bywhatitfedon · 8 months
@libraryofdesire liked this post for a starter!
"I'm... I'm already interested in the apartment!" Isaac stammered as the older woman began undoing his pants. "You don't have to, uh... do anything extra..." He meant what he said, but as he watched her through his glasses, he wasn't in a rush to stop her, either...
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cruelangcls · 6 months
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"so i'm not going to mince words about this one. i want you more than just the few times you've hired me. quite the sight and i enjoy your company. normally i keep clients at an arms length, but you're different. for me, at least," lilith held out the glass for the waiter to fill as the two of them sat in a private booth in a high end restaurant. they did not mess around with these sorts of scenarios. especially given their job. "i want you as a permanent submissive to me. does that sound like something you're interested in?"
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darlinghearts · 7 months
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If there was one thing that was certain in this world, you would never know what was on Holland's mind as long as she didn't want you to know. She had simply been in this crowd long enough to learn a thing or two about hiding one's feelings, and for the most part it came to her advantage. But in the long run, it left her feeling lonely. She felt isolated from the ones that were supposed to love her and perhaps that was how she had gotten into this mess to begin with - but there was no escaping it now. And what was she hiding from the world this time? Oh just the usual, knock down, drag out fight she had just had with her husband Charles.
It was a common occurrence perhaps, but no one was the wiser. Everyone simply thought they were the peak of love. They had it all, and they had each other - it was the perfect life. Or so she wanted them to think. The only one who knew the truth was Joseph and she liked it that way. Any time that they'd fight, she'd go running to him and after some alone time with the man who called her husband his friend, things were alright with the world again. At least for a little while. Today should be no different. If anything it would be easier to get near him, since he was already mingling with the rest of her party guests in the grand hall of her home. Eyes cast themselves downward a little as the woman approached and with a polite tone, she greeted him. Just like any other guest - any other friend - would, but there was something behind her tone that should warn him to the state of her mind.
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ofginjxints · 8 months
closed starter for @libraryofdesire
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"Hey I'm sorry- seriously I don't have eyes for anyone else than you here. She came up to me and had questions about what I do, and you know I love going on and on about what I do. Don't be like that." Maybe Tristan wasn't amazing at social cues when it came to bars, and that's exactly why he didn't like going to bars. He was walking behind, or rather cantering behind them to keep up. "Please, slow down!"
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flcrida · 8 months
@libraryofdesire liked !!
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"i swear to god, if we weren't in public right now..."
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emotionlcss · 8 months
﹝ closed starter ⇾ @libraryofdesire ﹞
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❝ go on then, show me what you got. ❞ gavin chuckled as he was sitting back in the chair at his desk, looking to the girl as she was standing in the doorway, shopping bags up and down her arms. ❝ put on a show. ❞ a hand had moved up to run into his hair, halfway excited just to see what she may have gotten herself, and it would be a treat for him too.
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coquettied · 6 months
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his hands rubbed furiously at his head. "how fucking stupid can you be?!" he snapped at the other, throwing the money at her face. "can't you count?!" his voice rose, his attempt to keep his temper failing. "does that look like five thousand dollars to you?! didn't i tell you to count the money before leaving the bag?" he was furious beyond words, his temple pulsating with restrained anger. "answer me!" he yelled when he received no reply. marching towards her, he grabbed a handful of her hair to force her to look at him. "where are the rest of the money?" he asks through his gritted teeth, praying for her sake that she has an answer to his question.
🎀 @libraryofdesire ࿔* : ・
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munofmanyminds · 6 months
Closed starter for @libraryofdesire
"It's like you're a fucking glutton for punishment." Dawson's hand squeezed her wrist painfully, forcing her to let go of the car keys she'd been holding, ready to walk out the door with a bag of his money. He'd caught her on her way out, arriving home just as she was on the cusp of success. Like detaching herself from him would be that easy. Like she wouldn't be coming back the second life got hard again. "Haven't we done this a million times already, huh?" Moving in closer, he wrapped his other hand around her neck, cementing his hold on her. "Are you trying to piss me off?"
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blvshed · 6 months
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she's been thinking about him all day, the man consuming her thoughts far more than her husband had been lately. there's a certain level of guilt for leaving both him and the kids at home while she snuck off, but she can't find it within herself to stop. not when mateo is far more attentive to her. there's a coy smile on her face when his receptionist lets her into his office for her appointment and the second that the door is closed behind them, she's cupping his jaw. "i missed you, baby." she murmurs quietly before leaning in to kiss him. / @libraryofdesire
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closed starter for @libraryofdesire // ivy & mateo
"Can you just tell him I'm here, please?" Ivy hates arguing. She hates being rude, she hates arguing, confrontation is not her thing. But her anxiety is twisting at her stomach, her heart is pounding in her chest, and her eyes are pleading with the receptionist.
"I know he is meant to be done for the day, I know he finishes at five thirty on a Friday, just please? Would you just tell him that it's Ivy, and she really needs to see him? He knows, he'll understand, please," the blonde pleads, glancing up from the receptionist to see a nurse who is leaving. She knows that nurse.
"Ivy?' The woman asks, looking concerned and Ivy's bottom lip quivers, fingers tugging her cardigan further around her, eyes desperate. "I n-need to see D-Doctor P-Perez," Ivy sniffles.
"Please," she is quick to add, after a shaky breath and the nurse offers a knowing smile, eyes worried. "Come with me, sweetheart, he's just finishing up his emails for the day, he'll see you." The woman wraps her arm around her and begins to leads her back, down the hallways, to where his office sits.
"Thank you," Ivy mumbles, sadly and the woman just squeezes her side tightly. "It's alright sweetheart, I know."
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cruelangcls · 6 months
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kit didn't go out of the house very often. truly, it was only for work and shopping. in his mind, there was plenty to do at home, to fixing and cleaning and cooking. even if it was just for himself. so it wasn't often he got a crush. or at least, a new one. so when the sight of the other showed up to his yoga class, the bright eyed instructor did not hide the smile- the gleeful joy, or try and meander. kit found his way right to them. "i haven't seen you in a bit! how is life treating you?"
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gcdfvcked · 6 months
continued from here for @libraryofdesire !
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"well, all of us are blessed with different things, aren't we, miss blake?" alexa noted, smiling as she gave her assistant's chest a little quick, meaningful groping—all too easy with olivia sitting right in her lap. it was far from their first time doing something like this, but it was quite different from the privacy of alexa's corner office that olivia would be used to, she'd have to admit.
"and, mm, let me think about it…" alexa hummed in mock thought, letting her hands fall to squeeze at the blonde's ass, next. she always showed her appreciation for her assistant's work ethic and natural talent—with the body she had chief among the latter. to no surprise, alexa chuckled, "okay, yes, i'm sure," nodding down between them. "go ahead and take me out, liv."
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ofginjxints · 7 months
closed starter for @libraryofdesire a simping starter
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Maybe Kenneth wasn't exactly good with the flirting thing, especially when it came to women he really shouldn't have been flirting with at all. But he had been bringing her coffee every day with no ulterior motive. Always said he was "continuing the investigation", or "in the area". He was sure he was going to run out of excuses soon but it wasn't like he was going to say something - that was for a man with more hope than he.
"Morning." He greeted her, placing the cup in front of her with a press-lipped smile. "Just, uh, seeing if there were any changes from last time?"
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untouchedmythos · 8 months
@libraryofdesire liked for a starter !
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analia was sat on her step brother's lap , hips lightly grinding along his as they were sharing a kiss -- yet , feeling wrong although right , she pulls away , looking into the other's eyes , hands cupping at his cheek before she's sighing lightly , chewing down on her lower lip : almost feeling bad that they were doing this in his bedroom , of all things . she's breathing heavy , continuing notions of her hips as she's putting all of this into deep consideration . " should . . should we be doing this ? " she asks , voice soft -- nearly desperate for some answer . however , with that in her head , she hadn't really considered a lot of things , like her relationship . nonetheless , her nose crinkles , taking another deep breath . " i mean . . i have a boyfriend , " she goes , rambling , attempting to take her mind off the utter possibilities of hurting someone she cared about .
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wditdsmutblog · 4 months
Closed For Noah & Adair
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Her car had 'broken down' about three miles outside of the little town a friend of a friend's kid had moved to. Whisperings about a cult and an enigmatic leader had pushed Adair to go looking. She'd not been asked to bring the kid back simply to take a look. The part needed for her car was on backorder which gave her time and a reason to explore the town after checking into the only accommodations. The only place that it seemed you could get a decent bite at was the local bar and grill or so the owner of the motel said. Adair was making her way there when she felt someone watching her. The gaze had the familiar danger that she was used to when encountering another predator. An odd feeling for a town full of people convinced to join a cult.
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emotionlcss · 8 months
﹝ closed starter ⇾ @libraryofdesire ﹞
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❝ i think its time for a break, right? ❞ sutton asked as she was bouncing into the room, maybe a little too happy. ❝ you work so hard, and i think you deserve a little stress relief. ❞ a devious smirk had started to wash over the blonde's lips as she was moving farther into the room. ❝ i could sit under your desk even, i promise i'll be real quiet. ❞  
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