °C. Mercury does not conduct heat well but does conduct electricity. Mercury is not very magnetic and is repelled by magnetic fields. Mercury is a toxic material especially in water-soluable forms and is known to cause both physical and mental disorders if ingested or inhaled (as a vapour). Mercury will not dissolve in most acids but will corrode in concentrated Sulphuric and Nitric Acids or in Aqua Regia. Mercury is capable of dissolving other metals such as Silver or Gold to form amalgams (alloys of Mercury and other metals). Mercury is not very chemically reactive but will form compounds under the right stimulus, despite this Mercury is the second of the three primary regeants of Alchemy along with Sulphur and Salt, Mercury is named after the Roman messanger God Mercury and thus the planet Mercury, as a God of messangers Mercury was very fast, depicted with winged sandals, helmet and caduceus staff which relates to metal Mercuries liquid nature and alternate name “Quick Silver”. Mercury is a Romanisation of the ancient Greek messanger God Hermes who shares a name with the Hellenistic Alchemist and magician Hermes Trismegistus who wrote the Arcanum Experiment of the Emerald Tablet of Thoth on the use of Alchemical regeants such as Mercury, Sulphur and Salt and their compounds towards the completion of the Arcanum Experiment. In old world Astrology Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo.
Moon ☾- Silver (Ag A# 47)
Silver is a shiny silvery soft, ductile and malleable metal. Silver has a melting point of 961.78 °C and a boiling point of 2162 °C. Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity of any known metal. Silver is non-magnetic only reacting to the strongest magnets. Silver is a non-toxic material however Silver is antibacterial and can be used to treat wounds. Silver will dissolve in strong acids however Silver is not a very reactive material and can be made into few compounds under the right stimulus. Silver is the most reflective of metals and in sharing this quality with the Moon has long been associated with the Moon and with lunar deities such as the ancient Greek Moon Goddess Artemis who was also a Goddess of the hunt equipped with a Silver Bow and Arrows likewise the use of Silver bullets or projectiles is in folklore said to be effective against werewolves who draw power from the Moon in the same way that human beings are largely water based lifeforms and yet capable of drowning. Interestingly NASA astronauts found traces of Silver and Gold on the Moon further strengthening this connection since Silver and Gold are seldom found without one another in natural ores a quality which caused Silver to be associated with the feminine Moon and lunar cycles such as menstruation and Gold to be associated with the masculine Sun.
In the modern age we have discovered a number of new metals and also the planets Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and our solar systems exo-planet Eris. It stands to reason that in continuing the Alchemical planetary metal listing the new list would include the following additions:
Pluto ♇- Plutonium (Pu A# 94)
Plutonium is an unstable and radioactive metal named after Pluto. Pluto was the Roman God of death and the underworld which actually makes the very dangerous plutonium a fitting metal for his likeness.
Uranus ⛢ - Uranium (U A# 92)
Uranium is an unstable and radioactive metal named after Uranus. Uranus was the Roman God of the sky and wisdom which could suggest that very light metals used in aviation such as aluminium might be a better candidate however Uranus was known for his tremendous power and so an unstable, radioactive metal may indeed be suitable.
Neptune ♆- Neptunium (Np A# 93)
Neptunium is a radioactive and highly unstable metal which draws its name from Neptune. Neptune in Roman mythology was the God of the sea which just like its metal counterpart can be extremely volitile and dangerous however I would suggest that in a modern reconstruction of the old Alchemical planetary metals system that Platinum would be a suitable counterpart as the rarest and most valued metal since Neptune in Kabbalistic and Astrological thinking is synonymous with divine power.
Eris ♁ - Antimony (Sb A# 51)
Eris is a planet named after the ancient Greek Goddess of chaos. This planet was known from Sumerian times as Nibiru, it is a planet thought to bring change, disaster, upheval and war, coincidentally the astrological glyph for this planet coincides with the Alchemical symbol for antimony which has a similar effect when used in the Alchemical work in over-coming, “devouring” and changing the metallic element it is exposed to. Antimony is a soft, malluable and ductile gray metalloid. Antimony has a melting point of 630.63 °C and a boiling point of 1635 °C. Antimony is a good conductor of heat and electricity and is diamagnetic meaning that it is repelled by magnetic fields. Antimony is chemically reactive and is toxic.
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temptalia1 · 2 years
Lethal Cosmetics Halo Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches https://t.co/V4E5ZY3Jvv Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại https://t.co/TJF3RW9gCc https://t.co/xaHziIgSIy
Lethal Cosmetics Halo Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches https://t.co/V4E5ZY3Jvv Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại https://t.co/TJF3RW9gCc https://t.co/xaHziIgSIy
— Temptalia (@temptalia1) Jul 14, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/temptalia1 July 14, 2022 at 09:47PM Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Chromosphere Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Chromosphere Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Chromosphere Lethal Cosmetics Chromosphere Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a very light peach with a pinker undertone and warmer, golden pearl that gave it a luminous glow. The texture was smooth to the touch, lightly creamy without being too firmly-pressed into the pan, so I had no trouble picking up product with a feathery brush and blending it out on my skin. The finish…
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saigonnews · 4 years
Lethal Cosmetics Neophyte Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches
Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/ from Sai Gon News https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.temptalia.com%2Flethal-cosmetics-neophyte-magnetic-face-powder-review-swatches%2F&h=AT3JFdMpBENWSvRTWjsfhapbIyQDZugoCJSKcBSixCFFzttiBtR2N5aYVEthoHBZjWDSoQDw4Jh8Qf3GXAI6AIR2TRcteYbQX0JaywITBNgOX_Yf6f9Lf1rCZPUqA2my&s=1 Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/
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herndondowd4-blog · 8 years
Dr Sugarbaker Baylor M.D.
Regarding Dr. Sugarbaker Dr. David Sugarbaker of Baylor College of Medication in Houston is recognized among his peers and people as "Mr. Mesothelioma" due to his substantial expertise as well as ingenious therapies such as multimodal therapy. Bio Thoracic cosmetic surgeon David Sugarbaker, M.D., has moved practically 2,000 miles far from the renowned mesothelioma program he built in Boston, however his dedication to people and also fighting this cancer will be stronger than in the past. Sugarbaker is now director of the Lung Institute at the Baylor University of Medication in Houston. He is prepared to develop a multidisciplinary program that combines a mesothelioma cancer research institute with an unrivaled medical method. A main date of when that center will open up has actually not been introduced. " It's a chance to take all that I've learned [in Boston] as well as do it on a larger range currently," Sugarbaker told Asbestos.com. "This is a chance to do something that might really profit the whole mesothelioma area in a significant method." Sugarbaker, who additionally is the chief of basic thoracic surgical procedure at Baylor, built his reputation with the previous 25 years at Brigham as well as Women's. During his tenure at that medical facility, he developed and improved the extrapleural pneumonectomy, an aggressive surgical procedure that gets rid of a malignant lung, the lining around the lung as well as heart, in addition to nearby lymph nodes as well as a part of the diaphragm. His work as a medical pioneer assisted reduced the personnel mortality price, prolonged the lives of lots of people and also moved the mesothelioma area closer to locating a cure. Sugarbaker has gained the regard of his peers and also people, a lot of which take a trip throughout the county-- and also from around the world-- to be part of his job. A Trendsetter Get the Best Treatment Get help connecting with Dr. Sugarbaker and also discover the therapy that's best for you. Obtain Aid Currently " He is Mr. Mesothelioma cancer," claimed fellow specialist Abraham Lebenthal, who functioned alongside Sugarbaker at Brigham and also Women's Health center in Boston. "In this field, he is the gold requirement. I do not think you'll get any argument on that." As principal of the division of thoracic surgical treatment at Brigham, Sugarbaker made this cancer cells the facility of his emphasis for several years, introducing the multimodal therapy method that combines surgical procedure with radiation as well as chemotherapy. While in Boston, he started and also guided the International Mesothelioma cancer Program, the biggest of its kind. The program's research, clinical and assistance departments attracted medical team and patients to Boston from around the world. He anticipates his initiatives in Texas to have a similar magnetic result, just on a larger range, opening the door for new study initiatives that might bring every person closer to a remedy. His labs have successfully identified specific gene proportions in tumors caused by this asbestos-related illness, assisting dr sugarbaker lawsuit obtain a much deeper expertise of the disease and also its medical subtypes. His efforts have caused customized therapies for private people, removaling far from the inefficient one-size-fits-all method to therapy. " We remain in the midst of a worldwide epidemic of mesothelioma cancer, both in the United States as well as in Europe, where the epidemic is not expected to come to a head until 2020," he claimed. Still thought about one of the foremost professionals on the illness, Sugarbaker was involved in the very early research studies of icy examples of mesothelioma cancer, which recognized certain molecular markers that are specific to the illness. The findings assisted the search for earlier medical diagnosis amongst people who have actually been subjected to asbestos-- the only recognized reason for the health problem. Sugarbaker participated in Cornell University Medical College. He finished his medical residency at Brigham as well as Women's and also his cardiothoracic training at Toronto General Health center. He went back to Brigham as a surgeon in 1988, unlocking to his passion in the asbestos-related cancer. He is released thoroughly in various clinical journals for his pursue expanding the lives of mesothelioma cancer clients as well as giving them more enthusiastic treatment options. Sugarbaker's passions additionally include basic thoracic surgery, video-assisted thoracic surgery, minimally invasive surgical procedure, lung volume decrease surgical procedure, non-small cell cancer and esophageal cancer. Interview with Dr. Sugarbaker It was no accident that David Sugarbaker, newly-appointed supervisor of the Lung Institute at Baylor University of Medicine, became one of the globe's most kept in mind authorities on mesothelioma cancer. He was birthed and also raised into it. Sugarbaker was among 10 youngsters-- 5 of whom came to be medical professionals. Growing up in Jefferson City, Missouri, they would certainly hear their father talk passionately every night about the should aid those with cancer. That was almost HALF A CENTURY earlier. " The challenge of cancer was an everyday discussion at our table. He was a specialist. As well as he never ever stopped searching for much better means to assist his clients. It was an inspiration for me at a very young age," Sugarbaker informed Asbestos.com. "He played a large part in this." Life Instructions Kind the Specialist Sugarbaker, that started the well-known International Mesothelioma Program (BRAT) in Boston in 2002, turned some of his early life lessons right into a profession that has actually played a significant function in boosting the treatment of those affected with this lethal disease. His prep work for fighting mesothelioma cancer didn't start at Cornell College Medical College, where he finished in 1979, or when he came to Brigham and Women's Health center in 1988. It began at home long previously, paying attention to his papa, servicing the family members's 16-acre apple orchard in Jefferson City, along with all those brothers as well as siblings. " There is a great deal of job to do in the winter season, spring and also summer season when you're running an apple ranch, and little favorable support," he said. "You have to have faith that there will certainly be a return [in the autumn] The capability to function a very long time without anything positive, that's something I discovered in the house. You needed to think. It played a really substantial function in my overview [with mesothelioma]". Regardless of the history of disappointment as well as disappointment, there still is no cure for mesothelioma. Area for Hope. Yet Sugarbaker believes there is currently hope for one in the future. It is among the factors he left a comfortable position in Boston to build a Lung Institute in Texas that will include a Mesothelioma Research Institute created to removal more detailed to a treatment. He anticipates it to become larger and also better compared to the ROGUE, which currently integrates a state-of-the-art professional study facility with a multimodality therapy strategy. In Texas, he will have much more sources offered. Sugarbaker left Boston in 2014, leaving a program that must remain to thrive under brand-new management. He has actually turned his attention and leadership skills to Texas, where he hopes to have comparable success with mesothelioma and other lung conditions. " As I state to people, when hope belongs to the equation, anything is feasible," he stated. "I continue to be hopeful that we can, in the following years, put together the best mix of clients and therapies to effect a treatment, which is our divine grail.". Sugarbaker immersed himself in the cancer cells battle after his arrival at Brigham as well as Female's. The neighboring shipyards around the Boston area-- and the longtime exposure to asbestos there-- had actually produced an excessive amount of mesothelioma cancer individuals for him to manage. About Dr. Sugarbaker Dr. David Sugarbaker of Baylor University of Medicine in Houston is understood amongst his peers and patients as "Mr. Mesothelioma cancer" because of his vast expertise and also ingenious treatments such as multimodal therapy. Bio Thoracic surgeon David Sugarbaker, M.D., has actually relocated almost 2,000 miles far from the prominent mesothelioma cancer program he integrated in Boston, but his commitment to patients as well as combating this cancer will certainly be stronger compared to before. Sugarbaker is now supervisor of the Lung Institute at the Baylor College of Medication in Houston. He is prepared to construct a multidisciplinary program that incorporates a mesothelioma research institute with an unmatched medical method. An official date of when that center will open has not been revealed. " It's a possibility to take all that I have actually found out [in Boston] as well as do it on a bigger range now," Sugarbaker informed Asbestos.com. "This is a chance to do something that might really benefit the whole mesothelioma cancer neighborhood in a major way." Click here to learn more... http://theseoservices.co/dr-sugarbaker-baylor/As well as they were passing away swiftly. " Early in my occupation, it was laid at my front door," he stated. "And also I took it as a difficulty. Although it was a hard cancer cells to deal with, with relatively bad results, you needed to stay with it. When we started making substantial strides, I was attracted to that.". The IMP proliferated, drawing in several of the brightest as well as finest from a range of fields, attracted by the collective technique of a worldwide program guided by Sugarbaker. He hopes the exact same could happen at Baylor. " I inform them [young physicians] that this condition prior to us resembles a block of solid granite," he said. "To try and damage it, you could turn a broad pick and also get no place. Or you can tighten your point as well as try it. Make progression. Narrowing your focus is one of the tricks.". Patients Living Longer Compared to Before. Sugarbaker still locates inspiration within the success stories of his clients, taking satisfaction in every small action that is taken toward the objective of finding a treatment. He also thinks that top quality life expansion is the roadway to reaching it. " There are individuals now greater than One Decade out [from diagnosis of mesothelioma] There are several ones 3 to five years out," he stated. "When you're looking mesothelioma cancer in the face and given six months to live, then seeing others a couple of years out, wish springs up. That a person has actually gone through it, done it, speaks louder to people than anything I or other supposed specialists might state.". Sugarbaker's peers as well as patients watch him today as a leader in the field. He often functions as a featured audio speaker at various cancer cells seminars, as well as appeared in an episode of ABC's "Boston Med" that showcased the therapy of a mesothelioma cancer person. Yet, he additionally still changes back to his earlier days, paying attention to his papa, that would certainly get back speaking about his clients and also the motivation they provided. " Rather than take satisfaction in what we do, there is actually much more a sense of wonder with these people," he claimed. "Individuals are informed there is no hope, yet they want to rake ahead, seeking answers. Their nerve never ever seems to wind down. That's inspiring to me.".
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Fusion Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Fusion Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Fusion Lethal Cosmetics Fusion Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) has a light-medium orange base with much lighter, golden shimmer throughout that gave it a luminous finish. The end result was lighter and less orange–and more golden–when applied to my skin at certain angles. It had opaque pigmentation with a smooth, lightly creamy texture that was moderately dense but not thick…
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Flux Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Flux Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Flux Lethal Cosmetics Flux Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light pink with cool, bluish undertones and a soft sheen. The powder had a smooth consistency to it that was moderately dense but not thick or too firmly-pressed into the pan–just not powdery–and blendable on my skin. It had semi-opaque, buildable color payoff that stayed on well for eight hours before fading…
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feedburner2 · 4 years
Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches added to FeedBurner Blog on Trello
FeedBurner added the card Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches to the Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches list in the FeedBurner Blog board at December 12, 2020 at 03:43AM Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches https://www.temptalia.com/lethal-cosmetics-bloom-magnetic-face-powder-review-swatches/ Bloom Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) ($14.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light-medium, bubblegum pink with subtle, cool undertones and a semi-matte finish. The texture was slightly drier, almost powdery compared to other shades in the formula, and it seemed a little thinner, which made it less blendable than other shades as well. I’d recommend patting this one into place and then gently blending it altogether rather than trying to spread it out. It had semi-opaque, buildable color coverage that lasted for eight hours before fading visibly. FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent). Top Dupes Formula Overview Ingredients Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Tarte Dollface (P, $29.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). theBalm Down Boy (P, $21.00) is cooler (95% similar). Too Faced Justify My Love (P, $26.00) is more shimmery, lighter, cooler (95% similar). MAC Pink Swoon (P, $24.00) is less shimmery, brighter, cooler (90% similar). MAC Well Dressed (P, $24.00) is more shimmery, lighter, cooler (90% similar). Urban Decay X-Rated (DC, $26.00) is more shimmery, darker, cooler (90% similar). Flower Beauty Bubbly (P, $9.99) is less shimmery, lighter, cooler (90% similar). Givenchy It-Girl Purple (P, $44.00) is lighter, cooler (90% similar). Make Up For Ever B212 (P, $23.00) is more shimmery, cooler (90% similar). MAC Bubbles, Please (P, $29.00) is less shimmery, cooler (90% similar). View Swatches Formula Overview $14.00/0.18 oz. - $77.78 Per Ounce The formula is supposed to blend "effortlessly" and "build" to a "luminous matte" finish and "any intensity with ease." In general, they had medium, buildable coverage that easily built up to mostly opaque to opaque coverage. Per the brand, they recommend "tapping" rather than swirling one's brush, which I'd agree with for picking up more buildable pigment--swirling or heavier motions could yield more opaque coverage in one go (which could be desired). The texture was moderately dense, smooth, and not powdery nor too firmly-pressed into the pan, so the product picked up well with more feathery brushes as well as denser brushes. As I applied the powder and buffed it into my skin, they had a more semi-matte to natural matte finish--not flat or dry but not overly shimmery either. They looked more "melted" on my skin, which gave them a better and more flattering finish applied. They lasted between eight and nine hours on me before fading visibly. Browse all of our Lethal Cosmetics Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) swatches. Ingredients CI 77019 (Mica), Magnesium Stearate, Kaolin, Zinc Stearate, Dimethicone, Caprylic/ Capric Triglyceride, Dimethicone/ Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Silica, Ethylhexylglycerin. [+/- (May Contain): Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, CI 77891 (Titanium Dioxide), CI 77499, CI 77492, CI 77491 (Iron Oxides), CI 778161 (Tin Oxide), CI 77007 (Ultramarines), CI 77288 (Chromium Oxide Greens), CI 77742 (Manganese Violet), CI 42090 (Blue 1 Lake), CI 16035 (Red 40 Lake), CI 19140 (Yellow 5 Lake), CI 15850 (Red 7), CI 45410 (Red 27 Lake)] Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list. Bloom PPermanent. $14.00. 1 0 B+ B+ 8.5 Product 9.5 Pigmentation 8.5 Texture 8.5 Longevity 4.5 Application 88% Total Quick Shop: Lethal Cosmetics, Camera Ready Cosmetics We hope you'll consider supporting Temptalia by shopping through our links below. Thanks! SephoraSephoraBeautylishUltaNordstrom More Explore Temptalia Best of Holiday 2020 Reviews of the newest releases from best to worst! Read now. Read Now Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) via Temptalia https://www.temptalia.com December 12, 2020 at 03:00AM Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/ View on Trello Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Scatter Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light lavender with cool undertones and a luminous finish. It applied evenly and blended out with ease on my skin as the powder was smooth without being powdery, yet it wasn’t overly-dense or too thick. It had nearly opaque pigmentation in a single layer, which easy to apply with a lighter hand or build up…
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Flare Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Flare Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Flare Lethal Cosmetics Flare Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light-medium copper with warm, reddish-brown undertones and a luminous sheen. It appeared more metallic when initially swatched, but applied and blended out on my cheeks, it was a softer glow that never emphasized my skin’s natural texture. It had opaque pigmentation in a single layer but could be applied with a…
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