#like as a former lit major i'd LOVE to write an essay about this book istg
jeanmoreaux · 2 years
Hey so I picked up if we were villains on your recommendation and am loving the Shakespeare structure and references. I have been getting "disaster bi" vibes from the protagonist since act one but I'm halfway through and haven't seen the signs of a turn coming in his relationships. Does the book get gayer? Or is it all in my head?
oh, hey! well, i am glad you're enjoying it so far! oliver is *definitely* a disaster bi with a lot of internalised issues and a glaring blindspot in self-reflection. idk if you've read my (very short) goodreads review for this book, but i think what's essential to this story is the simmering potential haunting the text in every aspect. you have characters, relationship dynamics, plot points, mysteries, class dynamics, etc. (even shakespeare's texts) haunting the narrative—mostly metaphorically but in connection to the big "who-done-it" even literally. the subtext is definitely what gives the text its meaning and creates palpable tensions in all aspects of the narrative. in the end it all boils down to a myriad of "what-ifs" that ignite and fuel your engagement with the text.
so, does the book get gayer after the halfway point? kind of, but also kind of not. it's very hard to give a clear answer because the appeal of the story is based on the elusive nature of the text as a whole. that doesn't mean that some things are not more explicitly expressed further down the line. it just means that the story skilfully uses potential and ambiguity (i.e. "what-ifs") to build narrative & emotional momentum. if you get the feeling there is *something* there, then there's probably something there. the story definitely asks you to pay attention and pick up on hints and cues before presenting you with any revelations—it's kind of its charm, i think. so, is it all in your head? no. no, it's definitely not all in your head. but i am sure you'll get what i mean once you've finished the book....
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