#like IS he actively trying to kill them? that doesn't seem great for recruitment
wyldblunt · 1 year
4, 8, 18 and 20 for glynalan from the multiple commander asks (@likemesomesalads )
4. Did they have different responsibilities in the Pact?
yes! alan slots more into the "commander as the face of the pact," "hero of tyria" role -- something he's already perfectly geared towards due to being previously used as a recruitment poster boy for the vigil (something he eventually comes to resent). glyndwr, on the other hand, stays pretty firmly entrenched as a whispers lightbringer the whole time, does his best to stay out of the spotlight (something that falls apart pretty quickly after they take down zhaitan and only gets worse), and also is eventually heavily involved with the pale reavers, which alan isn't. basically, despite also being a commander and being heavily involved with the pact, glyn stays more in the overall role of a whispers consultant vs. alan is still very connected with the vigil but his actual activities end up leaning way more general/pact-focused.
8. Who mercy killed Trahearne?
here's the thing: nobody knows, and they won't talk about it. alan, in particular, will Not discuss it. canach and caithe, the two who went in there with them, seem to be keeping the seal of silence as well. the running theory most people seem willing to accept is that glyndwr did it -- he never liked trahearne much anyway, right? he was always kind of brusque and unpleasant towards him, is openly dismissive of the weight firstborn are meant to carry, and certainly would have less baggage about doing it than alan, the herald of the pale tree and clearly one of her favorite children --
in reality, though, when they were in there, glyndwr was the one who dug his heels in. he Despises self-sacrifice in most cases, always thinks there's another way things can be sorted out, and wouldn't stop trying to brainstorm another course of action, even when it was clear they were running out of time. alan, in the end, was the one who was willing to step up and do it, as horrifying as it was for him.
glyn initially said he would be willing to take the heat for it, but -- remember how alan's been molded into a perfect PR boy for his entire military career? he's also the one who recognized that Under No Fucking Circumstances could it be broadcast that an already mistrusted, almost universally disliked ex-nightmare pact officer made the decision to kill a firstborn (but it was for the greater good and he was being totally normal about it, we prommy). that would pretty much irreversibly blow up the pact's image. at the same time, though, alan was not feeling great about saying he did it, either. this is what led to vague memorial statements of Trahearne Bravely Sacrificed Himself, no further questions thank you -- and in the end anyone with enough information about the situation still basically thinks glyn did it, but it's at least something that can be swept aside and kept quiet. most tyrian citizens probably took the pact statements at face value and it doesn't even occur to them it happened at the hands of a pact commander.
(we do also sometimes operate on a fix-it au, where we don't have the details figured out but essentially they are both like "absolutely not. fuck this idea" and they just yank him out of there)
18. Do they share responsibility at the same time or do they hand it off as needed?
a bit of both! they delegate for the stuff where one or the other has clear expertise -- as broad strokes, glyn does all the Whispers Stuff and alan does all the Vigil Stuff -- and also glyndwr is Not to be found at any public appearances, speeches, etc. for most important plot stuff, though, they're both there going through it together.
in general, alan is easier to get ahold of, so he ends up bearing a little more of the burden overall just as a function of that. if the world is not in imminent peril it will take like two and a half weeks (OPTIMISTICALLY) to track glyndwr down and drag him out to work, so if you're not willing to do that, alan is going to be the one to pick.
20. Would they pick their co-commander/s over anyone else? Over Tyria's safety?
.....aaaaalmost. in a "everyone is dangling over lava and you can only save ONE!!!!" situation, glyndwr would always choose merrit over anyone else -- this isn't even necessarily a measure of merrit being the person he Loves most, but is equally about merrit being someone he feels he has responsibility for, too. but alan is WAY up there, being absolutely one of the closest ppl glyn has in his life (despite all the friction and ups + downs they've had). alan, though, probably would pick glyndwr over any other one person.
neither of them would choose each other over tyria, though. for both of them, the hero shit is their life's work. they both go in every day knowing the risks, and dying at work is something they're both braced for. (and also they have already died at work! together!)
EDIT: wait i just remembered. we have to specify This tyria's safety, as in Glyndwr's Specific Timeline. he would absolutely doom an alternate timeline in its entirety to save one friend or loved one from his own (and he has done this.) alan... would not do that
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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postmortem-bookworm · 5 years
Bright - Bucky Barnes - Part Two
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Fandom: Avengers
Type: Series
Word Count: 2,562
Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Shuri, T'Challa
Warning(s): Cussing, Mentions of attempted suicide (but shouldn’t be anything triggering), smut (maybe), mentions of X-Men, Steve is crushing
A/N: This picks up almost right after Black Panther, but before Bucky is awake, there is no Thanos, and everyone is alive.
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Life in Wakanda starts off slow, much like her time at the School did, taking a time to get used to it. Finding things to do to fill her time, Shuri comes by twice a week to accompany her to the market, showing her the vendors who will give her the best deals, and even helps her buy some packets of seeds so that she can start a garden of her own, off the side of her hut. In the mornings, she works on her garden and writes letters to her friends, and in the afternoons, she works on painting under the pergola, and baking goods.
Occasionally, in the evenings, she walks to the palace to have dinner with Shuri, T'Challa, Nakia, and the Queen Regent Ramonda. Other times, she makes a simple meal for herself, and sometimes Shuri, and goes on a walk through the woods behind her hut. She swims in the stream every once and awhile, enjoying the natural spring compared to the water from her sink and shower.
Most of her days are leisurely slow, too used to something coming up for a fight, like aliens, HYDRA, killer ex-assassins, fighting her own friends and family, fighting other mutants. But, with keeping up with her meditation exercises, she manages to keep her powers under control, and relax her enough to get to sleep each night without any nightmares of her time as Magneto's prisoner. Things change three or four months later, after a trip to the market with Shuri, the two of them are preparing dinner for the two of them, when Shuri brings it up.
"Sergeant Barnes will be coming out of stasis in a few days." She says as Maeve starts to cut into the chicken on her board. The preplucked and beheaded bird is a heavensent in this sometimes-godforsaken place, because if there is one thing this girl doesn't do, it's behead a chicken. "After he is awakened, we will let him rest in the village for a day or two, so he can get used to being awake again. It is a long walk from here, to the palace, and if there are any medical concerns, we want him to be within walking distance at the very least."
"Understandable." Maeve says as Shuri starts to cut into the potatoes. "Need those squared." She says, pointing it out, before she continues to cut the chicken off the bone. "So, after the first couple days, I'm supposed to help him settle in here? In the other hut?" Shuri smiles to herself, dicing the potatoes.
"Indeed. He will be confused, and lost. His last 70 years have been dictated by people who used him, people who wanted him to kill, and did not care about him as a person, in anyway. He will need a friend." She explains, glancing at Maeve as she pauses, knife hesitating over the chicken. Shuri can't see it, but there is terror in her gaze as haunting memories flicker across her gaze. Suddenly, her flour pot on the shelf before them shatters, causing the two of them to jump, and Shuri looks at her in surprise as she starts to gather up the shards.
"Sorry, sorry." She rambles, her hands are swift in gathering the flour with her telekinesis, her frazzled floundering surprises Shuri.
"Are you alright?" Shuri asks as Maeve drops the flour into a new pot, and tosses the shards away, biting her lips as she nods. "Are you sure?"
"Let's just say... There are things that are better left unsaid and left in the past." Her words don't even sound like her own, muffled by the immense fear sending her heart pounding in her chest, and the memories flashing through her mind. "Um, the Kimoyo beads- I can contact anyone in the world you said?"
"That is correct. Do you need to call someone?" Shuri's inquiry goes half unnoticed as Maeve glances at the silver bracelet.
"Um, yes. You mind if I step out?" She asks, already starting towards the door.
"Not at all. You've already shown me how to make these "hobo" potatoes once before. I will continue while you make your call." Shuri answers, causing Maeve to nod, leaving before Shuri can finish her sentence. The night swallows her almost whole, crickets chirping and cicadas singing as she walks towards the woods for privacy, stopping just within the treeline. The screen comes up on the call, shedding blue light across her and her background of trees, the line starts to ring.
"Hello?" The voice on the other line answers after half way through the second ring.
"Professor?" Her voice is hesitant, nervous like she's a student all over again.
"Maeve, thank goodness you called. I haven't been able to get ahold of you, nor have I noticed your power signature anywhere in Cerebro. Are you alright?" His father voice nearly brings tears to her eyes, and she swallows against the lump in her throat.
"I'm safe, Professor. As safe as I can be right now. Um, I seem to be having some... difficulties adjusting to my new life." She swallows against the lump once more. "The night terrors are fewer, I don't wake three feet above my bed as much, but... I seem to be remembering... well- more than I ever have before. It's not the same as other memories either, it's like I'm frozen in fear because I feel these memories as if they're currently happening. It hurts, and it scares me." He lets out a soft sigh, and she can practically seem him rubbing his temples as he thinks about what to say.
"I miss confess, Maeve. When we found you, after your... time with Magneto. You were very different. Almost dead like. You were mentally and emotionally broken. You wouldn't respond to anyone, not even Logan!" The Professor clears his throat. "He was- We all were worried that you were gone for good. You were physically there, but you were almost as active as a corpse. I had think of something, because by the time we found you, you were practically dead."
"Professor... Please tell me you didn't." She whispers hoarsely, her fingers sliding into her bangs, nails digging into her scalp.
"I didn't remove the memories at all, I merely put... mental stints in between them, then over time I started to remove them. Slowing your journey back into what happened. During those times, your night terrors would worsen. It seems I forgot to take some of them out, and they're all coming free at once." He explains.
"Professor, why didn't you tell me?!" She cries out in anguish, nails blunting against her scalp as panic spikes through her.
"You might have tried to remove them yourself, and that would have damaged you worst than what happened with Jean's ability." He answers resolutely.
"You shouldn't have doubted me! It's not my first time experiencing this- look at what happened to Jean! I was there! You should have told me immediately after what happened to Jean!" She shouts, dropping her free hand from her hair, the Professor's regretful sigh is audible from the other end of the line.
"I apologize. I see the error of my ways, and I did try to contact you after you left, but you left without anyway for us to contact you. You made certain that we knew, you didn't want anything to do with us until you were ready." He points out, cause Maeve to growl out a sigh, raking her fingers through her hair once more, before she pinches the bridge of her nose.
"You are correct, Professor. My apologies. I will keep in contact with you if anything should occur." She pauses.
"Maeve," He says softly. "everyone here misses you." She swallows thickly at that, letting out a sad sigh.
"I know. I miss you all too." She hangs up, walking back to her hut, where flavorful scents are wafting into the great outdoors, causing her to smile. Things would be alright.
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After Bucky was awoke from Cryo, and settled into life in the village a bit, she was alerted by Shuri that it was time to meet him, post-battle. The trip to the village is long, cold, and wet, the rain pooring down around her, but it's a difference in the weather, for the first time since she's arrived in the last few months. Walking through the village, she approached Shuri and her Dora Milaje guards, the princess smiles at her in greeting as Bucky ducks out of the hut behind the princess, stalling at the sight of her.
"Hello Sergeant." She greets softly over the pouring rain, he becomes visibly uncomfortable from the title.
"Bucky, please." He says, and she nods.
"Hello Bucky, I'm your new neighbor." She smiles at him, her umbrella covers the two of them as Shuri holds her own. "I've come to accompany you to your new home."
"I appreciate it." He smiles a bit, before he runs a hand through his shaggy locks, and they all start back through the village, towards the outskirts. "You were at the airstrip, right?" He asks as they march through the grass.
"Yes, Steve recruited me." She answers, struggling to keep up beside him, he seems to notice as she starts to slow down, taking the umbrella from her hand. "Oh, thanks." She murmurs as he just nods. "Anyway, I mostly provided air support. My abilities can be a bit iffy, sometimes." He watches her as she bites her bottom lip, before she lifts a hand up, a few drops of rain around the two of them freeze, quivering to fight against her hold on them. She turns her hand to him, holding the drops before him, causing him to gape as they walk, reaching up with his metal hand to touch one. They pop and scatter from her hold, causing her to wince at the cold.
"Sorry." He says, causing her to giggle, and shake her head.
"Nope, it's just cold. Like I said, I have difficulties with my abilities sometimes." She says, shaking the water off her fingers. "It's fun to experiment."
"So, what are your powers?" He asks as she looks up at him. "You... don't have to answer." He says, running her fingers through her hair, she looks down while biting her lip.
"Empathy, telepathic, and telekinesis." She says as she keeps her eyes on the grass.
"Wait, seriously?!" She jumps as she hesitantly looks up at him, and he gapes at her. "How were you flying then?"
"U-Uh, m-my telekinesis makes me able to fly." She answers, before pushing her hair behind her ear- she hardly notices that Shuri and her guards had left to return to the palace.
"You haven't had the best reaction to your powers, have you?" He inquires as she shakes her head, walking through the grass to approach the huts. "I won't judge you, it's not like I have the best track record."
"I'm not going to judge your track record." She says, causing him to smirk a bit as she runs her fingers through her hair again, and gestures to his hut. "Your new life starts, right through that door." She says, causing him to chuckle as he hands her the umbrella, and opens the door.
"Thank you, for the company." He says as she nods, shrugging.
"I was lonely when I first arrived, I don't want you to feel like that." She replies with a teasing smirk, and he waves her off.
"I think I'll be fine." He answers, she shakes her head as she walks over to her hut, ducking inside the door to pull out some stuff for dinner. Midway through cooking dinner, the loud sound of a hammer smacking against wood, captures her attention. She flips the stove knob down to low as she steps out of her hut, the cool breeze is the only reminder that it rained earlier that day, and she pauses at the sight of Bucky. He's hammering a large wooden post into the ground, his hair is pulled up in a half bun, and he's in work jeans, a gray shirt, and a makeshift poncho is draped over his metal arm, almost like to hide it.
"Was it something I said?" She jokes as she leans on his hut behind him.
"What?" Bucky asks, looking over at her, before he chuckles. "No, it's not like that."
"Well, that's good. I wouldn't want my first day as your neighbor to put up fences between us." She says with a playful grin on her lips, and he shakes his head.
"No, I talked to Shuri the other day, and she had set me up with a therapist in Wakanda The therapist told me that the best form of therapy would be taking care of something living. Shuri agreed to set up some goats for me to raise." Bucky explains as she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Goats?" She asks, causing him to chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Well, they give milk, which I can make into butter and cheese. Their hair can be used for fabric, for blankets and clothes, and they can be killed for fresh meat." She smirks as his thoughts of 'not that I'd ever kill them' echo at her, causing him to gape at his head snaps up to look at her. "Did you hear that?" He asks.
"Oh," Her smirk falls, and frowns, looking down at her feet. "sorry." She prepares for him to shout at her, tell her off, or anything else of the like.
"No need to be sorry, I think I didn't think you were really able to hear my thoughts." He explains as she sheepishly looks up at him. "It's actually really fascinating." He says, causing her to blink in surprise, before heat scores her cheeks, and she turns her head away.
"I-I-Th-" She stammers, obviously taken by the surprise as she backs away, gesturing wildly over her shoulder. "Dinner. Burnt. Not." She manages to compose those words, before she turns on her heels to sprint back to her hut, throwing her door shut behind her as she attempts to finishes dinner, and busy her mind. After the food is done, she's managed to compose herself enough to walk outside, and wander over to the burly man, who is still hammering posts into place around the side of his house. "I cooked dinner," He turns to look at her in confusion. "you should go freshen up a bit."
"Oh, are you inviting me to eat with you?"
"That was the plan." He smirks as she shuffles in place, feeling nervous as he chuckles.
"I'll be right over." He says, swinging the rubber mallet into place to smack the post into the ground.
"You have five minutes. If you aren't washed up and over to me house by then, I'll do what my mom used to do, and drag you over by the ear." She warns, causing him to shoot her a skeptical look, and she rolls her sleeve as she takes a step towards him. He drops the mallet, dashing inside with a surprised and slightly fearful look on his face, causing her to smile triumphantly as she walks back over to her hut, happily with a little pep in her step.
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