#lets just say she'd be dead w/o quizlet.
caestusarchivum · 2 years
hikari dropped out of high school during the 9th grade summer and opted for getting her GED instead ( because of the whole labrie attack traumatizing her that she was afraid to go to school again ). I think I mentioned before that she threw herself into extracurriculars like band and FFA to avoid actual schoolwork due to it not being stimulating or holding her interest.
she has dyscalculia. Urging her to be 'better' at complicated math w/o a calculator only sought to stress her out. So she cheated in math class using those photomath apps. She never got caught because she is inCREDIBLY sneaky when hiding things and she always drew nonsense equations all over her pages to 'show her work' and that was apparently enough for her teachers.
Even if she didn't 'pay attention' she always got decently high scores on her tests? Cs and Bs, sometimes an A. She did best in english and especially science ( environmental science and biology being her best subjects ) and did more poorly in subjects like history. because it was all date memorization ( again, terrible with numbers ), and some econ stuff which was all numbers and charts and it just made her. very mad.
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