#lik what's better than drawing my favs? drawing my favs TOGETHER
solfinite · 8 months
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drew these two together just b/c i thought they'd look really cool together
some alt vers below
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kachuwritings · 7 years
Seventeen as dads
This is going to be my 200 follower special requested by a lovely anon, thank you!~
I made it with bullet points, I hope you’ll enjoy!^-^
The born dad, I tell you
Searching for the perfect dad?
Here he his
Choi Seungcheol aka daddy af ;)
Is already a dad of 11, so he's experienced
He'll always know what to do, like in every situation
Has a solution for literally everything
Will care so much about your kids
He always has everything ready that your son or daughter might need when going out
Literally so protective over you and the kids
Like a momma lion, if someone steps too close to you he'll attacc
But so fluffy~ towards you and the lil ones
He loves you and the kids to no end
Will teach your son to be manly and strong
Like him
Cuz he's manly and strong (but also so fluffy and he knows he can't hide it)
Is such a happy dad overall
Prettiest dad ever
Like have you seen him???
Your kids are gonna be pretty af
Them genes gurl
He'll definitely teach them being smug
But also lazy
And you're like: “Hannie noooo! Be a better role model"
But he'll just keep lying down and munching chips with the kids
They'll love him so much for this
But honestly, he'll be a great dad
Will always take care of the kids
Will teach them useful things
Like cheating their way to success *cough*
But seriously tho!! He'll be such a good dad and he'll love it
Always ready to braid or comb his daughter’s hair
Adores her hair and thinks back to the time when his hair was long
You and him will have the prettiest kids with the most beautiful hair
Dorkiest dad ever
Always gentle and nice tho
But can be low-key a lil bitch
Your kids will love him
Always sings them to sleep with his sweet voice while playing guitar
And you're sitting next to him, adoring him and asking yourself how you've become so lucky
Such a good dad
Like for real
He's like one of these role model dads
Going on bike rides with the kids
And teaching them how to swim
Playing games
Just being a dad
It's like his new fav thing to do
And you're glad he's around so much even tho he has such a busy schedule
Will force your kids to go to church with him (ok this is joke chill guys)
You couldn't wish for a better dad
Like Really.
The duality of this dude will even confuse his children
One time he'll be a shy lil muffin dad
And another one he'll be an overconfident daddy-o
Don’t get fooled by this one
He'll always keep it interesting
Your kids will never be bored with him
Is a talented beb and will probably teach your kids everything they want to
He can act so he’ll probably teach your children how to act
They’ll be asking him to do improvisations and watch him act out different roles
It’s so entertaining and you realize once again how amazing your man Wen Junhui is
Like….so so soooo amazing
Like so soft for you and the kids
Also low-key emotional
Don't let him cry in front of the kids or they'll get worried lmao
But you'll be such a happy family
He'll teach you and the kids everything about Chinese culture
And of course your kids will grow up being able to speak mandarin
Even if you don't stan Wen Junhui, believe me you'd want kids with him
FunNieSt DaD eVer
Like Hoshi is such a cinnamon roll
He'll adore your kids to no end
Always makes them laugh and is able to cheer them up when they're sad
Probably teaches them how to dance
Like gurl, you're married to a choreographer or course your children are going to love dancing with their dad
Look at this good-looking, talented, lil bun
Such a proud dad
Your children are equally as proud of him
Hoshi is a cinnamon roll...most of the time
There's these rare occasions when he'll get angry because he's overworked and stressed and loses his temper
Can be reallll scary when angry
Your children will be low-key shocked about his sudden change of demeanor
But he'll notice and be like: Omg I cAnT posSibLy scAre mY oWn cHildRen
And he'll immediately calm down and comfort your kids
He's a loving dad and would feel really guilty to have scared them momentarily
Ayyyyy I see him as such a cute and nerdy dad
Like, always wears his glasses and looking fluffy af
You and the kids gotta deal with his occasional dad jokes
Thinks is funny, but really isn't
He even isn't funny to a point where it becomes funny again
Buys cute lil glasses for your children to match him
You get one too, believe me
You'll be the perfect nerd family
He'll always sit with the children in the evening and reads them stories from books to fall asleep to
Since Wonwoo loves books, your children will come to love them as well
Already at a young age
Probably eager to teach your children how to read before they even enter school
I see him as this typical, cute, fluffy, nerdy dad
Oh oh, don't get me started with this one
Your children are going to LOVE music
He’ll teach them how to play instruments
he'll play the sweetest of melodies on the piano
Will also sing to your children when they can't fall asleep
He might look cold and unemotional
Or kinda hard on the outside
But the love he holds inside his heart for you and the kids is infinite
He might not show his affection a lot
And also is kind of a workaholic kinda dad
Because he loves his job and music and he's so dedicated
If he does show his affection and become clingy and cuddly
You'll feel how much your family means to him
Probably writes a song about you and the kids
You guys are his inspiration and motivation
You help him keep going
In total
Just a cute lil dad who wants to love and be loved
Also kinda manly at times tho
But overall a really caring dad
Damn...he's such a loud dad
Like sooooo loud
Probably screams louder than all your children combined
Will always play with them
They probably gonna have a screaming contest
Y'all be playing some game and he'll randomly start screaming and entertaining y’all
He's such a fun dad seriously
Always knows what your children want
And always ready to spoil them
Is also soFT
And emotional
Is sensitive and gets hurt easily
Will then sulk and pout at your kids (in a joking manner) until they feel guilty and shower him with hugs
And he's definitely also one of these dads who'll sing your children to sleep
Maybe you'll even join him and you'll sing together
But you also just want to listen to his beautiful voice
Is probably the most excited dad ever
This tall bean lmao
Such a clumsy dad I tell you
He's a literal puppy
He's also such a big baby and he always seems to trip over his own feet
Your children will probably laugh at him tbh
But he won't be mad since he's happy he can entertain them
Even if he makes a fool out of himself
Like they'll love to have such a great view over the world from such a high spot
Cuz Mingyu is as tall ad a mountain
He's a fluffy bean and will make sure his children are always happy
He loves cooking for y'all
He'll cook so many delicious foods
Your children get excited and want to help him
So he'll teach them how to cook
It's such a sweet sight seeing your man cooking with your children in the kitchen
He's the kind of Disney prince dad
Like the perfect and most handsome dad ever
You couldn't wish for anything better
A smug dad tbh
He's a savage but also a lil bean
Such an innocent dad help
He's emotional and so caring
He'll give you and your children the whole freaking world
Always makes sure you’re all happy
Hates to see any of you unhappy
But sometimes...sometimes...
When thughao gets through to him
Your kids will be like what??just??happened???with???dad???
He'll have the most savage things to say and y'all are just lmao u for real?
Probably teaches your kids to be swaggy and savage
Also wants to teach them how to b-boy
The other half of chinaline, so your kids will grow up to know how to speak mandarin as well
Also loves to read to them like Wonwoo
Discusses books with you and the children like in a small book club
Also goes to art museums with y'all and teach you about art
You'll all draw and paint together
Your children will love to throw paint at the canvas, lemme tell you
But it's a happy mess, so it's okay
Coolest dad ever!!!
Fite me on this one
If one of your children trips and scratches his knee
He'll act as if they're about to die
Rushes towards them and makes sure they're okay
he's so caring istg
Even if he's overreacting and overdramatic
It only shows how much he cares for all of you
Loves you and the kids to no end
Sweetest father ever
(Whenever he's not in diva!boo mode)
Also has a beautiful voice
Of course I won't forget about this
I've mentioned it a lot
Will also sing your children to sleep
Will always sing
Like 24/7
Will sing when preparing breakfast for y'all
Will sing in the shower
Will sing when picking your children up from kindergarden
Will probably even sing while taking a nap istg this boi
But you and the kids love his voice
(Even if it's sometimes a lil much)
But they'll definitely want to sing along with him so he'll teach them how to sing the songs they like
So proud of you and the kids
Oh no this dork
He's soooooft
But also chill and relaxed
Your life will be so comfortable with him
Your kids will really take after him
Y'all are going to have lazy family movie evenings
Like I said
He's a dork
Probably tries to sell his mixtape to your children
And they'll be like
What is this???
We don't have any money???
He'll make them listen to the mixtape along with you
And they're so surprised like
Omg I didn't know my dad was so cool
He can rap??? My dad can rap???
Your kids will be so amazed
Want him to teach them how to rap
Probably writes funny little rhymes about your family life or other stuff that he'll rap to your kids
They'll have so much fun
He even tries to teach them how to write lyrics
But they'll just stare at him with big eyes
Dad...how do you even write? What is the alphabet?
And you'll just look at them and giggle to yourself
Your life will be all around great with Vernon and the kids
You have such a chill family life
Y'all harmonize so well with each other
Chillest dad ever
Like your kids will never get in trouble because he's so chill
But still cares about teaching your children proper manners
Aaaaah the baby himself has babies what
Ok i'm sorry
Chan is an adult now
He's a hard-working one
Very passionate
Very thoughtful dad
He'll know how to treat you and the children right
Your children look up to him tbh
Entertains you all with Michael Jackson impersonations
Will probably teach your children how to dance like Hoshi
But they'll also be so eager about it
Every time they see him dance they're like
And he'll be so proud
Will definitely teach them
It's gonna be so much fun and you're watching them trying to get the moves right and copying his movements
He's an active and motivated dad
Y'all are probably be the next new dancing family in town
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