#like I don't even try the dorkiness just gushes out whenever you're around Igs
greighish Β· 10 months
(Look, I rang your doorbell 30 times, I know you are in there and that you are hiding because you guessed this was coming your way, so I need you to come over here and take this pizza box that I swear only has a dumb cheese pizza inside and not this little compliment thingie that can't begin to convey how much I appreciate you, damnit!) πŸ•β€οΈ
*comes into view lugging a huge mailing tube and an overflowing satchel*
Sorry, sorry! I was turned around in the nether reaches of the Mary Poppins bag... One of these days I'll get that place organized, but today is not that day. Anyway, getting lost was totally worth it; I got such a haul and just wait-- Wait! I'm standing here rambling and you're over there with an ordinary pizza box that is definitely not concealing a compliment of any kind, just a delicious ooey-gooey cheese pizza, for me!
*stands mailing tube up and places satchel down*
*rattling and clacking sounds emerge from the satchel*
Here, let me take that off your hands.
*arches eyebrow at box*
Now, it's been a while since I've have had pizza, but not so long that I wouldn't know that the warmth it's radiating is completely different from that of a box of cheesy goodness.
*balances box on waist-high statue of No-face that you're only now noticing*
*opens box*
*a sublime aroma fills the room*
*looks in box*
*looks at you*
*looks in box*
*looks at you*
*points to contents of box*
That... That is definitely not a pizza.
This is a compliment if I've ever seen one and...
*inhales again*
*the aroma of friendship is much stronger when your face in practically buried in the box*
*mouth waters*
Well, I uh, just--you don't mind do you? I'm just gonna take a little bite... mmmm... one more...mmmm... sincere compliments are so good and much better than pizza! Okay, just one more bite...for the road, or whatever....
*12 bites later, the remainder transferred to a clay pot and placed on the mantle above the hearth for safe keeping*
*more clacking sounds from the satchel as it's accidentally kicked*
*places hand over heart*
That really hit the spot! Thank you! I will savor this forevermore...
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