#light configuration on a UFO
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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When was the last time you saw something strange in the skies above,or better yet you saw a UFO or IFO? Here’s one more egg shaped craft hovering silently upstate New York, in the Catskills mountains.This location happens to be a hotspot for UFO sightings from bright orbs,to saucer shaped crafts and recently these egg shaped ones displaying different colored light as they speed up or no lights at all when they hover over the land.Sometimes though when they land a constant buzz is heard and some gasses are expelled from the sides and bottom of some crafts.Some witnessed through frosted glass like domes silhouettes of grey looking aliens with a lit interior.The more exposed we are to these visitations provide we don’t make physical contact because of radiation issues ,such as burned skin or spot,fever ,vomiting, subcutaneous implants,psychological trauma ,insomnia,loss of memory, time lost, and all the fears associated with close encounters.The more they will be part of our learning process and acclimation to their visitations.We already know that some already walk among us.No secret there,our government is fully aware of this situation.They keep abducting humans and experimenting against our will.Well,if you are a witness do share it and find someone who can help you deal with the experience.Just stay away from government agencies all they will do is threaten you and only increase your anxiety and fear factor. There good people out there who are truly wanting to help.Okay ,I have said enough .Blessings to all of you who follow my blog.Shalom. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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gravityofforteana · 1 year
*Operation Trojan Horse*
Keel: Whatever "it" is, it is often inimical (tending to obstruct or harm. ~Joe) to the human race, & the manifestations range from childish mischief to acts of horrifying destruction. The phenomenon has driven many people mad; but it has also produced miraculous cures.
A cosmic system of checks & balances seems to be an actual fact. There are now well-documented cases of people being seriously injured, even killed, by flying saucers. But there are equally well-documented events in which the mysterious objects and their enterprising occupants have interceded directly in human affairs and thwarted disaster. Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests & farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great super-civilization in the sky.
But while the statuesque long-haired “Venusians” have been chatting benignly with isolated traveling salesmen and farm wives, a multitude of shimmering lights & metallic disks have been silently busying themselves in the forests of Canada, the Outback country of Australia, and the swamps of Michigan. Before we can find any answers, we must first find the right questions to ask. We must understand the exact nature of these visitors, and of ourselves.
I also believe that this same phenomenon is flexible to an unbelievable degree. It can create and manipulate matter through electromagnetic fields above and below the range of our perceptions and our own technical equipment. The phenomenon is mostly invisible to us because it consists of energy rather than solid earthly matter. It is guided by a great intelligence and has concentrated itself in the areas of magnetic faults throughout history. It makes itself visible to us from time to time by manipulating patterns of frequency. It can take any form it desires, ranging from the shapes of airplanes to gigantic cylindrical spaceships. It can manifest itself into seemingly living entities ranging from little green men to awesome one-eyed giants. But none of these configurations is its true form. The UFO sighting data confirm this theory, but we lack the necessary technology to prove it conclusively.
There are thousands of microscopic life forms in a drop of water. You can’t see them, feel them, or taste them because they are too small. A teenaged boy with a cheap microscope can peer into that drop of water and invade the privacy of those microbes. But the microbes don’t know he is there. They swim about in their liquid environment totally unaware that their tiny world is actually an insignificant part of a much larger, and very different, whole. Our world may also be part of something bigger, something beyond our senses and abilities to comprehend. That bigger something is undoubtedly made of energies, too. But energies of a different frequency, forming atoms radically different from the atoms of our own world. These energies could coexist with us and even share the same space without our becoming acutely aware of them. The evidence we have outlined in this book does clearly point to this unperceived coexistence, and now we must come to terms with "it" or "them" or the Great Whatzit in the sky.
This intelligence is able to manipulate energy. It can, quite literally, manipulate any kind of object into existence on our plane.
Let us assume that UFOs exist at frequencies beyond visible light but that they can adjust their frequency and descend the electromagnetic spectrum - just as you can turn the dial of your radio and move a variable condenser up and down the scale of radio frequencies.
When a UFO’s frequency nears that of visible light, it would first appear as a purplish blob of violet. As it moves farther down the scale, it would seem to change to blue, and then to cyan (bluish green). In our chapter on meteors we note that they most often appear as bluish-green objects. I have therefore classified that section of the color spectrum as the UFO entry field. When the objects begin to move into our spatial and time coordinates, they gear down from the higher frequencies, passing progressively from ultraviolet to violet to bluish green. When they stabilize within our dimensions, they radiate energy on all frequencies and become a glaring white.
In the white condition the object can traverse distances visibly, but radical maneuvers of ascent or descent require it to alter its frequencies again, and this process produces new color changes. In the majority of all landing reports, the objects were said to have turned orange (red and yellow) or red before descending. When they settle to the ground they "solidify," and the light dims or goes out altogether. On takeoff, they begin to glow red again. Sometimes they reportedly turn a brilliant red and vanish. Other times they shift through all of the colors of the spectrum, turn white, and fly off into the night sky until they look like just another star.
Because the color red is so closely associated with the landing and takeoff processes, I term this end of the color spectrum the UFO departure field. The great mass of observational data fully supports these hypotheses. Our glowing objects change color, size, and form, and this fact indicates that they are comprised of energy which can be manipulated to temporarily simulate terrestrial matter. Such energies must be somehow collected together at the invisible frequencies, and then frequency changes are brought about to 'lower' them into the visible spectrum. Once they become visible, they can then organize themselves into atoms and produce any desired form. Barney and Betty Hill, the couple who were allegedly taken aboard a UFO in New Hampshire in 1961, first observed a brilliant moving “star.” As it drew closer, the brilliance faded and it became a seemingly material flying saucer occupied by small men in uniforms. Brazil’s Villa-Boas, who claimed he was taken aboard a UFO in 1957, first saw a reddish object which then became a grounded saucer. When it took off again, the object first surrounded itself with a red glow. The glow intensified, and the reddish object sailed off into the stars.
Those who have tried to investigate the UFO phenomenon in purely physical terms have speculated on the possible mechanics of such objects. The general consensus has been that the UFOs utilize an antigravity device which surrounds them with a magnetic field, and this magnetism ionizes the nitrogen in the air around the object, causing it to glow. On the surface, this has seemed like a plausible theory. But in reality it is not workable.
A tremendous amount of magnetism would be required to produce the magnetic effects blamed on the objects, such as the stalling of automobiles. The Ford Motor Company, working with the UFO-investigating group @ Colorado U., discovered that simple magnetism could not stall an auto engine encased in the protective steel body of a car. A field strong enough to accomplish this would also be strong enough to bend the car itself & possibly affect the passengers as well.
There have been many bewildering accounts of shell-like objects with no visible means of propulsion, no signs of any kinds of technology. Contactee Reinhold Schmidt’s German-speaking ufonauts, who invited him aboard their saucer in Nebraska in 1957, didn’t walk but glided across the floor of their spaceship as if they were on roller skates. Other sober and baffled witnesses have described how the UFO occupants seemed to fly from the ground to their waiting saucers. Still others have claimed that the ufonauts simply walked through the sides of their craft like ghosts.
In story after story we have testimonial proof that the objects and their occupants are not made of normal substances. The hard (seemingly solid) objects are another problem. Bullets have been fired at them and have ricocheted off. They sometimes leave imprints on the ground where they land. If they are the product of a superior intelligence with an advanced technology, they seem to be suffering from faulty workmanship.
Since 1896 there have been hundreds of reports in which lone witnesses have stumbled onto grounded hard objects being repaired by their pilots. In flight, they have an astounding habit of losing pieces of metal. They seem to be ill-made, always falling apart, frequently exploding in midair. There are so many of these incidents that we must wonder if they aren’t really deliberate. Maybe they are meant to foster the belief that the objects are real and mechanical.
In the foregoing I have tried to demonstrate how the soft objects seem to be directly related to the electromagnetic spectrum. This is hardly a new theory. Not only have the occultists, spiritualists, and religionists been telling us about frequencies, vibrations, and the color spectrum for centuries, but modern researchers such as Dr. Meade Layne worked all of this out years ago.
Dr. Layne evolved a theory of mat' and 'demat; (materialization and dematerialization) of extradimensional objects. His findings were privately published and not very widely circulated. Others, such as British ufologist Harold T. Wilkins, also worked this out and published books about it in the early 1950s. But the spectrum theory lacks the strong emotional appeal of the extraterrestrial thesis.
There is a rather curious entry in Project Blue Book Report No. 14 (1955) on page 295. In the section showing how various sightings are classified, "number 8 in Code 79-80 Final Identification is "Electromagnetic Phenomenon." This is crossed out (the report was reproduced by photo offset), and the now well-known classification of "Unknown" was substituted."
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whitepolaris · 3 months
Maltby's Cemetery of Mystique
A hilltop on the outskirts of Woodinville is where the Doolittle family and their descendants have interred their dearly departed since the early 1990s. This family plot, known as Maltby Cemetery, currently contains about forty graves along an elevated forest trail that extends into the backyard of a suburban home.
Given its somewhat isolated location and unusual configuration, it's not surprising that the small graveyard became big in supernatural folklore. Generations of thrill seekers have contemplated it with curiosity and imagination. In fact, it seems as if most local have ignored the prominent NO TRESPASSING signs at least once to see for themselves what all the fuss is about.
Among the cemetery's rumored elements and tales:
The Gates (or Pillars) of Hell
Really neither gates nor pillars, these two four- or five-foot tall concrete obelisks reportedly once supported a gate from the yard into the cemetery. These days they represent an ominous point of no return, a landmark suggesting, "Abandoned all hope, ye who enter here!"
Ghosts and Apparitions
The apparition of a woman is sometimes seen wandering the grounds alone, searching for her child through eternity. Alternately, another-or perhaps the same-ghost is seen with a child, both wearing old, ragged clothing. There are just two of many ghostly tales ascribed to the cemetery. Others include an eerie whispering in the air as the wind blows through surrounding trees, ghosts shoving or hitting trespassers, and, of course, floating orbs of light.
The Changing Gravestone
One legend concerns a particular gravestone that changes its appearance from a fairly small, generic marker to a larger, ornate monument. To observe this phenomenon, one has to walk past all the graves, then turn around, walk back, and look at the spot where the original marker stood. According to one account, "It's not something you actually see happen; it's more like you notice it afterwards."
The Pentagram Gravestone
Many people mention a gravestone with a satanic pentagram design. Far be it from Weird Washington to burst any bubbles, but we have it on good authority that the "pentagram" is actually a square-and-compass symbol, identifying the grave of a Mason.
The Den
Details are vague on what or where exactly the Den is supposed to be. Some say it's the ground between the Gates of Hell and the graves behind it. Others specify a clearing nearby in the woods. Either way, legend has it that its entrance is protected by some kind of spiritual force and that anyone who manages to breach it will go irreversibly insane.
The Thirteen Steps to Hell
This is the most-often cited Maltby Cemetery legend, though accounts of the steps' location are inconsistent. Some believe they're hidden somewhere on the forest trail; others say they lie beneath a fallen slab in the cemetery itself. In any case, watch that last step. It's a doozy! Rumor has it that many a young person has emerged catatonic from the Thirteen Steps after catching a horrifying glimpse of the infernal netherworld. Or maybe it was the tequila they sneaked from Dad's liquor cabinet.
Mystery Guards
Like the stories of men in black who frequent areas with UFO activity, tales of mysterious uniformed guards at Maltby Cemetery briefly cropped up a few years ago. Though they were doubtless flesh and blood, a few accounts classified them as supernatural.
There's a logical reason for their presence: vandalism. The owners and caretakers of Maltby Cemetery have had to deal with the destructiveness of a few jerks for the past few years. Take our word for it that their patience has worn very thin and the cemetery is strictly off limits. In addition, the neighbors keep an eye out for trespassers at all hours. Be warned: You risk very real arrest by going there without permission. We strongly suggest you bask in the Maltby Cemetery mystique solely from the pages of this book.
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candystaples · 2 years
I haven’t read about any of the UFO balloon stuff, probably because I’ve been off twitter the last few months. In December, coming back from Bethesda, I did see an incredibly dynamic and fast-moving craft covered in a strange configuration of lights zooming around over both the highway and more isolated, two-lane residential roads that barely even had streetlights. I’m sure it was owned by the US govt, as it was too large to avoid detection (and not balloon-shaped). Actually, I wondered if it was a drone. If it was, it was huge. I tried taking pics of it, and I do have some, but god, they barely look like anything; my sympathies to all those UFO snapshotters throughout history
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megaman-rockman · 2 years
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For the last post detailing the events of Mega Man 4, click here!
It has been two months since Doctor Wily revealed he was alive, the mad man had fooled everyone by blackmailing Doctor Cossack into attacking the world with remodeled Robots. But now it's obvious, the Doctor is still out there. But what of Proto Man? Mega Man has seen this mysterious robot show up in the midst of battle, was he his friend or enemy?
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Soon, he'd find out... Eight Robots suddenly begin to attack the city, their origins unknown. But one thing is for sure, Proto Man is leading them. These eight combat robots, Star Man, Crystal Man, Napalm Man, Gyro Man, Gravity Man, Wave Man and Charge Man, cause destruction like never before. This wasn't just a private challenge, this was a public attack on the world.
At Doctor Light's Lab, the Doctor was watching the destruction unfold from far away. But it was all a distraction, Proto Man swoops down and kidnaps him. Mega Man walks outside to see the Doctor gone... But in his place, a lone yellow scarf slowly falls into his hand.
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Proto Man is his only lead to who could be behind this... But Mega Man can't fight back alone. Contacting Doctor Cossack, he agrees to remodel his Mega Buster once again into a stronger version. The Super Mega Buster, but that's not all. The good doctor creates a new support robot to help Mega Man through this adventure, Beat the Bird. Able to swoop in and attack enemies, Beat becomes quite the useful ally to Mega Man.
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With everything set, Mega Man, Rush, Eddie and Beat go out to stop Proto Man's army of robots and save Doctor Light. Through out the battles Mega Man finds that the robots are much more advanced than some of the others he had faced before with features such as gravity control, body reconstruction and heavy artillery. The Blue Bomber perceivers and makes it to Proto Man's castle.
There he fights a strange series of robots, with their electronic brains exposed. The Dark Man robots all feature different body configurations, 1's tank like body, 2's shield generation and 3's stun rifle. After defeating them, Mega Man scales the tower to hear an... Off-pitch whistle? Proto Man without his scarf appears, blasting Mega Man and backing him into a corner.
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A corrected whistle echoes through out the room as the real Proto Man jumps down, he reveals the Imposter to be Dark Man 4! Giving Mega Man a unique L-Tank, he brings him back to full energy. As it turns out, the true mastermind of the plan is Doctor Wily. He was attempting to frame Proto Man for his actions after he betrayed him! Mega Man's had enough of this and he rushes to Wily's brand new Skull Castle.
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Mega Man breaks through the rest of Wily's defenses with the Super Mega Buster, and with Beat's help he destroys Wily's new Wily Machine and Wily Capsule. The mad doctor tries to run away from him but Mega Man chases him down to find Doctor Light trapped in a cage. There Wily pleads for mercy yet again, suddenly the castle begins to explode. Mega Man holds up a collapsing ceiling above him.
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Through this moment, Wily finds an out as he makes a break to his UFO to escape. Everything seems hopeless until Proto Man blasts a hole for Mega Man and Doctor Light to escape to. The two of them stare out as Wily's Castle collapses, the Doctor escapes. But little to their knowledge, Proto Man stares silently in the distance... He is officially now one of their allies, no longer having any service to Doctor Wily's world conquering schemes.
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That ends Mega Man 5! Proto Man is now an ally to the Blue Bomber and someone he can trust, though in the Japanese games he never learns he is his brother. Quite the contrast from the Ruby Spears cartoon. Though there's one more battle left for us to cover in the NES Mega Man series. Join us next time as we cover the events of the world's 1st annual robot competition!
SOURCES: Hey just one this time!
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harrelltut · 3 years
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MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ago [MAYA] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]... QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] Advanced Genetically Evolutionary [AGE] Genetic Codes into My 5050 [X] Nexus Programming Mental Phase of A New [ANU] Being [NUBIAN] Cloned… 2 Generationally Engineer [G.E.] A New [ANU] Golden 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI COSMOIAN [EXTRATERRESTRIAL] LIGHT [EL] BIOLOGY SPIRIT Network of SPRINT Communication Grid Configurations from Planet RIZQ… since Us New [NU] 9 Ether ETHERIANS from the 1968 [VI] Gregorian Calendar Council of the Lost Conscious Generation X… TELEPATHICALLY Communicate 2 Our Lost 9 Ether MILLIONAIRE Generation of 1900 [X]… who Scientifically Engineered American [SEA] Telecom Networks 4 Our Greatest 9 Ether ELOHEEM [EL] Generation from Our 1921 [IV] Clandestine Gregorian Calendar Society of "Black Budget” Wall Street TITANS of SIRIUS 9 Ether Astrobiological Genetic Sciences from Planet X [RIZQ]… who Dynastically Record ALL Written [DRAW] 9 Ether Astrobiological Genetic Records from this Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR Creation GOD… Immaculately MANIFESTING [I’M] Intelligent Automatic Generation Control POWERS as A Mysterious Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] SCIENTIST ENGINEER ALKHEMIST [SEA] of 144,000 Conscious 9 Ether Conscience Gases of New [NU] ASTROMUTATIONS… ABOVE the American UFO Pentagon [UP] Agency in 2022 [VI]
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yaorong · 3 years
What factors need to be considered when purchasing UFO high bay lights?
UFO high bay lights play an important role in the application of different environments and are widely used in various industries. Because of its many advantages and characteristics, many customers in need have started, but it is still necessary to pay attention to all aspects of factors that must be considered when purchasing UFO high bay lights? The following is a detailed analysis of professional UFO high bay light manufacturer Yaorong Technology:
1. Lighting use
Before purchasing this UFO high bay light, customers should consider their daily lighting needs and understand their operating environment and use. For applications in the chemical, coal and petroleum industries, they should pay more attention to the explosion-proof and dust-proof of UFO high bay lights. In order to purchase UFO high bay lights that are more suitable for the environment where the product is located and meet the requirements of national quality standards.
2. Manufacturer selection
When purchasing UFO high bay lights, you need to consider the choice of manufacturers. Try to choose a manufacturer with a long established time, rich experience and strength, which is responsible for your products. Because the LED lighting industry is ushering in a new round of development opportunities, many businesses have poured in, resulting in insufficient experience and inferior products, so the choice of manufacturers is very important.
3. Cost-effective
When purchasing UFO high bay lights, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the cost-effectiveness, instead of only considering its price factor unilaterally. Since high-quality UFO high bay lights are relatively reliable in terms of their price and performance, they will also save for their daily use. Certain electricity bills and maintenance and replacement costs.
4. Power
Nowadays, manufacturers often falsely indicate false power on the market. For novice buyers, of course, it is impossible to tell whether the label is true or not, but as long as the UFO high bay light is connected through an electric energy meter, the actual power of the lamp can be seen. Virtual standard power may cause insufficient illumination of UFO high bay lights, so it will actually affect normal lighting and affect people. If you want to avoid this problem, you must choose a reliable brand of lamps.
5. Light effect
Different places of use have different requirements for contrast. Places such as workshops, stadiums, libraries, etc., require high illuminance. Places such as warehouses and parking lots have low illuminance requirements. Therefore, pay attention to the use of places and The light effect you want to achieve, in addition to the height of the installation space, the light-emitting angle and the density of the lights, this is also the place to pay attention.
6. Chips, power materials
First of all, what brand of chips are used in UFO high bay lights? Imported first-line brands have the characteristics of high light efficiency, long service life, low light attenuation and good stability. Secondly, look at the power supply of the UFO high bay light, which will affect the life of the bulb, and look at the material of the lamp housing. The imported pure aluminum heat sink is large, and aluminum is naturally used. Only the materials used can guarantee the heat dissipation effect of the lamp.
7. Heat dissipation
Look at the material and type of the UFO high bay light radiator to choose. Generally speaking, if the purity of the aluminum material used is higher and the area of the heat sink is larger, then the UFO high bay light has a better heat dissipation effect, and the UFO high bay light with poor heat dissipation The high temperature may be generated in less than a few hours of operation, and the temperature rise caused by the undissipated heat will continue to affect the use of other accessories.
8. After-sales service
The after-sales service of UFO high bay lights is still very important. The quality assurance of UFO high bay lights will directly affect your input cost for several years. Some manufacturers have less warranty years. Then you have to find it yourself if there is a problem with your UFO high bay light. It is recommended to find a manufacturer with a warranty of more than 5 years to solve the problems related to after-sales service.
Technical characteristics of UFO high bay light:
1. Bionic fins for heat dissipation. The shape imitates the UFO shape design, the shell is made of high thermal conductivity die-cast aluminum, and the bionic fin convection integrated lamp body heat dissipation design is not only good-looking, but also the heat dissipation is leveraged.
2. PC anti-ultraviolet ring aperture design for light transmission. Using PC material, there is very little change under high temperature conditions. The anti-UV experiment ensures that the color does not change when used indoors and outdoors.
3. High light efficiency. The whole lighting effect is ≥130lm/W. The ring-shaped arrangement, branded lamp beads and drivers are optional to meet the needs of different customers.
4. Intelligent induction. Intelligent sensor module, the sensor module setting is turned on, the lights are on when people come, and the brightness is adjusted to 100%. The lights are kept for 30 minutes after the people walk. After the people walk for 30 minutes, they will automatically turn off if no objects move. Intelligent dimming and microwave induction configurations are optional.
5. High protection. The IP65 protection level is suitable for use in high dust and high water vapor environments. The use of silicone rubber seals ensures that the product can be used in harsh environments such as high dust and water vapor.
6. Free choice of light distribution and installation. We have a variety of installation methods such as 60°, 90°, 120° light distribution angle, ring type, U-shaped bracket, etc. Different light distribution angles and installation methods can meet your needs.
Through the above suggestions, people should pay attention to its comprehensive factors when purchasing UFO high bay lights, so that UFO high bay lights can meet the requirements of use in the application environment and ensure the lighting effect.
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ufosightingsfootage · 4 years
Close flyby of unique UFO. Captured in Cambridge UK, by Paul Bryant TV AUGUST 2020 Captured while trying to film lightning strikes, this would have to be one of the most significant UFO sightings of 2020. This objects ability to propell itself at high velocity without sound is without doubt extraordinary & it’s structural configuration is to date unseen & totally unique. I’m interested in your thoughts on this footage,what do you think has been filmed flying at such velocity with an unusual structure such as this? Guys, it's obvious to me that the skies over the UK and the US, plus Europe are filled with strange anomalies. I'm specifically interested in how long these have been here on Earth because these little spaceships can't (can they) travel conventionally light years... Which makes me think that these have been here a long time. Ancient history has UFO activity, are they possibly the same Spaceships? How long have they been here, and on the Moon? It's not a question anymore about UFOs on the Moon. Thoughts on that please. #ufofiles #ovnis👽 #ufohunter #unidentifiedflyingobject #ufovideo #ufosarereal #flyingsaucer #flyingsaucers #ufohunters #realufo #aliensarereal #aliensexist #aliens👽 #ovni #extraterrestrial #extraterrestre👽 #alienabduction #ufos #ufosightings #ufosighting #ufologia #ufology #ufology #ufosightingsfootage Credit @bdmastro1 (at Cambridge Cambridgeshire UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsO_HUjkrj/?igshid=30ujpbdcvgdw
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what causes ball lightning? what about regular lightning? are there any interesting things about lightning that i might not already know?
ok heres the thing: lightning and static electricity, like getting shocked after shuffling on carpet, are exactly the same thing
lets start by talking about water: h2o. the thing about water is that the hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom at kind of an angle. if you cast your mind back to high school chem, you’ll remember that molecules want all their electron holes filled so theyre electrically neutral, and water does that. BUT the angle of the hydrogen means that the hydrogen side of a water molecule is slightly more positive and the oxygen side is slightly more negative.
zoom out. a water molecule is one of approximately a jillion water vapor molecules, hanging out in a cloud. well, there’s a lot of them, and the wind is blowing them in such a way that they rub up against each other, and they’re starting to accumulate static electricity without anywhere to discharge it. normally it leaks out into air or air moisture but if conditions are wrong for that... then they don’t!
so when you rub a balloon on your hair or whatever you rip some electrons off and theyre stuck on you, but electrons hate each other and wanna get away from each other. hey there’s a metal doorknob! it would take a lot of energy to jump across this bit of air, which might hurt whatever dumbass we’re on, but it’s worth it!
lightning is that but the metal is the ground and the dumbass is the sky, and the air is half a mile of atmosphere in between.
also fun fact that’s wrong because lightning doesnt actually strike from sky to ground. usually electrons surge from ground to sky first, and then that creates an ionized path where they’ve shoved all resistance out of the way, so a secondary bolt flows back down that path. there’s also a lot of cloud-to-cloud lightning and stuff like that. one lightning bolt is approximately enough energy to launch a car into space
now for ball lightning! heres a fun fact about ball lightning: we don’t know what the fuck it is!
that is to say, ball lightning is this thing where people in swamps or on ships during storms will report seeing balls of light that float around weirdly, that sometimes pass through things and either leave them unharmed or zap them. scientists have produced various kinds of plasma discharges that mimic these behaviours but rarely one that covers all of them that would be plausible to find in the wild outside a lab. the main thing is that, like i said, electrons hate each other and want to get away from each other, and the best way to do that is explode outwards. so if ball lightning is a ball, something has to be keeping it (vaguely) ball shaped. 
people have proposed all kinds of explanations for ball lightning ranging from “natural neon leaking from the ground gets electrified like a neon light” to “complex wave interference phenomenon” to “its not really there the electric fields just make you hallucinate in this exact way”. theres overlap with ufo spotters and stuff. i gotta say i have sympathy with the wave phenomena guys because i spent like two and a half years just doing excruciatingly detailed configurations of electric charges and how they might behave. most likely is that not all the stories are 100% accurate, not all of them describe the same thing, and that a lot of them are extremely unlikely coincidences that get ruled out as “itd never happen in nature”. 
fun fact ball lightning is a proposed explanation of the will o wisp phenomenon, where people in swamps see glowing lights that look like far off lanterns. this kind of thing gets reported all over the world and often believed to be the souls of the recently dead or of the living astral projecting. others point to the mekong river where purportedly a naga casts fireballs into the air every so often
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hipargrowlight · 3 years
Saves Energy And Money With The Led Grow Light
When you are having a large grow room then it requires the exact resources for achieving the better yield. Normally, plants require sunlight for providing photosynthesis so that it could be a suitable option for easily growing its fruits, flowers, and many others. Having the best grade Led grow light mainly gives adequate rays suitable for the plants inside the room to easily grow and yield at the proper time. It is also quite important to determine the type of light you install in grow room. When you have these kinds of grow lights then it is quite important for showing the equality light for the garden. Now you have the better option to easily start the seeds and grown thriving herbs with the houseplant.
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Quantum Board Light Features:
The “Quantum Board” has been first introduced for its high-end features in providing a bigger source of light for the plants. These are new styles of light that mainly have a larger supplier of LED grow lights. Providing the led quantum board mainly affixed at the flat board and these give large LED diodes suitable or providing the eco-friendly light. In the board, all the diodes are arranged in rows which would run in a parallel configuration. These also have high-powered constant current drivers. It is mainly enabled with the different boards from multiple manufacturers and varying configurations. Primary board LED lights are mainly used with the various features so that they are available in 2 variants with the deep red or blue diodes.
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In the modern-day, it is quite common for finding a wide number of brands that make the quantum boards. These also use the same components as HLG while others also use cheap alternatives. It would be a much more efficient option for keeping the cost down. These also use top-quality components which would mainly focus on the quantum board.
Completely Energy Efficient:
The UFO led grow lights are mainly made with rust-proof and sturdy frames along with water-tight plastic trays. All these floor models especially have casters which would mainly be a suitable option to roll. Dual-bulb and height-adjustable light fixtures are completely energy efficient and give you the best affordable fluorescents or LED light conditions. The Quantum board gives more output consuming fewer watts. These would mainly generate the 2.6 umol per joule or 168 Lumen Per Watt. Quantum board lights mainly cost lower than traditional LEDs. These would produce a similar output compared to others.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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On this type of UFO or IFO we have two versions government whistleblowers claim it is a reverse engineered craft built by the shadows government.The other version is that it is an alien craft built off planet by a “friendly race of bipedals” of a binary system that comes here through a wormhole.This triangular shaped craft is often seen in the Midwest of the United States near military bases,and a regular visitor to the infamous Area 51.The light configuration varies according to the size of the craft.whistleblowers claim to have seen 4 beings after landing,similar to the Greys.Well,there are plenty of reports from pilots ,private and commercial planes. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman.
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quadrantvideogames · 4 years
The original donkey kong had four stages. Later Donkey kong games still included these four stages or at least one of them. The killscreen is at the 22nd level because it reaches the 256 limit. 256 is four to the fourth power.
Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past and Four Swords has four Zeldas and four Great fairies. Zelda games are permeated with fours. There is even a Zelda tetraforce theory that argues that the triforce is in fact the tetraforce. In Four Swords Adventures, four Links are always at play.
In Zelda Oracle of the Seasons the environment shifts between the Four Seasons, and there is a lot of repetition of four in the game.
There are four action buttons in the X box. The x in the X box controller is the quadrant.
The X in Direct X is the quadrant.
Left 4 Dead is a popular video game
William "Bill" Overbeck (voiced by Jim French), a Vietnam veteran; Zoey (voiced by Jen Taylor), a college student; Louis (voiced by Earl Alexander), an IT analyst, and Francis (voiced by Vince Valenzuela), an outlaw biker—make their way through the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the infection is creating more dangerous mutations
There are four cups in Mario Kart 64
Mushroom cup
Star Cup
Flower cup
Special Cup
There are 16 tracks in Mario Kart Dash. There is 16 squares in the quadrant model.
Each Mario Kart game has 16 courses in four Cups. Therefore Mario Kart is a four by four quadrant model.
Mario Kart Dash has 16 courses divided into four tracks. It also allows 16 players. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
The four Bosses in Street Fighter II are shown below.
Each cup in Mario Kart DS has four levels too. But there are eight cups. So there is 32 levels in all.
M. Bison
There are four elements in a 4X video game
The Bartle taxonomy of video game players elucidates four types
Jon Radoff has a four quadrant model of video game players
Tetris is one of the most popular video games of all time. Tetra means four. The game pieces are made up of four segments
The playstation controller has four action buttons in a quadrant formation. They are
green triangle
a blue cross
a red circle
pink square
One of the buttons is a cross.
In the popular video game Borderlands there are four main characters
Roland the Soldier
Lilith the Siren
Mordecai the Hunter
Brick the Berserker
The tetractys appears in Assassin's Creed. The gematria of the tetragrammaton tetractys is 72. The number 72 plays a significant role in Assassin's Creed
A tetractys of the letters of the Tetragrammaton adds up to 72 by gematria.
The 72 names of God, according to Jewish mystics, are divided into four columns. The four columns are represented by the four letters of the tetragrammaton. Again, other numbers appear, but the four is still dominant.
Atari breakout is a classic video game. In the game there were four colors of blocks. Each color of block would deflect the ball at a different speed.
In 2010 taco bell had a rerelease of Breakout. Four classic atari games were sold.
In Zelda there is a theory called the tetraforce theory.
The triforce is made up of three yellow triangles. The three triangles represent wisdom, power, and courage. The Hylian Shield in Ocarina of Time, however, has a fourth triangle below the triforce symbol. THe shield is illustrated above. It was hypothesized that this fourth triangle was the fourth force in the triforce. We see, thereby, the quaternity principal at play. The three is becoming four, or at least there is a different fourth component that does not seem to belong.
The number four is significant in Zelda. The prominence of the number four in Zelda leads “tetraforce conspirators” to believe that there is a fourth part of the triforce.
Some examples of four in Zelda are
There are four giants in Majora's Mask.
In The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, there is a legendary sword that can turn a person into four persons. Link in the game, uses the magical sword and becomes four persons.
The light spirits in Zelda are four God like entities.
In Zelda there are four mirror shards, but only three need to be retrieved by Link.
The mirror shards are in four locations
The Mirror Chamber atop the Arbiter's Grounds
The Temple of Time in the Sacred Grove
The Snowpeak Ruins at the summit of Snowpeak
The City in the Sky located in the heavens
In the game Zelda, Zelda is Tetra. Tetra is also called Dazel in the game. Dazel is an anagram of Zelda. Tetra means four.
Artwork of Tetra from The Wind Waker
“Tetra may also be a pun of the word Tetrahedron as the symbol of the Triforce is the net of a tetrahedron.”
A swastika shaped third dungeon in Zelda.
The Book of Magic in Zelda has a cross on it.
In Hyrule Warriors, a legendary figure defeats an evil being and splits his soul into four pieces. Three of the pieces are scattered across space and time, but the fourth piece is held at the Temple of the Sacred Sword.
The cross is a quest item in Zelda II the Adventures of Link.
There is a game called Dance Dance Revolution X. X is a quadrant.
Dance Dance revolution dance platforms have four pads pointing to the four directions.
Dance pads can be used with a controller for dance dance revolution, and soft, portable dance pads can be used at home.
Gauntlet was one of the first arcade games where you could play more than two players at once. Gauntlet allowed for four players to play at one time. The four players are
Questor, an Elf
Thor, a Warrior
Thyra, a Valkyrie
Merlin, a Wizard
Pac Man was one of the most popular video games/arcade games of all time. In the game Pac Man must run from four multi colored ghosts. The four ghosts fit the quadrant pattern, in that the fourth ghost is different. The first three ghost’s names rhyme, but not the fourth’s.  Also, at the beginning of each level, three of the ghosts are together in a rectangular box, but the fourth is outside.
The initial configuration of Google's Pac-Man banner is shown above
There are four different mazes that appear in different color schemes in Ms. Pac Man. They are
The pink maze appears in levels 1 & 2
the brown maze appears in levels 6 through 9
the light blue maze appears in levels 3, 4, & 5
and the dark blue maze appears in levels 10 through 14. After level 14, the maze configurations alternate every 4th level.
Three of the four mazes have two sets of warp tunnels (four warp tunnels). The fourth is different.
The Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System, and NES versions, by Tengen, and the Super NES version, by Williams Electronics, used four sets of mazes for Ms. Pacman. They were
the original arcade mazes
smaller mazes
bigger mazes
"strange" mazes
In star fox assault there are four members of the Star Fox team. Star Fox is one of the most popular video games of all time
, Slippy Toad
Falco Lombardi
Fox McCloud
Pokemon X is a role playing video game. The X is the quadrant.
The game space invaders is infamous for its musical four note loop.
There are four base shelters in the original space invaders video game.
There are also four types of villains that you have to destroy. There is the small invaders, the medium invaders, the large invaders, and there is the transcendent fourth mystery ship/ufo.
Atari’s Swordquest featured four video games. The four video games were titled under the four elements.
SwordQuest: EarthWorld
SwordQuest: WaterWorld
SwordQuest: FireWorld
SwordQuest: AirWorld
The Assassin's Creed poster shows the assasin in cruciform.
The term "4X" originates from a 1993 preview of Master of Orion in Computer Gaming World by Alan Emrich, in which he rated the game "XXXX" as a pun on the XXX rating for pornography. The four Xs were an abbreviation for "EXplore, EXpand, EXploit and EXterminate".[1]
Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal surrounding territories.
Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage.
Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or sometimes by extending the influence of existing settlements.
Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players. Since in some games all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence may be the only way to achieve further expansion.
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11-20-18 Terry Lovelace, UFO Incident at Devil's Den Park
Alejandro Rojas with UFO Updates, our guest Terry Lovelace, a former Assistant Attorney General discusses an an amazing UFO incident in 1977 at Devil's Den Park in Arkansas, and strange things that followed, and a possible implant discovered accidentally on X-Ray and much more. Terry Lovelace, a 64 year-old lawyer and former assistant attorney general. In 2012 a routine x-ray of my leg found an anomalous bit of metal the size of a fingernail with two tiny wires attached. What followed were horrific nightmares, spontaneous recall and intrusive thoughts surrounding a 1977 camping trip I took with a friend to Devils Den State Park in Northern Arkansas. For fear of losing my job and my standing in the legal community I've kept this secret for 40 years. But the 2012 discovery of this object, one and one-half inches deep in my thigh, initiated a flood of nightmares I could not control. My poor health and the horrific memories were the catalyst to come forward and finally disclose what happened back in 1977. My friend and I were on a two-day camping trip to photograph eagles and wildlife. Rather than stay in the campground we chose to drive deep into an isolated area and set-up our camp on a high plateau that offered a scenic view of the wilderness. Late in the evening of our first night in camp a group of three very bright stars in the western sky caught our attention. Arranged in a triangle configuration we speculated as to what it could be? We eliminated aircraft lights due to the triangle configuration. Then it moved. The three stars rotated as if on an axis and slowly ascended upward. As it rose the three points of light spread apart, each equidistant to the others. The stars grew larger and brighter. As the triangle passed over stars they would blink-out for a moment and then blink-back again as it moved over them. Continue reading here: https://www.amazon.com/Incident-Devil...
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‘Strange blue lights’ spotted over Arctic Circle explained by Nasa
‘Strange blue lights’ spotted over Arctic Circle explained by Nasa
Do you believe in alien life and/or UFOs? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or Instagram!
Those observing the Northern Lights in Norway over the weekend were treated not only to the spectacular aurora, but also reported strange configurations of colourful lights moving through the sky.
While those who witnessed it could be forgiven for preparing to pledge allegiance to some new…
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Full Spectrum Grow Light
Choosing The Best Full spectrum grow light For Your Indoor Garden
LED Grow Lights have boosted in appeal during the last couple of years and also have become a secure option to typical lights. The LED lighting is an excellent resource of artificial light for your plants, and even they're Eco-friendly too. They may also provide your budget a remainder mostly since LED Grow Lights are so long-lasting and energy reliable. The first significant advantage of Indoor LED grow lights is the reality that they are so Eco-friendly and competent. Typical incandescent lights have mercury which is unsafe to people as well as also the environment.
Mercury is among the worst pollutants as well as can trigger a great deal of damage to people, wild animals, and plant-life. With LED illumination, that threat is stayed clear of because of the reality there is no mercury or any other heavy metals, had within the lights. With all the discussion the environment suffering at the hands of humans, using an Eco pleasant and energy saving light will certainly help in reducing your footprint on the atmosphere.
Grow lights like HPS as well as MH tend to run unbelievably warm after only some hours which is why a temperature level control system is required if one intends to make sure the well being of the plants. Likewise, cooling systems are relatively expensive, and not everybody knows the proper way to run them. That being said, Indoor LED grow lights are very useful in this regard as they discharge incredibly little warmth.
It shows that even if they have been left on for several days, it'll be OK for you to touch them without shedding your hand. And because a cooling system just isn't needed, you can conserve a good deal of cash on your electric bills if you make the switch to LED.
The considerable advantage of LED Grow Lights is that they are genuinely durable as well as consume very little power when contrasted to an HID system. It is approximated that the ordinary LED Grow light has about a 35,000-50,000 hr life expectancy. Whenever you compare this to the 1,000-2,000 hr lifespan of incandescent lights, and also you'll see just how much cash you will be throw away when you select to utilize Full conventional spectrum grow light.
Why is the lifespan of LED illumination so high?
Unlike standard incandescent lighting, LED lights don't contain any filaments that can get too hot and also cause the fire to at some point burn out. Not just is this somewhat helpful for regional landfills, because it keeps steel halide lights out, but it additionally keeps cash in your pocket. A key benefit of LED Lighting is that the light they produce is designed to duplicate details wavelengths which are near the peak of the plant's chlorophyll absorption levels. It's this targeted spectrum which assists plants to grow far more effectively and also produce more.
Youthful plants or sprouts require to have the light inside the blue spectrum to be able to grow. Grown-up plants which prepare to replicate as well as develop and fruit, call for light a bit more inside the red range. So the bottom line is, while LED grows lights have not been about as long as a standard HID, they're extra pound for pound the best option for your money.
With the weather being incredibly cold during the winter season, several plant farmers are trying to find new means to grow plants inside. LED Grow Lights utilize a light-emitting diode (LED ~) to help plants development. Hydroponics is the name offered to the practice of growing plants without soil. Mineral nutrients then change the land had in water service.
Many hydroponics systems are utilized inside your home, as users have better control of the problems such as light, warmth and nutrient levels. The advantages of using LED expanding lamps for hydroponics is that the cultivators can correctly manage the growth of their plants in the lack of sunlight. All plants call for water, nutrients as well as warmth; however crucially they need light as well as not just any light aids plant development. All plants require a certain kind of light that LED grow lights supply.
LED Grow Lamps
For specialists and amateurs alike the response is simple - the costs connected with growing plants making use of standard electrical systems are currently too expensive! With conventional electric systems, 90% of the electric used to power a familiar hydroponic setting goes to waste! Most of the energy utilized on the hydroponics system is lost as heat instead of light. The standard system also needs expensive cooling devices to maintain the right temperature. Additionally fluorescent and also HID's are loud, they have incredibly high voltage ballasts and also require costly installing devices compared to the robust LED grow board panels.
Light Strength vs. Brightness
One of the primary areas of confusion for lots of people is that common fluorescent and also HID lights look brighter than LED lights. The term brightness is regularly used to explain how things 'appear' to us. The scientific definition of light strength/ illumination is the variety of photons that hit a given surface over a specific amount of time.
LED grow lights accurately target the wavelengths of plants to help them grow and blossom at the optimum degree. HID lights produce a great deal of unnecessary eco-friendly and also yellow spectrum light that shows up bright to the human eye yet is unneeded for optimum plant development. Excellent quality LED grow lights have a 95% effectiveness score, that implies that nearly all the light discharged is taken in by the expanding plants for photosynthesis. Typical lights have roughly a 5% performance rate.
LED Grow Light Options
There are numerous kinds and also configurations of grow lights. From the typical square increase board to the UFO Grow Light (therefore named because of its similarity to a UFO). It is continuously crucial to take into consideration the equilibrium in between red and also blue LED lights on the Grow lamp.
The typical ratios are 4:1 as well as 8:1 Red: Blue.
The wavelength of lights ought to be roughly 660nm for traffic signals as well as 460nm for blue lights. Blue LED's are made use of for growth and Traffic signals are utilized for flowering and also ripening respectively. The proportion of lights you call for on your lamp should be assisted by the sort of plants you are attempting to grow.
Visit The Website for getting more information related to Indoor LED grow lights.
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harrelltut · 3 years
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QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] LLC… Dynastically Employ SIRIUS 9 Ether Beings [ANUNNAGI] aka QHT’s ELITE MILITARY PRIESTHOOD @ Our Present Day American UFO PENTAGON Agency [PA]… 2 Covertly Surveillance Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] by Official Binary [JOB] Code [JC] Identifiers of Privately Issued [I/P] Military INTEL [MI = MICHAEL] PATENTS… on QHT's Popular Photographic Memory Devices Equipped w/ Analytical [DEA] Information Software of SIRIUS Thermal Infrared Energy [HEAT] DYNAMICS & MOTIONS [BIOMECHANICS] Authenticating My Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Celestial Human GOD [EXTRATERRESTRIAL] THOUGHT [E.T. = THOTH] PATTERNS of Interplanetary Biometric MEMORY [iBM] PARTICLES [I/P] of NANOSCOPIC Polyatomic Ions of Valence Electrons Transmitting [iVET] Ultra Shortwave [USW] Radio Communications in VERY HIGH FREQUENCIES [VHF]… QHT Logistically Configured into Transition Elements of Subatomic Light from Airborne [TESLA] Particles… since iBEE that MICHAEL [iBM] HARRELL from MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ago [MAYA]… who Immaculately MANIFESTED [I’M] A New [ANU] World Order [NWO] KINGDOM [BUSINESS EMPIRE]... HIGH UP IN:side MARDUK’S [I’M] Triple 999 [GRANDIOSE] SKY of Intergalactic GODS of Interstellar GASES from the ILLYUWN [IGIGI] GALAXY of QHT’s Interplanetary [QI] NIBIRU Communication Satellites [UFOS] of The DURANKI… Parked ABOVE [PA] Ægyptian RAMESES’ Lost American [L.A. = NEW Atlantean] SUN Island Continent of Antediluvian [CA] California [CALAFIA] in 2022 [VI] 🛸👽🛸 (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWW1-HjPfOw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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